Slam Dunk: My Study Abroad Career in Northern Hunan

Chapter 452 Secret biography, the projection mystery of Jinguji martial arts!

At night, the players who had been allocated dormitories returned to their respective rooms. After a simple wash, the players who had worked hard all day went back to their rooms to rest.

The winning team is the color team led by Shinomiya Tianye. According to Shinomiya Tianye's original intention, he planned to distribute the single room to Uozumi Jun, Rukawa Kaede, and Xiandao.

Because according to the performance of the court, the performance of these three players is even better.

However, Xiandao was a little embarrassed considering that their mausoleum alone occupied two single rooms. After thinking about it for a while, he gave up this place to Akagi Takenori.

Of course, although he voluntarily gave up, in order to take care of Akagi Takenori's face, Sendo just said that Akagi Takenori, who is guarding the inside line, needs to get a good rest.

Seeing that Xiandao gave up the single room, Akagi himself wanted to refuse, but Shinomiya Tianye didn't give him this opportunity, and helped Akagi put his luggage into the single room.

At the same time, in order not to let Akagi think too much, Shinomiya Tanno also joked to Akagi: "You centers often snore very loudly, so don't come to the dormitory to affect other players' rest!"

Shinomiya Tianye had already said so, and Akagi Takenori was too embarrassed to refuse, and moved into a single room.

After the three single dormitories were confirmed, the remaining dozen or so players were also divided into two dormitories.

The division standard is also very simple, a room for those who snore and those who snore, and a room for those who do not snore and those who do not.

However, the players thought very well when allocating the dormitories. Budou was also smiling and assigned Shinomiya Tano, Sendo, Fujima, Miyagi, and Hanagata who thought they didn't snore into a dormitory.

Who would have imagined that after the lights were turned off, apart from Fujima and Miyagi, these bastards snored louder and louder one by one, making Budou unable to sleep because of the noise.
The helpless Bu Dao had nothing to do with these guys. He could only go to the living room and get some tissues to plug his ears, which made the snoring around him a little quieter and he was able to fall asleep.

Silent all night.

The next morning, before dawn, Jinguji Budao, who had a relatively light sleep, was the first to get up, and went to the bathroom to wash up. It was only four o'clock.

Originally, he planned to go back to the room to sleep, but as soon as he walked into the room, he heard the snoring of his roommates one after another. He shook his head helplessly, then put on a coat and walked out of the room.

Shonan coast at four o'clock in the morning.

A silence.

It was still dark, and the night sky was dotted with stars, and the sea breeze blew by, making Wu Dao feel a burst of coolness.

Taking a deep breath, Budao Jinguji suddenly regained consciousness a lot. He went back to the equipment room to find a basketball, and Budao planned to go to the court for a morning exercise.



When Budao approached the open-air stadium by the sea, the crisp sound of hammering iron reached Jinguji Budao's ears.


"It's so early, and the sky is still so dark, is there anyone else who is earlier than me?"

Jinguji Budao, who heard the voice, was puzzled, then quickened his pace and walked towards the court quickly.When he came to the edge of the court, Wu Dao saw a figure practicing shooting in the dark night.

It was dark, and the field lights of the stadium were not turned on.

Bu Dao stood outside the guardrail and looked towards the field. After staring intently for a long time, he recognized the person who was practicing.

"Rukawa Maple?"

"You guys woke up so early?"

Jinguji Budo pushed open the door of the field and walked towards the field, while walking, he greeted the people who were practicing in the field.

At this time, the player who was practicing shooting in the court was none other than Rukawa Kaede.

Rukawa Feng on the court heard Budou's call, stopped his movements, glanced at Budou, nodded slightly, then trotted to the basket, picked up the basketball and returned to outside the three-point line, and shot.

Maybe it was because the sky was darker, or maybe it was because Rukawa Feng, who also just got up, hadn't moved yet, the basketball hit the edge of the basket and bounced out.

After falling to the ground, he rolled to Jinguji Budo's feet.

"It's really hard work, Rukawa Kaede."

"What about practicing three-pointers?"

"Want to be together?"

Budou threw the basketball in his hand to Rukawa Feng, and while talking, he bent down, picked up the basketball, and then looked at Rukawa Feng.

