Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 592 Oh my god, is Lin Chen crazy? !

Chapter 592 Oh my god, is Lin Chen crazy? !

As for what the news is, the news is that Daxia announced its full support for the "portable teacher" function, and the main form of support is two super generous players.

The first big move is that from now on, the education yamen will officially incorporate the "portable teacher" function of the artificial intelligence "Shuguang" into the education system.

There are two major measures after being incorporated into the education system. The first major measure is that students can apply for Shuguang University at the same time and obtain a "double diploma."

Even if you are studying in a high school and studying in Shuguang University at the same time, you can get two diplomas after passing the graduation exam.

As for the second major measure, it is to encourage and support schools to set up weekend self-study tutoring classes and encourage and support students to use "portable teachers" for self-study in evening self-study classes.

Among them, the use of "portable teachers" for self-study in evening self-study classes goes without saying that this is an old practice. It is just that the education yamen has officially recognized this model as legal and compliant.

The following weekend self-study classes are different. They mainly allow students to come to school to study on their own during weekends.

In this regard, this behavior of allowing students to "read" on weekends has naturally caused a lot of controversy. Many parents feel that children should be allowed to play well on weekends.

At this time, it publicly supports students to sign up for weekend after-school tutoring classes, allowing them to study on weekends...

What is this being done? Isn't it a little too inhumane?

However, although this decision caused a controversy, it was not too controversial because it was not mandatory but students were allowed to sign up on their own. Students could go or not, so the controversy was not too big.

After the two major measures were taken to incorporate "portable teachers" into the education system, the next step is the matter of other yamen, not the education yamen anymore.

As for what the other yamen is, this yamen is the tax yamen. Among them, the tax yamen said it was to support the rapid development of Daxia Guojia's education industry.

From now on, all value-added tax and corporate income tax related to domestic sales of Dawn Tablet PCs will be exempted for three years!

In other words, from now on, Sugon Technology’s Sparkling Fire Tablet PC does not need to pay tax!

And what does this mean?

This means that no matter how much money Sugon Technology makes, after deducting production costs, it will make pure profits!

After hearing the words of the tax bureau, a controversy immediately arose. Many people immediately became angry, claiming that this behavior would enrich Sugon Technology and harm everyone's profits!

After all, taxation is the backbone of a good country, but at this time, all products are exempted from tax. In the end, Sugon Technology will definitely make a lot of money.

Although the premise is that the Dawn Tablet PC produced and sold in Daxia is not the Catching Fire Tablet PC produced and sold overseas.

But in any case, it is a fact that this behavior will enrich Sugon Technology.

So many people immediately became furious after seeing the news and wanted to reason about it.

However, when they searched for relevant information online, Sugon Technology also directly expressed its position.

Less than an hour after the tax authorities issued the announcement, domestic Sugon Electronics direct-sales stores Taobao, Jingdong, Amazon and other Sugon Technology official direct-sale stores directly reduced the prices of Sugon Tablet PCs!

As for how much the price has dropped?

The original price was 3499 Xia Yuan. After the tax authorities issued an official announcement, the price of the Dawn Tablet was directly reduced to 1999 Xia Yuan. After seeing this price, all the people in Daxia were dumbfounded and asked Shuguang Technology, is this crazy?

Daxia has indeed exempted domestic taxes on Sparkling Fire Tablet PCs, but your price has dropped directly from 3499 Xia Yuan to 1999 Xia Yuan. Isn’t this too crazy? !

People all over the Internet had to be stunned, because the price reduction of Sugon Technology was too terrifying and exceeded people's psychological expectations.

After the tax bureau exempted Sparkling Fire Tablet PCs from taxes, everyone had expected that Sugon Technology might be forced to slightly lower the price under pressure from public opinion.

But everyone estimates that the price will only be reduced by one or two hundred or even 500 yuan at most, but Shuguang Technology has directly reduced it by 1500 yuan. Isn’t this crazy? !

So when people saw Sugon Technology's actions, they all fell into stunned expressions, thinking that this was too crazy and unbelievable.

In this regard, when they used search engines crazily and used artificial intelligence "Shuguang" to understand relevant news and understand why Sugon Technology did what it did.

At this time, an article published by Lin Chen also appeared on the official website of Sugon Technology.

The title of the article is "Reading for the Rise of Daxia!" 》

This article didn't have many words, just over a thousand words, but the content of the article caused all the people of Great Xia to fall into silence. Many people even had tears in their eyes unconsciously after reading it.

The first half of the article describes in very concise language the various technological suppressions that Daxia has suffered, and the contradictions point directly to the Wassen Na Agreement...

In the middle part of the article, I imagine what would have happened to the development of our Daxia without the Wassen Na Agreement, and what would have happened if it continued to exist...

At the end of the article, Lin Chen talked about his "dream of a powerful country through science and technology", "dream of a prosperous Daxia", "dream of a young powerful country", and the story that made countless readers couldn't help but resonate and even applauded after reading it. The agreement becomes a piece of waste paper” dream!

After seeing Lin Chen's article, all the people in Daxia were silent and moved by it!

“It is truly a blessing for the country to have such a great talent!”

After reading Lin Chen's article, countless people couldn't help but sigh that Lin Chen was so majestic that ordinary words could no longer describe Lin Chen.

His patriotism is evident day by day, and even inspires people around him to encourage more people to join the patriotic ranks.

He was filled with righteous indignation at the unfairness of the Kasori Na Agreement. Even at the expense of his own interests and even in the face of threats, he stood at the forefront and fought against injustice without fear!

Such a person is so majestic and glorious, even a little unreal. If it weren't for the fact, people would never believe that someone could achieve such a level, not to mention that he is still a businessman.

But the facts are right in front of them. Even if they don't want to admit it, Lin Chen has used facts and performance over the years to prove that Lin Chen is not just talking, but is really doing it. He is really doing it!

As the saying goes, "If you persist in doing something for three months, there will be a miracle!" Many people have heard this saying, but have they really done it?


Whether they are doing things or studying, many people always like to fish and play rather than concentrate on doing things. Only a small number of people can persevere.

(End of this chapter)

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