Learning in the NBA can make you a god

Chapter 698 Hands in pockets, really easy

The Knicks simply ignored ESPN's predictions.

Anyway, for them, I don't care what you say, at the beginning of the season, it means that we can't make the playoffs, and now we directly rank first in the league in the regular season.

You said that Li Tian's personal ranking is tenth in the league, but he has the opportunity to win the best of the month in the Eastern Conference. Is this the tenth player in the league you said?

Knicks fans are even more disgusted, "ESPN's prediction? Man, don't be kidding, when their predictions are right, they are probably the other way around."

"After reading their predictions, I am relieved that the Knicks will definitely sweep the digital people!"

"What, I'm really worried that the Knicks will be hacked. It turned out that it was just ESPN's prediction, so I don't worry. They have never been right. I feel like I can call the Knicks the championship! " Spike Lee shouted excitedly.

Then he said, "I've already reserved tickets for the finals. I hope the opponent can be stronger, because this will make me spend more money. After all, a lot of money is self-willed!"

After seeing ESPN's predictions, all Knicks fans laughed out loud.

The happiest thing is Dolan. He can definitely put money in a sack now. Just the home game ticket for the first round is almost enough for him to pay Li Tian's salary.

The cheapest ticket is 600 yuan, and the average price has exceeded 1000 yuan. The two games have almost earned back the team's players' salaries for this season.

"Guys, are you ready to count the money? Reach the finals, win the championship, and I will give you an unprecedented championship ring!" Dolan shouted loudly in an interview with the media.

In the locker room, Dolan said again, "As long as you win the championship, everyone will have an unexpected gift. Guys, as long as you dare to think, I really dare to give it."

Champions are the players' pursuit, but most players care more about money.Dolan's words undoubtedly hit the player's nerves again. Everyone knows that Dolan is a rich man, and he is not short of money at all.

"Champion! Champion! Champion!" In the locker room, everyone yelled and set off for the championship.

"Toy, here we come!" Beverly yelled, ran out of the locker room, and began to warm up on the court.

"Hi everyone, I'm in Madison Square Garden, and there are already crowds of people outside!" Zhou Ling'an was unable to move even an inch in the crowd.

"Hi, can you accept my interview? I'm Tianchao." He didn't finish his sentence.

The fans said excitedly, "Hi, I'm a fan of Li, look, this is his No. 0 jersey, and this is his latest signature sneaker. I have been queuing for 20 hours to buy this pair of sneakers. "

"We firmly believe that Lee can bring the Knicks, not one, but two, three or even four championships!"

Before Zhou Lingan asked, the Knicks fans talked a lot excitedly.

"Friends in the audience, you see, this is Li Tian's popularity in the Knicks, he is definitely a superstar player."

"Next, I will walk into Madison Square to see if I can interview Li Tian and ask him what he thinks about ESPN's forecast. Audience friends, you can wait and see."

Every time Zhou Lingan takes a step, she thinks in her heart, walking the path he walked, wearing the sneakers he wore, blowing the wind he just passed, we met in a world.

After going through all kinds of hardships, if she hadn't finally presented her Chinese ID + press card, she wouldn't have been able to enter Madison at all.Because Dolan invited too many reporters, when the team was warming up, the number of reporters on the field definitely exceeded the number of fans.

Of course, it was just some fans who had just entered the arena, and Spike Lee was still sitting there.

"It's really too difficult. I feel that I have to lose at least a few catties when I enter the arena from the outside. It gives me the feeling of going to the market during the Chinese New Year in the capital. It is so difficult to take a step forward." .”

Zhou Ling'an's sweet smile is definitely her most invincible passport.

"Hello everyone, we are very lucky to be able to interview Li Tian, ​​the leading player of the Knicks, isn't he surprised, isn't he surprised? If you have any questions, please post them on the barrage!"

Zhou Ling'an was also like a wild horse that had run wild, and began to be mischievous.

When Li Tian threw a three-pointer and walked towards her, she saw the photographer's hint, so she put away the little rabbit and instantly turned into a lady.

"Li Tian, ​​can I call you that?" Zhou Ling'an said with a smile.

"Oh, my God, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful reporter. Director Zhang has to say that I don't want to accept your interview again, and the interview with a beautiful woman is more pleasant."

Isn't that the case? Girls love beauty, just say a few nice words.

Director Zhang: I am also a reporter, why should I be beaten.

Li Tian: Director Zhang, there is no way, who told you that you are not a beauty, no, no, no, we have such a good relationship, don't mind this, hurry up and go to the live broadcast of the game.

"Hee hee!" At this moment, Zhou Ling'an, like a little girl, suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Beauty, if you look at it like this, the game is about to start, let's hurry up and interview, although I also like to admire beautiful women, if the interview doesn't continue, Taylor will have a problem."

A joke made Zhou Ling'an's face turn red instantly.

"Sorry, it's the first time I can interview you. I'm so excited. I'm your fan. Can you sign me?" Zhou Ling'an obviously forgot that she came to interview, not just a fan.