Rukawa Kaede, who got the basketball with both hands, quickly dropped the ball, moved two steps sideways, quickly jumped up with the ball, and directly changed the direction and made an emergency stop to shoot a three-pointer.

The shooting action is quite stretched and standard.

However, the flying basketball hit the edge of the basket and bounced out again.

"Tsk." Seeing the missed shot, Rukawa Kaede obviously showed a little impatience on his face, and quickly ran to the basket, picked up the basketball and quickly returned to the three-point line.

Seeing that Rukawa Feng ignored him, Wu Dao didn't care. He was already used to Rukawa Feng's cold personality.

When playing or training, Rukawa Feng has always been a person who doesn't talk much.

Bu Dao simply did not join Rukawa Kaede's training, he walked to the bench beside the court, sat down, and watched Rukawa Kaede's training.

Rukawa Kaede is practicing three-point shooting in private. Unlike ordinary standing jump shot training, Rukawa Kaede often has a large breakthrough before shooting, and suddenly stops in a state of exercise, and then shoots with the ball.

The purpose of the training is not simply to practice the accuracy of the three-pointer, but more to strengthen the ability to combine movement and stillness.

Rukawa Kaede's ability to combine movement and stillness is very powerful when shooting mid-range shots, but when shooting three-pointers, the hit rate is quite poor. Budou sat aside and watched Rukawa Kaede make more than a dozen shots and successfully scored. There are only two or three balls.

Didn't even hit 30% in practice.

However, Rukawa Feng did not give up such training at all because of the missed shots. Although Wu Dao could clearly feel that Rukawa Feng became a little impatient with the increase in the number of shots, Rukawa Feng still had no intention of stopping.

After watching a few more balls, Wu Dao still didn't want Rukawa Feng to do such useless work, so he couldn't help shouting:

"Hi, Rukawa Kaede."

"Take a break, your training will not have any effect."

"At most, it just enhances your ball skills, and it won't help your three-point shooting percentage!"

Rukawa Kaede, who has been silent and concentrated on training, finally stopped after hearing what Jinguji Budo said, ignoring the basketball that rolled to the sidelines, and turned to look at Jingu Temple Budao asked:
"What do you mean?"

The reason why Rukawa Feng practiced such an offensive method was somewhat influenced by Jinguji Budo.

On the court, Rukawa Kaede has gradually become accustomed to the role of defender.Is it because he likes to play the position?
No, the main reason is that in Xiangbei High School, only he Jinguji Budo is still in the team, and the position of small forward will always be Jinguji Budo.

Rukawa Kaede is either on the field as a defender, or as a substitute for Jinguji Budo.

But this is actually not what Rukawa Feng wants, he doesn't care so much about what position he plays, what Rukawa Feng cares about is that he is not as good as Jinguji Budo.

As a teammate of Jinguji Budo in Wuishi Middle School, Rukawa Kaede knows exactly what Jinguji Budo's ability to survive on the court is.

It's not a powerful breakthrough ability, nor is it a height condition that is superior to ordinary people.

The most powerful thing in martial arts is the terrifying projection ability that can be shot in any area of ​​the opponent's half.

In terms of height, Rukawa Feng doesn't think that it can be improved through training, but Rukawa Feng doesn't think he will be worse than Jinguji Budo in terms of breakthrough skills and footsteps.

He feels that what he lacks the most is the shooting percentage and the shooting range.

In order to make himself stronger, Rukawa Feng also shifted the focus of training towards this aspect.Rukawa Feng is confident that as long as his ability in this area is strengthened, one day he will no longer follow Jinguji Budao, but stand beside Jinguji Budao, and even walk in front of Jinguji Budao!
In order to achieve this goal, besides eating and sleeping, Rukawa Feng spent most of his time on training.

But now Jinguji Budao told him it was useless?
How could Rukawa Feng accept this kind of thing? !
"It's not interesting, it means that your training method is wrong."

"No matter how hard you try on a wrong path, it's meaningless, Rukawa Kaede."

Bu Dao propped up the bench with both hands, leaned slightly, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Rukawafeng's face changed slightly, he pondered for a while, and asked Martial Dao: "What kind of training method is the correct training method?"

At this time, Rukawafeng finally had no way to maintain his "arrogant" personality, and asked proactively.

