Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1034 Clarifying the Misunderstanding

"Feng Qin, listen to mom and go back with mom. Mom never said she didn't want you."

Speaking in such a gentle voice can be regarded as embarrassing the simple, direct and rough Aunt Ma.

"I won't leave, I won't go back with you."

Liang Fengqin reacted fiercely and hid behind Xingjie, shouting at the top of his lungs.

Obviously, Xingjie picked up Fengqin once at the train station and again in the mountains, and has been regarded as the most trustworthy support by Fengqin.

"I asked you to come back with me. Did you hear me? I've already clarified everything. Mom didn't say those things. Why are you still making trouble with me?"

Second Aunt Ma's tenderness only lasted for a second, and Feng Qin refused to show her respect. Second Aunt Ma's anger suddenly returned, revealing her true nature. She stroked her sleeves and was about to arrest the person.

Second Aunt Ma is definitely an activist who can take action but keep her mouth shut.

"Ma Xiaoyun, what do you want to do?"

"His second aunt, please slow down, you look like you're scaring the child."

Second Aunt Ma rushed forward, Feng Qin hid behind Xingjie, Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua stepped forward to stop him, and the room instantly became chaotic.

"I won't follow you, don't come here, stay away from me!"

Feng Qin was so frightened that he screamed and even jumped up.

"What do I want to do? What do I do when I take my children home?"

Second Aunt Ma's temper was really fierce. Even when she spoke to Gu Changshan's Cunhua, she was very aggressive.

"Okay, don't take care of the children. The children don't dare to come near you now." Na Cunhua said, standing in front of Aunt Ma.

"What will happen if the child doesn't come home?"

Knowing that the child could only stay at Gu's house for now, Aunt Ma didn't want to ask for help first.

"What can we do? The child can stay at my house today."

Na Cunhua saw Aunt Ma's thoughts, rolled her eyes and replied.

"Wouldn't that cause trouble for you?"

She obviously wanted this in her heart, but Aunt Ma still pretended to be embarrassed and said.


Since I have been given a step, I will definitely do my best to save flowers and not embarrass Aunt Ma again.

"Well, I'll leave the child here for you, and I'll go home first. It's not early, so I won't delay your rest."

After the matter came to an end, Aunt Ma seemed to have regained her senses. She remembered the ways of the world and felt a little embarrassed that she had disturbed the Gu family's rest.

"Let's go." Na Cunhua waved her hand and said.

Gu Changshan was silent at this time, feeling very tired.

Originally he was worried about being laid off at the forestry farm, and various troubles continued to occur. During this period of time, Gu Changshan could be said to be mentally and physically exhausted.

"Second aunt, don't forget to bring Fengju over tomorrow to confront the matter clearly."

Seeing Aunt Ma leave, Gu Zhaocheng quickly reminded her.

Gu Zhaocheng didn't do much to remind him about this matter, and others wouldn't pay much attention to it and didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Zhaoxi, Zhaoxi, get up and go out to practice with me."

Early the next morning, after Gu Zhaocheng woke up, he started to wake up his little brother.

"What time is it?" Zhaoxi replied in a daze.

"It's getting late, it'll be five o'clock soon."

It's almost dawn at six o'clock, and there's already some light at five o'clock. Of course, getting up is a routine operation.

If it hadn't been for Aunt Ma's misfortune yesterday, the Gu family would have gone to bed two o'clock late. At this time, Cunhua, who was the first to wake up in the family, would have mostly prepared breakfast.

"Brother, what are you practicing so early in the morning?"

Zhaoxi wiped his sleepy eyes and replied.

"You are as weak as a little chicken. What should you do if someone beats you after my brother is gone? It just so happens that I want to exercise now, so you get up and practice with me."

Gu Zhaocheng was going to join the army alone and had to undergo two physical examinations. It was normal to exercise.

It's not too out of the ordinary to ask my little brother to exercise together.

This excuse is really useful, and you can continue to use it until you reject the matter.

"What are you two doing?"

"Feng Qin, why are you up?"

After putting on their clothes, Gu Zhaocheng and Gu Zhaoxi got up and were about to go out. When they walked to the outhouse, they saw Feng Qin and Xingjie squatting in front of the stove to light a fire.

"Shh, be quiet, let uncle and aunt sleep a little longer."

Xingjie shushed with a gesture and reminded the brothers.

Gu Zhaocheng had the consciousness to speak quietly so as not to disturb others, but Zhaoxi saw Feng Qin being excited and forgot to keep quiet.

The little brother is quite precocious, he is only eight years old. After meeting Feng Qin, he fell in love with Feng Qin at first sight.

I fell in love with this girl from the beach in Yantai, Shandong, who was fair, quiet, and had a very different temperament from the girls in the village.

