"Uncle, aunt, Feng Qin still doesn't dare to go home with the second aunt!"

Xingjie took Feng Qin out, and the two talked for ten minutes. After returning to the house, Xingjie looked ashamed.

This child is quite stressed and has a lot of things on his mind all day long.

Now he obviously feels that he has let down the Gu family. Gu Zhaocheng, the stepson, is embarrassed to have a free meal in the Gu family.

Xingjie, who also had a moral bottom line, would certainly not let Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua support him with peace of mind.

"What's the matter with you damn kid? You ran away, made trouble, and tried to persuade you. I've explained all the misunderstandings to you clearly, and I've said all the good things to you. You still don't want to go home. What do you want to do? What?"

Being irritable is Aunt Ma's normal state. Being able to be kind and cheerful for ten minutes is already Aunt Ma's preferential treatment to Feng Qin, a daughter she doesn't have by her side.

"Second aunt, don't be impatient. If you have anything to say, let's talk slowly."

Gu Zhaocheng felt very tired. Aunt Ma treated this city child like a child in the mountains.

The child who had always been treated with tenderness was able to accept this roughness.

When children feel insecure, if they keep trying to intimidate and take action, it will only be counterproductive.

"Fengqin, go home with your sister. Don't worry that your parents will not want you. My eldest sister wants you." Liang Fengxia also wanted to get close to Liang Fengqin as she spoke.

Liang Fengxia is actually the replica of Aunt Ma, a simple, direct and rough person.

When I met Xingjie, when the two of them got along in private, they could be shy like a girl, but they were usually just like a tomboy.

The vicious promises did not give Feng Qin any sense of security.

He is also a pig teammate. Saying these words is like finalizing the matter of Liang Fukuan and Ma Eryi's unwillingness to raise Fengqin.

Although this is basically true, there is no way to tell your children directly.

Gu Zhaocheng wanted to slap himself when he saw her. He didn't understand why he had fallen in love with such a woman before.

Of course, Feng Qin couldn't accept Feng Xia, the "small horse second aunt".

A high school student who has no ability to survive himself cannot give his children a sense of security.

"Fengxia, please stay away first. Don't scare the child. No matter how you talk to the child, it's as if you are going to fight with someone."

Gu Zhaocheng had no choice but to stand in front of him and physically block Fengxia from getting close to the child.

"His second aunt, why don't you go back first and let the child stay at our house for a few days?"

Seeing that Feng Qin was so frightened by the return of the Liang family, Cunhua felt soft-hearted and couldn't bear to send the child back, so she suggested to Second Aunt Ma.

Na Cuhua was still kind, but she didn't expect that Feng Qin would rely on Gu's family for a long time.

Most people have never seen a child who insists on staying in a stranger's house instead of his biological mother's house.

"Changshan, how about letting the child stay with you for a few more days?"

Second Aunt Ma looked at Gu Changshan, the head of the Gu family, wanting a positive answer.

"Then let the child stay for a few more days."

As a captain, his sense of responsibility will not let Gu Changshan refuse the troubles caused by these workers' families.

It is still the tradition of the previous era. In order for the subordinates to work with peace of mind, the leader will help the subordinates solve some troubles that can be solved at home.

"Then let me bring you the child's change of clothes?"

Aunt Ma did not resist at all and left Feng Qin at the Gu family.

Just now, I was cruel to the child and shouted to the child to take the child home. Looking at it now, it was more or less staged.

Liang Fukuan's stepfather was far less generous than Gu Changshan.

What's more, the forestry farm has been furloughed, and people are causing mischief everywhere, pulling people's pigtails.

Liang Fukuan really doesn't want Fengqin, a cheap daughter.

No matter how strong Aunt Ma is, the men in the family are not willing to do it.

Forcing the children to stay at home will inevitably lead to disharmony in the family, and the couple will fight every day.

"His second aunt, aren't you going to take the child away?"

Bringing all the clothes over, Feng Qin obviously wanted to stay for a long time, and Aunt Ma was immediately confused about the flowers.

It was still winter at this time, so it was normal not to take a shower or change clothes for three to five days.

"This child is like this. Can she come with me?"

Second Aunt Ma glanced at Feng Qin and said helplessly.

"Come out with me."

Na Cunhua immediately pulled Aunt Ma out of the back room.

The two people were talking in the outer kitchen.

Gu Zhaocheng knew what the two people were talking about without having to listen or think.

Aunt Ma wanted to leave Feng Qin at Gu's house, but Na Cunhua was unwilling to accept it.

"Fengxia, Fengju, let's go, don't bother your uncle Changshan and his family here."

