As for the private sector, they naturally applauded Lin Chen's spending a huge amount of money on research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

After all, what benefits will a breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology have for mankind is already an old topic.

Everyone also knows that once this thing is successfully developed, it will change the world, giving humans the ability to navigate interstellar space, and no longer being trapped on the small earth.

So they naturally applauded Lin Chen for spending so much money to develop controllable nuclear fusion technology, and they only thought that Lin Chen was a great entrepreneur who was responsible and thought about the future of mankind.

Of course, among them, many overseas media and even overseas people will definitely make sarcastic remarks and promote the Daxia threat theory.

They are worried that once Sugon Technology really masters controllable nuclear fusion technology, they will trap the earth while Daxia starts the interstellar era alone...

However, these negative public opinions are just tricks after all, and they are naturally unlikely to shake the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion projects.

So no matter what, Lin Chen has given them two uses of this huge amount of cash to change the world and change Daxia.

"I wonder if hundreds of billions of Xia Yuan can conquer controllable nuclear fusion technology?"

In the empty office, Lin Chen murmured, feeling tremendous pressure. After all, this was controllable nuclear fusion technology.

The theory of controllable nuclear fusion technology was born earlier than people imagined. The two major lines of controllable nuclear fusion technology, inertial confinement and magnetic confinement, had been theoretically and developed as early as the 20s, but as of now they have been Fifty years, almost sixty years.

After the two major controllable nuclear fusion technology lines were originally proposed, scientists at that time claimed that the goal of achieving controllable nuclear fusion technology within 50 years was not achieved, but became a joke.

Lin Chen, who comes from 2023, knows that controllable nuclear fusion technology is still far away until 2023. At that time, the only achievement of mankind is to achieve the first output energy greater than the input energy.

But the energy output can only be used to boil a kettle of water, and the amount of electricity generated is simply appalling. Although everyone admits that it is of great significance and proves that controllable nuclear fusion technology is feasible.

But behind this success, there is a huge drawback, which is that the longest continuous operation time of controllable nuclear fusion technology is only 17 minutes, which does not meet the conditions for self-sustaining combustion.

The reason for this is that human materials can no longer support it at that time. Coupled with other problems, controllable nuclear fusion technology is naturally far away.

Lin Chen naturally felt huge pressure at this time to do something that he couldn't do in 2023 in his previous life, and what made people even more stressed was that Lin Chen couldn't take advantage of this matter.

We can no longer continue to use the deformed form of the universal machine. After all, countless units of this thing will be built in the future, and they will have to be miniaturized and installed in the spacecraft.

Therefore, whether it is theory, materials or even architecture of this time's controllable nuclear fusion technology, Sugon Technology must make breakthroughs in a down-to-earth manner and cannot use a universal machine to make tricks.

“If we want to implement it on a large scale for power generation, this will have to be a long-term project of at least 5 or even 10 years.”

However, although he felt great pressure, Lin Chen knew that if he could complete this task, he would truly change the world and truly realize Daxia's dream of becoming a technologically powerful country.

What limits human development is ultimately the energy problem. Only by solving the energy problem can we solve the resource problem and move towards the interstellar path!

Thinking of the significance of the breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion technology, Lin Chen became extremely excited. He knew that if this thing could be successfully developed, it would surely go down in history forever.

Even if he, Lin Chen, could not invent scientific theories that changed the world like Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Faraday, Bohr, Planck, Maxwell and others. But the invention of controllable nuclear fusion technology is more important than the invention of steam engines, electric lights and even computers.

Because he represents that mankind can move towards the interstellar era, and no longer need to be trapped on the earth, but can go out of the earth, out of the solar system, and start interstellar exploration!

This achievement is indelible. No matter how much the enemy slanders us, we cannot erase this merit and this glory.

"But during this period, I have to develop other things, and I can't devote all my energy to controllable nuclear fusion technology.

After all, only those with money and production capacity can promote the implementation of controllable nuclear fusion technology. In the future, these hundreds of billions of summer dollars may not be enough. After all, I want to complete the research and development in 5 to 10 years. "

Thinking of this, Lin Chen fell into deep thought, thinking about what he should develop in the future.

But soon, Lin Chen discovered that under the current circumstances, whatever physical products he developed were actually the result of plagiarism and patent infringement!

After all, although Sugon Technology does not apply for technology patents in the United States, after Sugon Technology registers technology patents elsewhere, companies in the United States can directly copy them.

In this case, the more technology patents invented by Sugon Technology, they are actually all at a disadvantage. The feeling of having such research and development results usurped is really depressing and aggrieved.

So this time Lin Chen is planning to develop some products that others cannot copy, that is, products that require the dawn of self-aware artificial intelligence to support them.

I believe that by doing this, they can plagiarize Sugon Technology’s technology patents and create the same physical product.

It turns out that without the support of artificial intelligence Dawn, the effect is not good or it cannot run at all. Their expressions will definitely look good then!

Of course, before that, Lin Chen needs to find a way to upgrade the quantum computer as much as possible without affecting the self-awareness of the dawn of artificial intelligence.

After all, the original quantum computer design was only designed for the two goals of "sufficiency" and "experimentation", rather than the super ambitious goal of "powerful performance" and "meeting the needs of all mankind."

Under this design philosophy, the current quantum computer’s computing power is not powerful, with only 3.6 qubits, which has severely limited the dawn of artificial intelligence.

This time Lin Chen thought that the computing power of quantum computers must reach at least 100 million bits, so that the number of engineering robots may easily reach millions.

At that time, some other types of robots will be developed, allowing the dawn of artificial intelligence to fully take over the most basic repetitive tasks of humans.

For example, fully automatic mining, fully automatic mineral extraction, fully automatic mineral smelting, fully automatic planting of crops, etc.

These repetitive tasks performed by humans can be completely handed over to the dawn of artificial intelligence and robots, although this will leave many people with nothing to do.

But this represents a sudden increase in human productivity, a significant reduction in the cost of production materials, and a significant reduction in people's living costs.

It also invisibly liberates people from meaningless repetitive basic labor, although many people will be idle and feel as if they are useless.

But there will definitely be many people who choose to make progress at this time, choose to learn, and then engage in more meaningful and creative work.

Among them, mankind will inevitably usher in great development. It can be said that a dream era is coming!

But this is all in the future. Now Sugon Technology's focus is still on negotiating with the above and negotiating on the stock market listing in Daxia Magic City. (End of chapter)

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