Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 356 The key to the victory!

Chapter 356 The key to the victory!

After Nan Lie opened Ruchuan Feng's three-pointer, Ruchuan Feng began to pay attention to the opponent in front of him.

Since joining Xiangbei High School, Rukawa Kaede's personal strength has been greatly improved compared to the middle school period.And with Xiangbei High School competing in so many games, Ruchuan Feng really rarely encountered opponents of Nan Lie's level.

In the county competition in Kanagawa County, the two people from Lingnan High School were able to let Rukawa Fengdao take a look, and Mu Shenyi from Hainan, strictly speaking, was not in the same position as him. The huge Kanagawa County can be called There are only a few people who can match their opponents.

And the trump card of Fengyu High School in front of him, Nan Lie, is also an opponent worthy of Rukawa Feng's [-] points!

Worth beating!
During the transition between offense and defense, the players from Xiangbei High School had all pressed Fengyu's half.

Ryota Miyagi advanced very fast, and the other members of Shonhoku also cooperated with Miyagi's offensive rhythm. In just a few seconds, everyone had already settled in Fengtama's half.

After entering the frontcourt, Miyagi Ryota was about to throw the ball to Rukawa Kaede in the bull horn position, and at this moment, Kiyota Nobunaga repeated his old trick, slid the bottom line and cut into the inside line, but his action was noticed by Toyotama's people, and Kishimoto Miri moved slightly, so Kiyota had no chance to catch the ball.

However, Kiyota Nobunaga's cut gave Sakuragi Hanamichi enough space.

On the left side of the court, Sakuragi quickly left the basket, went to the middle distance, and raised his hand to Ryota Miyagi for the ball.

Without hesitation, Miyagi Ryota pulled Daijiro Itakura's defense with a breakthrough feint, and then passed the ball directly to Hanamichi Sakuragi.

"Oh! Miyagi actually passed the ball to Hanamichi!"

"Go! Flower arrangement!"

In the corner of the stand, Mito Yohei and others who came to watch the game immediately became excited and shouted loudly when they saw Sakuragi Hanamichi taking the ball.

On the court, Sakuragi, who was holding the ball with both hands, immediately attracted the attention of Miri Kishimoto, ignoring Kiyota Nobunaga who had slipped to the bottom corner on the other side, and quickly moved towards Sakuragi to defend.


"Look, this genius' secret weapon!"

The moment he got the basketball, Hanamichi Sakuragi showed a bright smile on his face, and when Mari Kishimoto rushed up, he raised the ball and made a shooting posture.And his movements also made Kishimoto, who didn't know the depth of Sakuragi, quickly raise his center of gravity, and wanted to block the block with his arms raised high.


And at the moment when Kishimoto raised his hand, Sakuragi Hanamichi dropped the ball, moved a step sideways, and in the next second, he made an emergency stop, and then pulled up to shoot.

His movements are exactly the same as Nan Lie's previous movements to drive away Rukawa Feng, the lateral movement after the fake shot made an emergency stop and pull.


The basketball flew out of Sakuragi Hanamichi's hands. Rukawa Kaede and others who watched Sakuragi complete this series of actions, and Mitsui Shou and others off the court were stunned. everything of.

Hanamichi Sakuragi, who has only been learning how to play ball for a year and only learned how to shoot for half a year, actually used such offensive skills? !


As the basketball went into the net, the surprised expressions of Mitsui Shou and others were completely frozen on their faces.

"how can that be?!"

"A goal?!"

To say that the most surprised person here in northern Hunan is Miyagi Ryota.He, the main guard in Xiangbei, has not actually mastered such offensive skills until now. In other words, he can use the replica, but his shooting percentage is very poor!
Offensive skills without hit rate are not mastery at all.


And Hanamichi Sakuragi, who scored the ball, also raised his arms and shouted with excitement, and Yangping and others on the sidelines also cheered, cheering for Sakuragi's goal.

"Isn't it just a shot? Why such a big reaction?!"

"What are these guys from Xiangbei doing?!"

Kishimoto Miri put her hands on her hips, looking at the excited and surprised people in Xiangbei with puzzled faces.Hanamichi Sakuragi played really well in this round of offense. He made good use of his weakness of raising the center of gravity, and the opponent was also very smart. Instead of choosing to break through, he chose to shoot, so that he had no chance to chase and defend.

Kishimoto admitted that he underestimated his opponent with this goal.

But he didn't understand, the opponent just scored a goal, what is there to be excited about? !
What Kishimoto Miri didn't know was that before that, Hanamichi Sakuragi's offensive methods were only fixed-point shooting, simple three-threat digging breakthroughs, and weapons such as slam dunks and layups.

Like today's "high-tech" offensive skills, Yinggi Huadao simply doesn't know it, and, strictly speaking, Yinggi Hanamichi only has one year to learn the ball!

"Is this... the technique you taught Sakuragi?"

