Chapter 34 The boy in the sunset!

Rukawa Feng did not refuse Budo's invitation to practice together, and he also agreed with what Budo just said.Rukawa Kaede also has a new understanding of the importance of shooting. Rukawa Kaede, who has always relied on breakthrough layups to score, also wants to improve his shooting ability at this time.

"Rukawa Feng, speaking of which, did your coach tell you that there is something wrong with your shooting posture?"

Jinguji Budo went to the basket and picked up the basketball, then turned his head and said to Rukawa Kaede suddenly.

"?" Rukawa Feng was puzzled and puzzled when he heard this. He had never heard anyone say that there was a problem with his shooting posture.The coach of their team has never corrected his posture, and Rukawa Kaede's shooting was learned from watching TV videos. It's the NBA, how could there be a problem?
Rukawa Feng shook his head, saying no.Bu Dao didn't say anything, and directly threw the basketball to Rukawa Feng.After getting the ball, Rukawa Kaede rubbed the basketball and threw the ball.

Rukawa Kaede's shooting action is actually quite smooth, and it seems that the shooting rate is decent. The basketball flew out of his hands and fell steadily into the basket.Rukawa Kaede, who threw the basketball into the net, looked at Budao, his eyes seemed to say: "Look, I made the throw, and my posture is fine."

"The shooting movement is quite smooth, but the release point is a bit low. When throwing the ball, it should not be shot from the forehead. The basketball should be raised above the head."

"Shooting with such a high release point can make the best use of your height and wingspan."

"You shot like a push shot."

While speaking, Budou imitated Rukawa Kaede's appearance, took off and shot, and when the basketball reached Budou's forehead, Budou stretched his arms forward, and shot the basketball directly.Bu Dao shot very hard this time, the basketball hit the backboard heavily and bounced into the frame.

Although the ball was scored, Rukawa Feng, who was watching from the sidelines, felt an indescribable twist in his heart. He also felt that Budo's shooting posture just now was ugly. Although he couldn't tell what the problem was, Rukawa Feng felt that Bu Dao's shooting just now is very different from before.

"Is the shooting point because of this problem?" Rukawa Feng had never paid attention to his shooting posture before, or it was because of his invincibility over the years that he ignored his own problem.

"Due to the lack of strength in elementary school, it is not incomprehensible to use the method of pushing and shooting."

"But as you grow older, your strength increases, and the opponents you meet become taller, the problem of pushing and shooting will gradually be exposed."

"It's very difficult to change your shooting posture after hitting the wall. You are in sixth grade this year, and the timing of the change is just right."

While talking, Budao went to the basket and picked up the basketball, dribbled it to the free throw line, and shot a jumper.This time, the release point of the basketball was adjusted to a slightly forward position of the head, and the basketball flew out of Budo's hands, drawing a nearly perfect parabola in the air.

"Dang~" Although the words of the martial arts were beautiful, the movements were quite crisp, and the shot was soft, the basketball still deviated from the track, hit the edge of the frame, and flew out.


"The wind is a bit strong, haha."

Bu Dao smiled awkwardly, and trotted to pick up the ball.Rukawa Feng did not laugh at Budo because he failed to shoot. On the contrary, at this time, he lowered his head slightly as if he was thinking about something, then walked to the basketball hoop, picked up another basketball, and dribbled the ball to the Where he was standing before, imitating martial arts, he threw the ball.

This time, Ruchuan Feng raised the shooting point, but because of the unsuitability, the shooting movement was a little stiff, the basketball not only deviated from the track, and even used less strength, the basketball did not even touch the frame, and fell directly.

And Budo, who was picking up the ball just now, took advantage of the situation and took the Sanbuzhan thrown by Rukawa Kaede into his arms.

"It's normal to not adapt at the beginning. Your lack of strength is due to two reasons. One is unskilled movements, and the other is insufficient leg strength."

"Sink your hips, don't bend your knees too low, and don't lean forward too much. When shooting, the angle of your forearm largely determines your hit rate."

