Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1032 Little brother lacks practice

"Zhaocheng, you can go out too, we can stay inside."

Gu Zhaocheng didn't even bring a few dishes of water, so all the open fires in the room were put out, and then he was kicked out.

Things like fires need to be handled quickly. If handled slowly, it is likely to get out of control.

Gu Zhaocheng is still young and has not participated in work, so he is not regarded as a person capable of taking responsibility.

"Dad, it's almost over here. Thanks to everyone's timely arrival, only Xingjie's house collapsed and there were no other losses."

The house here is still in the old-fashioned style. In addition to the wooden doors and windows, the roof is also made of wooden beams and purlins.

Once the fire is really burning, nothing will be left in the house except a few bricks.

Because the neighbors saved the house in time, the general structure of Chen Xingjie's house is still preserved.

Only the doors and windows were burned out, and a big hole was burned into the roof above the stove. A skylight was opened, which was considered very lucky.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. The fire has been put out. Let's go back to sleep. It's getting late. I'll make arrangements for Xingjie." Gu Changshan: "Xingjie, come home with me."

With the cold wind blowing, Gu Changshan sobered up a lot. It was instinct to lead an organization.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening. It would get dark at five o'clock, and there was not much nightlife, so it was already very late.

"Ah, I'd better stay at home."

Chen Xingjie responded blankly and then refused.

This child has experienced too many changes recently. At this time, he looks a little dull and at a loss. It is far from obvious that he will be mature and responsible in the future.

"Your house is leaking air everywhere now. You have to live at home. Don't you want to get up tomorrow?" Gu Changshan said to Gu Zhaocheng: "Zhaocheng, take Xingjie and let's go home."

A house with drafts everywhere is no different from the outdoors.

If Chen Xingjie really wanted to sleep at home, it wouldn't be surprising if he just disappeared.

Just like that, Chen Xingjie followed the Gu family and his son back home.

The Gu family took Chen Xingjie in directly, and there was no need to worry about Chen Xingjie not going to the Gu family for dinner, and everyone would live in the Gu family from now on.

"System, sign in."

"Congratulations to the host for receiving: ten yuan in cash and two pounds of frozen pears."

When Gu Zhaocheng woke up the next day, he started sweeping the snow.

After clearing the snow in the yard, you also need to clear a section of the road in front of your house.

There is no sanitation here, so things like clearing snow mainly rely on the efforts of each family.

"Zhaocheng, you got up so early. Grandpa even talked about sweeping the snow, but you have already finished it."

Waiting for Gu Zhaocheng to finish sweeping away the snow and prepare to build two snowmen in front of his house, while he was acting as the door god, Song Liuxi also went out.

"It's not much work. Master, you drank wine yesterday, so you'd better rest a little longer."

"As I get older, I don't sleep that much. Xingjie's family..."


When the father and son came back yesterday, they arranged for Xingjie to rest and did not have time to explain the matter clearly. Now it was time to explain the situation to the old man.

"This kid is in a lot of trouble!"

Song Liuxi sighed well, but Chen Xingjie was not the only child who suffered.

The children that the Gu family is raising now, including Gu Zhaocheng himself, and the children he will raise in the future, are each more miserable than the last.

The Gu family's children will suffer in the future, and Gu Zhaocheng may change.

But the children adopted by the Gu family will start to suffer from now on.

Even if Gu Zhaocheng knew what the situation was, he couldn't give him a solution now.

These children should still suffer.

After Chen Xingjie arrived at the Gu family, he had not had a big impact on the Gu family's life for the time being.

Taking in Chen Xingjie would not be a big change for the Gu family all at once. The main reason was that raising one more child would require bloodletting for a long time and increase expenses in the long run.

For now, it's just a matter of having one more person to sleep at home and an extra pair of chopsticks.

Na Cunhua made a meal of dumplings in the morning and welcomed Chen Xingjie's arrival.

Even though I feel sad about having an extra mouth in the family, I still remember the twenty-year friendship between Gu Changshan and Chen Shangyou.

Na Cunhua warmly welcomed Chen Xingjie to live in his home.

Chen Xingjie's experience is indeed pitiful. In a short period of time, his father died, his mother ran away, and his house collapsed.

The originally happy family of three was left with Chen Xingjie as an "orphan" in the blink of an eye.

This kind of experience is too pitiful, and it is impossible for the kind-hearted Na Cunhua to cruelly turn people away.

After breakfast, Chen Xingjie went back to his home to clean up his burned-out house.

Yesterday, Chen Xingjie came to the Gu family alone, and the house had not been cleaned up yet.

