Rookie against Jordan, I became the god of basketball

Chapter 57 The folk customs are simple and honest in Seattle, and the Supersonics are full of talent

Chapter 57 The folk customs are simple and honest in Seattle, and the Supersonics are full of talents

"Is this photo of you?"

"it's me."


"At that time, I was only 16 years old."

"Nonsense, it's not you at all!"


"Then tell me, what am I?"

"of course--"

"The future of the Supersonics!" Supersonics owner Barry Ackley said excitedly: "Yes, you are the future of the Supersonics! Luck, I believe you will be able to lead the Supersonics to the championship. From now on, the Supersonics are yours." team!"

Barry Ackley is not tall, only reaching Lu Feng's chin. He is a small white old man with a height of about 1 meters. He wears a round suit and black-rimmed glasses. He looks like Batman in DC comics Penguin.

Barry Ackley turned his head and said: "I recruited the best team, believe me, they will help you prepare everything you need, whatever you need, just tell me, player, coach or other, you I'll give you whatever you want!"

"Son of Miracle? Seattle Miracle? Small, too small! Rucker, I'm going to make you a true all-American icon, Maggie? Byrd? Little Doyle!"

"The Chosen One! This is worthy of your title, the answer to basketball, and the hope of the Supersonics!"

"And you beat the U.S. team! This is so perfect, damn it, I'm already thinking about what kind of pavilion I'm going to build for the O'Brien Cup!"

"It's a pity that you failed to defeat those damned, despicable Russians in the end! They even let NBA players play amateur games, this is simply cheating!"

Lu Feng: "..."

The chosen one... The chosen one.

From Lu Feng's ears, the word that most comes to mind is "the chosen child", what should I do if I feel so ashamed...

However, Lu Feng looked at the excited Barry Ackley in front of him, he was more famous than meeting him, if he didn't know that this was his boss for the next few years, he would have thought he had met the leader of the MLM organization!

Barry Ackley, the supersonic boss, a combination of Dr. Bath + Paul Allen, you can understand Dr. Bath who is as rich as Paul Allen.

As the founder of Ackley Group, Barry Ackley not only likes to throw coins, but also cares about his NBA team very much. If he is not for making money, he is for the championship!
The reason why the Sonics players in the original world hate the Thunder and the Sonics after 2000 is because they have experienced the Sonics in the Barry Akley period.

"That bastard Bob only paid you 6 million for 2000 years. Who is your agent... Falk, that's right, it's this idiot! He didn't even come to me..."

Lu Feng: "..."

6 million in 2000 years is not low. Well, Jordan is almost the same price.

"Huh, 6 years? Well, Falk doesn't seem to be very stupid. He picked a good time. After 6 years, the league will sign a new broadcast contract. Don't worry, Lark, I will definitely give you enough compensation at that time. !"

"Ahem..." Lu Feng coughed twice and interrupted: "Mr. Akeley, that... can I meet the rest of the team?"

After listening to it for a long time, Lu Feng finally remembered that he came to participate in the team report, not to listen to the boss's painting.

"I'm afraid it's not possible now. Russell will have to wait a few days before he arrives. The preseason has already been played, and the team is still on vacation."

"Won't the coach call a training session? Wait, Russell, our coach next season will be Russell?"

Russell, that is, Russell, in the NBA circle, there is only one person who can be called this name-"Lord of the Rings" Bill Russell.

"No, Russell is our general manager..." Barry Ackley straightened his collar and continued: "Our head coach next season is Jones, Russell's teammate, you know that?"

"K.C. Jones? I know him. Wasn't he an assistant? Coach Bernie Bickerstaff?"

When Barry Ackley heard Lu Feng mentioning Bernie Bickerstaff, his face showed some irritation rarely, and he gritted his teeth and said, "That bastard ran away, and now he is the general manager of the Nuggets!"

