Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 56 Gary, the Zhang Family Go Find Mom!

Chapter 56 Gary, go home and find your mother!

The U.S. team kicked off, and Gary Payton dribbled the ball slowly across half court. Instead of rushing to attack, he played positional warfare.

While Payton was protecting the ball, he did not forget to continue talking trash to Lu Feng tirelessly...

"No matter how many points you get, you can't win. Give up as soon as possible, Fake Road!"

"Then, I'm still better than you. Look at our score, 47:8. To be honest, it's really unlucky for the US team to bring you. You are as disgusting as chewing gum stuck to the sole of your shoe!" Lu Feng said casually.

Peyton clicked his tongue disdainfully, passed the ball to Mourning inside, and Mourning turned and hooked and scored.

"At least I can make the team lead, that's enough, don't envy me."

"Aren't you out of your mind? You think I envy you, a clown who only scored 8 points?" Lu Feng held the ball and looked at Payton contemptuously: "You don't think it's your credit, do you?" Score 84 points with teammates to lead the team to the lead?"

Lu Feng didn't launch a fast break, because it was unnecessary and his teammates couldn't run at all.

Although the other 8 players from the two teams only played for 20 minutes except for Lu Feng and Payton, the mental states of the players of the two teams are completely different.

Although the U.S. team's starting lineup is not physically strong, it is not in a bad state, while the Chinese team's starting lineup does not feel right when it comes up, and the speed is much slower.

"Stop talking about the damn score, you can't win with 100 points, that's the gap!"

After most of the game, the two played countless offenses and defenses. Neither of them wanted to be at a disadvantage. Whether it was basketball or other aspects, they were... Similarly, the two became more and more disgusted with each other. .

Payton: How can there be such a shameless person, and the team is still confident when it is behind?
Lu Feng: How can there be such a shameless person who is confident when he is blown up by the opponent?
As soon as the two teams started, the United States increased its lead to 4 points.

But for the Chinese team, there is not no good news. Lu Feng can feel that Payton's speed is getting slower and slower.

Payton's footsteps slowed down, and Lu Feng would definitely attack him, magnifying his defensive loopholes.

Lu Feng bent his knees, leaned forward, patted the basketball to the left with his right hand, and then pulled the ball to the right with an in and out.

Peyton's pace slowed down a bit, but he still kept up with Lu Feng's change of direction.

Lu Feng rushed out step by step. Just as Payton was about to fight against him, Lu Feng made another Owen-style back turn dribble with a very low center of gravity.

Payton was not only passed by, but also pushed aside, unable to get up to speed.

Failing to catch up with the speed, Payton subconsciously reached out and grabbed Lu Feng's jersey. Lu Feng threw the ball with one hand when the jersey was caught and his center of gravity was tilted to one side.

The ball scored and the whistle sounded, Lu Feng scored 2+1!

"It's useless at all. No matter what moves you use, I'm still scoring. My hands are so hot that I can't stop. Now it's 50:8!" Lu Feng said fiercely towards Peyton.

Payton responded with dissatisfaction: "Let's talk about the penalty first!"

"No way, I still need to watch my free throws?"

"Do you know what the real gap is? The real gap is that in the future, whenever someone talks about this game, they will only remember one thing. I humiliated you severely in this game, and took 50 points, 60 points!"

"Damn, if you think about it this way. Your luck seems to be pretty good. Even if you fail to achieve anything in the future, you can still be remembered in this way. Gary, you should say thank you to me."

Peyton: "..."

Although Payton is not convinced by Lu Feng, he also knows that his scoring ability is not as good as Lu Feng.

But he didn't care too much. Isn't it normal that Lu Feng can't score better than Lu Feng, as long as he can win the game.

Peyton looked at his teammates, all of them were elite soldiers, and then looked at Lu Feng's teammates...all of them were unfamiliar faces. Peyton felt much more comfortable in his heart!
But soon his mood was not so good, because Lu Feng seemed to be sure, he didn't shoot a single basket, and kept breaking through.

Lu Feng did this to disturb the inside line of the United States. It is best to be able to foul the inside line of the United States, which can relieve the pressure on some teammates.

After Payton was broken through, Billy Owens immediately came up to help defend and help Payton make up.

