Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 229 The Red Ball Finally Got It, Returning to the New Galactic Empire

Chapter 229 The Red Ball Finally Got It, Returning to the Newborn Galactic Empire

"Of course, you have successfully saved the world."

When Carlos was talking, he summoned a red ball and pulled it in front of Xiao Mian.

"As the savior of this world, you can make a wish to restore the destroyed city to its original state."

After Xiao Mian took the red ball, he looked at it for a few seconds, then shook his head.

"No, it's better for human beings to repair the destroyed cities."

After listening to the other party's words, Carlos smiled lightly and said, "I know your heart is good."

"But have you ever thought about the main reason why monsters appear in this world to destroy, and you are also involved."

"If you hadn't summoned Ultraman Gaia and let others know the mysterious power of the red ball to summon monsters, the city would not have been destroyed."

"You think it's better for human beings to repair the destroyed cities, but isn't it too unfair for other people?"

"They don't have to pay for the mistakes you made."

After listening to what Carlos said, Xiao Mian also fell into deep thought, because the other party's reasoning was indeed correct.

"I know, but I only grant this one wish."

"Then you have to make the red ball disappear."

After Xiao Mian finished speaking, she asked the red ball for her wish.

"Let this ruined city be restored to its original state!"

After he finished speaking, the red ball immediately burst into red light.

Then the whole city changed.

Dazzling light covered the entire city, and the originally destroyed places were restored to their original appearance.

It was as if there had never been a fight before.

Even a child with a pure heart like Xiao Mian, after making a wish, was still not affected in any way.

The greed in my heart was not stimulated by the red ball.

Seeing that the city had returned to normal, Xiao Mian returned the red ball to Carlos.

Carlos also expressed his great appreciation for him, reminding him.

"Xiao Mian, you need to know that if you make the wish that the red ball disappears, Risa Nanase next to you will also disappear."

"In this way, are you still planning to make the red ball disappear?"

After hearing Carlos' reminder, Xiao Mian naturally understood.

Nanase Risa is indeed related to the red ball.

Because when I first saw Nanase Risa, it was in the special space over there.

"Xiao Mian, make a wish to make the red ball disappear, my existence will only cause the destruction of more worlds."

Nanase Risa spoke softly beside her.

"Then is there any way for Nanase Risa to stay?"

Xiao Mian looked at Carlos as if asking for help.

Judging from the strength shown by Carlos, he also felt that Carlos was omnipotent, and there must be a way to make Nanase Risa stay.

Carlos knew in his heart that even after the red ball disappeared, Risa Nanase would still stay.

It can also be regarded as the last wish used by the red ball before it disappears.

But only if the other party is not informed of this information.

In order to highlight the purity of Xiao Mian's heart even more.

Nanase Risa will be more willing to stay in this world.

So Carlos pretended to look regretful.

"At present, there is no way, she will dissipate with the red ball."

Since Carlos said that there is no way, maybe there is really no way.

That is to say, Xiao Mian first looked at Carlos, then at Nanase Risa, and finally made up his mind.

"Red Ball, disappear!"

As soon as Xiao Mian finished speaking, the red ball burst into dazzling light again.

In the red light, the red ball turned into a large number of light particles and dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, Nanase Risa's figure also became unreal.

"Xiao Mian, goodbye."

Nanase Risa smiled and waved at Mian.


Xiao Mian waved his hand and watched Nanase Risa completely disappear.

"Well done, Xiao Mian, you completely saved the world."

"While saving the entire multiverse."

"Leave this as a souvenir for you."

Carlos said, and handed Carlos virtual spark to Xiao Mian.

"Is this really good?"

Xiao Mian asked curiously, because this is Ultraman's transformation device.

Of course, without a puppet, he would definitely not be able to transform.

"It's okay, it's a symbol of the savior."

"Maybe there will be a time when you need your strength again later."

After Carlos finished speaking, he left here straight away.

Xiao Mian also put away the Carlos virtual spark and left here.

Of course, this is not because Carlos is so kind and willing to give him great strength.

But Carlos can clearly feel that Xiao Mian's pure heart can still be used by him.

As long as Xiao Mian continues to grow with Carlos' virtual spark, Carlos can continue to receive energy supplies and become stronger.

It can be said to be a steady stream.

After Xiao Min left completely, Carlos returned to this place.

The hand began to emit purple light, and the surrounding scene also began to change.


The originally scattered red light particles condensed together again, turning into the shape of a red ball.

The disappearing figure of Nanase Risa has also reappeared.

She looked at Carlos in front of her, and her eyes flashed with surprise.

"You actually have the ability to manipulate time!"

Nanase Risa knew in her heart that Hongqiu's wish would come true directly.

She should have disappeared afterward.

Only the ability to turn back time can restore the red ball.

Carlos looked at Risa Nanase and explained.

"I think it's a pity to let you disappear like this. I still have room to use the power of the red ball."

"Give me the red ball, and you can transform into an ordinary person to live in this world."

"I believe, you don't want to leave Xiao Mian's side, do you?"

Nanase Risa looked at Carlos, nodded after a few seconds of silence.

She knew that Carlos in front of her was neither a good person nor an evil person.

The red ball was given to Carlos, and she didn't know whether it would be harmful or beneficial to the entire universe.

But now I can only believe it.

"I see."

"Then I will hand over the red ball to you, I hope you can make good use of it."

After Nanase Risa finished speaking, she immediately turned and left. She had to prepare a new identity to live in this world.

Carlos held a red ball in one hand, full of joy in his heart.

He has already obtained the most powerful wishing machine in the Ultra world.

"Next, it's time to go back to your own world and reset all the resources."

"It's time for the newborn Galactic Empire to usher in its peak moment."

Carlos then created a black hole and returned in the direction of the nascent Galactic Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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