A broken family is worth ten thousand yuan, but the Chen family's things are not worth ten thousand yuan.

But Chen Xingjie definitely couldn't just throw away the things he didn't want at home.

These things are not worth taking out, but if you want to buy a set of them all, it will still cost a lot of money.

It would take at least a few thousand dollars to buy things for home.

Although the Chen family, like the Gu family, only has two rooms, it doesn't look like it stands out in the family area.

But the actual financial situation of the Chen family is still much better than that of the Gu family.

The Chen family also had TV sets and tape recorders, as well as some clothes, bedding, furniture pieces, pots and pans.

Except for the broken things, the rest are valuable and Chen Xingjie can still use them.

The family didn't give Gu Zhaocheng any tasks, so Gu Zhaocheng continued to fish.

Unless he catches hundreds of catties of fish, it's not worth Gu Zhaocheng's trip to the city.

It’s still not enough to just go to the nearby market to sell fish.

They are all people who live in the village and by the river. They are not willing to spend money to buy fish. Few of these people whose families are not well-off are willing to spend money on something that they can get with a little effort.

While fishing, he was relatively leisurely, and Gu Zhaocheng also had time to think about what to do next.

It makes sense to rely on mountains to eat mountains and rely on water to eat water.

Gu Zhaocheng lives in this forest farm, so the right way is to go to the mountains and forests to make money.

Just looking at Gu Zhaocheng's talents, if he didn't go to war, he would have the most room to display them in the mountains.

If it had been a few years earlier, it would not have been difficult for Gu Zhaocheng to make his first pot of gold.

Relying on his own skills, he was able to survive in an era when wild animals were relatively depleted.

It is not difficult for Gu Zhaocheng to hope to make some money from hunting.

But now, not only have guns been confiscated across the country, but hunting has also been completely banned in the Northeast.

No matter whether it's a gun, a knife, or a trap, any means are not used.

Even if the wild boar comes down the mountain and eats the geographical crops, you can't do anything about it.

If you want to make a fortune from animals, you can only rely on artificial domestication, which will no longer be possible in a short time.

But you can still count on making money from plants. If you can dig out a ginseng seedling of an older generation, it will be enough for Gu Zhaocheng to get started.

Even though wild ginseng is very rare, Gu Zhaocheng is not an old mountaineer and cannot dig ginseng, but finding some herbs is more efficient than Gu Zhaocheng fishing.

Even though herbs are difficult to find, and some wild products are valuable, it is impossible for people to leave empty-handed.

So if he didn't want to run out, going to the mountains would be Gu Zhaocheng's best choice.

Going into the mountains to play can be regarded as Gu Zhaocheng's hobby, and he uses his hobby to make money.

It's definitely better than going to the city to make money as a hawker.

In this era, hawkers are not as easy to do as before. There is no chance to double the profit by just carrying a bag of goods back from the south.

The current weather is not suitable for going into the mountains, and the mountain forests in winter are only suitable for logging.

Although it is also suitable for hunting, this activity has been banned. In addition to maintaining law and order, the biggest focus of the forestry police station is to catch poachers.

Gu Zhaocheng does not need to directly confront the policy.

The family is not going to live on. Gu Changshan can still ensure that the whole family has food to eat, and Gu Zhaocheng will not take this path directly.

Although you can’t go into the mountains until spring comes and the flowers bloom, you can still make all kinds of preparations.

In addition to looking at the forest farm planning map of Changshan and understanding the geography of the forest farm.

I just chatted with a few old people in the forest farm, played chess with these old men, listened to their bragging, and learned about the real situation in the mountains.

The main thing is to understand places other than Sandaogou Forest Farm.

What kind of resources are there, who hunts animals where, and digs out what medicinal materials make a fortune.

These old people have also lived here for many years, and they have heard a lot of news, true and false.

At least it can help Gu Zhaocheng understand which area on the mountain and what resources are distributed.

Even if it's not that accurate, it's still better than Gu Zhaocheng's blind approach.

As for the Sandaogou forest farm, Gu Zhaocheng was not optimistic.

It can basically be said that the mountain forests here have been cut down and become bald.

Natural resources have been exhausted to a certain extent.

There are no virgin forests here anymore, most of them are secondary forests and artificial forests.

The policy of sustainable development here has not been started for many years.

The forest has not grown, so we can only harvest some mushrooms, fungus, and pine nuts.

Gu Zhaocheng was busy learning about this forest farm.

The entire Sandaogou Forestry Farm has not been idle either. Workers have been furloughed and laid off, which has had a huge impact on the entire forestry farm.

Gu Zhaocheng has experienced a lot, and has never seen any unit where it is peaceful to lay off employees.

