Learning in the NBA can make you a god

Chapter 697 Vow to 1 black to the end, the curtain rises!

In the East, just by looking at the roster, the Knicks are the loneliest team.

Li Tian is the only one, leading the two O'Neal and McGrady who are about to retire, and a bunch of Xiao Mengxin + players that other teams don't want.

Among these players, the only one who can do it is Paul George. The other players really can't see it.Jordan has just grown up, and Lowry just played steadily, and his performance has always been so stable, without any famous scenes.

The others are led by Mr. Tony, a group of blue-collar players, mainly good at defense.

Then look at the eight teams in the West that made the playoffs.

Spurs VS Grizzlies, No. [-] in the Western Conference vs. No. [-] in the Western Conference.

ESPN said, "Do you still need to consider this group match? It will be swept away. Except for Randolph, they are all players with no experience in the playoffs. Oh, forgot, they also have Battier, but obviously He's old."

In this way, the Grizzlies were directly ignored, and they looked down on him at all, thinking that it would be the same with him or without him.

Los Angeles Lakers VS Hornets, this group is facing each other, is it still a question?The Hornets have an absolute advantage in addition to Paul at point guard. The other points will basically be blown up. Originally, if Chandler guarded the basket, they still have a glimmer of hope, but now, forget it , the chances are slim.

Dallas is playing against the Portland Trail Blazers. There is no way for this group to play. They are old, but they have experience. The regular season is paddling, and the playoffs will definitely be a good one.

Thunder vs. Nuggets, this is another set of matchups without any suspense. Although the Nuggets are gone, but without stars to support the field, the playoffs are basically just running with them.

Look at the teams in the Eastern Conference that have entered the playoffs, which one is not star-studded, of course, except for the Knicks.

Spurs: Needless to say, the three old + old Popovich, properly rely on the old and sell the old.

Lakers: Kobe + Gasol, Bynum can only run with him, and his performance is not as good as Gallinari.

Mavericks: Even more so, the veterans led by Dirk are absolutely invincible in terms of age.

Thunder: Needless to say, talent has already overflowed. Last season, I met the Lakers in the first round. Otherwise, I might have a chance to enter the second round if I play other teams.Durant + Westbrook, the star of the team, and a group of dynamic rookies, Harden, Ibaka, and of course Thunder star Collison.

Forget about the Tunneling team, Nene + Harris, and JR, who is not good at thinking, it is very difficult to take an extra step in the face of the Thunder.

The Portland Trail Blazers, a team that has been struggling with illness, and the head star Roy is disabled again, only Aldridge and Wallace, it is really difficult to win the Mavericks.

What people are least optimistic about is the Grizzlies. No one thought that they could successfully counterattack Mosaic at the last moment and become the eighth in the West.

The media baffled for a long time, only to find out that Randolph was the only player in the team's starting lineup who had played in the playoffs.Xiaojia, Mike Conley and others have never played in the playoffs at all.The only experienced players in the playoffs are Battier and Randolph, a proper playoff team.

The day before the start of the playoffs, ESPN's five major commentators gathered again to discuss the first-round predictions of the playoffs.

Of course, they were not afraid of being slapped in the face, and at the end, they specially opened a special topic, that is, whether the Knicks can beat the digital people and enter the second round of the playoffs.

The reason for discussing this topic is also very hard, that is, they have Tracy McGrady, a player with a first-round spell.

"Hey, guys, the playoffs are about to start again. The first round matchup has been announced. What do you think about the first round?" Mike Breen looked at everyone.

"Don't blot all the ink, let's talk about the West first. I don't think there will be any accidents in the first round of the playoffs in the West. There will be no possibility of being hacked at all."

"In the first round, the Spurs beat the Grizzlies 4-1. Do you have any comments?"

Mark Jackson said that for this matchup, he had thought about it for a long time. He felt that the Grizzlies could win the next game, which is already very high. There is a high probability that it will be directly swept by 4:0. The reason for the 4:1 is also for the Take care of the face of those little guys.

"Guys, what's the matter? Do you have any objections?" Jackson thought, does this matchup still need to be considered?As long as Duncan is around, those rookies will still be beaten and screamed.

"I have no opinion!"

"I also agree, but it is also possible 4:2, after all, the Grizzlies' inside strength is also very good."

In this way, the Spurs advanced to the next round, and no one had any objections.

The same is true for the Lakers against the Hornets. They don't think that the 58 cannons can resist Kobe's crazy attack for too long.There is also the inside combination of Gasol and Bynum. If you want to beat the Hornets, it is not a big problem, and you can play six games at most.

The other two teams played against each other, the Mavericks played against Portland and the Thunder played against the Nuggets. Everyone also believed that the team in the upper half won and entered the next round.

If Brin hadn't stopped him, Jackson also wanted to predict the result of the second group match today.

"Come on, let's take a quick look at the Eastern Conference. I am really looking forward to the Eastern Conference matchup. I feel that every group is exciting."