But once he filled the position, Ma Jian's position was completely vacated. Ma Jian, who cut inside, received the pass and dunked.

Lu Feng broke through Payton's defense time and time again, stormed the basket, faced other people's defense, and could also assist his teammates to score.

Payton defended Lu Feng for most of the game, and he was already tired. After slowing down, he couldn't prevent Lu Feng's breakthrough at all, but he couldn't just ignore the opponent. He could only get more and more tired. Dun felt like he was about to be turned into a Muggle.

Although Lu Feng was able to succeed in singles against Payton frequently, he was not at all happy because the shooting percentage of the rest of the national team was also declining.

Especially for the national team's outside shots, Lu Feng broke through several times to score the ball, and his teammates failed to make open shots. Although Lu Feng's singles efficiency was preserved, the overall efficiency of the national team could not be maintained.

You must know that the biggest problem between China and the United States in the first round is that they cannot grab rebounds inside, and the number of offenses is not as good as that of the United States. If the efficiency drops slightly, the American team can widen the gap.

Song Ligang and Gong Xiaobin on the inside of the national team faced Mourning and Larry Johnson of the US team. Although they were about the same height, the two players of the Chinese team were much thinner than the two players of the US team.

Payton was suddenly frightened by Lu Feng, and unconsciously stepped back while defending.

Lu Feng saw that Peyton didn't wait to lie down obediently and let him hit him, but used his cleverness to try to resist, so he decided to teach him how to be a man.

He took a dry shot fake after a tentative step and pointed Payton up, jumped directly on top of him, and made a three-point foul.

Lu Feng made two of three free throws, with 3 minutes left in the game, 95:97, the US team led by 2 points, and Payton made 4 fouls!
Old K on the bench saw that Lu Feng missed a free throw and let out a sigh of relief. If Lu Feng made three free throws, the difference between the two teams would be only 1 point. Even if the United States scored 2 points, China would not All it takes is a 3-pointer to tie the game.

But fortunately, the US team is now leading by 2 points, and it is still their own offensive round. As long as they can score the next goal and pull the point difference to 4 points, then the probability of winning this game is very high.

"Guys, don't be in a hurry, control the time, hit the basket more, and hit the success rate!"

At this time, Payton was not in the mood to continue talking rubbish to Lu Feng. As soon as he dribbled the ball halfway, he saw Larry Johnson and Mourning on the inside raising their hands for the ball at the same time.

He thought about it, and passed the ball to Mourning, who was in a better state in this game, and Mourning turned over and shot a jumper-the ball went in!
At 95:99, the US team leads by 4 points, and the Chinese team applies for a timeout!
At this time, in the CBS studio where the World Championships was broadcast live, several commentators said excitedly:

"There are 2 minutes left in the game, and the US team still maintains a 4-point lead. This game is far more difficult for the US team than we imagined. The Chinese team looks very strong, especially Lak, and no one can stop him Score!"

"Damn it, isn't it because we played too badly? Wake up, we need to send real NBA stars. Why are Yugoslavia using NBA players, but we are still using a group of college students?"

"Hey, guys, shouldn't we focus on the game now? The Chinese team still seems to have a good chance. Luck is not someone who gives up so easily!"


Lu Feng took a deep breath. He knew that in the last two and a half minutes, he had to not miss a single shot, so that the Chinese team could have a chance of winning.

He dribbles across half court, and Payton waits with his arms outstretched.

After a hesitant step, Lu Feng put his hands together, and Peyton subconsciously stood on tiptoe, only to realize that it was a Buddha worship. Before he was ready, Lu Feng slipped in beside him.

Lu Feng did not make a sudden stop to make a mid-range shot, but continued to rush inside. Just two steps inside the free throw line, Lu Feng jumped up, and Mourning and Larry Johnson immediately came up to help defend.

Putting the ball in his arms, after the three collided, Lu Feng's hand holding the ball passed through the gap between Mourning and Larry Johnson, and then made a light hook.

A difficult trolley pick basket under a double team - Shua!

The only pity is that the ball was not fouled, it was just a 2 point, which did not meet Lu Feng's expectation. He clearly wanted to score 3 points with this ball!
97:99, the US team attacks!