Facing Jinguji Budo, Rukawa Feng is still very convinced. Jinguji Budo has been Rukawa Kaede's senior since he was in Wushi Middle School. For so many years, since Rukawa Feng has seen Jinguji Budo grow up, he is still on the court. Haven't really had any major setbacks.

That is to say, there was a two-year ban in junior high school, but that kind of thing does not prevent Jinguji Budo from being a strong player.

In today's high school arena, Jinguji Budo can be said to be unstoppable.Even Rukawa Kaede heard that when Jinguji Budo was playing abroad, he also made a big name in the high school arena.

As far as Rukawa Feng knows, this kind of thing has never been done before martial arts.

He attaches great importance to Jinguji Budao's opinion.

"You kid, you really use people to face forward, and you don't need people to face back!"


"Well, I don't care about you."

Wu Dao couldn't help complaining when he saw Rukawa Feng's current appearance.But he didn't care, because Rukawa Feng has always been such a person, a pure person.

"Shooting looks like a technical move."

"But in fact, the essence of shooting is the process of mobilizing the body to exert force reasonably."

"Do you know why you have good accuracy on mid-range pull-up jumpers, but you don't have the same accuracy when you go beyond the three-point line?"

"It's not because your shooting skills are not good enough, nor is it because your posture is not standard enough."

"It's simply because your strength is not enough."

"The most important thing to train to expand the shooting range is not posture and hand shape, but strength and rhythm."

"Rhythm can be found through non-stop training to find that feeling, but strength is not what you can train like this."

Budao said, stood up from the bench, picked up the basketball beside him, walked into the court, came to the three-point line, simply dribbled the ball under the crotch, and then quickly moved towards his left side After a few steps, he quickly joined the ball and took off to face the frame.

And at the moment when Budou's body reached the highest point, Jinguji Budou who was lifting the ball directly threw the ball. At the moment of shooting, Jinguji Budou was still more than one meter away from the three-point line.

But the basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then smashed into the basket.

In this dim environment, Jinguji Budao still easily sent the ball into the basket.Rukawa Feng saw this scene and even wondered whether Bu Dao could score the goal even if he closed his eyes.

"Rukawa Feng, go pick up the ball."

Budo shouted at Rukawa Feng after scoring a goal.

Hearing this, Rukawa Kaede went to the basket without any hesitation, quickly picked up the basketball, and threw the ball at Jinguji Budo.

After Budo took the ball, he quickly dropped the ball, and after taking two quick steps to the right, he quickly joined the ball and took off. With the same rhythm, at the moment when Budo's body reached the highest point and smoothly faced the frame, Jinguji Budo once again Shot shot.

This time, the arc of the basketball was a bit flat compared to the ball just now, but there was still no accident, the basketball fell directly into the basket.But this time, Martial Dao's shot point was almost two meters away from the three-point line.

"Pass the ball."

Bu Dao didn't mean to stop, and shouted at Rukawa Feng.

Soon, Rukawa Kaede under the basket once again gave the ball to Budo Jinguji.

Budo held the ball, dropped it quickly, and then continued to move towards the top of the arc on the right. At a position three meters away from the three-point line, Budo Jinguji took off with the ball again.

However, this time, Jinguji Budo's shooting rhythm has changed significantly.

The first two times, Jinguji Budo held the ball and waited until he reached the highest point before shooting. He used the standard two-stage style, which gave people the feeling that Budo was stuck in the air for a moment when shooting.

But this time, when Jinguji Budo took off, the basketball quickly lifted from the waist and abdomen to the top of the head. When the body reached the highest position, the arms straightened and the basketball in his hand was also thrown out quickly.

Under Rukawa Feng's gaze, the arc of the basketball was a little flatter than the two balls just now. After crossing the half court, it fell steadily into the basket with a crisp sound.

"Rukawa Feng, did you notice it?"

"A change in the tempo of my shot."

"Think about it, why my shooting rhythm has changed like this."

"Is it because I didn't control my posture?"

"It's because of strength. Every time I get away from the three-point line, I need more strength to shoot, and the core strength is stronger."

"And the change of rhythm is also to allow my strength to be fully displayed."

"However. Rukawa Feng, you are still different from me."

"You don't have enough strength, you can't handle such a three-pointer with two-stage shots."

"Two ways, either change the posture and rhythm of the shot, or...strengthen your core strength."

"Only in this way can you complete more difficult projections at longer distances."

(End of this chapter)

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