"Attention, attention, all the young and old men of the 923 Work Team have listened. We will have a meeting in the auditorium of the field department at :..."

Before Gu Zhaocheng could go out, a broadcast sounded from the loudspeaker, and it was Gu Changshan's voice.

"Mom, there is a meeting at the farm today. Is the new director coming? Is it certain that my father's position as director is hopeless?"

Gu Zhaocheng asked Na Cunhua uncertainly.

If there is a chance, Gu Zhaocheng still wants to participate.

If Gu Changshan could become the director of Sandaogou Forest Farm, not only would the Gu family's life be much easier.

This step is also very important for Gu Changshan.

If you are promoted, you can work in an office. If you are not promoted, you will still have to go up the mountain to work on the front line.

Moreover, having a father who is the director of Sandaogou Forest Farm makes it easier for Gu Zhaocheng to do whatever he wants in this forest.

"How long has it been, and you still think about your father being the boss? So many people are going to lose their jobs."

That Cunhua is just an ordinary woman with no political sensitivity.

Compared with Gu Changshan losing his future, he cares more about human relationships and worries about the neighbors who have lived together for many years and that his family will lose their livelihood.

This winter, when the forest farm started logging on the mountain, it only gave 20 people quota to go up the mountain.

Those who don't go up the mountain will not have the most important performance wages and bonuses.

Relying only on basic wages, in this era, the family does not have enough to eat.

"If Lao Gu fails to become the director of the farm, it's not that we are worried about whether others will have jobs. Maybe our family will lose their jobs."

Gu Zhaocheng muttered in his heart but did not say it out loud, which added to the pressure on Na Cunhua.

"Because so many people are going to lose their jobs, that's why my dad should be the field commander. How about someone else, who can be like my dad and sincerely help the people in the work team to keep their jobs?"

Gu Zhaocheng basically didn't communicate well with Gu Changshan. The two of them were in a polite state. If he wanted to influence Gu Changshan, he still had to go through the village beauty first.

Whether it is for this forest farm or for the forest farm employees, it is best for Gu Changshan to be the farm director.

"Zhao Cheng, what you said today makes it clear. It is true. No one is more attentive to this forest farm than your dad, but your dad just made a mistake a while ago. This time the forest farm is adjusted, your dad has no chance. ”

Of course Namura was very happy to hear the compliments about her man.

But it is true that Gu Changshan just made a mistake. Originally, when he went to the mountains to cut trees this year, the authorities only gave 923 twenty places.

Gu Changshan couldn't bear that some workers had no money, so he arranged an equal distribution.

He took everyone in 923 into the mountains and prepared to evenly distribute the wages of the twenty places.

This was not a big deal, but there was an accident after going up the mountain and a worker died.

This small mistake of taking everyone up the mountain turned into a big mistake.

"It doesn't matter. There is no chance this time. There will be a next time. If you are fine, please supervise my dad more and make him more motivated."

Gu Changshan has been rated as advanced in his unit many times and has been rated as a provincial model worker. He still has some political capital.

He had always been just the captain of the work team, but Gu Changshan was too careless about his official career and too casual about this matter.

Otherwise, no one who has received the honor of being a provincial model worker has not been promoted and received a salary increase.

The excellence that has been sealed and concluded must of course be reused.

"You kid, when did you start worrying about these things?"

"I'm an adult now and it's time to worry about some things at home."

"You've really grown up." Na Cunhua smiled and said, "Okay, I get it, and I will give your dad some advice."

"Then I'll go fishing."

The purpose of the reminder was achieved, Gu Zhaocheng took the equipment and continued fishing.

With the new field director here, Gu Changshan can no longer afford to be the field director.

Mistakes made before will take some time to heal.

The new field director who was parachuted in had to catch some mistakes before he could drive people away.

After reaching the river, Gu Zhaocheng continued to dig holes, set bait to make nests, and then lowered the net, waiting for the fish to fall into the trap.

Then another hole was dug, this hole was specially used for fishing. The fisherman still had to persist.

Because 923 is in a remote location.

The heads of each family went to the field department for meetings.

Even if there is no meeting, there are not many people who are willing to dig holes by the river to catch fish like Gu Zhaocheng in the cold weather.

These calories consumed may not even be replenished with a meal of fish.

So the fishing resources here are actually quite abundant.

It has never been heavily fished, so the fish are relatively stupid and eat bait easily.

Moreover, after holes are opened in the ice, it is easier for fish to gather because of oxygen.

