Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 661 This is simply picking up money from a sack!

Time passed quickly, and more than ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the time came to August 2008, 8.

On this day, the Olympic Games, a major sports event that attracts global attention, is officially held. According to statistics from relevant institutions, 40 billion people around the world are following the Olympic Games through television.

As for the foreign audience, it is said that the number is as high as hundreds of thousands, and the number of domestic and foreign athletes is as high as tens of thousands. Therefore, this is a sports event that attracts global attention and is also a large-scale advertising event.

On this day, many foreign spectators and sports fans came to attend the Olympics and take a trip. When they saw the very modern city of Daxia, they all said it was incredible.

To be honest, in the eyes of many foreign people, although they know that Daxia has produced Shuguang Technology, the world's strongest technology company, many foreign people still distinguish Shuguang Technology from Daxia, the common people of Daxia.

At this time, many foreign people came to Daxia. Looking at this very modern country with even more majestic and developed buildings than theirs, they just wanted to kill the unscrupulous media in their own country.

You must know that the people in Daxia who are always bragging about are living in backward poverty and lack of food. There are many poor people living on the streets, and most of them even have braids...

When they come to Daxia or see the true face of Daxia through forced advertisements on TV stations, they just want to kill those unscrupulous media that engage in false propaganda.

It can be said that the Olympic Games was a success. It successfully made billions of people realize that Daxia is different and that it is not as backward and poor as they imagined.

So when they lamented that they had been deceived, they couldn't help but lament that it was no wonder Sugon Technology could become the most powerful technology company in the world. With such a powerful country, a powerful company could naturally be brewed.

So with the holding of the Olympic Games, topics such as re-recognizing Daxia, thinking that Daxia was historically popular, and discussing why Daxia rose rapidly gradually became the mainstream of public opinion in the next period of time.

However, when the time came to August 2008, 8, just a few days before the Olympic Games was about to be held, the next action taken by Sugon Technology caused a global uproar.

This sensation directly caused an uproar in countless media around the world, and also made those global news outlets who learned about the news shine brightly and prepare to fight.

The news is that Shuguang Technology negotiated with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

Next, Shuguang Technology will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on September 9, the National Day next month. After that, there will be specific details of the listing and so on!

This news immediately caused a sensation all over the world, shocking countless people around the world.

After all, Shuguang Technology had already been listed on the Nasdaq stock market in the United States before, and now it can still be listed back in Daxia?

Although Shuguang Technology suffered a disaster in the Stark stock market and was forced to delist by Bald Eagle.

But at this time, it is too exaggerated for you to reincarnate directly and go public in the magic city. Is this really reasonable and legal?

Faced with Sugon Technology’s news announcement, people subconsciously felt that it was illegal and illegal, but as they read Sugon Technology’s announcement carefully. They soon discovered that this was indeed legal and compliant. After all, if Daxia said it was legal, it would be legal, and if it said it was compliant, it would be compliant. Can you still come here and bite Daxia?

Moreover, Bald Eagle forced Sugon Technology to delist from Nasdaq. The reason for the forced delisting itself was not very legal and compliant. It seems that Sugon Technology cannot be blamed for its unclean butt.

After thinking about many reasons, they knew that it was certain that Sugon Technology would be listed in Daxia this time, and it was also legal and compliant!

Thinking of this, all the people who heard the relevant news and had a little understanding of the stock market were all excited, and they all wanted to buy Sugon Technology's stocks and make a lot of money.

Although Sugon Technology is a monster stock, the company's stock market value always rises and falls. It has deceived countless investors, but it has also made countless people instantly rich!

And the most important thing is when is the most profitable time to buy a company's stocks? The most profitable time is when it first goes public.

Because when it first goes public, the stock price of a company is often the lowest in history!

Now that Sugon Technology is going to be listed on the Daxia Magic City stock market, this means that they have an opportunity to make a lot of money.

Soon they were excited and began to carefully understand the details of the announcement. Finally, they learned that due to the special situation of Sugon Technology, the next listing of Sugon Technology will use the form of pre-sale price to sell shares.

The stock price at this pre-sale price will be a fixed price and will not change once it is listed, so it will not change even if the stock value skyrockets after the listing.

According to the situation announced by Sugon Technology, Lin Chen, who holds 92% of the stock equity, will use 16% of the stock for listing, while he only holds 76%.

Therefore, the number of outstanding shares on the market will reach 24% in the future. In fact, everyone is using the pre-sale price to snap up 16% of Lin Chen's shares. If they can grab it, they will basically make a profit.

After all, the shares listed this time are as high as 16%, and the actual converted capital is at least 7000 billion Xia Yuan. With so much money, Shuguang Technology naturally cannot open its mouth to avoid the embarrassing phenomenon of not being able to sell.

In this case, the pre-sale price of these stocks will definitely be far lower than the actual price of Sugon Technology's stocks. It is possible that the price is 10% or even 20% lower than the actual price!

Therefore, the listing of Sugon Technology is actually a money-making conference. As long as you can grab the stocks of Sugon Technology, you can make a lot of money by reselling them in a few days or ten!

Faced with this opportunity to make money for free, how can this not make those readers who read the relevant news become excited?

Of course, there are only a small number of people who really understand the listing rules and the huge potential benefits, but the secret hands of Sugon Technology were quickly dispatched.

Within an hour of Sugon Technology's announcement, Sugon Smartphone System, Sugon Computer System and even the media that cooperated with Sugon Technology also exposed the matter of "Sugon Technology goes public to make money"!

As a result, with relevant media reports, the concept of "making money from Sugon Technology's listing" instantly caused a sensation all over the world, allowing many people who did not understand the stock market or what stocks were to learn about the relevant news.

And as they understood and analyzed, they had to admit that if Shuguang Technology's listing was done well, they could really make money with a sack!

As soon as this conclusion came out, banks all over the world noticed a sharp increase in the number of bank accounts opened. The number of new users who opened bank accounts in one day was equivalent to the number in the past quarter! (End of chapter)

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