Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 245 Make a wish again, the way to break through the limit

Chapter 245 Make a wish again, the way to break through the limit
Time passed minute by minute.

There are more and more cracks on the shield, as if the light is reset in the next second, it will completely break through the shield and hit the newborn Galactic Empire.

The Ampera Stars and the others listened to Carlos' orders throughout the process.

Even with all his strength, he was still maintaining this shield.

It's just that some things can't be changed by hard work.

The strength of the three of them is limited after all, and if this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the shield breaks through.

There is no way, Carlos can only materialize the last dark Zaki doll.

The dark Zaki burst into the sky, rushed in front of the Ambella star, also released energy, and deployed a shield.

Their shields fused together to form a harder shield, which seemed to last a little longer.

It's just that for Carlos, the energy consumed is even greater.

The many Emeralu ores beside him are gradually withering at this moment.

The energy that Emeralu ore can provide is also limited.

It's just that so far, Carlos still hasn't broken through that upper limit.

As for the system, he really has no way to use it now.

The main reason is that I don't know if I can get the skills I want after summoning the ultimate unit.

It's okay if he wins the lottery, he can turn defeat into victory by relying on his powerful skills, and wipe out Giga Endola in one go.

But if you don't win, it's fun.

It will make Carlos feel even more desperate.

So Carlos wants to fight again with his own strength.

Judging from the current time, there is not much time left.

There is no way, Carlos can only convene the black hole again, and take out a red ball from it.

This is the wishing red ball sealed by him.

Originally Carlos didn't want to use it again.

But in order to protect the newborn Galactic Empire, he had to make an exception once.

The red ball felt the urgency of Carlos, and it began to emit light slightly at this moment.

In another world, Nanase Risa also noticed Carlos' emotions.

"Does he want to use the red ball again to make a wish?"

Nanase Risa slightly closed her eyes, and through the red ball, she instantly saw the situation of the entire newborn Galactic Empire.

The cosmic beings in the newly born Galactic Empire died or were injured.

These cosmic beings are notorious existences in the universe.

But at this moment, in order to protect the newborn Galactic Empire, they can be said to be united to the extreme.

For those weak cosmic beings, these cosmic beings can be said to have died well.

But for the newborn Galactic Empire, these are existences that absolutely cannot be lost.

They are doing their justice.

As a more neutral existence, the red ball cannot label justice and evil on them.

All she has to do is to realize her wish, absorb the greed in the user's heart by the way, and make herself stronger.

So Nanase Risa put her hands together and fell into a state of prayer.

Carlos held the red ball, thinking about wishes.

What kind of wish do you have to make to change the current situation?

It is absolutely impossible to make a wish to directly erase Gigabit Endola.

This is beyond the scope of the wishing red ball.

After all, the wishing red ball is still in a relatively initial state, and the scope of wishing is limited.

To resolve this crisis, Carlos still has to rely on his own strength.

"Red Ball, please give me a way to have a stronger form!"

The wish that Carlos made was very ingenious.

It is impossible to let the red ball give Carlos more powerful power, but how to make Carlos stronger is very easy.

Suddenly, a lot of memories flooded into Carlos' mind.

And these memories are precisely about the skills of stronger forms.

With the help of the red ball, Carlos also sensed the power King Ultra had exerted on him before, allowing him to be resurrected once.

Combined with the concept of being able to be resurrected, a figure beyond the emperor's form slowly emerged in Carlos' mind.

"Next, we will fight..."

After sorting out his memory, Carlos stopped absorbing energy, and at the same time sealed the wishing red ball back into the black hole.

Hope to never have a chance to use this again.

In the next second, Carlos flew out of the palace and flew directly into outer space.

The surrounding cosmic people saw Carlos flying out, and their eyes were full of joy.

"It was His Majesty Carlos who made the move!"

"We finally see the dawn of victory!"

"Your Majesty Carlos, tear down Gigabit Endola!"

Many cosmic beings were shouting with joy.


"That's Carlos, the emperor of the new Galactic Empire?"

"The appearance can be said to be almost the same as Beria."

"At the same time, the energy source in the body has even far exceeded that of the giant Bishop Goroka. It is unbelievable that an Ultra warrior has such a huge energy source."

"But no matter how powerful it is, it is like an ant to Gigabit Endola!"

Although the judge was slightly surprised by Carlos' strength, he quickly regained his composure.

They have this self-confidence, except for a strong man of Reggado's level who makes the shot himself.

In front of Gigabit Ndola, there is no opponent at all!
And Dración, who was above the multiverse, also noticed the existence of Carlos at this moment.

Due to the characteristics of Carlos' traverser, his previous prophecy was only aimed at the newborn Galactic Empire, not against Carlos.

So this was the first time he saw Carlos.

After meeting Carlos, De La Ción was confused.

The prophecy he directly imposed turned out to be invalid on this Carlos.

Even his future is illusory.

The reason why the King of Ultra can identify Carlos is the key to saving the universe.

It is because the future of Carlos cannot be predicted, and it has the possibility of being far beyond their level.

It's just that the arrow is on the string and has to be sent.

Giga-Endola's reset light had already been fired, and even they didn't have enough power to withdraw it.

And what Carlos did next was very shocking.

I saw Carlos undo all the 4 puppets in one breath, and used his strength to deploy the shield, directly blocking the entire reset light.

Bang bang bang!
The reset light crazily hit Carlos' shield, and the shield immediately extended thousands of tiny cracks, and a large number of energy particles burst out one after another.

And those energy particles that burst out are all converging in one direction at this moment, which is Carlos' energy indicator.

There is only one way to make a wish given by the red ball.

That is, Carlos must risk his life and use his black hole ability to absorb the entire reset light.

Use the huge energy of resetting the light to let yourself complete the evolution directly!
(End of this chapter)

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