"Okay, the Knicks vs. digital people, let's discuss it at the end. This topic is very important." Brown had a smile on his lips, but it looked a bit annoying.

"Man, aren't you afraid of slaps in the face? Have you forgotten that the Knicks have been slapping in the face since the start of the regular season?"

"No way, the slap in the face for a season has already made you numb? At the beginning of the season, you predicted that the Knicks would not be able to make the playoffs. Li's personal ability is only ranked tenth in the league. right?"

"Is it really necessary to put the Knicks against the digital people at the end of the discussion alone?" Mike Tirico smiled. He laughed happily. At the beginning of the season, he was the only one who supported the Knicks. He laughed at last.

"Forget it, buddy, that's just the regular season. What we're talking about now is the playoffs. Don't say that the playoffs are the same as the regular season. Boy, we're talking about the playoffs now."

Brin has no scruples and directly confronts Mike Tirico.

"Well, guys, I really don't know if you ate the stones in the bathroom and still haven't changed your stereotype." Mike Thirico was a little helpless, but felt that the final record would definitely slap them in the face.

"Hurry up, I can't wait. For the Bulls VS Eagles, what do you think?" Breen was still the one who threw bricks.

"I think the Bulls are not that easy to play against in this group. The Hawks have performed quite well in the playoffs in recent seasons. Although they didn't make it to the finals, their strength must not be underestimated."

Brown shook his head and said that he is really not sure whether the Bulls can win the Hawks, even if they have a phenomenal player like Rose.

"Wake up, man, you know, that's Derrick Rose. They also have Noah, Boozer, and Luol Deng. The Hawks have no players at all who can stop Rose's breakthrough."

Van Gundy said with a smile.

Indeed, the Hawks really have no players who can limit Rose's breakthrough in the playoffs, but it just feels like it's not that easy for the Bulls to beat the Hawks.

"No, no, they have Crawford, he is the best sixth man in the league. If the Bulls can't limit Crawford, then they want to win this game, it's really not that easy."

Brown saw Crawford's name and said, this is a player who averaged about 15 points per game. In his career, he even played a season with an average of 20+ points per game.On the bench, he can still inject a different vitality into the team.

"Well, well, that's true. The Bulls' bench lineup is a bit worse than theirs, but don't forget that this is the playoffs, and the starters have more playing time. They have a backup defensive player like Gibson. Lawford wants to explode every game, it's simply impossible."

After discussing for a long time, everyone felt that the Bulls could advance, but they had to play at least six games.

"Wow, wow, the most eye-catching matchup has come out, and that is the Heat VS Nets. You know, in this matchup, only the All-Star players already have 8 players."

"Although Big Z and Juwan Howard were just former All-Star substitutes, and they are old, they used to have the strength of All-Stars."

"The other two teams, James, Wade, Bosh, and the Nets' Anthony, Billups, Stoudemire, they are either still in their prime, or they are players who still maintain a very good competitive state. .”

"Everyone, don't forget that the Nets also have an inside core like Lopez who averages 20+ per game."

"Dude, do you really think that Lopez is also considered one of the giants? Have you forgotten that he was beaten by O'Neal, couldn't even stand firmly at the basket, and was dunked by Li Qingqi?"

Mike Thirico asked, but he hasn't forgotten the game between the Knicks and the Nets.

"Oh, NO, that was against the Knicks. We are now discussing against the Heat. Although they have James, they don't have O'Neal, and they don't have such a fat big butt!" Brown smiled, his whole face was like a flower Chrysanthemum, it sounded like she was laughing, but her face was uglier than crying.

Crying or laughing, I really can't tell the difference.

"Okay, let's discuss this matchup. The starting lineup, let's talk about the point guard first, Bibby VS Billups, no matter what you say, the Nets win!"

"Wade VS Morrow at shooting guard, God, who is Morrow? Isn’t the counterpoint not as good as Morrow?”

Brown smiled. In this matchup, whoever dares to say that Wade lost, he must pull him in the face.

"Oh, oh, here comes the first matchup, LeBron vs. Anthony. Well, their scoring ability is so unquestionable, but I really don't agree with Anthony's defensive attitude."

When it comes to Anthony's defense, Van Gundy really can't bear to look directly at him. Looking at the league for so many years, no matter which famous star has both offense and defense.

Which player without a defensive player can become a real superstar, even Iverson, in the first half of his career, defense and offense were online at the same time. After the Nuggets, affected by Melon, the defense was really lost.

"This matchup, if Anthony can get back his defense, I don't think it will be so easy for James to crush Anthony. You must know that when the Nuggets played against the Lakers last season, Anthony's defense was still good."

Jackson smiled and said that Anthony has always been criticized for his defense. If he can improve his defense, his career achievements will not be too much. He is too focused on offense, and he really lost his defense in the later stage.

"Okay, but no matter how you say it, James is steadily better than Anthony. I believe this conclusion, and everyone will not object, right?"