While speaking, Wu Dao brought the ball to the free throw line again, adjusted his breathing, and then made another shot. The basketball deviated from the route and collapsed out of the frame.

The muscle memory of Budo's body shooting is actually not standard, so if Budo can't adjust when shooting, the shooting posture is also ugly.

But under the intentional adjustment of Budao, the shooting posture is much more standard, but the feedback from the body is uncomfortable.Therefore, Budo's shooting percentage has not been high.This shortcoming requires a lot of practice to correct and adapt.

"Although he didn't make the shot, the reasoning is the same." Wu Dao also had a thick skin, although he missed the shot, there was no shame on his face.

Just as Budo was about to pick up the ball and continue shooting, Rukawa Feng threw the basketball in his hand to Budo.

Seeing the incoming ball, Budou smiled, caught the ball, blew it up, and then made a jump shot.


Under Rukawa Feng's gaze, the basketball fell steadily into the basket, and there was a crisp netting sound.

"The rhythm of this ball is good, Rukawa Feng, help me pick up the ball, I will remember this feeling." Wu Dao watched the basketball hit the net, smiled at Rukawa Feng, and said directly to Rukawa Feng without being polite.

And Rukawa Feng didn't dislike the job of picking up the ball, and ran to the basket to pick up the basketball and pass it to Budo.Then he was staring closely at Budao's shooting movements, trying to keep Budao's movements firmly in his mind.

Someone picked up the ball, and the training efficiency of martial arts suddenly increased by a lot.

Shooting practice, often the most time-consuming and labor-intensive job is to pick up the ball. With the help of Rukawa Kaede, Budo can devote himself to shooting, and the training of one ball and one ball has become coherent, and there is no need to shoot a single ball. Then go to pick up the ball, then the training will be incoherent and the training effect will be greatly reduced.

Soon, with the help of Rukawa Kaede, Budo shot more than 50 shots. The continuous shooting made Budo, who already had a huge physical exertion, even more tired. Finally, with his arms sore, he waved towards Rukawa Feng and said:

"It's too much to bear. Substitution, you shoot, I'll pick it up for you."

As Budo said, he walked towards the basket, then picked up the ball and threw it to Rukawa Feng.After catching the ball, Rukawa Kaede raised his head and glanced at the sky, nodded and went to the free throw line, learning how he remembered Budo shooting, and threw the basketball in his hand.

"The release point should be higher, it's too low."

"Don't lean forward too much when you're shooting."

When you are focused on training, time tends to pass quickly.

The sun was setting, and the sky had already darkened, except for a corner of the sky where there was still a glowing red glow.The afterglow that fell sprinkled on the court, and the original green paint was printed and dyed red at this moment.

On the court, Budou and Rukawa Feng were lying on the ground, panting heavily, not paying attention to the dust on the ground.

"I'm going back." Suddenly, Rukawa Feng raised his body and said to Wu Dao beside him.On the ground where Rukawa Feng had just lay down, there was a puddle of water stains.

"Well, it's almost time, so I changed it back." Wu Dao said while lying on the ground, looking at the sky, and nodded.

Rukawa Feng stood up, moved his feet, picked up the basketball on the side, and walked towards the gate of the court. Before walking out of the gate, he hesitated for a while, then turned his head to look at Budou, and asked, "Are you still here to practice tomorrow?" ?"

This is the first time that Rukawa Kaede has sent an invitation to someone. Before that, he has always practiced alone. Even when he is on the court, even if he has teammates at that time, he still plays alone.It was the first time for Rukawa Feng to practice like today, and there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"The team trains on Sunday morning and will be here in the afternoon."

"It will be a little earlier than today, tomorrow the team will be disbanded at 10.30."

Wu Dao said, and then looked towards the gate of the stadium, but Rukawa Kaede was no longer there.

"This kid" Wu Dao was a little speechless, then he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the sky and whispered:
"He's very easy to get in touch with, so he should be considered a friend."

 Chapter 1, there are a lot of farts this week, the update will be slower, forgive me, the matter has been dealt with, and the two chapters will be updated again

(End of this chapter)

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