The entire forest farm was filled with turbulent and treacherous waves.

The people of the forest farm, which were originally relatively harmonious and simple, became restless.

In order to fight for the remaining places, each family also started their own calculations.

All kinds of frontal fights and stabbings in the back began.

Reports are written from the front and rumors are spread behind the scenes. It is true that many people have been exposed for many years.

There is only one purpose. As long as we find enough laid-off places for the forest farm, we will not have to be laid off.

At this time, the ones who are most ruthless are their respective peers.

As long as they are employees in the same position, they are direct competitors. As long as they get rid of other people in the same position, they can stay.

A week passed quickly because Chen Xingjie couldn't bear to disturb the Gu family's normal life.

At night, I sneaked into my dilapidated home and secretly studied with the cold wind blowing.

Gu Changshan used the kang cabinet and set aside a small area at the end of the kang for Chen Xingjie to learn to use.

Not only Gu Zhaoxi was envious of this treatment, but Gu Zhaocheng was also envious.

Gu Zhaocheng was still a little bit intolerable about not having a separate room.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, but the Northeast does not support building houses in winter.

So at the earliest, we have to wait until next year when the weather gets warmer and Gu Zhaocheng has saved enough money before he starts to solve the housing problem.

In order to be able to live by himself next year, it means that Gu Zhaocheng must pay for the construction of a house by next autumn at the latest.

"Brother Changshan, village beauty sister-in-law..."

When the whole family was getting ready to sleep on the kang, there was an urgent knock on the door outside.

Gu Changshan, the captain of the work team, does not have many benefits, except that the job allowance is not much.

But there are so many things going on. If anything happens to anyone, they always come to Gu Changshan.

"Is it Second Aunt Ma?"

Gu Changshan said when he heard the voice sounded familiar.

This Second Aunt Ma is a fierce Northeastern girl with a fierce personality and a person who is not easy to mess with.

He was in charge of the bathhouse in the forest farm. When he entered the men's bathhouse, he would just enter the door of his own house.

No matter how many naked men there were in the bathhouse, they would just rush in.

"I'll open the door."

Gu Zhaocheng has this position in the family. He is used to doing things and there is no need to give up suddenly.

"Brother Changshan, my girl is missing!"

After Aunt Ma entered the door and saw Gu Changshan, she almost cried.

Such a tough girl almost cried.

It can still be seen that Aunt Ma has no feelings for her second daughter.

"Zhaoxi, have you seen my girl?"

After hearing Aunt Ma's question to Gu Zhaoxi, Gu Zhaocheng knew that Gu Zhaoxi was looking for another girl again.

My education to Gu Zhaoxi in the past few days has been of little use.

Gu Zhaocheng asked Gu Zhaoxi to stay at home peacefully and temper the boy's temper, but Gu Zhaoxi did not implement it honestly.

For now, I still have no deterrent effect on this little brother.

Gu Zhaocheng immediately decided to practice with his little brother tomorrow.

You still have to trust the old people, and you just need some stick education for the naughty children.

"Which girl are you?" Gu Zhaoxi asked back to Aunt Ma.

"Which one do you think it could be?"

Second Aunt Ma asked as if it was a secret, do you know who it is and she still asked knowingly.

It was not easy for Aunt Ma, who already had a worried face, to reveal so much information on her face.

"Fengju?" Gu Changshan answered quickly.

"It's not Fengju."

"Is that Fengxia?" Gu Changshan continued to answer.

"Not even that."

"Oh, I can't hide this matter anymore. It's my second daughter, Feng Qin..."

This matter is actually not complicated.

Before Aunt Ma married Liang Fukuan, a forestry worker, she had already given birth to two daughters.

But because the second daughter is a child outside the family plan.

It was not in compliance with the policy. During the second marriage, Aunt Ma did not bring her second daughter.

He left the child with his family in Shandong and let his parents and sister raise him.

Now Aunt Ma's sister is laid off in the city and is having a hard time.

He put Liang Fengqin on the train and asked Liang Fengqin to come to the forest farm to join his mother.

Because the forest farm happened to catch up with the laid-off workers.

Just in time to determine the quota, Liang and Ma were afraid that this child would have a bad influence and cause Liang Fukuan to be laid off.

So he hid the child at home, not letting the child see anyone, and wanted to send the child back to Shandong.

In addition, Liang Fengju, the third eldest member of the Liang family, did not want anyone to share her motherly love, so some lies were spread.

Liang Fengqin was so frightened that she thought her mother and stepfather were going to sell her or send her to the mountains to feed wolves, so she scared her child and ran away from home. (End of chapter)

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