"No problem, I can give you a signed sneaker, oh, well, you already wear a pair on your feet, isn't it a bit redundant?" One sentence narrowed the distance again.

"Really? Thank you so much, there are definitely not many, because your second-generation signature team is always out of stock in the beautiful country, and the ones bought in China have not yet been delivered."

With a few simple words, Zhou Ling'an's love for Li Tian doubled again, and Taylor was anxious to see it.

"Thank you so much, let's start the interview quickly." The cameraman was going crazy, he was already anxiously waiting for the live broadcast, and he couldn't cut the screen.

"Li Tian, ​​may I ask, what do you think about ESPN's prediction that the Knicks will be hacked?" Zhou Ling'an forgot what was originally an extremely tricky question.

She really couldn't bear it, how could such a handsome player ask such tricky questions, absolutely not.

Both Director Zhang and Wang Meng went crazy, this question is not right, no matter how you ask it, it is not targeted at all.

"Oh, their predictions are not accurate at all. I think their predictions should be lost compared to yours. Damn it, I don't know if you support ESPN or support it?"

Suddenly being asked such a question, Zhou Ling'an was also taken aback. It wasn't just the reporter's question, why did they let it go now.

"It goes without saying, I'm definitely supporting the Knicks and you, I think you guys can definitely sweep the promotion!" Director Zhang decided to forgive her unprofessional question with that angelic smile.

"Haha, I think you will definitely get your wish, we will sweep and advance, that's how strong it is." Li Tian said with a smile.

Regarding this answer, many beautiful country media think that this is just Li Tian's blunt mouth, and no one cares about this sentence.

He asked a few more questions in a row, all about team training and team status. For him, there was no problem at all, and he could definitely handle it smoothly.

"The last question, as you know, every time the NBA playoffs start, it is a critical moment for domestic students to work hard. Do you have anything to say to them?"

"Of course, there are countless fans among them, but they all want to know that when you made it to the playoffs for the first time, many students who encouraged you were admitted to their dream universities."

Zhou Ling'an knew that her younger sister, because of his words, did not watch the NBA for two consecutive years, and was finally admitted to the Beijing University of her dreams.

It is so miraculous that a word from someone can really change a person's life.

"Really, that's the same sentence, study hard, Knicks, even if your exams are over, this season's games will still not end."

After saying the last sentence, Li Tian brought over the signature shoes, handed them to Zhou Ling'an, and left directly to continue warming up.

"Just now Li Tian said that their goal in the first round of the playoffs is to sweep, and the goal of the season is to win the championship." The more she talked, the more excited she became, and she completely forgot that she was a reporter, not a fan.

"Zhou Ling'an, we are broadcasting live now, can you see if you can control your emotions?" Director Zhang reminded in a low voice, of course this is a live broadcast, no matter how low the voice is, it doesn't mean anything.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so happy. There are so many reports ahead. I will connect with the front again after the game. If there are any problems, I will also connect with the studio!" Zhou Lingan said.

"Okay, the screen switches to the studio again." Director Zhang said with a smile.

I have to feel that being handsome can really eliminate some hardships.

"Smith, just now Lee said in an interview that the Knicks will sweep digital people, what do you think about this?" Barkley said with a smile, but the mosquitoes in the corners of his eyes were already messy.

"No, no, I don't think the Knicks can sweep the digital people." Smith shook his head and said, he thinks the Knicks can advance, but it will definitely not be easy.

"Damn it, you don't believe ESPN's forecast?" Barkley said in surprise.

"No, no, no, I think they may reach the tiebreaker. At least 6 games will be needed before the Knicks will advance." Smith said conservatively.

"My God, you don't believe Li so much. Although I also think that sweeping is a bit difficult, I think they have hope to solve the digital people in 5 games."

"I don't know, are you interested in making a bet?" Barkley's eyes looked like he was about to deceive an ignorant girl.

"Bet, don't you dare to bet with Lee? You forget" Smith said that again.

"No, no, there's nothing to be afraid of. Let's do this. If this round of the series reaches tiebreaker or the Knicks lose, I will lose. If the Knicks win in a sweep or 4:1, I will win. How about it? ?”

Barkley didn't dare to finish speaking at once, he was really worried that Smith would be scared away.

"Uh, such a bet is not impossible, but what is the bet?" Smith thought for a long time, and finally decided to bet. Men, you must not be cowardly.

"So, whoever loses, who will wear a bikini at home, how about the Knicks' next game, dare you?" Barkley's small eyes seemed to have seen Smith in a bikini hosting the show.

"Damn it, you're really too insidious, but I don't think there's any problem, I'm willing to bet with you." Smith agreed without hesitation.

Chatting and chatting, the game began.

The players of the two teams were relatively restrained before the game, unlike the Heat VS Nets group, before the game started, Bosh and Stoudemire had already fought on the net, but their bosses James and Anthony didn't say anything. No.

Apparently, one must be cautious when making moves by masters, as a single move could lead to an abyss.

Digital starters: Jody Meeks, Jrue Holiday, Elton Brand, Spencer Hawes;
Knicks starting: Lowry, Mr. Tony, Li Tian, ​​Humphries, O'Neal.

before the game starts.