In the end, of course Feng Qin stayed in the Gu family temporarily.

The kindness in Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua is easy to be exploited.

Fortunately, the two of them live in a mountainous area, otherwise I don't know how they would be taken advantage of.

That is, only in mountainous areas that are basically isolated from the world can this simplicity be preserved.

"I'll see you off."

After depositing flowers to give to Second Aunt Ma, Gu Zhaocheng also followed.

After reaching the door, Gu Zhaocheng stopped Fengxia:

"Fengxia, you are Sister Fengqin. If you have time, come and spend more time with the child. You can also cultivate some feelings with the child. Now that the child sees Xingjie, he is closer to you than you. How can you take the child home to raise him?"

"Zhaocheng, you are right, then I won't leave. I will play at your house for a while."

Whether she was thinking about her sister or Xingjie, Fengxia was happy to stay at Gu's house, so she happily agreed and went into the house.

"Okay, let's just do this at home for now. We have to go up the mountain today and I have to leave quickly."

After entering the house again, Gu Changshan was ready to go to work and go up the mountain.

Although there is no old forest left in Sandaogou to harvest.

After entering the mountain, Gu Changshan's attitude was to lead everyone to work hard.

But the concept of time that I have maintained for many years and worked seriously has not changed much.

Logging is also a dangerous job, and there is no room for a loose attitude.

"Fengqin, Xingjie, let's read a book together." After Fengxia entered the room, Fengqin and Xingjie got together.

The old man Song Liuxi returned to his room, while Na Cunhua cleaned up the dishes and went about housework.

There is only one Gu Zhaoxi left in the family. He is not a person who loves reading, and he cannot get along with these others even if he wants to.

Although Liang Fengxia is not a book lover, she is good at pretending. Gu Zhaoxi, an eight-year-old child, does not have this wisdom.

"Zhaoxi, let's go and go fishing with my brother."

In today's situation, Gu Zhaoxi couldn't study even if he stayed at home. Gu Zhaocheng decided to take his little brother out by himself.

Fishing is also a very temperamental thing, which is actually quite suitable for Gu Zhaoxi.

Children are easier to coax, and they are more likely to be satisfied with a little something.

Gu Zhaocheng just made the child a bucket of instant noodles and kept the child close to him for a day.

With Lao Gu's family conditions, there is no need to worry about the children eating too much junk food.

Because children usually don’t get any junk food at all.

It's just that Gu Zhaocheng kept Gu Zhaoxi around for a day.

At normal times, the children have to go to school, and Gu Zhaocheng cannot keep an eye on people all the time. It could only be that the child was playful after school, and Gu Zhaocheng would give him extra training the next day.

The child is full of energy. If Gu Zhaocheng consumes the child's energy first, the person will naturally not be so tossing.

Another week passed like this, and Liang Fengqin still stayed at the Gu family, with no intention of leaving, and the Liang family had no intention of taking him back.

This week, the forest farm is still not peaceful. Children like Gu Zhaoxi can still run around and play carefree as before.

But older and more sensible people are not so heartless.

Because the quota for furlough has not yet been determined.

The forest farm is not just filled with rough waves and open and covert attacks.

Even the logging work in the mountains was involved.

Involution is ubiquitous. Although the forestry farm arrived relatively late, involution is a social law, and it will arrive even if it is late.

Because the amount of harvesting per day was limited, the quotas for climbing the mountain in batches were completely useless.

Previously, it was Gu Changshan who took the initiative to take everyone up the mountain and distribute wages equally.

Now that Gu Changshan has learned a lesson, he lost his position as director, was reprimanded, and wrote a self-criticism. He dared not make any more mistakes and took everyone up the mountain.

However, the work team does not provide arrangements, and the workers have to go to the mountains to work on their own initiative.

I will work if you are paid, and I will work if you are not paid.

Most people still believe that as long as they work, the country will pay them wages.

Compared with the risks of workers going up the mountain privately, it is safer to be organized.

In the end, even the new field director couldn't stop it.

All workers were assigned to work in the mountains.

It can be regarded as the dinner before death and the last carnival before being laid off, allowing these workers to make some more money.

And compared to before, these workers now have to work harder.

Gu Changshan, a very prestigious captain, originally wanted to sharpen his skills as a foreign worker and make progress in a planned manner, but the enthusiasm of these workers was something that Gu Changshan could not stop even if he wanted to.

It was because the forests were being cut down that some people were laid off without pay.

These people went up the mountain and almost destroyed the forest farm.

In other words, these people only went up the mountain for a week. If we let these people go up the mountain for a year.

