Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 355 First graders on the national stage!

Chapter 355 The first graders on the national stage!
The formation of Xiangbei High School was indeed beyond the expectations of many people.

Even though some viewers knew about Xiangbei High School, they still couldn't help commenting when they saw Xiangbei send a group of "rookies" in the first and second grades.

In the eyes of the audience, Xiangbei is really a big supporter!
This is a national competition, as long as you lose one game, you can buy a ticket and go home.Even if Xiangbei High School intends to train troops, it is absolutely possible for the main players of the senior grades to play an absolute advantage, and then replace them with substitutes.

The audience has really never seen a formation like Xiangbei's!
In the stadium, Yingmu Huadao and others could also hear the discussion above the stands.However, Sakuragi and the others were not moved at all. Except for Miyagi, it was the first time for them to be on such a stage, but they didn't have any fear or stage fright at all.

Rukawa Feng looked indifferent, while Sakuragi Hanamichi, Kiyota Nobunaga, and Nango were all excited, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Miyagi Ryota, who was seated in his own half, was also smiling at this time, and he didn't take Fengyu High School, who was also A-level, in his eyes at all.

These new generations of Xiangbei High School are more proud than each other!

"Beep—" After another long whistle, the referee stood on the middle circle with the basketball.

After signaling the centers of the two teams, the referee raised the ball and then threw it high into the air.

With Nango Koichiro and Toyotama's Iwata Miaki shouting loudly, the match between Shonhoku High School and Toyotama officially began.

The lineup of Fengyu High School this year has not changed much from last year. The main scorer is Nan Lie, who is already in the third grade, and the team's second scorer is Mari Kishimoto in the third grade. The position is a bit embarrassing, it can be regarded as a blue-collar worker.

In addition to these three, there are two other players on the field, namely second-year Itakura Daijiro and Yasuke Kehei.

Although the point guard Daijiro Itakura is a sophomore, he is the third scorer in the team. He is 183cm tall, has an excellent mid-range shooting ability, and has superb breakthrough skills.

Compared to him, Yasuke Kehei, who is in the third grade, is a bit ordinary. He is best at defending and assisting pick-and-rolls, and his personal scoring ability is average.

Among Fengyu's players, Nan Lie might be considered the top player individually, and the rest are at an excellent level.But these players have their own characteristics. When these people are integrated, the power they can display is very terrifying.


In the court, after a soft sound, Nango Koichiro won the jump ball, hit the basketball first, and pointed the ball towards Ryota Miyagi in the backcourt.

In the position of center forward, Miaki Iwata, who has just reached 190cm in height, is not as explosive as Nango Koichiro, and he can't beat the explosive Nango with a jump ball.


"Easy to win the first jump ball in the national competition of my uncle! Fengyu, I will lead Xiangbei to completely defeat you!"

Nango Koichiro immediately got carried away after winning the jump ball, and laughed.Although young people like Fengyu were irritated by Nanxiang, an arrogant boy, they immediately chose to return to defense after losing the jump ball.

Fengyu High School, who is good at running and bombing, has a very good defense speed.

When Ryota Miyagi just got the basketball and dribbled the ball across the center line, Toyotama had already settled down and was waiting for Shonhoku's attack.

In this game, Coach Anxi's tactic was a triangle offense.This set of tactics is not only used by the upper grades in Shonhoku, but also by the new forces in Shonhoku High School. However, in today's game, the triangle offensive tactics of the lower grades in Shonhoku lacked the role of Ichiro Katsumi.

Therefore, the player who filled this corner was Kiyota Nobunaga, who was robbed of the possession position by Miyagi Ryota.

The Shohoku players settled down, Kiyota Nobunaga sank into the bottom corner, Rukawa Kaede stood at the bull's corner on the same side, Sakuragi Hanamichi and Nango Koichiro quickly cut to the basket after entering the frontcourt.Nango stood on the same side as Rukawa Kaede and Kiyota, while Sakuragi stood on the other side and moved independently.

Miyagi Ryota, who was approaching the top of the arc with the ball, completed the ball early before Itakura Daijiro came up, and gave the ball to Rukawa Kaede.

One of the cores of the triangle offense - a big core capable of singles with the ball!

And Rukawa Kaede is the player who takes on this role on the Xiangbei Stadium today.Before him, the ace Jinguji Budo has always been doing this job in Xiangbei.

Coach Anxi's formation arrangement today also regards Rukawa Kaede as the new ace training after Jinguji Budo.