"Then you two keep lighting the fire. I'll take Zhaoxi outside for some exercise. You guys should be careful when lighting the fire and pay attention to safety."

Gu Zhaocheng knew that Feng Qin was unwilling to have free meals at home and wanted to show his worth, so he got up early to light a fire and cook at home, so he did not interfere.

Feng Qin went to light the fire and help with cooking, which was actually due to the same mentality as Gu Zhaocheng's usual help with household chores.

Because he felt the same way, Gu Zhaocheng still hoped that Feng Qin would be willing to return to his home.

It is better to live with your own mother and stepfather than to live with a stranger.

I know to remind two people to pay attention to safety. A city girl and the other burned down her house while cooking. You must be careful when playing with fire.

Then he dragged Zhaoxi, who still wanted to chat with Feng Qin, out the door.

"Zhaoxi, I went to do a military physical examination and learned a set of military boxing from others. Now I'm here to pass it on to you."

With the reason of teaching boxing, it was easy for Gu Zhaocheng to ask Gu Zhaoxi to practice with him every day.

"Brother, is this Kung Fu?"

Zhaoxi said enthusiastically that when martial arts movies and TV series were popular, boxing training was still very attractive to children.

"This is a basic skill. Once you have mastered it, I will teach you more."

People who live in the Northeast should not be too timid, but they should not be too reckless either.

Gu Zhaoxi was a reckless man, and fell in love with someone who had no sense of control at all.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to teach Kung Fu or not. You should teach your children where the vital points of the human body are and should not be touched.

"Zhaoxi, you have almost learned the sixteen moves. Now come and hit me. Let's practice some sparring."

The main focus today is not to teach the little brother what to learn, but mainly to teach the little brother a lesson.

So after teaching the child once, Gu Zhaocheng asked to spar with the child.

Zhaoxi lunged and punched, but Gu Zhaocheng was thrown into a trap.

Zhaoxi kicked him with a bullet through the throat, and Gu Zhaocheng was thrown flat on the sand.

In short, after performing the sixteen moves once, Gu Zhaoxi was thrown sixteen times by Gu Zhaocheng.

Although Gu Zhaocheng was measured and did not cause the child too much pain, the meaning of humiliation was in place.

Wearing an inner layer of cotton clothing and an outer layer of cotton clothing, the child is dressed like a penguin. As long as he doesn't deliberately exert force, it won't hurt much if he falls.

"I'm not coming, I'm not coming. Are you teaching me how to practice martial arts, or are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

After practicing again, the sky began to get brighter, and Gu Zhaoxi was ready to give up his game. "Brother, you're not so stupid that you can't help but finally realize that I want to teach you a lesson?"

Compared with other children, Gu Zhaoxi is really a bit upright and short-sighted.

"Why are you trying to teach me a lesson?"

"I told you last week that you should stay at home and study if you have nothing to do. Didn't you listen and went out to play again?"

After you teach your children, you must make it clear, otherwise there will be no point in teaching them.

"My parents didn't even care about me going out to play."

"It's because your parents don't care about you, so I have to discipline you for them. Otherwise, when I'm gone and I'm not at home, why don't you run away like a wild child?"

"Why do you care about me?"

The little brother is still not convinced by Gu Zhaocheng.

It was also Gu Zhaocheng who had never behaved well at home and had no prestige or intimidation to his children.

"I'm your brother and you can't beat me. If you don't obey me, I can continue to teach you this way. Do you think I can control you?"

There is no shortage of people in the family to reason with Gu Zhaoxi. Song Liuxi, Gu Changshan, and Na Cunhua are all reasonable people.

What is missing is Gu Zhaocheng's tough education now.

In this era, there were still free-range children in the villages. Children in the city had already begun to receive elite education in various cram schools.

Because the education foundation of the forest farm is limited, there is no need to force the entrance to college, but the child's character must be corrected. Being too impulsive and passionate is not a good thing.

"You two brothers went out so early. What were you doing?"

After the two of them returned home, it was already bright and it was almost time to eat. It had obviously been a while since they had been saving flowers.

Looking at the food on the stove, one can tell that neither Chen Xingjie nor Feng Qin has the ability to cook yet.

"I went out to exercise. In the future, when I go out to exercise, I will always bring Zhaoxi with me. He is also a big child, and it is time for him to practice."

Gu Zhaocheng patted Zhaoxi to shut up the little brother, and then replied with a smile.

Going out to find a patch of snow is still effective. As long as the environment is not polluted, the snowflakes are relatively clean.

Even if Gu Zhaoxi rolled on the ground countless times, after patting the snow on his body, he was not much different from before going out.

