Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 593 Jealous overseas consumers!

And this small number of people who can persevere often become the children of other families in the eyes of their parents and the top academics in the eyes of their classmates.

And Lin Chen is undoubtedly the kind of child that parents describe as other people's children, and he is also the most terrifying kind, a terrifying man who can work 15 hours a day continuously.

And what makes this man so courageous and not afraid of difficulties? At this time, they had a deep understanding after seeing Lin Chen's article.

Everything is the passionate patriotism and dedication!

Faced with Lin Chen's passionate patriotism, they finally understood why Sugon Technology had reduced the price of Sugon's Sparkling Prairie Tablet so much.

Everything is for Daxia to rise. After all, the Sparkling Fire Tablet PC is too expensive, which will definitely shut out many parents.

After all, not every family can afford 3500 Xia Yuan. In many rural families, if their men do not go to work to find work, they only engage in farming and free-range breeding.

According to the average income level in rural areas in 2007, their annual income was only 4140 yuan, and their average monthly income was only 345 yuan!

Therefore, if the price is still 3500 summer yuan, it will really exclude many children. After all, not all parents of children will go to work outside or find casual jobs to make money.

Not all children have a father or a mother, and there are also single-parent families or situations where both parents have died. In this case, 3500 Xia Yuan is really not something that many families can afford.

At this time, Shuguang Technology has lowered the price to 1999 yuan, which will greatly solve the financial pressure of many families and allow more children to afford the "portable teacher" function for tutoring and learning.

This behavior of increasing the base of use will undoubtedly give many children the opportunity to change their future and destiny. After all, only reading can change their future and destiny.

For a country, the greater the proportion of high-level intellectuals among its citizens, the greater the country's strength and potential will be, and the faster its eventual rise will be.

Therefore, the behavior of Sugon Technology is really a sign of patriotism and enthusiasm!

After people expressed their feelings, they gave Sugon Technology a thumbs up and praised Sugon Technology, calling Sugon Technology worthy of being a proud enterprise of the nation.

Lin Chen naturally smiled and said nothing about this, because Shuguang Technology actually did not lose money when it lowered the price to 1999 yuan. On the contrary, the profit was still quite good, but it did not reach the level of huge profits.

After all, the accessory technologies on the Dawn of Sparks Tablet PC are all accessories that have been produced for more than a year, and the chip manufacturing process used is still 90 nanometers.

It can be said that except for the LCD screen that uses new technology, the rest are old technologies from Sugon Xinghuo mobile phones, and this brings about a relatively low cost.

Therefore, although Shuguang Technology sells it for 1999 Xia Yuan, it actually still makes a profit, even a lot, but compared to foreign markets.

This time, Lin Chen did make less money from the Sparkling Fire Tablet. After all, Lin Chen wrote that article sincerely.

He also sincerely wants more Daxia students in China to be able to afford the Dawn of Sparks tablet computer and the "portable teacher" to ultimately change their own destiny.

Daxia will also change its destiny because there are more students. Eventually, there will be more and more intellectuals, and then the national power will become stronger and stronger.

However, Sugon Technology's generosity and patriotic behavior were not all praised. At this time, people overseas were all sour.

They all called Sugon Technology's behavior unfair. Sugon Technology should also cut prices in overseas markets, not just Daxia.

Among them, many developing countries, such as the Southeast Asian countries and African countries, have the most negative voices, thinking that this is unfair. After all, to be honest, the wealth and living conditions of many of their people are not as good as those of many rural families in Daxia.

3500 Xia Yuan is a huge burden for many rural families in Daxia, but for many overseas families in Guojia, it is already a very difficult and huge burden.

At this time, I saw that the Sparkling Fire Tablet PC sold in Daxia was so cheap, costing only 1999 Xia Yuan, but they charged more than 3499 Xia Yuan due to tax reasons.

Under such circumstances, many people overseas could not help but feel sour, and they also had many complaints against Sugon Technology.

Although they know that the reason why Sugon Technology can reduce the price so much is because the tax bureau exempts the tax on Sugon Tablet PC, Sugon Technology will reduce the price.

But they also learned from the media that Sugon Technology’s price reduction was completely unnecessary. Sugon Technology’s price reduction of several hundred yuan was enough to cope with the pressure of public opinion.

But Sugon Technology directly reduced the price by 1500 yuan, which is actually far more than many, many, so Sugon Technology reduced the price so much by its own will, not by external pressure.

Faced with this situation, how can the people overseas not feel sad?

However, in the face of media accusations from overseas people and even calls on the Internet, Sugon Technology naturally could only pretend not to know about this.

After all, although Lin Chen wanted mankind to develop faster and embark on the road of interstellar development as soon as possible, it would not strand the small earth.

But under the current circumstances, Lin Chen is still more willing to let Daxia have more high-knowledge talents and make Daxia stronger... Therefore, it is impossible to reduce the price of Dawn of Sparks tablet computers.

In addition, the Catching Fire Tablet PC has made so little money in China, and the country is still a huge market. Sugon Technology will naturally make money back from overseas markets.

Therefore, it is impossible to reduce prices. If they object, then so be it. Anyway, they don’t have a second “portable teacher” to choose from!

In this regard, the outside media and people did not know what Lin Chen was thinking about Xiao Jiujiu, and they did not know that Lin Chen had no intention of lowering the price.

And time passed slowly amidst the heated discussions, and a few days passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, Lin Chen was receiving a distinguished guest.

"Mr. Lin Chen, I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to meet and negotiate again."

At this time, a man was holding Lin Chen's hand and shaking it. This man was Qiandu President Li Yanhong.

"Haha, I have kept Mr. Li waiting for a long time. I am eagerly waiting for Mr. Li's arrival."

At this time, Lin Chen was also talking politely, looking a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

After all, Sugon Technology's artificial intelligence "Shuguang" killed Qiandu Search in disguise, and Sugon Technology had quietly sold off Qiandu's shares before, which is indeed somewhat authentic.

However, although the embarrassment was embarrassing, Lin Chen did not have stage fright. Next, Lin Chen shook hands with Xiao Ma, the president of Penguin Company. (End of chapter)

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