In one morning, Gu Zhaocheng caught seven or eight big fish weighing more than two kilograms.

Two fish were left to go back and pretend to be on business. Gu Zhaocheng collected the other fish and sold them to the market or restaurant when he went to the city.

This fishing result seems to be good. In the right place, it can be sold for twenty or thirty yuan.

But this is not actually the case. Consider that if the fish cannot be kept fresh, it will soon turn into frozen fish, and its value will be greatly reduced.

You also know why no one wants to catch fish and sell them in the city for money.

A construction worker in this era could earn thirty yuan a day.

Making money by fishing is not necessarily more than a day's wages for heavy physical labor.

If the technology is not good, it is definitely not possible to get as much as Gu Zhaocheng.

Moreover, you have to travel 20 to 30 kilometers to sell, which is a waste of time and travel expenses. This is something that many people are not good at doing.

It can be said that hoping to make money by fishing is neither stable nor cost-effective.

Only Gu Zhaocheng, who was not afraid of the cold and liked fishing, thought this could be done.

No matter what you want to do, it’s impossible without some capital.

Without some money, Gu Zhaocheng wouldn't even be able to leave this 923 family area.

He went home for a simple meal at noon, and in the afternoon, Gu Zhaocheng returned to the river.

What Lao Gu's family had to eat at noon today was not very good, just a simple steamed cake with radish and cabbage.

I don't know if Gu Changshan didn't take care of it yet, but Chen Xingjie didn't come to Gu's house for dinner.

When there is only one stove at home, women are not supported to cook multiple dishes at home all day long.

When there are four or five people in the Gu family, there are many people of all ages doing housework every day.

Women should not only be busy with cooking at home, but also with hygiene and cleaning.

If there is fish at home, it is impossible to cook fish for every meal.

For an eighteen-year-old boy like Gu Zhaocheng, he was a little too plain and lacked charm.

So when he had nothing to do in the afternoon, Gu Zhaocheng was at the river again and made a simple barbecue grill by himself.

I took the simple seasonings I found at home, onions, ginger, garlic, chili peppers, and salt. It was enough for grilled fish, and it was also paired with steamed bun slices to make a meal for myself.

"Mom, what's wrong with my dad? He comes back from a meeting and is in a bad mood again?"

After the snack, the weather was not beautiful and it started to snow.

Gu Zhaocheng did not enjoy the artistic conception of fishing alone in the cold river snow, so he packed up his things and returned home.

Snow is not uncommon in the Northeast in winter. It snows four or five months out of twelve months a year.

Due to the low temperature, the snow will not melt. Someone from the yard on the road will clean it up, and the snow that is not in the way will remain piled there.

After seeing too much, I no longer appreciate the snow.

After returning home, I saw Gu Changshan, frowning and sitting on the kang like a "thinker". "The farm has arranged for workers to be furloughed, and a total of 80 people from our Sandaogou Forestry Farm will be laid off."

Na Cunhua also frowned and replied.

A few days ago, people were just not allowed to go up the mountain, and at least they had a basic salary guaranteed.

Arrangements for layoffs will begin now, and there will be no wages at all.

In other words, eighty people will lose their iron rice bowl.

Sandaogou Forest Farm is small, with only two work teams in total, and 923 has a relatively large number of workers.

Even if Gu Changshan's subordinates are laid off in proportion, fifty people will be laid off.

"Then I'll go to the store to buy a bottle of wine and let my dad drink some, okay?"

Gu Zhaocheng couldn't solve Gu Changshan's situation.

Logically speaking, if these people could persist until 97, they would be among the last to be laid off in this wave of layoffs.

It can be said that there are people who have been laid off before, helping these people to find a way.

The road ahead after being laid off is already much easier.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with the Gu family. Gu Changshan is still the captain and the leader. Even if he is laid off, he is also the last batch to be laid off.

Gu Changshan frowned just because the captain had a sense of responsibility and was worried about other families.

"Then go ahead. Do you have any money? I'll get you some money."

"No need to take it, I have money."

Originally, Northeastern people always kept drinks at home because of the cold weather.

Normal Northeastern people also like to drink a little.

But because of the limited conditions of the Gu family, Gu Changshan always controlled himself.

Not drinking often is not because I don’t like it, it’s just to reduce expenses.

When he went to the store, Gu Zhaocheng bought two bottles of sorghum wine that cost three yuan a pound, which was enough to make Gu Changshan drunk and relieve his worries.

This is at least a standard grain wine. There is no high technology, so of course you can drink it without eating.

