The strongest unicorn in basketball

Chapter 156 The New York Tragedy

Chapter 156 The New York Tragedy
Madison Square Garden is not only the face of New York City, but also a holy place for basketball. Many superstars are here, leaving classic battles in their personal careers, and today it is the turn of the Thunder's "five young men".

Tonight at Madison Square Garden, the fans were a little too quiet.

There were no cheers, applause, or slogans, and everything seemed extremely dull.

The mascot of the Knicks, the famous director Spike Lee, sat quietly on the sidelines, resting his chin with his hands, watching the game with blank eyes.

In fact, Knicks fans are already the most tolerant fans in the world.

Spending the most expensive tickets, watching the ugliest games, and enduring the day-to-day brain-dead behavior of the management.

But when given the chance, they will still look forward to the championship.

As Ugly Sports TV personality, "Ugly" Stephen A. Smith put it a few years later: "The last time the Knicks won a championship, I was five years old, and now I'm 51!"

I'm afraid that there is not much time left for Knicks fans like Smith to see the Knicks win the championship with their own eyes.

The reason why they have this unrealistic fantasy is mainly because the Knicks are really not weak this season.

Last season, they ushered in the offensive kaleidoscope of Anthony, as well as the "little bully" Stoudemire, and successfully entered the playoffs after five years.

Although they met the Celtics with a strong and well-organized lineup in the playoffs, they were swept out by the Celtics 0-4.

But everyone believes that as long as these stars work well, they may not have the strength to compete for the championship.

However, this season, the team's lineup has been unable to play due to injuries, and the team's record is also hovering on the edge of the playoffs, which disappointed the fans.

Fortunately, this is just the beginning of the season, they still have a chance, their hope has not been shattered, until today...

Tonight, the Thunder players seemed to be playing with anger. From the beginning of the game, they showed the intensity of the playoffs, and the Knicks were stunned when they came up!
After the pick-and-roll, Billups passed the ball to Stoudemire, who went down. This season, although the little bully has started to suffer from injuries, he can still jump now, jumping high with the ball, and is ready to dunk.

At this moment, Li Pu's defense was in place, and he also jumped up to block Stoudemire.


Just like that, Stoudemire's force smashed Huashan and was slapped away by Li Pu.

Westbrook, who got the floor ball, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, leaving Billups far behind, and then came to the penalty area, facing the big center Tyson Chandler, and dunked.

Westbrook dunks Chandler!

For a while, the scene was so tragic that the fans couldn't bear to watch it.

At this time, the game has entered the third quarter, the score is 42:82, and the Thunder have already led by 40 points.

The Thunder scored 72 points in the first half alone, almost putting the Knicks on the ground.

"Champion" angrily, saw Westbrook roaring wildly in front of him, and pushed him away!

There was no way, he was really in a hurry to lose, and he was dunked by a small 190cm man, the scene was really ugly.

But his move was undoubtedly more like igniting the fuse of the powder keg. Almost instantly, the players of the two teams gathered together.

Fortunately, the players were more restrained with each other and there was no conflict, but even so, Chandler still got a T, and Brooks also replaced him in order to protect Westbrook.

In fact, at this time the score is so leading, Brooks should have been replaced long ago. After all, he has no grievances with the Knicks, and he didn't think about giving the opponent a "58".

But considering that the opponent has not replaced the main force and conceded defeat, Brooks is not easy to change, so he can only wait for the opponent to make the first move.

However, what he was talking about was not the "hands-on"!

Seeing that the game might get out of control, Brooks not only replaced Westbrook, but also Harden and Ibaka, leaving only Durant and Li Pu with the bench lineup, ready to play in the next round. After each round, gradually replace all the starters.

This is the first time for Lin Shuhao to set foot on the floor of Madison Square Garden. Before that, he only came with the team once, but did not play.

"Come on, play hard! Now it's time for you to perform!" Li Pu and Lin Shuhao who just came on stage encouraged him by high-fiving.

It's just that Lin Shuhao was a little strange, when did he not fight well?Why do you have to emphasize it to yourself?
What's more, he felt pretty good tonight. After playing 6 minutes in the first half, he scored 8 points and hit two three-pointers, which was more than he scored in the whole game before.

However, he didn't know that Li Pu expected much more from him than this!
The game restarted, Durant executed a free throw for a technical foul and made a hit. The point difference has come to 41 points.

The Knicks attack.

After Anthony received a pass from Billups, he singled Durant, changed direction continuously and then turned around. He even succeeded in breaking through Durant, and then took a step inside and chose a mid-range jumper.

However, even though Anthony was like this, he still showed his characteristics of "the essence of human beings who take shots". In this case, Li Pu was able to rush over from the basket and give Anthony a block.

In this way, Durant picked up the basketball and passed it to Lin Shuhao, and the Thunder began to counterattack again.

Originally, Westbrook was replaced, and the Knicks fans breathed a sigh of relief, and finally they didn't have to see the Thunder's scary fast break.

But what they didn't expect was that the Chinese point guard replaced by the Thunder didn't seem to be any weaker than Westbrook.

Unlike Westbrook's rampage, Lin Shuhao overtook in a corner, directly smashed through the Knicks' defense line from the right side of the field, and then finished with a hard dunk.

Well, although it is a reluctant buckle, the viewing is definitely higher than that of Golden State LaVine. (Polite: Are you Curry?"

In the following games, the Thunder continued to attack unabated and played several fast breaks. By the time Li Pu and Durant left the field, the point difference was almost 50 points.

By the fourth quarter, the Thunder's lineup was already full of substitutes and could no longer be on the bench.

Lin Shuhao, Cook, Butler, Collison, and Bai Ade, there are only three water dispenser administrators.

Even so, it is still difficult for the Knicks to chase points.

Under Lin Shuhao's left and right conflicts, the Knicks couldn't restrain him at all.

The final score was fixed at 78:132, and the Thunder "lost by 4 points" regrettably.

Durant, Westbrook, Li Pu, and Harden scored 78 points together, but the team scored the highest score not by them but by Lin Shuhao, who scored a season-high 31 points and 6 assists.

Not only that, but he got the data after only playing for 25 minutes, and used his own explosion to give the New York fans a disastrous defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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