Kingdom of Light: Start Inheriting the Galactic Empire

Chapter 246 Even a villain has hope in his heart

Chapter 246 Even a villain has hope in his heart

"You'd better give up now."

The judge of the cosmic trial court saw that Carlos used his own power to block the attack of the reset light, and his eyes were full of disdain.

At the beginning, Gauss and Justis tried their best, but they couldn't block this ray of light.

Not to mention the current Carlos alone, no matter how powerful Carlos has, he will never be an opponent to reset the light.

Besides, it is impossible for a person to be unlucky for the second time.

The last time I used the reset light to blow up Reggado.

It seems that Carlos will not have anything to do with that level of powerhouse, and he will be killed without any accidents at all.

Facing their taunts, Carlos completely ignored them.

Instead, he continued to support the shield with the energy in his body, absorbing the energy in the reset light bit by bit.

Although Carlos has black hole skills, he can absorb any energy attack endlessly.

But if he wants to transform this power into himself, he must require Carlos to have a very strong physical quality.

Otherwise, it will be like an inflated balloon. When the air is inflated to a certain extent, it will explode immediately.

This is the case with Carlos at the moment.

As he continued to absorb energy, Carlos' muscles all over his body gradually became more apparent, and they were still slightly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The swelling pain made Carlos grit his teeth and persist.

It was the first time in such a long time that he felt so uncomfortable.

After he has absorbed enough energy, he is guaranteed to tear down Giga Endola!
In order to increase his absorption limit, Carlos directly turned into the emperor form, and golden ores protruded from his body, and these ores were also absorbing the energy in the reset light.

It can be said that Carlos has drawn out all the cards he has in addition to the system.

Seeing the emperor's form displayed by Carlos, the judges of the cosmic trial court couldn't help frowning.

Can they feel how outrageous this energy is?

It can be said that it is the ceiling under the group of combined bodies.

If he was given a little longer, Carlos would even be able to single out Ultra fighters of the level of Infinity Dream Bius.

The fact that a person can grow to this extent is enough to show how terrifying potential he has in his body.

Plus all his great resources.

It also made the cosmic trial court more determined to wipe him out.

And in the newborn Galactic Empire.

All the people tried their best and finally wiped out the Goroka robot.

They also paid a heavy price for this, and only 1/10 of the cosmic people remained.

The army of tens of millions of robots has been beaten down to only 10,000+.

It is the power of the multiverse level like Dración that makes the newborn Galactic Empire so embarrassing.

"His Majesty Carlos..."

Even Saurus, the ultimate super beast who knows no pain, is already exhausted after a long battle.

He won't feel tired, but his body will reflect it most intuitively.

After walking two or three steps, the huge body directly collapsed on the ground.

The Yabo people in the body also separated out.

"Saurus, thank you for your hard work..."

Or someone stroked Saurus' head, his eyes full of regret.

"From now on, we can only look up to His Majesty Carlos..."

Haipa looked up at the sky, and the cannon in his hand had turned into a piece of scrap iron under the successive battles.

Moreover, the scale of Carlos' current battle is no longer something they can intervene in.

"There must be a way to help His Majesty Carlos."

After the battle, Desfasa, who had regained his energy supply, slowly got up and looked at the sky, the artificial intelligence in his body was running rapidly.

Want to find a way to help Carlos.

In the records of the universe, there are only two battles with similar circumstances.

The first time was Gauss and Justis, who blasted out Reggado against the reset light.

The second time was mainly Sai Luo, and several other partners fought against the arc Beria's light.

In that battle, Zero obtained the light of the whole universe and summoned Noah.

After obtaining Palaji's shield, he turned defeat into victory.

This approach seemed to help Carlos.

"We can only give all our hopes to His Majesty Carlos."

Desfarsa said lightly.

"Hope? It's really a mockery."

Haipa sneered.

How could dark people like them have hope in their hearts.

"Yeah, it sounds too disgusting."

The Yabo people echoed.

After all, in the universe, the word "hope" is only spoken by the Ultra fighters.

"This is the only way to help His Majesty Carlos."

"Maybe the word hope is an emotion we shouldn't have, but our hearts are united in helping His Majesty Carlos rule the entire universe."

"Isn't this a power of hope?"

"Just pray, maybe the battle situation will change."

Now that Desfasa has said so, the remaining cosmic beings can only pretend.

As he said.

It is impossible for the cosmic people to pray for the peace of the universe, and only want to rule the planets and the galaxies.

But at this moment they will still pray to help Carlos rule the entire universe.

That would be quite enough.

The powerful power of desire gradually converged in the direction of Carlos.


K76 star.

"The savior of the wicked..."

"Carlos did it."

Song of Ultra can also feel a very powerful force of desire.

If this was done before, it would never have happened at all.

Because most of the cosmic people in the universe are selfish, it is impossible to think about one person in this way.

But Carlos was able to unify the minds of all the cosmic beings, and they were all vicious in the universe.

In a sense, this point far surpasses the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light.


"The Hope of the Wicked..."

Dración sensed the force, and showed shock as well.

This has never happened in the previous universe.

What's more, the power of hope of these cosmic beings is stronger.

In their hearts, Carlos has been equated with God.

It can be said that devout believers are praying to their gods.

The power of this prayer becomes even more terrifying.

He finally understood in his heart why the King of Ultra said that Carlos would save the universe in the future.

Perhaps the future crisis of the universe is coming from other dimensions.

Only people like Carlos can truly unify the power of the entire universe.

(End of this chapter)

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