Learning in the NBA can make you a god

Chapter 696 Slapping the face, it hurts, it doesn't exist

Then beat the Pacers hard, and the last two games of the regular season were against the Bulls and the Celtics.

D'Antoni knows that the league doesn't want players to rest, but he has his tricks.

The starting players only play 4 minutes per quarter, and don't play for a second longer.

At the end of the last regular season game, the Knicks achieved a record of 63 wins and 19 losses in the regular season.

Locked first in the East, but also first in the league.

This result is quite different from the beginning of the season.

At the beginning of the season, the Heat were considered by all the basketball media to be the strongest team in the league.But after a season, ESPN can only admit that it has been slapped in the face.

In fact, in the middle of the season, ESPN cried because the face was too painful. First, it predicted that the Knicks would not even be able to make the playoffs, but now they have already ranked first in the league.

At the same time, Li Tian was ranked tenth in the player rankings, and he was slapped in the face once a month.Of course, except for the month of the fight, he was the best player in the East in other months.

James, Wade, Howard, Anthony and other players have been firmly suppressed by Li Tian, ​​and the regular season MVP has almost been booked.

Anyway, ESPN's ranking at the beginning of the season was really slapped in the face, and the face was swollen.

"Those on ESPN who don't understand football, come out and take a look. This is your ranking. The team that can't even make the playoffs is now the number one in the league. Let me ask you, does your face hurt? "

After the regular season ended, O'Neal went to ESPN's official website to question them.

"Hey, guys who don't know how to play, come out and have a look. This is the tenth player you rank in the league, almost taking the best player of the month, and you are only ranked tenth?"

"Where is your conscience, I seriously doubt that you took the money, and then..." Several smirking expressions.

Under the leadership of O'Neal, many fans went to besiege ESPN's official website.

Local time on April 4, the NBA13-2010 regular season all ended.

The fans don't care about it at all. They focus on the issue of the collective bargaining agreement next season, and they focus on the playoffs.

After the Nuggets lost to the Jazz, the rankings of the Eastern and Western teams have been released, and the curtain of the playoffs is about to begin. 16 teams will start fighting for the O'Brien Cup.

The other 14 teams also went home early on vacation.

The Timberwolves, who are riding the dust, lead the league in losses and only won 17 games in a season; the Cavaliers, who have worked very hard, still failed to catch up with the running Huskies, and came second with 18 victories second.

Followed by the Raptors and the Kings, the Raptors lost their star last season, and it is normal to appear in this position.

You say the Kings, well, even if they Evans and Cousins, the two big Sis are together, they can't help the team get a better record.The most incredible thing is that Tyreke Evans, who was the peak of their debut, they let this guy play the swingman.

Originally, he was not tall enough, coupled with his lack of skills, the team also required him to play as a swingman. When he was facing some players at the 3rd position, his height and weight had huge shortcomings.

It can only be said that it is a pity that the data of the second season did not rise but fell, which is probably due to the existence of Hu Zhongyong.

The eastern part of this season can be said to have really blinded the eyes of all basketball commentators. The rankings and predictions are very different.

The Heat were originally the most optimistic team in the world. What is unexpected is that at the end of the season, let alone the first record in the Eastern Conference, they didn't even get second.

The final ranking was very dismal, only third in the Eastern Conference and fourth in the league.It has the same record as the Lakers, but because of the winning advantage, it can be ranked ahead of the Lakers.

There is a kind of chaos in the East in the playoffs.

Let's talk about the Eastern rankings first.

The Knicks ranked first, which made everyone feel a little incredible.Look at Li Tian, ​​most of the players were found from the trash, and they were able to achieve the league's first record in the regular season.

It is true that at the beginning of the season, some teams felt contemptuous when they played against the Knicks, but after they won the Celtics, the Heat and the Lakers, no team dared to underestimate them and still lead the league. Alliance, really feel incredible.

Of course, ESPN, who is not afraid of slaps in the face, made another prediction. In the playoffs, the Knicks can at most reach the second round. If they want to advance to the Eastern Conference finals, it must be wishful thinking.

The odds of winning the championship given by ESPN turned out to be 3%, and only 3% hoped to win the championship.

The Knicks have a record of 63 wins and 19 losses. Even with such a record, ESPN did not give a high probability of winning the championship.

The reason given by ESPN is that "the Knicks only have Lee as an All-Star player, O'Neal is really old, and his physical fitness is simply not enough to support the high-intensity playoffs.

Even if the Knicks pass the first round, in the second round, Lee alone will definitely not be able to support the team to continue. At this time, O'Neal must have been invisible! "

It's just so tough, it's just so black as always, completely ignoring the emotions of Knicks fans.

At the end, ESPN did not forget to add another sentence, "Knicks should pay attention, don't be hacked, this is true."

Hesitant to speak, but full of hurt.

The Chicago Bulls, with a record of 60 wins and 22 losses, successfully became the second record in the Eastern Conference and second in the league.

Rose continued to grow this season, introducing Boozer and Korver in the offseason.In addition, apart from Boozer and Noah, several other main players of the team have played more than 80 games in the season, and they are very healthy, which also ensures the stability of the Bulls' record.