"Last season, in order to get you, I asked him to make the team lose as much as possible, and he and Dale Ellis, Xavier McDaniel, these three bastards actually won 39 games... 39 Fields! They can't even win 39 games if they play hard!"

Lu Feng: "..."

"Damn it, I knew the Bickerstaff guy was a jerk, and I'd replace him if he didn't go!"

Barry Ackley gracefully produced a pipe, took the tobacco from the pouch, stuffed it into the bowl, flattened it, and lit it with a match.

"Of course, Jones himself told me that he is not capable enough to be a head coach. He was just a tool for Rick in the Celtics before, and he is still a little bit closer to leading the team by himself."

"But it doesn't matter, because we still have you, Rucker. We have watched your Huskies' games. Your temporary adjustment ability and tactical quality are not bad. With your help, I believe we will not encounter too many problems." The problem."

Lu Feng: "..."

In the 89-90 season, Lynn Nance won the NCAA head coach of the year, but the media voices questioning him were not small.

Because the media has analyzed that in Huskies games, Lu Feng controlled the tactical board 64% of the time, Lynn Nance only 36%, and Lynn Nance used the tactical board 36% of the time. It is to play some weak teams.

That's why Lynn Nance was eager to recruit talented high school students in order to prove that he was not a parallel importer. For this reason, he even rejected the invitation of the US national team.

"Don't worry, I know what you are worried about. Jones said that you just need to help him formulate the tactics the team needs to play. He will be responsible for training and other arrangements. His coach salary is not for nothing. In addition, there are With Jones and Russell here, you don't have to worry about being unable to control those guys..."

Lu Feng: "..."

It seems to be the case. With Russell and K. C. Jones, 70% of NBA players can be restrained by their names alone, and the remaining 30% who cannot be restrained are either bastards or cerebral palsy.

Finally, Barry Ackley did not forget to add: "Of course, this is just our plan for this season. If you have a better head coach candidate, you can tell me directly. Jones will not have any objections. He will come here at the beginning. At the time, I never thought about becoming a head coach..."

Barry Ackley stood on tiptoe, put his hands on Lu Feng's shoulders, with a pipe in his mouth, and said:
"It doesn't matter who the head coach is, what matters is you, Luck, there are many basketball coaches, but you only have one, as long as you want, we can change the head coach every year until we find the most suitable coach for you , don't worry about my money, it's just a small problem for me!"

Lu Feng: "..."

Can he say, as expected of Barry Ackley, I love it!

Although he is a fat man who doesn't know how to play, it doesn't matter whether he knows how to play, as long as he is willing to spend money!

However, the Chosen One, Interfering Management, Stadium Commander...

Lu Feng is going to write a book, and the name has been thought out, it is called: "Know James, Understand James, Become James", ahem, I hope that when he gets old in the future, he will not read a book "Knowing Lu Feng, Understanding James" Lu Feng, become Lu Feng"...

The Supersonics have had a lot of personnel changes this year, and the vacation time is longer than other teams. A few days before the team's training camp, Lu Feng returned to the University of Washington.

Of course, Lu Feng went to the University of Washington to attend classes and practice. Other Supersonic players were still on vacation, and there was no one in the arena. It was boring for Lu Feng to practice alone, so he chose to go back to college.

A week later, Lu Feng met his teammates and "assistants" in the Supersonics training arena.

The supersonic 13+1 roster is as follows:

F (Forward): Sean Kemp (2.08m), Sam Perkins (2.06m), Ron Harper (1.98m), Nate McMillan (1.96m)


At a glance, Lu Feng felt that the supersonic lineup was very good in terms of strength and potential. The only problem was that they were all skinny, without confrontation, and a bunch of defensive colanders.

In addition, the biggest problem for the Supersonics is actually the interior. The main center of the Supersonics, Benoit Benjamin, was unable to return due to injury. In order to complement the interior, he temporarily signed Scott Muntz.

Just as Lu Feng was curious about this group of people, this group of people was also full of curiosity about Lu Feng.