"Then let's eat. You can call your father."


The hospitality here in the Northeast is warm, because Feng Qin is considered a guest when he eats at home.

The old Gu family still cooked two more dishes than usual, especially one scrambled egg. It was considered that the old Gu family had used up all their efforts.

"Feng Ju, tell your second sister yourself."

Before the old Gu family had finished breakfast, Aunt Ma pushed Feng Ju into the Gu family's house.

"Second sister, those words were not said by my parents. They were all said by me. I told lies." Feng Ju said with a stinky face: "Mom, are you satisfied now?"

Liang Fengju looked like she was being forced, showing resistance and reluctance.

Not to mention the adults in the room, even the children could see that he was not sincere.

The truthfulness of his words is of course greatly compromised.

"Feng Ju, please speak to me properly. What you do is the same as what we forced you to say."

There was a sound of scolding, and Liang Fengxia walked in.

I don’t know why I arrived dozens of seconds later than the mother and daughter in front.

Fengxia and Fengqin, as biological sisters with one father and one mother, still care about their eldest sister.

Fengxia should be regarded as the person who cares most about Fengqin in the Liang family.

Even for the sake of the Liang family, Feng Qin was kept here and refused to go to school and worked hard to earn money to support Feng Qin.

"Wow...Second sister, I sent you to the mountains to feed wolves, I didn't want you, and those words about killing you were all made up by me. Dad and Mom never said such things, they didn't want you."

Liang Fengju burst into tears and spoke in a sob voice, which had no credibility.

As the daughter of the fiercest woman in 923, Liang Fengxia is also famous as a shrewd one among the younger generation.

Liang Fukuan and Ma Xiaoyun were spoiled by their children, but Liang Fengxia was not.

Most creatures like sisters have "blood suppression" on their younger brothers and sisters.

Because she felt sorry for her elder sister, Fengxia would really teach Fengju a lesson.

"What are you doing? How can you scare the child like you? Wait a minute, wait until the child calms down, okay?"

Gu Changshan couldn't stand these rough methods.

Although his education level is not high, he is still a cadre who keeps up with the times and always supports more enlightened educational methods.

He will not intimidate, scold, or do anything to his children easily.

"Zhao Xi, go find some food and coax Feng Ju away."

Gu Zhaocheng said to his little brother.

There were so many people in the room, so Zhaoxi and Fengju were the best.

I don’t know why, but this girl Fengju has been Zhaoxi’s fan girl since she was a child.

"Fengju, please calm down a little. I'll get you something to eat."

Walnuts, pine nuts, red dates, peanuts and various dried fruits are still available at home.

Especially walnuts and pine nuts. People in the forest will not be short of these if they are not lazy.

Of course, as a dual-income family, the Liang family is one of the best-off families in the forest farm, so it is impossible to lack these.

Fengju doesn't care about these things. The key to comforting Fengju is the good news.

"Second sister, those words were not said by my parents. They were made up by me because I don't want you and want to scare you back to Shandong."

After Feng Ju stabilized her spirit, she explained to Feng Qin.

She is also a very straightforward girl. If she doesn't like Feng Qin, she just doesn't like her.

I won't hide it, and my attitude this time is very sincere. Even children should be able to feel the sincerity.

"Girl, did you hear me? Feng Ju has explained it clearly to you. Mom didn't say she doesn't want you. You can go home with Mom."

Second Aunt Ma may have reflected on herself and had a better attitude towards Feng Qin today.

Of course, as a consistent activist, she takes action immediately when she speaks, and it is also Aunt Ma's consistent style to prepare to recruit people.

This time I wanted to pull the child over normally, not like yesterday when I wanted to drag someone over to beat him.

"You go away, I won't go back with you!"

Gu Zhaocheng saw that the Ma family had a good attitude today, but Feng Qin didn't appreciate it and just refused to accept Aunt Ma.

"Xingjie, you have seen what is going on. Please advise Feng Qin to let the child go home with his mother."

To appease Fengju is a sign of happiness, and to appease Fengqin is a sign of prosperity.

Seeing that Feng Qin was going to the Gu family, Gu Zhaocheng had no choice but to send Chen Xingjie to try.

"Second aunt, can you let me have a few words with Feng Qin alone?"

After Xingjie heard this, he turned to Aunt Ma and asked.

This is because I want to have a private communication with Feng Qin. Although the two have only known each other for ten days and have only met a few times, they are very compatible.

"Okay, then you have to persuade her carefully. You see, I am the child's biological mother. Now that the child sees me, it is like seeing an enemy. How can this be handled?"

Because Chen Xingjie is good at studies, the whole forest farm knows that he is a future college student and has more face than Gu Zhaocheng.

(End of this chapter)

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