With wine, there are naturally a few simple dishes to go with the wine, fried peanuts, ground three delicacies, braised fish, dried tofu shreds. The Cunhua's cooking time was also a little later than usual.

"Speaking of it, when I first arrived at the forest farm..."

Of course Song Liuxi, who has lived in the Northeast for many years, is also a lover of wine. Accompanying Gu Changshan, who was in a bad mood, he drank one glass at a time.

Song Liuxi is quite interesting. He is an old man who becomes more understanding as he gets older, not the kind who becomes more confused as he gets older.

Because of my age, I know a lot of old Northeastern stories and folklore.

Many of these stories originated from the feudal era and were passed down orally. They all have some fantasy elements and are quite interesting whether they are true or false.

Just because it has a lot to do with the forest farm, Song Liuxi can tell the story of the Five Immortals to everyone.

Anyone who drinks wine knows that it takes very little time to just eat.

But if you drink, the meal time can easily be stretched to two or three hours.

"Listen to what these noises are. Why are all the dogs in the village barking?"

The native dogs in the village are quite spiritual.

If something hadn't happened, the dogs in the whole village wouldn't have started barking.

"Something happened outside."

Gu Zhaocheng listened, and there were some faint shouts outside and replied.

"Then I have to go out and take a look." As he spoke, Gu Changshan prepared to get off the kang.

As the captain of 923, no matter what happens, Gu Changshan has to take care of his work and life.

No matter which couple quarrels more fiercely, the captain needs to help break up the fight.

In the family areas of these units, Gu Changshan's responsibilities are no different from those of ordinary village cadres.

"I will go with you."

Gu Zhaochen was sitting on the edge of the kang without taking off his shoes. He got off the kang as soon as he lifted his legs.

"Put on the flashlight and be careful."

Seeing that the two men were about to go out, Na Cunhua went to the cabinet, took out the flashlight and said.

"Over there." Gu Zhaocheng helped him, and Gu Changshan, who was a little above, said.

The two father and son put on their cotton-padded jackets and left home. Because there was snow everywhere, even on a snowy day, the visibility was actually pretty good.

"Then whose house is on fire?"

In such a big place, it is easy to see different lights in the distance.

Seeing this situation, Gu Changshan walked out anxiously.

"Then I'll get the bucket and the basin."

Gu Zhaocheng returned to the house, took a bucket and a basin, and in a few steps he caught up with Gu Changshan, who was already walking in a snake shape.

Gu Changshan had drunk a little too much and was already walking unsteadily.

"Look in that direction, that's not Xingjie's house, right?"

Gu Changshan asked again.

"Maybe it really is the Xingjie family."

Gu Zhaocheng thought about it and felt that Chen Xingjie's house might have been on fire.

Gu Zhaocheng originally remembered this incident, but it had just been here for more than a day.

Gu Zhaocheng didn't even make arrangements for himself, so he didn't care about other people's affairs.

Moreover, Gu Zhaocheng had never even seen Chen Xingjie in person, so he had no chance to tell Chen Xingjie to be careful with fire.

And even if Gu Zhaocheng reminded Chen Xingjie about this kind of thing, it might not be of any use.

A person who cooks for himself will burn down his own home. Unless he doesn't use fire, he will have no chance of getting into trouble.

In this Northeastern region, there is no such thing as using fire.

Even if we can skip cooking, it is impossible not to burn the kang, otherwise it will be too cold to sleep at night.

"Then let's hurry up and nothing will happen to Xingjie."

Hearing Gu Zhaocheng's affirmative answer, Gu Changshan panicked.

"Xingjie, Xingjie!"

Seeing Gu Changshan anxious, Gu Zhaocheng speeded up, basically supporting Gu Changshan before walking.

After arriving at the door of Chen's house, there was a mess of people helping to put out the fire. Gu Changshan probably couldn't see the people clearly, so he shouted.

"Dad, Xingjie is fine, isn't he just sitting here?"

Gu Zhaocheng pulled Gu Changshan, pointed at Chen Xingjie and said.

"You talk to Xingjie, and I'll help put out the fire."

Gu Changshan can be idle after drinking too much. Since Gu Zhaocheng is here, he must be able to help.

They were all co-workers in the same work team, and these people had no conflicts of interest before.

There is still some camaraderie. When one family is in trouble, everyone helps.

The Chen family is not big, and there are already ten or twenty people coming to help.

Within a few minutes of walking from Gu's house to Chen's house, the fire was already under control.

It didn't spread, only some scattered flames remained. (End of chapter)

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