Chapter 69 Who is it? !
Time passed like this, and in a blink of an eye, it was the next day when the lawsuit started.

Because there are too many people paying attention to this matter from all over the country, Dali Temple is also very efficient in handling affairs, and the court officially opened in less than three days after accepting the lawsuit.

At this time, the scene of this lawsuit was crowded with people, and the small hall was packed to the brim. From time to time, the scene would flash a spotlight to capture the lively scene.

Ke Hanliang is not only involved in patent infringement lawsuits, but also involved in illegal and criminal incidents of refurbished mobile phones.

So at this time, Ke Hanliang, the boss of the defendant's company, had no choice but to attend and be exposed to the spotlight.

After all, if the infringement lawsuit is confirmed, at worst, it will lose some money, or at worst, Chenguang Technology will directly declare bankruptcy and liquidation, which has nothing to do with the boss, after all, it is a limited liability company.

But because it involved an illegal case of refurbishing mobile phones, Ke Hanliang could only appear on the stage.

Of course, it's fine if he doesn't come, but after the result of the refurbished mobile phone case comes out, he definitely won't be able to escape, unless he abandons this home, abandons everything in front of him and goes abroad.

However, given his status as a criminal suspect of refurbishing mobile phones at this time, it is not easy to go abroad before the end of this lawsuit, and it is estimated that he will be rejected directly.

Therefore, Ke Hanliang came to the scene at this time.

Of course, he wasn't the only one coming by himself at this time, he also brought a full 8 well-known barristers in suits and thick glasses with him.

This is what he specially prepared for this patent infringement lawsuit and refurbished mobile phone case. These well-known barristers will do their best to clear him of the suspicion of refurbished mobile phones.

As for whether these well-known barristers could clear Ke Hanliang from suspicion, those lawyers naturally claimed that there was no problem.

However, when the lawsuit came to an end, those well-known barristers had no choice but to face Nokia's thick pile of refurbished mobile phones and patent infringement evidence.

After all, if someone presents detailed evidence, no matter how much you argue and excuse, there is nothing you can do, so Ke Hanliang finally fell!
Moreover, this lawsuit is only a patent infringement lawsuit. After that, there will be a lawsuit against him by the Pengcheng Police Bureau for refurbished mobile phones.

Based on the detailed evidence at this time, there is naturally no way to quibble or justify this second refurbished mobile phone lawsuit.

So Ke Hanliang finally fell down!
It also means that Ke Hanliang will face at least 1 year and up to 7 years in prison. After all, it is illegal to manufacture refurbished machines on a large scale!
Although the legal person of Chenguang Technology is not Ke Hanliang, but another unlucky guy, the unlucky guy who launched the company before Ke Hanliang.

However, Ke Hanliang, as Chenguang Technology's largest shareholder and biggest beneficiary, even if it is investigated, the main responsibility is borne by the company's legal person.

But there is no doubt that he cannot escape. After all, if all responsibilities are borne by legal persons, then capitalists will never have any risks and can hide behind their backs and act recklessly!
Therefore, Ke Hanliang cannot escape a secondary responsibility, at least one year in prison, even if he "performs outstandingly" in prison, he will not be able to get out in a few months!

In this regard, dozens of reporters at the scene took photos of Ke Hanliang's pale face.

Not long after that, the news of Ke Hanliang's refurbished phone and the infringement of Nokia 5110 caused a national sensation and caused reports from major newspapers across the country.

This incident may have been fueled by Nokia and Jinli mobile phones, and the commotion was dozens of times greater than Lin Chen's previous release of the Suguang A1 mobile phone.

For this reason, except for TTCV Xinwen Lianbo and Renming Daily, which did not report relevant news, almost all major mainstream media in the country reported this matter.

It can be said that this movement is very big, and it can be said that more than 3000 million people in the whole Great Xia know about it in one day.

But the incident did not stop, and the second lawsuit at Dali Temple in Pengcheng was held again the next day. This time the lawsuit was not a commercial civil lawsuit, but a criminal judgment lawsuit!

This time Ke Hanliang and a group of high-level executives also appeared in different order. In response to this, the magnesium lights began to flicker frantically.

Not only were there no fewer reporters on the scene at this time, but there were many more reporters than yesterday.

After all, the news about Chenguang Technology's refurbished Nokia mobile phones and infringement of Nokia mobile phones is so hot, the reporters naturally rushed here as if smelling the fishy smell.

They missed the important news yesterday, and the criminal lawsuit the next day is aimed at Chenguang Technology's illegal refurbishment of Nokia 5110, and it is destined to attract the attention of tens of millions of people across the country.

After all, this is equivalent to the fact that people in ancient times liked to watch executioners beheading corrupt officials in the vegetable market, which naturally attracted people's attention and made people want to know about the subsequent development.

And this criminal lawsuit didn't have any surprises and even seemed a bit boring, but the reporters were not only not bored but excited.

Especially when the time came for Ke Hanliang to be sentenced, they frantically pressed the cameras in their hands to capture Ke Hanliang's complex emotions such as anger, helplessness, resentment and expressions of life.

Among them, although Ke Hanliang was not the principal offender, but was sentenced to one year and four months as an accessory, but because of his status as the boss of Chenguang, he attracted the attention of reporters.

Ke Hanliang's face was very ugly about this, and it would be a disaster for Ke Hanliang to get this result.

Going to jail and losing money, Ke Hanliang really regretted it to death at this time, regretting why he took this trip back to the water, why he believed Lin Chen's evil!

Who is it?

Who in the world collected such perfect evidence?

Who is targeting him?
Who is this person? Is he Lin Chen?

These questions have been circling in Ke Hanliang's mind for a long time.

At first he thought it was Lin Chen, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that it couldn't be Lin Chen, because if it was Lin Chen who messed with him, then Su Chen's refurbishment of mobile phones would definitely be exposed.

Even if there is not enough evidence to keep Lin Chen in prison for several years, it will still be enough to make Lin Chen feel uncomfortable, so it should not be Lin Chen who did it.

At this time, Ke Hanliang could be suspicious of many people. Except for Lin Chen, every one of them is possible, such as Jinli mobile phone, Telstar mobile phone, other mobile phone companies in Pengcheng, and even Bodao mobile phone.

But at this moment, everything didn't matter anymore. Ke Hanliang, who was full of emotions such as anger and regret, finally turned into resentment.

This resentment is the resentment towards Lin Chen, everything is Lin Chen's fault, so he roared loudly:
"It's not fair. The real founder of Chenguang Mobile is Lin Chen. He should also come in and squat. It's not fair!"

Following Ke Hanliang's roar, the reporters at the scene were slightly taken aback, and then excitedly pressed the cameras in their hands.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

(End of this chapter)

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