There is no need to arrange any layoff quotas, everyone can be laid off directly.

It’s not that these people are short-sighted and don’t consider the future.

The concept of sustainable development has long been present in forest farms.

Song Liuxi, the old man of the Gu family, has been planting trees voluntarily since he retired.

It's just that these people are afraid of being laid off, so they all rush to be proactive.

If these people are laid off, it will have nothing to do with how many trees can be cut down on the mountains.

If you don't have enough food to eat right now, you have to think about whether you will have food to eat in the future.

"Dad, are you still worried about the quota for laid-off workers?"

After Gu Zhaocheng returned home, he saw Gu Changshan still frowning and sitting on the kang.

For half a month, his face didn't look relaxed, and he asked with concern.

For a person with such a heavy mind, the burden on his heart will indeed be much greater.

Just for the sake of his health, Gu Zhaocheng couldn't look at his cheap father and feel depressed every day.

"I'm fine, Zhaocheng, you don't have to worry about me."

It wasn't just Gu Zhaocheng who was unilaterally polite to Gu Changshan.

Because Gu Zhaocheng was his stepson, Gu Changshan was afraid that Gu Zhaocheng would be wronged, so he was very polite to Gu Zhaocheng.

"I caught a lot of fish today. Let my mother fry a few. Can I have a drink with you?"

Gu Zhaocheng couldn't get involved in the forest farm's affairs, so it would be very troublesome to get involved.

This matter has nothing to do with the Gu family, so I don't want to bother with it.

Gu Zhaocheng also wanted Gu Changshan to feel better, so he could only accompany him to drink and comfort him.

"You want to drink with me? Do you know how to drink?" Gu Changshan asked in surprise.

"You can't learn. I'm an adult. I'm old enough to be a soldier. Drinking doesn't matter."

It is not unacceptable for children to drink alcohol when they are adults.

This is a place in the Northeast where alcohol is indispensable, and even girls can drink as much as they want.

"Okay, let's have a drink today."

"Wait for me."

Before drinking, you must first have wine.

The Gu family doesn't like to drink wine, so the last time Gu Zhaocheng bought the wine, Gu Changshan and Song Liuxi drank it.

Most of the bottle was left, which was obviously not enough for two people.

Gu Zhaocheng went directly to the little brother and took out six yuan: "Zhaoxi, go to the store and buy two bottles of wine. The rest of the money is yours."

This child is a bit miserable because his parents are so nice and care more about other people's children.

After giving to others, Gu Zhaoxi would certainly receive less, and Gu Zhaocheng would try his best to take care of him.

Then he went to scrape the scales, remove the internal organs, and wash the fish, and then handed it over to Cunhua for processing.

Then he took a plate of peanuts, a plate of tofu mixed with green onions, and most of the bottle of wine from before, and went up to the Kang to find Gu Changshan.

If you want to talk about something, communicate with Gu Changshan seriously.

There is no need to wait for dinner to start, when there are many people and noisy situations.

"Dad, you don't have to be so worried about what to do if your body is broken. You can learn from Wang Qingshan of 945. Even if you are not like him, you will use this matter to let people give gifts, and you will not put yourself in trouble. Sad."

After only drinking half a glass, Gu Zhaocheng pretended to be drunk and chatted with Gu Changshan about the forest farm.

As a traditional man, Gu Changshan doesn't like to bring work matters at home.

He basically didn't talk about work with Na Cunhua, but Gu Zhaocheng could have a shameless chat because of Gu Changshan's politeness.

Wang Qingshan is the captain of another work team at Sandaogou Forest Farm.

In Sandaogou Forest Farm, there are only two work teams, and Wang Qingshan is the only one who has the same status as Gu Changshan.

Compared to Gu Changshan, Wang Qingshan is more social in all aspects.

More like a leader in this era.

This is very flexible, and it doesn't even have a large bottom line. It has a lot less worries than Gu Changshan.

"Wang Qingshan accepted a gift, how did you know about this?"

"The forest farm is so big. No matter what I do, there is no way I can carry it on my back. I stay outside every day, so it's not surprising to know this."

Gu Zhaocheng deliberately confided this matter to Gu Changshan.

Because 923 just had an accident, more laid-off workers were needed.

From top to bottom in 945, many people want to engage in py trading. It is normal to have more laid-off places.

This would at least allow Gu Changshan to reduce Chen Shangyou's accidents. It has affected more people laid off in the 923 program, and I feel guilty.

Although this accident had nothing to do with Gu Changshan, Gu Changshan still had to blame himself.

Gu Zhaocheng could only try his best to help Gu Changshan relieve some of his mental pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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