It was Nan Lie from Fengyu High School who was defending Rukawa Kaede, but it wasn't that Nan Lie knew that Rukawa Kaede was the most threatening offensive player in Xiangbei at present.It was the outside lines in Xiangbei, the tallest one was Rukawa Feng, and Nan Lie subconsciously aimed at Rukawa Feng.

"Nanlie from Fengyu High School!"

"The number one scorer in Osaka!"

At the moment Nanlie stood in front of him, Ruchuanfeng remembered some information about the other party in his mind.He had seen Nan Lie's introduction in a magazine before, so he knew this person.

Rukawa Feng is very interested in the other party's name!
"Is the first scorer!" Ruchuanfeng murmured in his heart, and moved to sweep the ball. After a simple tentative step, Ruchuanfeng took advantage of the momentum to drop the ball and accelerate.

"Huh?" Ruchuanfeng's breakthrough speed was very fast. Nan Lie was very surprised at the moment Ruchuanfeng broke through. In just a blink of an eye, Ruchuanfeng's body was already at the same level as him, and he quickly passed through his waist. However, he rushed towards the inside line rapidly.

The extremely low breakthrough center of gravity allowed Rukawa Feng to accelerate instantly and directly crossed Nan Lie's defense line.

"Breakthrough! So fast!"

"Who is this first grader from Xiangbei?"

"Nan Lie's defense was actually breached?"

Rukawa Kaede's advance caused exclamations from the stands, and on the court, Rukawa Kaede who had entered the middle distance made an emergency stop, got up and was about to throw the ball.However, at this moment, Nan Lie, who had been thrown away by him, had already come to Rukawa Feng's body, raised his arm high, and sealed it towards the basketball.

However, Nan Lie was a little late after all, and his jumping ability was not as good as Rukawa Feng's, and he couldn't block the basketball at all. However, his defense still successfully affected Rukawa Feng's shooting accuracy.


Rukawa Kaede's mid-range emergency stop jumper collapsed out of the frame, and Miaki Iwata and Mari Kishimoto, who were guarding the basket, sank directly to their opponents.

"The rebound is mine!"

The basketball fell, and the landing point was directly above Kishimoto Mari. Just as Kishimoto was about to take off and catch the ball in his hands, the top of his head was suddenly shrouded in shadow.

A figure actually jumped up just as the basketball was just beginning to fall, and reached out to grab the basketball.



Rukawa Kaede missed a mid-range shot, and when the basketball collapsed out of the basket, it bounced high enough.Kishimoto Mari didn't bounce enough, and was waiting for the basketball to fall, and someone had already risen from the ground.

Under Kishimoto Miri's astonished eyes, that person unexpectedly took the basketball that had just started to fall into his arms with ease, and the bright red hair made Kishimoto Miri's pupils shrink suddenly.

"This guy, what an amazing bounce!"

After a brief moment, Kishimoto Mari also took off, trying to snatch the basketball from Hanamichi Sakuragi's hands, but Sakuragi had already held the ball firmly and started to fall.


"Rebounding actually"

"Oh! Who is that red-haired guy, he grabbed a rebound, and, that guy lever jumps so high!"

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who had successfully picked off the board, ignored the exclamation of the audience above the stands for a moment, lifted the ball a little after landing, and easily fooled Kishimoto Mari.

After succeeding in the feint, Sakuragi dropped the ball and rushed in, took a big step directly into the basket, and then slammed the ball together.


With a loud noise, the basketball was directly poured into the basket by Hanamichi Sakuragi.

Grabbing rebounds, swaying shots, breaking dunks, Hanamichi Sakuragi's series of moves were clean and smooth, and the powerful slam dunk made the audience who were talking about the Xiangbei formation quiet.

After a long silence, amazing cheers erupted from the stands.

"Slam dunk! What a slam dunk!"

"It looks so relaxed, who is this red-haired guy, a first-year student from Xiangbei?!"

"Ohhhhh! Xiangbei!"

Sakuragi Hanamichi who successfully dunked this time did not get lost in the cheers of the audience, and he who scored successfully curled his lips in disdain and said to himself:

"It's just a slam dunk, don't be so excited!"

"There are other unique skills that have not been brought out today!"

When Yingmu Huadao quickly returned to the defense, everyone on the bench in Xiangbei looked at each other in blank dismay. No one thought that it was Sakuragi who scored first on Xiangbei's side.Moreover, Sakuragi didn't shout and show off after dunking, which is really counterintuitive.

Seeing Sakuragi's calm look after scoring, Mu Mu couldn't help but nodded, and praised: "Sakuragi has finally grown up."

But Mitsui Shou is not as optimistic as Mu Mu, he knows Sakuragi very well, I am afraid, this kid is holding back some big work.