Rose's average has also increased from 20 points to 25 points per game. He has great physical fitness. After playing in the league for three seasons, he has also grown tremendously.What's even more terrifying is his free throw percentage, which has increased by almost 10%, and the number of free throws has also increased to an average of 7 per game.

Followed by the Heat, with a record of 57 wins and 25 losses, they only ranked third in the Eastern Conference, which was completely different from the pre-match predictions.

The Big Three have just been formed, and they are completely different from the Big Three of the Green Army. They simply do not have the dominance of the Big Three of the Green Army. It was only at the end of the season that the record became more stable.

Many fans, seeing the Heat's record, have already started to diss them frantically.

Ranked fourth is the Celtics. Even though the Big Three have gotten old this season, they still have a record of 54 wins and 28 losses.Of course, many times, the Big Three are still playing dead.

Whether it is fans or many media commentators, they all believe that the Green Army is the biggest obstacle on the way for the Heat to win the championship.

The bulls ranked first and second were directly ignored by them again.

Ranked fifth in the Magic, this season they show a lot of operations, first in exchange for Arenas, and then brought Turkoglu back to Orlando.

But the record still did not improve significantly, instead it fell instead of rising, and even lost the home court advantage in the first round.

After the regular season ended, Howard even uttered bold words, "I have become stronger this season. Turkoglu's return will definitely bring the team to another level. Our goal is always the championship!
A healthy Arenas is still the strongest guard in the Eastern Conference. He still has an unrivaled scoring ability. We will go further! "

It's such honeyed self-confidence that neither fans nor basketball critics care about Howard's rhetoric before the start of the playoffs.

Some fans of the Green Army said, "Let's think about it. It is the most realistic dream to be able to last a few games against the Green Army!"

"Everyone has the heart to compete for the championship, but it's really hard to say whether they have the life to compete for the championship."

Howard was also hit hard by the fans one after another. If Arenas hadn't been working hard by his side, he would have been hacked to death long ago.

The most disappointing team is not only the Heat with the Big Three, but also the Nets with the Big Four.They have the Big Four, and they didn't improve their record in the final sprint of the regular season. Instead, they fell instead of rising, falling from fifth in the Eastern Conference to sixth in the Eastern Conference.

Of course, even so, there are still many fans who are very optimistic about the Nets.But after taking a look at the teams they were going to play against in the first round, those arrogant fans chose to keep silent.

It's not that the Big Four of the Nets are not strong, but that the Big Three are really stronger, and they feel that they will be easily crushed.

Without fans and the media being optimistic, how could Stoudemire sit still.

"The Big Three, in front of the Big Four, are just younger brothers after all. Fans, hurry up and get ready to welcome the championship." Stoudemire immediately posted this sentence on the Internet after confirming the playoff matchup.

Seeing that none of the Big Three of the Heat responded, Lopez couldn't sit still.

"Guys, look at it, they must think that they are not our opponents, and they dare not even say a word." Lopez is also young and frivolous.

The fans' replies all lit up "Hey, man, it's not that people don't reply, but that LeBron hasn't found the network yet!"

Another wave of murderous words, that is, people look down on you at all, and are not willing to spend even a little traffic money, saying that it is not worth your waste of money, and you are not worthy of even a dime.

Ranked seventh and eighth are the Atlanta Hawks and the Philadelphia Numbers.

The Eagles' record has been very stable in the past few seasons. However, there are too many giant teams in the East. Their mediocre talent team has fallen all the way in ranking and record.

As for the Philadelphia Digital Team, they are full of expectations. The team's future leader Iguodala, the data of this season has not increased but decreased.

Many fans said that according to this development, the Philadelphia digital people will definitely have to open the supermarket next, and start to play badly again, until the character who can carry the top is selected.

On the other hand, the west has become much more peaceful.

They don't have so many super teams. Instead, they disintegrated two teams, one is the Lakers of the Triple Crown Dynasty. Of course, after they lost Li Tian, ​​their record did not drop too much, and they still ranked second in the West.

Everyone thinks that Duncan is getting old, but this season they once again performed brilliantly.The three veterans of the Spurs, under the leadership of Popovich, have a record of 60 wins and 22 losses, leading the West.

ESPN said, "This is a team that will never grow old. Don't look at their age, because he will always have a No. 21 rookie, so what kind of record they play will not be surprising!"

Look, this is the gap. No matter what kind of record they play, it is normal, but the Knicks are not normal.

"The Spurs are still the most favorable contenders for the championship. They are always the Heat's biggest opponent on the way to the championship!" TNT commented.

Followed by the Lakers, this season, although they lost the strongest small forward Li Tian and traded Gallinari and Mozgov, the overall record is still good, and they still maintain the championship competition.

Of course, they also have a big weakness, that is, their lineup is a bit aging, Bynum still hasn't grown up, Artest is not in defense, Odom is still unable to support the bench lineup, if it weren't for Gallinari's joining, it is estimated that they performance will be worse.

With a record of 59 wins and 23 losses, the Lakers still rank second in the Western Conference. At least in the first two rounds, they still have home court advantage.