" is this possible? I remember that it only took us a week to go out and play a practice match with Chang Cheng."

"In just one week, how could Sakuragi be able to master such skills as an emergency stop jump shot?!"

"Fixed-point shooting and this kind of shooting combined with movement and stillness are two different things at all!"

Shohoku High School on the field began to return to defense, and Mitsui Kotoshi on the sidelines looked at Sakuragi Hanamichi who had returned to defense, and still looked at Sakuragi with disbelief, and hadn't recovered for a long time.When Mitsui Shou came back to his senses, he immediately looked at Jinguji Budo next to him, and hurriedly asked:

"nothing is impossible."

"Sakuragi Huadao has practiced a lot of fixed-point shooting, and his posture is already very standard."

"It's just adding some changes on this basis."

"If you can shoot [-] pitches in a week, you can also learn it in a short time like him!"

Wu Dao heard the words, and replied lightly.However, what he said made the surrounding Xiangbei players even more astonished. Hearing this, Ryumasa Oda's pupils were shocked, and he murmured in disbelief: "Twenty to twenty thousand goals?!"

Hearing this answer, Mitsui Shou also whispered: "[-] goals?! A week?! Or an emergency stop jump shot?"

"how can that be?!"

Seeing the "shocked" expressions of the Xiangbei players around him, Budao couldn't help but smile, looked at Sakuragi who was returning to defense in the field, and nodded in satisfaction.

One week, [-] balls of emergency stop jump shot training, in fact, Budou himself was taken aback when Hanamichi Sakuragi completed this training.

In the beginning, he simply set an unattainable goal for Sakuragi.The goal is set to 80 points, and many people can achieve [-] points when doing it, which is already very good.

But what Budo didn't expect was that with the help and encouragement of Yohei, Haruko and others, Sakuragi Hanamichi actually achieved the goal of [-] emergency stop jump shots. The movement still allowed Sakuragi to form a short-term muscle memory.

After that, what Sakuragi has to do is to carry out appropriate training every day, so that this feeling can be carved into the bones.

Although it is a means of pulling seedlings to encourage growth, but if it is handled well, Sakuragi can have a huge improvement in a short period of time.This method is not suitable for most people, but it is applicable for Sakuragi!
On the court, Sakuragi, who used his "secret weapon" to score, looked excited.The other players on the field also looked at Sakuragi a few more times after returning to defense, and then focused on the game.

Because at this time, Fengyu High School's attack has also arrived!
Yasuke Kehei made a high pick-and-roll, and Itakura, who already had a matchup advantage, made a breakthrough, and then directly stuck to the three-point line and shot a three-point shot.


Itakura was almost an open shot, but there was a mistake, and the basketball collapsed out of the basket.Fortunately, when he shot, he used too much power, and the distance of the basketball crashing and flying was relatively far. Kishimoto, who completely lost the inside position, picked up a miss in the middle distance.

Kishimoto, who picked up the offensive rebound, made a mid-range shot and sent the ball firmly into the basket.

Just the second after Fengyu High School finished scoring, Nango Koichiro quickly made the bottom line.A group of players from Xiangbei High School stuck to Fengyu High School and others who were returning to defense, chasing and fast-breaking.

The basketball passed quickly between Nobunaga Kiyota and Ryota Miyagi. After two simple passes, the basketball fell into Kiyota's hands. At this time, Kiyota had already crossed the three-point line.

At the same time, the inside line of Toyotama High School's return defense is only Kishimoto Mari, and the other inside line, Iwata Miaki, failed to keep up with the rhythm of Xiangbei.

Kiyota Nobunaga crossed the three-point line with the ball, and then joined the ball near the basket when he broke through to the basket. After two steps, he made a counter-basket under Kishimoto's defense and sent the ball into the basket.

The excellent offensive rhythm makes Kishimoto Mari's defensive changes useless.

At the same time, Xiangbei's chasing fast break also boosted the confidence of the players on the sidelines. The Xiangbei substitutes suddenly discovered that the first and second graders of their team, even if they are facing a national powerhouse like Feng Yu, even if they are in the opponent's best Domain fought with the opponent, not losing the wind at all, and even faintly took the initiative.

"Return to defense faster!"

"Xianbei's offensive rhythm is also very fast, the defense is more active, and the pressure is tighter!"

"Force them to make mistakes."

"Pass the ball more when attacking, don't always think about using three-pointers to decide the winner, Itakura, your body has an advantage, play more breakthroughs!"

"The line of defense has shrunk slightly, and there are too many empty positions in the middle distance!"

Seeing that Xiangbei High School's offensive momentum was so high, and the team lost points in a row, the coach Jinping on the sidelines couldn't help but walked to the sidelines at this moment, and loudly reminded the players on the field.

He was afraid that Fengyu's rhythm would be taken away by the opponent, so he started to play brainless fast break. If he played like this, it would be too unstable.

