Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 68: Ke Hanliang Who Spits Blood!

Chapter 68: Ke Hanliang Who Spits Blood!

With the intention of killing chickens and monkeys, Nokia took the initiative to magnify this lawsuit through the media, so as to warn potential second or even third Chenguang mobile phones!

After all, this trend cannot last long. Now that there is a Chenguang mobile phone popping up, it must be suppressed, otherwise there will be a second Chenguang mobile phone and a third Chenguang mobile phone soon.

Therefore, it is necessary to severely crack down on Chenguang mobile phone, which is a leader, so as to warn Daxia and even companies all over the world to pay attention, and be careful not to go too far!
In this regard, at the Chenguang mobile phone factory at this time, Ke Hanliang also panicked after receiving the shocking news.

I didn't expect that the incident would become so big, and that so many newspapers across the country would report on this incident.

Ke Hanliang was actually prepared for the fact that the copying of the Nokia 5110 mobile phone would be exposed one day.

So since Lin Chen left Chenguang Technology, Chenguang Technology is also recruiting scientific researchers, and wants to develop its own mobile phone to officially become a regular.

But I didn't expect the incident to break out so quickly. Their Chenguang mobile phone has only sold about 5 mobile phones so far, but they didn't expect to be discovered by Nokia.

After all, it stands to reason that no more than 5 units were sold in less than three months, and Nokia should not have paid so much attention to it.

But at this time, the worst thing actually happened. Only 5 mobile phones were sold, but the Nokia 5110 mobile phone was found to be infringing.

He also discovered the secret of the refurbished machine and sued Chenguang Technology in court. This is a really bad fact.

The sky is falling!
Ke Hanliang regretted it very much at this time, regretting why he invested in Lin Chen in the first place, why he wanted to make refurbished machines, and why he believed in Lin Chen's evil!

If he hadn't engaged in any refurbished machines before, but had been doing his serious middleman business honestly, then he wouldn't be facing such an embarrassing situation now.

Of course, if he can really make a crazy profit, he will be acquiesced in such a situation, and he will suffer a loss as if he made a quick fortune.

But the problem is that Chenguang mobile phones have only sold 5 units so far!
The profit earned from this mere 5 mobile phones can't even afford the 50 million that Lin Chen bought 2000% of Chenguang Technology's shares before. Why bother to make money?
Big loss, really big loss!
Not only did he fail to make money from the Chenguang mobile phone project, but he lost nearly [-] million yuan on this matter. This is really a big loss!
As for why Chenguang mobile phone sold a total of 5 mobile phones in the past three months, and it also lost nearly [-] million yuan.

This is because after Lin Chen left, Ke Hanliang also took the initiative to learn Lin Chen's sales strategy when he dropped his mobile phone in SEG Building.

Take out the Chenguang mobile phone produced before and test the drop resistance in well-known buildings all over the country.

Among them, because the Chenguang mobile phones tested are all old Chenguang mobile phones produced in the past, the quality is naturally superior.

Therefore, the drop test activity was very successful and many orders and sales were obtained.

But the good times don't last long. As the sales of Chenguang mobile phones increase, consumers who buy new Chenguang mobile phones will always have accidents after using them.

Those consumers will find that Chenguang mobile phone does not seem to be as durable as imagined!

Of course, there are only a small number of people who encounter unexpected situations, but these people bought Chenguang mobile phones because they are resistant to falling, and they will naturally become angry when they find out that they have been cheated.

So it didn't take long before there were posts on major BBS forums exposing that Chenguang's mobile phone was not resistant to falling, but there were very few such remarks at the beginning.

After all, there are only a small number of people who accidentally break their mobile phones. Most people protect their mobile phones as treasures. Ke Hanliang can still find someone to delete the post.

But as time went by, the complaints about Chenguang mobile phones being counterfeit, accusing Chenguang mobile phones of not being as durable as advertised in the news, naturally gradually increased.

And the most troublesome thing is that such complaints are not all in the form of posts, but in the form of replies to various posts, even if you want to delete them, you can't delete them at all!

After that, with the increase of such remarks, it naturally attracted the attention of reporters from major media.

So soon the major media also bought the Chenguang mobile phone for the drop test, and the test results were naturally appalling.

Not to mention the 292-meter height of the SEG Building, even the height of three or four floors is so high that dogs don’t recognize it.

The only thing that can comfort people is that the Chenguang mobile phone will not break if it is dropped at the height of daily use.

And after this situation was exposed by the media, the reputation of Chenguang mobile phone also deteriorated rapidly.

This is also the reason why Pengcheng Evening News mentioned that the two new mobile phone giants were Jinli Mobile and Suguang Mobile when Sugon Mobile was released, but did not mention Chenguang Mobile.

There is no way, the reputation of Chenguang mobile phone has completely deteriorated at this time, and a brand promoting fakes is firmly attached to the head of Chenguang mobile phone.

Therefore, the sales volume of Chenguang mobile phones is also getting lower and lower with the passage of time. It was originally expected to produce 2 or even tens of thousands of units per month.

As a result, it took more than three months for the total sales volume to be only 5 units, which can be regarded as the best example of driving high and going low.

Ke Hanliang was also helpless and angry about this, and finally had no choice but to give up the refurbished mobile phone business to prevent the reputation from continuing to deteriorate and try to reverse the unfavorable reputation of Chenguang mobile phones.

But now everything is over, the damn Nokia actually found out that their Chenguang mobile phone copied the Nokia 5110.

Not to mention suing Chenguang mobile phone to Dali Temple, but also using patent infringement and refurbishing the mobile phone, what should we do next?

"Damn Suguang Technology, damn Lin Chen!"

The more Ke Hanliang thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he vomited blood, the more frightened he became when he even thought about the possibility of going to jail if he couldn't escape with a refurbished mobile phone!
Why did he believe in Lin Chen's evil in the first place? !

Why did you go out with Lin Chen to refurbish Laoshizi's machine? !

And why did he spend 2000 million to buy the other half of Chenguang Technology's shares in a daze, so that damn Lin Chen could earn 2000 million legal funds? !

As he thought about it, Ke Hanliang became more and more angry and anxious, and finally when his anger reached its peak, Ke Hanliang's eyes went dark and he passed out completely!
However, the outside world will not stop because of Ke Hanliang's dizziness. At this time, Dali Temple in Pengcheng also officially announced that it has accepted Nokia's lawsuit.

This lawsuit is divided into two cases. The first case is the lawsuit against Chenguang mobile phone for illegal infringement of Nokia 5110, and the second case is the judgment lawsuit against Chenguang mobile phone by the Pengcheng Police Bureau for refurbished mobile phones.

So a patent infringement lawsuit and a refurbished mobile phone lawsuit that is destined to cause a sensation in the country will officially start!

Under such circumstances, many media reporters from all over the country also rushed to Pengcheng due to the current news enthusiasm produced by Nokia and Jinli mobile phones.

(End of this chapter)

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