The third place in the West is the Mavericks. This season, they finally got rid of the garbage contract of the "second center in the West" and can start signings frantically.

During the offseason, they got inside defensive gate Chandler. At the same time, in the middle of the season, they signed veteran Peja and brought in Brewer. The team lineup has basically evolved.

Regarding the Mavericks' lineup, ESPN just gave an evaluation, "Look, all of them are veterans. It's hard to say whether they can last to the second round of the playoffs. They have no hope of winning the championship."

In a word, directly squeeze out the Mavericks and win the championship ranks, thinking that this season's Mavericks are destined to run with them for another year.

The young Thunder's record this season has undergone tremendous changes, jumping from eighth in the Western Conference last season to fourth in the Western Conference.

If it weren't for the three powerful teams pressing hard, their record would definitely be better.

"Championship, here we come!" Durant said even more excitedly. It was really difficult for them. In their fourth season in the NBA, they finally had a chance to gain home court advantage in the playoffs.

In the back is the Tunneling team, fifth in the Western Conference. Although they lost Anthony and Billups, their record has improved slightly.

The record of 50 wins and 32 losses even slapped Anthony and Billups in the face.

It seems to be saying, see, you are gone, we are stronger, don't say anything, the two of you are cancerous in the Nuggets.

Followed by the Trail Blazers, the Hornets, and the Grizzlies who finally squeezed into the eighth place in the West.

This season, because Li Tian poached the Grizzlies' outside defensive gate ahead of time, and beat their black and white bears into bears in Memphis, they only got a record of 42 wins and 40 losses.

Just one game ahead of Mosaic, the ninth place in the West, the Grizzlies can be said to have entered the playoffs at the buzzer.

The Mosaic team, because of Yao Ming's trade, the team has been in a precarious situation. In the middle of the season, Battier and Brooks were traded away. The team's record continued to fluctuate, and they could only watch at the gate of the playoffs.

So far, all the Eastern and Western playoff teams have come out.

The four groups in the East are facing each other, Knicks VS Digital, Bulls VS Eagles, Heat VS Nets, Celtics VS Magic.

These four teams are really full of topics.

When Li Tian saw such a confrontation, he began to wonder if Mr. Stern suddenly used magic to cause such a confrontation.

Needless to say, the Knicks, the biggest dark horse in the regular season, the Knicks have not achieved such a record for many years, and they are not so eye-catching.

Don't you see, Madison's tickets were sold out in just 3 minutes, which is incredible.There is also Li Tian, ​​who has faintly become No. 1 in the league, plus Shark in his later years, and McGrady, who was cursed in the first round.

McGrady has long been the most concerned existence of Chinese fans, that is, changing to a Chinese player, I don't know if he can lead him to break the curse of the first round.

For digital people, forget it, as a good background board.

In the second round, the upstart Bulls in the Eastern Conference were eighth in the Eastern Conference last season and second in the Eastern Conference this season. The record has improved greatly, second only to the Knicks.

Rose has always been in the second place in the MVP competition, and he is also full of topics.

Stern suddenly had a thought, if the Knicks and the Bulls were allowed to meet in the Eastern Conference Finals, would the topic be stronger?

However, as soon as this idea came out, he discarded it.The current Li Tian can be said to have his own topic. No matter which team he plays against after the second round in the Eastern Conference, he is full of topics.

In the third group match, the Heat played against the Nets. This topic has already been full.

See, Big Three VS Big Four, there is no need to do any publicity at all, the playoff tickets for the two teams have already been sold out.The stadium is star-studded, big names gather on the sidelines, and countless balls in the auditorium have already been prepared.

James, Anthony, Wade, the three super-popular stars, and Billups, Bosh, Stoudemire, and Lopez are all proper All-Star players.

Stern doesn't even need publicity. This group of matchups has already become the matchup with the highest attention.

The same is true for the matchup between the Celtics and the Magic. They have met in the playoffs for several consecutive seasons.It can be said that since the Green Army formed the Big Three, Stern has regarded the Green Army as the existence of the big devil in the East. It can be said that no matter which team, as long as it can surpass the Green Army, it will be a proper score.

It's just that for three consecutive seasons, the Cavaliers led by James did not pass the Green Army. Only the Magic passed the Green Army and reached the finals. In the end, James brought his talent to the South Coast.

When the league was doing publicity, it unexpectedly discovered that when the Eastern Conference playoffs were played, the team's promotional posters sometimes seemed to be unable to let go of many All-Stars.

The Knicks have: Li Tian, ​​I'm so lonely!

Bulls: Ross leads Noah, Boozer, and Luol Deng. It can be said that they are strong and strong, and they are also the Big Four.

Heat: James led Wade and Bosh, plus a group of younger brothers.

Green Army: The old Big Three + Rondo, a proper tester for the Eastern Conference Finals.

Magic: Howard joins hands with Turkoglu and Disabled Arenas;

Nets: Anthony, Stoudemire, Billups + Lopez.

Eagles: Horford, Joe Johnson, Josh Smith, and Super Sixth Man Crawford.

Digital people: Iguodala + young Juho Ledi, and veteran Brand.

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