In order to train Lu Feng, the Supersonics traded out all the three main players of the Supersonics last year. This is no secret, anyone with a discerning eye can see the thoughts of the Supersonics management.

What's more, Lu Feng's salary this season is 250 million US dollars, which accounts for nearly 1/4 of the team's salary cap. You don't need to think about Lu Feng's status in the team.

Of course, the most important point is that the Sonics are either veterans who have played for many years, or rookies who have just joined the NBA for a year or two.

Needless to say, Lao Barou has long understood the survival rules of the NBA and knows what to do. The rookie has just come out of the NCAA, so he naturally knows how strong Lu Feng is.

What's more, in the eyes of the Sonics players, Lu Feng has an extraordinary relationship with the management and coaches. K. C. Jones always calls Lu Feng when he goes to a meeting. This is an obviously unusual signal.

The same is true in team training. Jones has to go to Lu Feng to talk about the training results every time the team finishes training. In the eyes of the players, this is obviously his position as the core of the team.

Lu Feng also knew how to get along with these people. He held a party and invited the whole team to join him.

The reason is very simple, in fact, it is a treat to dinner, accepting it as... Cough cough, I know my teammates!

Of course, considering his own age, Lu Feng chose the party location at his home.

The team that Falke built for Lu Feng was really good. He kept his house in good order and had all kinds of things available. He also bought some of the things Lu Feng mentioned.

At the party, Sam Perkins, who had met Lu Feng once, approached Lu Feng and asked, "Luck, do you think I can start next season?"

Lu Feng thought for a while, and Sam Perkins was indeed on his starting list, so he replied: "Don't worry Sam, you will definitely be able to start."

Sam Perkins smiled and said, "That's right, as long as you come to the West, I can start."

Lu Feng: "???"

Why did he know the meaning of every word Sam said, but couldn't understand it at all together?
Sam Perkins took a sip of the red wine and sighed in his heart: Jordan and Worthy are indeed my good brothers. Sure enough, Lu Feng made himself a starter when he came to the West. No wonder these two people can earn so much money. Human brains are different.

Not long after Sam Perkins left, Sean Kemp arrived.

Lu Feng trembled when he saw him, he couldn't afford to mess with this guy!
Sean Kemp, nicknamed "The Ruler" and "Rain Man", is one of the famous football stars in the 90s.

Lu Feng was afraid of him because Kemp was notoriously bad-witted...

Of course, a bad brain does not mean that he has a weird temper. On the contrary, Kemp is famous for his good temper in the NBA. Although he has a good temper, his IQ is really low.

Kemp has been in contact with countless teammates in his career, and almost no one has said that he has a bad temper. What he has been criticized the most is his professional attitude.

Before Kemp got the big contract, he could see a visible improvement every year. After getting the big contract, he got worse every year...

Although Kemp has a good temper, few people want to be friends with him throughout his career, and the reason is his group of staff.

Kemp has no agent, and his brain trust is a group of friends who grew up with him.

His group of aides don’t know any business and legal knowledge, and they don’t know anything about terms, contracts, and salary caps. His brain is similar to that of Pi Er, and he has made Camp a fool.

Forget it, his group of friends are all full of poisons, a bunch of bad things, and brought all kinds of bad habits to Kemp. He trades away.

"Luck, that...can you pass the ball to me during the game?"

Lu Feng: "..."

I was nervous for a long time, so you just told me this?

"Of course, you don't need to tell me that I will do the same. As long as there is a good opportunity, I will naturally pass the ball."

"Okay, thank you..." Kemp hesitated and said, "I'm actually a fan of yours. I've seen all of your dunks, including those lob dunks you passed to Doug. Try being like Doug."

Kemp gave a smirk and continued: "My friend told me that as long as I jump up and dunk more, I will have the opportunity to sign a sneaker contract and make more money."