At this time, no matter which side, the players are under a lot of pressure, no one dares to take the blame, and everyone is afraid of taking the blame.

That was the case with Team USA, the basketball was passed from hand to hand, and by the time it finally reached Kenny Anderson, time was running out.

Anderson was stunned. In the first few games of the U.S. team, he was just a role player, and he didn't have a few shots. What does it mean to give him the key ball now?
In a hurry, he could only make a move when time was running out, but... Shua!

Anderson scored 2 points at the buzzer!
In the last 50 seconds of time, the score was 97:101, and the US team still led by 4 points!
The Chinese team called a timeout, mainly to let Lu Feng take a break. They didn't have any special tactics to arrange. Everyone knew that the Chinese team was in charge of attacking Lu Feng in the end.

"Fengzi, do you want to grab a three-pointer, or play a two-pointer first, and then use foul tactics?"

"Grab it! I'd rather bet on my own hand than on the opponent's!"

"I don't press time. If I make a shot, don't foul. If I can't make a shot, I will play foul tactics."

Without any hesitation, Lu Feng took over the task of shooting a desperate three-pointer, and in his plan, he would shoot a three-pointer from the beginning, and only by making this three-pointer would he have a chance to come back.

The Chinese team kicked off, Lu Feng bypassed the screen, got the ball two steps outside the three-point line, and then shot directly without any hesitation!

Everyone was stunned. The Chinese team's attack time is still very long. No one thought that Lu Feng would make such a move.

How could this kind of ball be... Shua!

Everyone: "..."

"Lu Feng scored a 3-pointer. There are still 45 seconds left. There is still a chance. The Chinese team has not lost yet!"

"The U.S. team called a timeout and made the last attack. Hold on, and you will have a chance if you hold on!"

"The one wearing the No. 4 jersey is the 17-year-old Lu Feng. He..."


100:101, 45 seconds left, now the problem is on the US team, and old K also called a timeout in time.

The US team attacked, Payton held the ball to press time, and did not rush to attack.

In the end, the ball was given to Larry Johnson, the best performer of the American team in this game, and Larry Johnson played Gong Xiaobin with the ball in singles.

Larry Johnson hit Gong Xiaobin with his back and kept leaning in. Gong Xiaobin held him tightly.

Larry Johnson leaned on, and suddenly turned around at a rhythm point. Gong Xiaobin didn't react and was passed by him with one step. Larry Johnson rushed into the basket, jumped straight up, grabbed the basketball with both hands, and landed in the basket deliver.


Larry Johnson turned his head and saw that it was No. 13 of the Chinese team!
Being hated, he is still a big hat!
Song Ligang, in his defense against the US team's last attack, he assisted Larry Johnson and completed the big cap!
He got the ball and threw it straight to the front court. Lu Feng's figure rushed to the front, and Gary Payton followed behind him.

Lu Feng glanced back and found that only Gary Payton was following on the American team, and a bold idea came to his mind instantly.

Gary Payton chased after Lu Feng with all his strength, but saw that Lu Feng stopped directly outside the three-point line, and pulled the ball with both hands.

Gary Payton couldn't stop, and bumped straight into Lu Feng... Beep beep——swish!

In the last 20 seconds, 3+1?
Seeing this result, a group of people in the US team felt desperate instantly...

The old K on the side felt like he was about to suffocate, 40 seconds, but only 40 seconds!
But in just 40 seconds, the US team went from leading by 4 points to falling behind by 3 points, or even 4 points!
After getting up from the ground, Lu Feng looked at Peyton who looked confused in front of him, and said, "Gary, don't cry, I'll take you home to find your mother right away!"

Lu Feng made a steady free throw, 104:101!

Old K called the last timeout...Kenny Anderson missed a [-]-pointer.

"Fuck, we won, we're in the finals!!!"

"Fengzi, bully!!!"


The Chinese team eliminated the US team and reached the finals of the Men's Basketball World Championships. The Chinese media and fans were very excited... Then it was time to eat and drink.

As for the United States... I can only say that I am more excited, more excited.

