There is a difference between exposing the matter of receiving gifts earlier or later.

Late disclosure would only affect Wang Qingshan personally, while early disclosure would affect the suspension of work without pay for the entire 945 Work Team.

Although they are all colleagues in the same forest farm, there is always a close relationship between them.

Gu Changshan has worked with his 923 workers for twenty years.

Although we are familiar with 945, but if we don't work together, our relationship will always be quite different.

"Let me think about this matter for a while before talking about it."

Gu Changshan obviously felt some inner pressure about whether to expose this matter.

"Dad, you don't have to think about it anymore. Now that I know everything about this, it won't be far before word spreads to our forest farm."

Even if it hasn't spread yet, Gu Zhaocheng can help spread the news.

This matter is very simple. There is a small shop in the forest farm, and women who have nothing to do in the small shop gather together.

If one woman knows the news, all women know it.

The speed at which gossip spreads in the forest area is second only to the announcement of policies through the loudspeaker of the forest farm.

Just ask two children to buy candies and spread the specious message that someone is going to Wang Qingshan's house to give gifts.

This matter of determining the number of laid-off workers through py transactions will naturally be investigated and reported to the Forestry Bureau.

"It's already spread."

Hearing what Gu Zhaocheng said, Gu Changshan's face relaxed a lot.

"Dad, let me tell you, you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself. After all, you are just a production team leader. If you want to be laid off, the director of the forestry farm has to decide."

The current director of the forestry farm, Qin Yan, is a cadre transferred from the province. He came to Sandaogou to deal with the matter of suspension of pay and employment at the forestry farm.

"If the new factory director doesn't handle this matter himself and leaves this offending job to you, then why should he, the factory director, do it? It's up to you to make your own decision, no matter which suspension of work is arranged, You don’t feel bad mentally and don’t blame yourself.”

Gu Zhaocheng still wanted to persuade Gu Changshan not to interfere too much in the matter of laid-off quotas.

Gu Changshan felt uncomfortable, guilty, and self-blame for ruining any family's job. It would be better to stay less involved in this matter.

It’s not like Wang Qingshan of 945 took this disaster as an opportunity and took advantage of it to make a fortune.

Gu Zhaocheng thought it was not worth it to offend others and cause trouble for himself if he was not prepared to reap the benefits.

"Zhaocheng, you are still young, and you still don't understand these things in the forest farm."

This was considered a mild rejection, not wanting to accept Gu Zhaocheng's suggestion.

Gu Changshan obviously wanted to get involved in this matter.

I want to help the old people in the forest farm and save their jobs in the forest farm.

These people are elderly, and most of them have no other survival skills besides logging in the mountains. It is difficult for them to find jobs and survive in society.

But it doesn't make much sense for Gu Changshan to participate in this matter.

If we can't protect these people for a few years, they will still be laid off.

It is difficult to find a job in your forties, and it will be even harder to find a job when you are fifty.

Since these people will face this problem sooner or later, it is better to face it sooner.

You can still learn some simple skills when you are in your forties, but when you are in your fifties, you can only be a janitor and security guard.

"It's not that I don't understand. People in the forestry farm are very enthusiastic when they see me these days. Isn't it because they want you to help them keep their jobs? I can't even look at how enthusiastic these people are about me. I know that these people are now very enthusiastic about me. I am so enthusiastic, but I resented our family so much after I was laid off."

Gu Zhaocheng reminded Gu Changshan that the sequelae of participating in this matter are quite serious.

No matter who is laid off, it cannot be said that it should be done, and it is impossible to satisfy everyone, and everyone must have grudges.

The old Gu family will still have to live in the forest farm from now on, and the neighbors they meet after going out are all resentful.

Life in the city is okay. We live in residential buildings one by one and have no contact with our neighbors.

But in this isolated mountain, everyone can't see each other when they look up.

The neighbors I met were all cold-faced, which was quite painful.

Gu Changshan still has a job to keep busy with, and there are still co-workers left behind who can chat and brag.

Na Cunhua stayed at home all the time, and her man offended everyone.

When I'm bored at home, it's really hard to find someone to talk to.

With a man like Gu Changshan on the stand, it's not easy to save flowers.

Although outsiders would say that Gu Changshan is very good, Gu Changshan is a good person after all.

The most difficult thing is to take care of the flowers at home.

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a living without rice. The family has little money and many people, so she can’t make flowers no matter how much she saves.

"Zhaocheng, don't say you don't dare to look at them. Now that they are so enthusiastic about me, I don't even dare to look at them."

Although Gu Changshan is famous for not accepting gifts within the forest farm.

But not all the work teams are good people.

I always want to try to see if Gu Changshan can enlighten himself and learn from 945 Wang Qingshan, and do things for others after receiving gifts.

"Dad, the point I'm talking about is that if you decide the number of laid-off workers, the reputation you have accumulated over the years will be ruined."

After listening to Gu Changshan talking about him, Gu Zhaocheng simply made it clear.

"Zhaocheng, don't worry about Dad, Dad is sensible."

Gu Changshan had already made a promise to Gu Zhaocheng, so Gu Zhaocheng couldn't say anything else.

