Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 33 The offense only practiced one-handed emergency stop jump shot!

Chapter 33 The offense only practiced one-handed emergency stop jump shot!

"Good action, just not too aggressive."

"Even for me now, it is not difficult to pass such a defense."

In front of Jinguji Budou, there was a distance of about 1.5 meters between Rukawa Kaede and Budou, with arms outstretched, fully on guard.Seeing Rukawa Feng's serious face, Budao couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, it is interesting to have an opponent to play.

Wu Dao leaned forward slightly, looking like he was about to break through. When Rukawa Feng saw this look, his muscles tensed instantly.Rukawa Feng didn't see any unnecessary movements in Budo, and his body just leaned forward like this, getting closer and closer to him. Now Budo looks like a sculpture that is about to fall, and Rukawafeng can't tell that Budo has any A clear tendency to break through.

"Step!" However, when Budao was leaning forward at an angle of nearly [-] degrees, Budao, who had not made any other movements, suddenly stepped out with his left foot, and at the same time, Budao quickly dropped the ball.Rukawa Feng, who was already vigilant, moved subconsciously, and his body quickly moved sideways to his right, blocking the breakthrough route on the left side of Budo.

In Rukawa Feng's view, the martial arts that suddenly stepped out with his left foot must be breaking through to his right side.

However, just the second after Rukawa Kaede made a move, Budou's left foot was used as the pivot foot, and his right foot quickly passed Rukawa Kaede, and Budao crossed Rukawa Kaede's defense line from the right side of Rukawa Kaede with the basketball in an instant .

"So fast!"

Budo's height is very tall, and his stride is also very large. His breakthrough was very fast in Rukawa Feng's eyes. The figure of Budo flashed away in front of Rukawa Feng's eyes. There is no acceleration, but the movement speed is slightly slower.

This weird rhythm also gave Rukawa Feng enough time to catch up. When Bu Dao was approaching the three-point line, Rukawa Feng came to the side of Bu Dao, stretched his arms to block Bu Dao's sight, and at the same time pressed his body towards Bu Dao, Trying to compress Budo's dribbling space.

But in front of Rukawa Feng, Budo's strength was enough. Wu Dao bent his left hand in front of him, directly blocked Rukawa Feng's oppression with his forearm, and rushed Rukawa Feng towards the inside line.As for Rukawa Feng, he could only be forced to retreat towards the inside line. In terms of strength, he was no match for the speedy Martial Arts.

Rukawa Kaede, who was at a disadvantage, realized that he would be completely out of position if he continued like this, so he took the initiative to adjust his defensive posture, from a defensive crab step to a chasing run, only hoping to stop Budo when he made a layup, and at the same time, Rukawa Feng He also secretly opened up some distance, leaving enough space for himself to take off.

However, when Rukawafeng was concentrating on guarding Budo for a layup, Budo with the ball suddenly stepped on the ground outside the paint area, bent his knees slightly, stopped the attacking pace, and then quickly joined the ball. Under his gaze, he immediately stopped and shot a jumper.

The movement between Budo's emergency stop and shooting is a little stiff, but Budo's shooting movement is quite standard, and the movement of pressing the wrist is also quite soft. In Rukawafeng's view, there is a different kind of beauty.

The basketball quickly passed over Rukawa Feng's head and flew towards the basket.

"Dang~" The basketball thrown by Budao Jinguji did not go on the trajectory he expected, and directly hit the frame and collapsed.

"It's a pity. If it's a standing jumper, the goal should be scored. I feel pretty good when shooting."

Although Wu Dao felt a little sorry for the missed basketball shot, he was not depressed at all.The emergency stop jumper missed was actually within his expected range.

Although he has done some shooting practice during this period, his shooting percentage is not very high, and the emergency stop jump shot is not just enough to have shooting ability, the most important thing is to adapt to the rhythm between static and dynamic transitions.

"Not in?"

"He obviously had better options just now. Why did he shoot in that position? If he goes inside and makes a layup, it will be difficult for me to stop him with his height."

Rukawa Feng couldn't help but feel puzzled after seeing that Budo couldn't make a shot.Bu Dao's shooting is not outstanding, Rukawa Feng can see this, he doesn't understand why Bu Dao obviously has a better choice, but he uses such a finishing method.

"It can be seen that you are very confident in your shooting, but if you let me because I am a primary school student, there is no need to continue this game."

"If you don't want to fight me, you can refuse. There is no need to humiliate me in this way."

Rukawa Feng looked at Jinguji Budao, frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure.


"Why do you think so?"

Seeing Rukawa Feng's unhappy face, Wu Dao asked in puzzlement.

"If you just went straight to the inside, I might not be able to stop you given your height. Why did you shoot?"

"And your shot"

Rukawa Feng didn't finish his sentence, but Bu Dao also understood what he meant. He co-authored Rukawa Feng because his shooting was too good, so he felt that this was a humiliation?

Hearing this, Wu Dao was a little surprised and helpless.

The play of this ball has already made elementary school students look down on it.

"I didn't mean that, it was just practice."

"Shooting is the offensive method I desperately need at this stage."

While Budo was talking, he passed Rukawa Feng and walked towards the basket. After picking up the basketball, he walked to a distance of about one or two meters within the three-point line in the 0-degree direction, stopped, adjusted his rhythm, and shot .

The flight path of the basketball deviates, and the ball hits the edge of the frame and flies out.


Rukawa Feng looked at Bu Dao in puzzlement, his face full of doubts.Now Rukawa Kaede's main scoring method is the layup. As for shooting, it is not the main scoring method in his grade.Rukawa Kaede can shoot, but relatively speaking, he has invested the least amount of training time in this area.

"Looking at you, it seems that you don't quite understand."

"But that's right. After all, you are a primary school student. In your games, the first team usually scores only [-] to [-] points. The time is short and the pace is fast. The main scoring method is the layup."

"Shooting is a low-return and high-risk scoring method. It is normal to use less."

"But it's different when I'm in middle school. Even for me at this stage, shooting is much more important than layups."

"Shooting is the scoring method that can best highlight my size advantage. Whether it is my height or wingspan, it can be perfectly reflected through shooting."

"Although I have to practice layups, they don't need to be the main scoring method until I get stronger."

I don't know why, but in front of Rukawa Feng, he was not wary of martial arts, and he unreservedly revealed some plans for his future training to Rukawa Feng.

"Speaking of which, you should also be tall in the elementary school basketball team, right?"

"The size advantage is quite obvious."

"How about the shot?"

Bu Dao trotted to pick up the basketball while speaking, and threw it towards Rukawa Feng.

"It's okay." Rukawa Feng whispered, and then threw the ball directly.Although what he said was beautiful, the basketball hit the backboard directly, bounced off the edge of the frame and landed in Budou's hands.

"." Rukawa Feng frowned when he saw this scene, and lowered his head slightly, looking a little shy.

Bu Dao stood where he was, caught the dropped basketball casually, was slightly taken aback, and then laughed.


"You guys are so interesting!"

"Let's just watch bullfights. It's boring to practice alone. Let's practice shooting together."

"There is someone who can pick up the ball and train more efficiently."

 chapter one
(End of this chapter)

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