The overall height of Xiangbei is not as good as that of Fengyu. Although Kiyota Nobunaga and Miyagi Yoshida are excellent on the outside, their physical weaknesses are difficult to make up for. stupid? !
Aim at the weak point and play steadily. The physical advantage of Fengyu players will start to snowball as the game progresses. The more they fight, the greater their advantage will be.

Coach Jinping saw through this, so he asked the players to guide the ball more on the offensive end, so they don't have to rush to shoot.

Fengyu's team members and Coach Jinping's running-in is not bad, and Nan Lie and the others are not like they were in the first grade, they only know how to be fast.

Sometimes, slow is fast. Nan Lie and the others have already grasped the essence of run-and-bomb tactics.

The essence of running and bombing is actually to use the fast-paced attack to target the opponent's flaws.Its essence is to expose the opponent's flaws, and now, the flaws have appeared, haven't they?
Itakura Daijiro's advancing speed was still very fast. It took only five or six seconds to dribble the ball into the frontcourt. After entering the frontcourt, he also quickly passed the ball to Nan Lie.

The latter took the ball, broke through the feint, shot the feint two consecutive fake moves, dropped the ball and moved sideways, and also called a pick-and-roll. The inside Kishimoto Mari pulled the outside line and made the ball for Nan Lie.

And Nan Lie, who was holding the ball, instantly attracted the attention of everyone in Xiangbei.

But at this moment, Nan Lie used the pick-and-roll to move quickly, instead of breaking through the inside line, he leaned towards Itakura Daijiro at the top of the arc. The pick-and-roll, and Kishimoto, who gave Nan Lie a pick-and-roll in the high position, also went down and entered the inside lane.

Sakuragi followed Kishimoto into the inside lane, but Rukawa Kaede was one position behind Nan Lie because of the pick-and-roll, and when Nan Lie completed the pick-and-roll, Itakura also used the pick-and-roll to become vacant.

After adjusting his breathing a little, Daijiro Itakura who caught the ball made another three-point shot, and this time, without any accident, the basketball went straight into the net!
A wave of beautiful pick-and-roll cooperation allowed Fengyu High School to easily complete the score.

"Very good! This round of Fengyu's running position is quite good."

"Although the speed is still very fast, it is very methodical!"

Mitsui Shou couldn't help but praise Fengyu when he saw Fengyu scoring easily.

After all, it is an A-level team, the strength of Fengyu High School is very good.

"This opponent is not easy to deal with!"

Mitsui Shou said with a smile, saying that it was difficult to deal with, but there was no worry at all in the words.

"Well, I can't prevent Fengyu, I have expected this."

"Miyagi and Kiyota are not tall, and it's easy for opponents to shoot or pass in front of them."

"And unfortunately, Fengyu is a team that focuses on mid-range and long-range offense as the main scoring method."

"The continuous pick-and-roll on the perimeter will allow their perimeter players to get a lot of shots."

"Even if there is no pick-and-roll, it will not be easy for Miyagi and Kiyota to fight. With the pick-and-roll, it will be even more difficult."

"These boys want to win, they can only defend the rebounds, grasp the offense, and compete for the scoring efficiency of the two teams!"

"It's the person who decides the outcome, it's that kid!"

While Bu Dao was speaking, his eyes fell on Sakuragi Hanadao in the field.

At this time, Shohoku High School had already launched an attack, and Kiyota Nobunaga got a wonderful pass from Miyagi when he cut in, but Toyota's Kishimoto Mari also noticed Kiyota Nobunaga who cut in, and made up for it.

In order to avoid the defense, Kiyota Nobunaga used a throw to try to avoid the defense and complete the score.

It's just that his shooting percentage on the move is really so-so, and the basketball collapses out of the frame.When Kiyota Nobunaga, who missed the shot, was disappointed and prepared to return to the defense, Sakuragi Hanamichi went straight to the basket, jumped high and caught the popped basketball in his hand. The height of his palm was higher than that of another rebounder Iwata. Sanqiu was about the height of her forearm.

After landing, Sakuragi took off again and forced the ball into the net.

At this time, Miaki Iwata, who fell back to the ground, didn't adjust his posture at all. He couldn't take off continuously like Sakuragi. He could only watch the basketball pass over his head and hit the net.


Sakuragi Hanamichi who scored the goal let out a "monkey" cry, and winked at Kiyota Nobunaga, the joyful appearance made Kiyota Nobunaga's face black.

"Bastard red-haired monkey, how dare you laugh at me!"

"Damn it!!! This bastard!"

Although these first graders in Xiangbei are all teammates, they get together and do the most things to hurt each other. Seeing Sakuragi showing off, Kiyota Nobunaga was very upset, and at the same time secretly made up his mind to perform well , Overshadow Sakuragi!
"Hehe, let's start!"

"His talent is beginning to show!"

Coach Anxi pushed his glasses and looked at Sakuragi with anticipation in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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