"George, don't be discouraged, be ready at any time, and be ready to start. Your strength is definitely worthy of starting!" He patted Paul George on the shoulder and said.

"No problem, boss, everything is for victory!" Paul George gritted his teeth and said, he knew that he was worthy of starting, but he really didn't have the confidence to catch any of the current starters.

Tony's height is definitely stronger than his defense on shooting guards. Power forwards are really not suitable for him, and he doesn't want to fight hand-to-hand at the basket. When the tonnage is insufficient, if George rushes to fight at the basket, his Career careers will be drastically shortened.

"Lee! Lee! Lee!" When he walked to the middle of the court and started to jump the ball, the fans were already crazy and kept shouting.

This is the playoffs, and for every ball possession, you need to do your best to fight for it.

"Hey, buddy, you were the first-round pick in 07, why did you get so miserable?" Li Tian's words completely broke Hawes' defense.

As a rookie in 07, Hawes was the tenth pick in the first round and was selected by the Kings. In the fourth season, he still had more than 200 million yuan, and the opponent was already a maximum-salary player.Everyone was traded, but he was traded because the Kings had a better choice and gave up training him.

"Damn it, I'm not giving you a chance to win the jump ball."

With just one sentence, Hawes' emotions were mobilized. Li Tian jumped lightly and passed the ball to Lowry, while he took care of himself and slowly ran towards the frontcourt.

"Hey, what's the matter, why the team's first attack, the ball is not in Lee's hands. Sure enough, Iguodala is responsible for defending Lee. It may be quite difficult for him to score."

Smith said that there is no way that Iguodala will always be a player who is stronger in defense than offense.

"Li, don't even think about scoring in front of me today!" Iguodala said when he saw Li Tian walking on the sidelines.

"Really? Are you sure you can stop me from scoring?"

As soon as these words came out, Iguodala didn't know what to do, but he knew that the guy in front of him had a bad temper.

Iguodala has become more cautious. What he wants to defend is last season's regular season MVP, and he dare not relax at all.

Lowry speeded up to break through Meeks' defense. Although Meeks' height has an absolute advantage, the small steel guns are not for nothing. In addition, after these two seasons, Li Tian has strengthened him.

Relying on the advantage of strength, he easily squeezed Meeks away when he came up, and got close to the free throw line, attracting Hawes' supplementary defense.

With a hit, the basketball bounced high and landed in O'Neal's hands.

Easily catch the basketball and score a dunk.

0:2 The Knicks took the lead. In this round, Li Tian didn't catch the ball at all except when he touched the ball when he jumped the ball.

Iguodala was stunned. What's going on? He didn't even touch the ball. He definitely didn't care about his own defense. He wasn't sure if there was a conspiracy, so he could only continue to observe.

"O'Pang, that's great!" He clapped hands with O'Neill in celebration.

After playing for 3 minutes, Doug Collins finally understood that it is a waste to use Iguodala to defend Li Tian now. He did not take the initiative to attack with the ball at all.

In this way, in 3 minutes, Li Tian only had one catch and shot and hit a three-pointer. The team led by 4 points at 10:6.

"D'Antoni, it's really too bold to let Li play without the ball, and it's the kind of off-ball that is actively attacking at all." Smith understood that Li Tian's role on the court is to contain the defense and disrupt the digital man. The defensive system, and then have a chance to shoot, and do nothing else.

"Damn it, they're really too insidious." Collins couldn't help cursing, there was no way this kind of attack was really unsolvable.

"Li, are you still the boss of the Knicks? Can you really bear to be ignored like this?" Iguodala really couldn't calm down anymore and started to provoke.

"No, is it the boss of the team? What you say doesn't count. If you don't believe me, you can ask them." Pointing, Olney, who received a pass from Lowry, squeezed Hawes away with a smile, and completed a round again. Dunk.

"Fake, you are like a bitch, why don't you have any strength at all."

O'Neill roared again when he saw Hawes pushed out of the bottom line by himself.

"Damn it, you old man!" Hawes was also young and energetic, how could he bear this anger.

"Well, it's this old guy who completed two dunks on your head, so what are you?"

O'Neill's mouth is really unusual, it can not only eat, but also spray.

In this way, throughout the first quarter, because Iguodala was attracted, the defense line of the digital man was already in disarray, and it was impossible to stop Lowry, Tony and O'Neal's pick-and-roll cooperation.

At 15:26, the Knicks led by 11 points in the first quarter, and Li Tian only took one shot in the first quarter, with a 100% shooting rate and scored 3 points.

"Oh, it's really terrible. In the whole quarter, Lee didn't attack once. He put all his energy on the defensive end. Iguodala was 4 for 0 and scored 1 point only by free throws. !"

Barkley thought it was unbelievable. Just like that, the Knicks led by so much. Who would dare to say that the Knicks are a weak team?

At this moment, he really wanted to, in the studio, do a dance, and then grab Smith by the collar, and just ask, "Who else, who else said that the Knicks are weak?"

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