"Damn! I was fooled by such a fool!"


Watching Sakuragi scoring in front of his eyes, Kishimoto Miri grabbed the ball and smashed it down heavily on the ground with a displeased face. After sending the ball angrily, he quickly ran towards the Shonhoku half.

Fengyu High School advanced very fast, but in just a few seconds, Itakura had already entered the Xiangbei half with the ball.

Miyagi was defending him. Facing Ryota Miyagi, who was more than a dozen centimeters shorter than him, Itakura simply dribbled the ball in the air, pretending to break through, and then suddenly joined the ball and shot a three-pointer.

At this time, only 8 seconds had passed since Xiangbei High School scored.

"If you shoot so fast, you won't get in!"


Miyagi Ryota saw that the opponent was attacking in a hurry, and immediately turned his head and shouted. However, under his gaze, the basketball went directly into the net and landed on the ground.


Miyagi Yoshida's pupils shrunk slightly, a little unbelievable.Seeing the basketball hit the net, Itakura Daijiro approached Miyagi Ryota with his big face, gave him a "smile", and then whispered:
"Short, come and guard me!"

Itakura's sarcasm made Miyagi Ryota flush with anger.

Height has always been his pain, and Itakura's words firmly stepped on his pain point!

"Counterattack!" Miyagi let out a low growl, and quickly entered the inside line. Nango made a quick shot from the bottom line.

Facing Fengyu High School who is good at playing RUN&GUN, Miyagi Ryota, who was aroused by anger, did not intend to slow down his pace at all. He planned to play fast and get back the points he just lost!

"Miyagi kid, the advancing speed has become faster!"

"We play the triangle offense, and we don't need such a fast advancement speed at all."

"What did that guy say in Miyagi's ear just now, did he lose his mind?"

When Miyagi was advancing rapidly, Mitsui Shou immediately realized the problem and said immediately.But Wu Dao shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said:
"It's certain what he said, but it's impossible to say that Miyagi lost his mind."

"It's not a rookie in the first grade. It's impossible to lose your mind just because of a sentence or two."

"Look, it's no problem. Although Fengyu's strength is good, these guys from Xiangbei are not bad either!"

As soon as Budo finished speaking, Miyagi Ryota was already approaching the three-point line with the ball.His advancing speed became faster, and the running speed of the other people in Xiangbei also accelerated. While Miyagi was approaching the three-pointer, Rukawa Kaede and others had also completed their positions.

The few people in Xiangbei on the field did not have the traditional center forward to slow down the speed. Whether it was Sakuragi or Nango, their foot strength was very terrifying, and they could easily keep up with Miyagi's advancing speed.

Fengyu's team members didn't seem to expect that Xiangbei's counterattack would come so quickly. Center Iwata Miaki was still in the middle distance, and he hadn't even entered the basket yet.

Miyagi Ryota accurately found this defensive loophole, and looked at Rukawa Kaede, but the basketball in his hand smashed hard at Itakura's crotch, and passed directly to the inside.

"Huh?!" Itakura, who was deceived by Miyagi's gaze, was looking at Rukawa Kaede at this moment, but in the next second, the basketball passed directly through his crotch.

It precisely fell into the hands of Nobunaga Kiyota who was under the basket. Kiyota got the ball and stood up directly. With a height of 178cm, he directly dunked with one hand and poured the ball into the basket.


"Good pass, Miyagi-senpai!"

After Kiyota Nobunaga scored, he shouted excitedly towards Miyagi. The two who approached fisted to celebrate, and then quickly returned to defense.

The two consecutive slam dunks at the opening of Xiangbei High School also aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. At this time, no matter how stupid people are, they realize that these Xiangbei High School players are all good players!
Kiyota Nobunaga's slam dunk convinced the audience even more. A freshman with a visual height of less than 180cm can actually dunk with one hand. This kind of terrifying talent is rare in the entire high school basketball world.

Fengyu didn't bother with this mistake. After Xiangbei scored a goal, he quickly organized a counterattack.

This time, Itakura, who entered the frontcourt with the ball, passed a false pass to Nan Lie who came up to support him. The latter made a false shot and then moved quickly along the three-point line. split up.

And with a crisp netting sound, the basketball hit the net.

In just over a minute after the opening, Xiangbei and Fengyu had already clashed for several rounds. Facing a veteran team like Fengyu, these freshmen in Xiangbei were not weak at all.

I thought it was a crushing game, but at this moment, everyone no longer underestimated Xiangbei's first grader.

(End of this chapter)

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