Before the game, various media promoted the match between the US team and the Chinese team, but they did not expect that the US team really dared to lose!
The headline on the front page of CBS is: "No Face! "

The news of the Chinese team defeating the American team was hotly discussed in sports circles all over the world. In contrast, the Chinese team's loss to Yugoslavia in the final did not attract much attention.

In the final of the World Championships, the Chinese team lost 91:98 to Yugoslavia. It was not because Yugoslavia was so difficult to deal with. The main reason was that the Chinese team, which had just finished playing against the US team and had just rested for a day, was in poor condition.

Yugoslavia's opponent in the semi-finals was the Soviet Union, but at this time the Soviet Union basically had its last breath left.

A bunch of famous Soviet generals such as Sabonis, Kutinatis, Kohomicius and so on refused to play for the Soviet national team. Yugoslavia's road to promotion is not as difficult as the Chinese team.

Yugoslavia is the only team that sent and used NBA players in this World Championship, including the famous "European Jordan" Drazen Petrovic.

Lu Feng's feeling when he played against him is: the shooting is very accurate, but the confrontation is poor. No wonder the Blazers don't give him playing time.

Lu Feng really can't figure out why there are so many conspiracy theories about Petrovic's death and the NBA's reluctance to let him play. If he doesn't play, the Blazers have reached the finals. If he played, wouldn't the Blazers Can you win the championship?

The strongest player in Yugoslavia is Vlade Divac, an active player of the Lakers. He and Tony Kukoc made the Chinese team's insiders explode.

In addition, Lu Feng also met Zdenko Babić, who set a Guinness World Record of 144 points in a single game. He is indeed a spider, with accurate shooting and rich skills.

But at this time, Babbage had already been seriously injured, not that bad, and his confrontation was average, similar to that of the national team.

Lu Feng won the 1990 World Championship scoring champion and the best team. It was a pity that he didn't win the final championship, but he didn't care too much. After all, eliminating the US team would make him happy for a long time.

After the World Championships, Lu Feng returned home and met his family. He had seen his family's old road during the draft, but his mother, younger sister and his father did not go.

Lao Lu has taken on a big project - to build a basketball stadium for the province. When he went to the United States, he also went to exchange and study and met Lu Feng by the way.

The three gold fingers of the World Championships gave Lu Feng another wonderful talent, which made him completely incomprehensible...

[Beast Blood]: Enhance the potential for unarmed combat!

It's getting weirder and weirder...

The World Championships ended in September, and the BJ Asian Games began in October.

The BJ Asian Games is the first large-scale sports event hosted by China. Lu Feng served as the flag bearer for the first time. It feels okay, but his hands and feet are a little numb...

The opponent of the Chinese team in the first game was the Philippine men's basketball team. The final score was 156:42... (It seems to be 146:58 in history, I can't remember clearly)

In the middle of the game, the head coach was going crazy and kept saying, "Let it go, won't you let it go?" Come down!" and so on.

Lu Feng played in the first game of the Asian Games... 10 minutes, the only meaning is to let the fans meet a living person.

After the Asian Games, Lu Feng's average playing time was only 10 minutes, and their opponent in the final was the Philippine men's basketball team! (Yes, that's him!)
The Chinese men's basketball team won the Asian Games without any disturbances, and even their own people did not pay much attention.

The only person who made Lu Feng influential in the Asian Games was Korean national player Xu Zai, who said in front of him, "Axiba, why does the Chinese team have Lu Feng!"

Lu Feng didn't pay attention, thinking that this guy was scolding himself, and replied in Korean: "Little brat, what are you talking about, Xiba?"

The rewards for the Asian Games are:
[Magic Sound]: Enhance vocal potential!

It's the same talent that looks awesome, but doesn't know what to do...

After the Asian Games, in mid-October, Lu Feng flew to the United States, and his NBA career was about to begin!

 I went to the hospital. I felt something was wrong when I was typing last night. In the early morning, I started to feel dizzy and vomited a few times. It may be something wrong, or it may be a cold or heat stroke. I didn’t pay much attention.

  At 12 o'clock, I should have a drip at the hospital. Halfway through writing Chapter 2, I will continue to write when I come back, and I will post it at night or early in the morning... If I post it tomorrow, it will be 1.5w words.

  In addition, the update time is 12 o'clock, two chapters a day, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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