Chapter 155
"In the early hours of this morning, the NBA officially announced the results of the first round of voting for the 2012 All-Star Game.

"Warcraft" Dwight Howard won 754737 votes and became the top voter in the first stage.

In the West, Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder, one of the biggest favorites for the MVP of the regular season, received the most votes, followed by fellow teammate Prince and Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers. Ranked third……"

"The game has progressed to today, and the Thunder is undoubtedly the most surprising team! They have achieved a total of 11 wins and 1 loss, ranking first in the Western Conference! The Lakers ranked second with 9 wins and 4 losses, and the Spurs and Nuggets ranked third and fourth;
In the East, the Bulls temporarily rank first in the league with 11 wins and 2 losses. The 76ers, Magic, and Pacers are ranked in the top four in the East. The much-watched Miami Heat, with 8 wins and 4 losses, is only ranked fifth in the East, and is tied with No.6. The Eagles have the same record..."

"Cut, I really want to tear up the ticket for him. Howard is he worthy of competing with me and Durant for the top ticket?"

Li Pu pouted, and clicked on the video that was playing.

Today is January 1th, and before you know it, the NBA regular season has started for three weeks.

Although this season is a shortened season, the All-Star still has to be done, not only to do it, but also to do it in a big way!

How can I make money if I don’t do anything?

Therefore, unlike the usual All-Star voting, this season's All-Star voting will start on January 1th, and the voting will start before the co-authored game has played a few games.

Li Pu was the first to refuse to accept Howard's vote winner!
After all, the Thunder ranks first in the league in terms of record. In terms of statistics, Durant leads the scoring list, and Li Pu leads the rebounding and blocked shots list. What does Howard take as the top scorer?

Big smile?Or the illegitimate child of a football team?

In fact, Howard, who is frequently caught in transfer rumors and has fluctuating performance, can beat a big-name star in the league. The key is that he is the host of the All-Star host.

As for Li Pu and Durant, because they are in a small city, even if they have the league's first record, they are still underexposed. If Durant hadn't been in the light of Li Pu and won the Huaxia ticket warehouse, I'm afraid his popularity would not be comparable. kobe.

"Where's Jeff?"

Li Pu, who was playing with his mobile phone, looked up when he heard the sound, and it was Durant who came over in a hurry.

He took off the earphones and whispered to Durant: "Get ready in the ward, I guess I'm going to the operating room soon!"

Durant nodded when he heard it, and looked around absent-mindedly.

The place Li Pu and the others were in at this time was New York Presbyterian Hospital, the best heart hospital in New York, and today was the day when Jeff Green was about to undergo surgery.

In addition to Li Pu and Durant, Westbrook, Ibaka, Harden, Lin Shuhao and many other teammates and coaches came to the hospital.

It happened that they were going to challenge the Knicks in New York tomorrow, so they came to New York ahead of schedule and rushed to the hospital.

"Why are you all here?" At this moment, Green was pushed out by the nurse in a wheelchair, just in time to see the room full of teammates.


"what happened to you?"

"Are you ok?"

When the teammates saw Green, they gathered around one after another, chattering and making the scene chaotic.

"Don't hang around here, the patients need fresh air!" The nurse, who was only 160cm tall, looked very petite among the group of burly men.

But her words made the group of big men retreat one after another, not daring to have the slightest thought of refuting.

"Everyone, don't worry! It's just a minor operation! When I come back, we will win the championship together!" Seeing everyone's concerned eyes, Green was also very moved, so he raised his right hand voluntarily.

After seeing Green's actions, everyone raised their right hands one after another. Regardless of the nurse's obstruction, they surrounded Green and gathered their right hands together.

"Champion! Come on!"

"Keep your voice down, this is a hospital!"

However, just as they yelled, they were stopped loudly by the female nurse behind Green.

Seeing the sharp eyes of the young female nurse, everyone retreated one after another, making way for Green.

"Come on! Come on..." Immediately afterwards, they all cheered together in low voices, watching Green enter the operating room.

All of them are so cowardly, they always sit at the children's table for dinner!

"Okay, everyone, go back, there is a game tomorrow!"

When Green entered the operating room and watched the "in operation" light above the door come on, assistant coach Cheeks stood up and told everyone to leave.

However, regarding Cheeks' words, none of Li Pu and the others present left. Everyone had already made the unanimous decision that no matter how long Green's surgery took, they would wait.

In the end, the operation took a full five hours, which was longer than everyone expected.

"Don't worry, Jeff will be fine!" Harden patted Durant's back, who was sluggish, and kept comforting him.

As far as who on the team has the best relationship with Green, there is no doubt that it is Durant.

Not only did the two enter the league in the same year, they were on the same team, and they were both fellows.

Although they come from different states, the distance between their hometowns is only a dozen kilometers, and they are not too far from Brooklyn.

Therefore, the two have traveled the longest road together from the Supersonics to the Thunder. How could Durant not be worried about such a teammate?

"Come out, come out!"

At this moment, the lights above the operating room finally went out, and Thunder players stood up and rushed towards the door.

"Doctor, how's it going?"

The doctor who came out of the operating room first looked very tired. After seeing everyone's concern, he took off his mask and said, "The patient's condition is very bad. During the operation, the patient's heart stopped beating for 75 minutes. ..."


Everyone was shocked when they heard the doctor's words.

Although they all knew that this was a thoracotomy with high risks, they never thought that Green would leave.

But after hearing the doctor say that the heart had stopped beating for more than an hour, everyone realized that Green's danger was far more serious than they had imagined.

"Everyone, don't worry, the patient's heart has resumed beating at this time, and now he will be transferred to the ICU to continue observation, and everyone should not be surrounded here."

After speaking, the doctor drove everyone aside, because Green's hospital bed was pushed out by the doctor and the nurse together.

When everyone saw Green wearing an oxygen mask and blood stained on his chest, they couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken, but no one dared to move forward, so they just stood there and watched Green leave.

But in everyone's heart, there is a kind of respect spontaneously, just like treating a hero.

At this time, in the hearts of each of them, their teammate Green, who was able to overcome the illness and brushed shoulders with death, was the hero in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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