Lu Feng suddenly remembered that Kemp's salary this year... seems to be only 35. After deducting taxes and various incentives, it is only tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Kemp went to college, but dropped out. After dropping out, he went to junior college, which was more expensive!
If you calculate it this way, isn't the current Kemp poor, and hasn't started to learn how to be bad?
"This is indeed a way, but Sean, I remember you don't have an agent yet, since you want to sign a sneaker contract, I recommend you find an agent first."

Kemp looked puzzled and asked, "Why do I need an agent to sign the sneaker contract? Isn't it better for me to sign it myself, and I don't have to pay the agent."

Lu Feng: "..."

All he wanted to know now was how Kemp got into college.

"Although the broker will take part of your income, since they charge a fee, it must be useful to help you pick out a better contract and help you deal with the fullness of life. These are the jobs of the broker. "

"I don't need those, I can pick out what is a good contract myself!" Kemp said confidently.

Lu Feng: "If your current worth is 200 million US dollars a year, I will give you two contracts at the same time, one is 7 million for 1000 years, and the other is 3 million for 600 years. Which one do you choose?"

"That's needless to say?" Kemp said to himself: "Of course it's 7 million in 1000 years. Any fool knows that 1000 is greater than 600!"

Lu Feng: "..."


After some math knowledge with Kemp, Kemp deeply felt the esoteric knowledge of signing a contract, and decided to seriously consider signing an agent.

Lu Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and finally didn't need to talk anymore. Kemp was like a curious baby. He was teaching primary school students all the time, and he didn't mention brand influence. Fortunately, Kemp left early.

Lu Feng rubbed his temples, hoping that Kemp could find a more reliable agent. He didn’t ask too much, as long as the condom he prepared for him didn’t have any holes. Anyway, Kemp’s long-term contract had already been signed. If Kemp could not If it turns bad so early, Lu Feng can still spend a few more years of prostitution.

Pi Erye is the price of cabbage, but Camp is much cheaper than Pi Erye!

After a week of training camp, Lu Feng had a basic understanding of his teammates for the next year.

The starting lineup of the Supersonics has also been set, namely: Lu Feng (PG), Ron Harper (SG), Sam Perkins (SF), Sean Kemp (PF), Alden Polynesian (C).

Ron Harper, Cavaliers, Bulls legend, one of the Bulls' main players in the last three games, strong defense, excellent athletic ability before serious injury.

Sam Perkins, once one of North Carolina's three young players, is an all-around forward.

Sean Kemp, a second-year player, is a power forward for the Beast. He can shoot a little in the middle, but he is not consistent enough.

Alden Polynice: A fourth-year rebounding idiot, offensive and defensive mess.

On the day of the media release, all the supersonic starters appeared on the scene, but there was only one person in the core photo - Lu Feng.

"Luck, welcome to the NBA, how does it feel to be a professional player?"

"Great, now I can finally play against the best players in the world, I love a challenge!"

"What are your goals for this year?"

"The goal is too big, but there are still small goals. For example, we are going to make the playoffs this year!"


"Is it just a small goal to make the playoffs? Are you sure, Rucker, that the Sonics are still rebuilding?"

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "No, the rebuilding of the Supersonic has ended since the moment I signed the contract!"

The reporters took out their cameras to take pictures, and then someone asked: "So what about your first game, the NBA opener is about to start, but we all know you haven't played a preseason game, this will give you Does it cause trouble, such as lack of understanding with teammates?"

"No, none of that is a problem, I'm sure we'll get over it!"

November 11nd NBA regular season opener Seattle SuperSonics VS Chicago Bulls!
Lu Feng never expected that his first match would be against Jordan...

But that's fine too, anyway, we'll meet sooner or later, late meeting is worse than early meeting, we all have one head and two eyes, how can I be afraid of you?

 Fuyang is in the hospital. The update will be later tomorrow. Let's see when I go back tonight. Everyone, please pay attention to your health!

(End of this chapter)

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