Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 228 Gaia Supreme, 1 minute to resolve the battle!

Chapter 228 Gaia Supreme, 1 minute to resolve the battle!

After feeling a powerful force suddenly appear in the body.

Gaia clenched her fists tightly, and her muscles began to tense, in order to quickly resolve this battle.

At this moment, Gaia can already be said to have been beaten by Carlos.

Xiao Mian's consciousness slowly dissipated, and the control of the body was also handed over to Carlos.

Although this is a bit too bullying, the benefits that the two of them can provide to Carlos have already been given.

Now that the giving is over, there is no need to continue fighting.

It's best to end this fight quickly.

Gaia raised her hands, and a blue ball of light floated between her hands, releasing a powerful aura.

And this blue ball of light is naturally the power of Aguru's ocean.

Gaia integrated the power of the ocean into her body, and her whole body immediately changed dramatically.

At this moment, Gaia's body, shoulders and legs are painted with blue and black that symbolize Agulu.

The proportion of red on the wrists and the lower body is wider than the initial form and the V2 form, and the body is more muscular than before.

The muscles of the whole body have been greatly strengthened, as if a complete rebirth has been completed.

And this is Gaia's strongest form, the highest form.

I saw a slight change in Gaia's appearance.

Ace Killer's face couldn't help but bewildered, Ahao hadn't seen the latest episode of Gaia, so he didn't know that Gaia would have other forms.

He could feel that the energy aura coming from the opponent's body was completely different from what it was just now.

"Even if you change into another form, in front of Ace Killer, you have no chance of winning!"

Killer Ace roared and rushed towards Gaia, the sharp claws on his arm shone with a golden cold light, and quickly tore at the opponent.

Gaia stood firmly on the spot first, and waited until the claw was about to hit her, then raised her fist and swung it out forcefully.


The moment the two attacks collided, there was a crisp sound.

In the next second, the figure of Killer Ace kept receding, and his claws were severely deformed.

Obviously, in the battle just now, Gaia's power completely crushed Ace Killer.

Just that punch just now shattered the opponent's claws.

This is where the supreme form is most powerful.

Whether it is defense, speed or attack power, they are all several times higher than the v2 form.

Of course, such a strong mentality also has a very fatal shortcoming, that is, the energy in the body can't last long at all.

Even if Gaia stays on the original timeline and transforms into the supreme form, he can only last for 1 minute.

After all, the consciousness of the earth plus the consciousness of the ocean is equivalent to the whole earth.

Of course, there are also situations where I dream that my body can't support it.

But now with Carlos leading the fight, the situation is completely different.

Whether it is physical strength or energy, it can achieve a state of unlimited support.

Supporting the highest form, there is no big problem in fighting for several hours.

So Carlos is really a bully when he goes online to fight.

"So strong..."

Killer Ace held his deformed paw, his eyes full of shock.

You know, the Ace Killer is a biological weapon made by the Yabo people.

In terms of strength, they are stronger than ordinary super beasts.

What's more, the physical fitness of the Ace killer can even bear the Metalim light.

Just an ordinary fist collision shouldn't break Ace's killer's claws.

In this way, the terrifying crushing power of Gaia's supreme form can be highlighted even more.

In the next second, Gaia opened her legs and rushed towards Ace Killer.

Its speed is so fast that it is completely impossible for Ace Killer to dodge. He can only quickly pour energy into the crystal on his head, and a burst of emerald green light bursts out.

Emelim Rays!

The speed of the light was faster, and on the way Gaia rushed over, it hit the opponent hard.

However, even after being hit, Gaia continued to sprint as if nothing happened.

Even the attack of light did not stop the opponent's actions.

At this moment, Gaia had already rushed in front of Ace Killer, grabbed Ace Killer's body with both hands, lifted it high above his head, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Bang bang bang!
Gaia dropped Ace Killer's body to the ground, lifted it up quickly, and fell down again.

In a few seconds, it fell nine times.

And the damage caused by each fall becomes greater.

This is also the highest nine consecutive falls in the highest form.

After going through this period of attack, the bones of Ace Killer's body can be said to be completely shattered.

Even if the Ace Killer wanted to stand up at this moment, he was already powerless.

Immediately afterwards, Gaia seemed to grab a pool of meat paste and threw it directly into the sky thousands of meters high.


The energy of both hands converges in Gaia's hands, the left hand flashes red light particles, and the right hand flashes blue light particles.

The moment he put his hands together, a terrifying light burst out instantly.

And this ray of light is one of Gaia's nirvana, quantum streamline.

Although the previous quantum streamline was broken up by Ace Killer.

But the power of the quantum streamline in the highest form is completely different.

In the blink of an eye, it directly penetrated Ace Killer's body and completely shattered it.

The flames of the explosion spread in the sky.

In the flames of the explosion, a large number of light particles also flew towards Carlos' hands, gradually condensing into the appearance of a puppet.

With the help of Otto's strength training, Ah Hao's body moved around gently.

This time, the battle is finally over.

"Is this the ending you want to see?"

Nanase Risa looked at Carlos.

"Of course, both of them have provided me with enough benefits."

"This world will not face destruction, and it is the best ending for me."

Carlos explained lightly.

The fact is indeed the case, Carlos Spark has completely absorbed the greed in the hearts of the three children.

The influence of the red ball is also completely lifted.

After showing great strength, Carlos has the confidence to let the red ball follow him willingly.

The next step is nothing more than to restore the entire city with the power of the red ball, and then take it away.

Gaia's body also changed back to Xiao Mian, and the doll returned to Carlos' hands.

"Did I succeed in saving the world?"

Xiao Mian looked at Carlos in a daze. After all, he had no memory of what happened after he became this form.

 Accidentally, the number of chapters was wrong, but the plot did not jump.

(End of this chapter)

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