Brin looked at several people and said, for this matchup, James is definitely the one who wins, but it is not as easy for James to really want to limit Anthony.

"The Heat's inside line is really worrying. In today's Eastern Conference, it seems that no matter which playoff team is able to beat them."

"Stoudemire + Lopez of the Nets can't beat O'Neal of the Knicks, but it's relatively easy to beat Bosh and Big Z. I really think that Bosh is really not that easy to use. If I had to choose, I would I would rather choose Chandler of the Mavericks, and the effect is much better than Bosh."

Jackson said with a smile, he was laughing at Bosh.

"No, no, no, if you say that, Cuban will definitely give you a thumbs up."

For making fun of Bosh, the fans and the media have never stopped since the beginning of the season, because Bosh's performance is really a bit stretched.

"This is a matchup with the greatest uncertainty. I think it is possible for the two teams, no matter which team advances."

"At the beginning of the season, the Heat formed the strongest Big Three in the history of the league, but they did not achieve the record that the Big Three should have. Even the Big Three of the Green Army were not as good as they were."

"I have to say that although the three of them are at their peak, their salaries really lock the future of the Heat, and they have no room for improvement."

"They can only fill in their deficiencies slowly in the veteran market. However, once the Big Three are not on the court, whether they are offensive or defensive, they will become the key to their loss."

Mike Tirico still hit the nail on the head, the Big Three are indeed very strong, but their inside frame protection, as well as the bench lineup, are really not that good.

"Yes, but the Nets also don't have a decent bench lineup. The bench lineups of the two teams can really be said to be rookies pecking at each other."

"I really didn't expect that the bench lineup would become the key to victory for the Big Three and Big Four teams. But at this time, it is obviously the Heat's bench lineup, which is more trustworthy. After all, they are all players who have been tested in the game."

The five discussed for a long time, and finally decided that the Heat VS Nets, this group of matchups, at least 6 games must be played.

But playing 7 games is the mainstream. Of course, the Heat may be the team that has the last laugh.

"Wow, here comes the most exciting matchup, the only group this season, the one that may be black eight."

Van Gundy laughed and said that he always believed that the Knicks were just a pseudo-strong team, just like the Mavericks a few years ago. Although they played the first record in the league this time, they just added a set of statistics to the dark horse. .

"God, do you really think that the Knicks will be blacked out in this matchup?"

Jackson felt that this was crazy. This is the No. 7 team in the regular season, and it will be black eight. Although there are black eights in history, but only so few times, when the first round also became 4 games and 06 wins, There is only one team that has been hacked, and that is the matchup between the Mavericks and the Warriors in the 07-[-] season.

"Brin, do you really think that the Knicks will be the team that gets blacked out for the fourth time?" Mike Tirico didn't think so.

"Yes, I'm sure, you can look at their players, who else but Lee?"

"You have to know that Lee is very strong, but Iguodala's defense, even James can't attack comfortably. When facing them, James is often very helpless. I don't think that Lee played against Iguodala. Under the defense, he can lead the team to victory."

Brin asked the question himself and refuted it.

"No, no, don't forget that Lee used to start off the ball. I don't think Iguodala can keep up with Lee's running position." Mike Thirico's words made the other four feel a little helpless. refute.

The meeting room suddenly became silent, and the five people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Man, if Lee plays off the ball, I really don't know, who else in the Knicks can play an effective offense?"

This question was raised, and everyone looked through the Knicks player information, and it seemed that they really couldn't find it, even a player who could tear apart the opponent's defense.

If you want to say that they are really bad, it's not impossible, but there is really no player who can really crush them.

"Brin, although what you said is very reasonable, I don't think the digital people have the strength to beat the Knicks. Maybe they can drag the game to the sixth game and the seventh game, but I think the winner will still be the Knicks." Knicks."

Mike Thirico still supports the Knicks.

But the other four people don't think so. They always think that digital people have a high probability, black eight Knicks.

Once the game reaches the seventh game, the final victory will definitely belong to the digital people.

They only considered that Iguodala could restrain Li Tian, ​​but they forgot that even if he was restrained, although O'Neal and others could not play a crushing game, they could still build up their strength bit by bit through the cooperation of insiders. The advantages.

Among other things, it will be more difficult for Iguodala, a digital man, to score under Li Tian's protection. Don't you see, even James is very difficult to score under his defense, not to mention It's still Iguodala who is generally good at offensive skills.

It is really difficult for the Digital Man team, except for Iguodala, to score. Not to mention the center, O'Neal and Jordan can definitely play a crushing game.

Lowry + Tony's perimeter defense, a rookie like Holiday, really has no hope of breaking through their defense.

The Knicks also have George + McGrady + Stephenson on the bench, which can still form a crush.

Amidst the discussions on ESPN, the playoffs officially started.

In any case, ESPN intends to black the Knicks and Li Tian to the end, which cannot be refuted.

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