Next, Gu Zhaocheng drank with Gu Changshan and got him drunk, which at least allowed Gu Changshan to have a good sleep.

Day by day, when the layoff is over, Gu Changshan will not have such a headache.

As time goes by, laid-off people will be able to accept this matter calmly.

Gu Changshan, who made no sense and had nothing to do with it, couldn't accept this.

The next day, after Gu Zhaocheng got up in the morning, he took his little brother to exercise first.

There are still some basic things, and Juntiquan can still be practiced.

You still have to practice sparring. My little brother is only eight years old, and he has thoughts that he shouldn’t have, and he shouldn’t.

At this time, when you should be interested in learning, you can't just think about playing with the little girl all day long.

Gu Zhaocheng still hopes that his little brother can learn more.

He is only in the second grade of elementary school now, so it cannot be concluded that this child will not be able to learn.

After coming back, it was time to have breakfast. After being out for a few days, Gu Zhaocheng had been able to time it perfectly.

The family sat on the kang and had breakfast lively. Gu Zhaocheng quite liked this atmosphere.

But it didn't last long. After breakfast, the whole family went their separate ways.

Those who go to work go to work, those who go up the mountain go up the mountain, and those who go to school go to school.

Liang Fengqin, who had not yet enrolled in the forestry farm, was busy working behind the flowers.

That is to say, the cook helps hand over the spoon, helps pour the tea after guests come, and wipes the table when cleaning.

Although it's not a big job, people still like it for their attitude.

An eight-year-old child couldn't ask for more.

Gu Zhaoxi can have this half, and Gu Zhaocheng doesn't have to worry about his little brother.

Compared to the boring gourd Gu Zhaocheng, the naughty Gu Zhaoxi. The little girl Feng Qin, who is clean, hard-working, and knows both cold and hot, is obviously more popular with parents.

After living at home for a week, I got a lot of love from Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua.

"Mom, Feng Qin is still living with us. What does Second Aunt Ma say now that we don't want such a big child?"

Seeing that he was about to show his emotions, Gu Zhaocheng couldn't help but want to ask what the situation was like now.

Although Gu Zhaocheng was not much of a family man, he had never met the Liang family once. Going to the Gu family to see Feng Qin was enough to show that not many of the Liang family came.

"Isn't it true that there is a furore about suspension of pay and job suspension? Your Aunt Ma is afraid of the negative impact. So Feng Qin is allowed to continue to live in our house." After a pause, Na Cunhua continued:

"Just because you asked, I will give you this. If someone wants to ask who Feng Qin is, just say that Feng Qin is the daughter of your father's eldest brother in Shandong. Don't say that she is the daughter of your second aunt Ma."

Feng Qin stayed at home for a week and basically didn't go out.

It's not good to keep people locked up at home. Feng Qin wants to do simple activities and go out for some fresh air, but his identity still needs to be arranged.

"Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I won't go out and talk nonsense."

"I'm not afraid that you'll talk nonsense, but I'm afraid that if someone asks you, you won't know what to say."

"Okay, I remember."

Gu Zhaocheng actually wanted to say that Feng Qin has been in the forest farm for so long, and those who are interested should know that everyone already knows Feng Qin's identity.

The people who fooled 923 must have been fooled no longer, so they could only fool the outsiders who came to the forest farm to check on family planning.

"Are you planning to go fishing again?"

"Anyway, I'm fine. It's good to catch more fish, whether it's for eating, keeping for the New Year, or giving as a gift to others."

Gu Zhaocheng definitely didn't choose to stay at home. He had nothing to do at home but read the newspaper.

Although it is good to read the newspaper, it is impossible to read it at home for a whole day.

"Don't just think about fishing. Didn't your dad give you money to buy clothes? Why haven't you bought them yet?"

"Don't worry about it. Aren't you going to wear these clothes when you wait for the physical examination? I can just buy them before the physical examination."

The next thing I'm interested in is the day of the second physical examination for the conscripts. Gu Zhaocheng will definitely go to the city for a walk.

At that time, the fish caught in the past ten days can also be sold.

It is expected that there will be three to four hundred kilograms of fish by then, which can be regarded as a small amount of one thousand yuan.

Coupled with Gu Zhaocheng's subsistence allowance savings, it can reach four figures.

It's barely a number that can do something.

"Zhaocheng, did you hear that?"

Returning from fishing another day, Gu Zhaocheng was suddenly blocked by an aunt gossiping in a small shop.

Gu Zhaocheng also made his own contribution to the bustling of the small shop.

Originally, these housewives were worried about losing their jobs along with the men in the family.

Now I have some leisure time again, sitting in a small shopping shop and chatting.

Mainly because there are people in the family who are more unlucky than their own, and these people feel much better after having someone at the bottom.

When Wang Qingshan's gift-taking transaction happened, the number of laid-off positions originally determined by 945 was not counted, and new laid-off places were added.

Just this time, these people in 923 became much better.

Although there is a bit of work-friendship between the two parties, at this time, when each is protecting his own, there is no need to worry about this friendship at all.

"Aunt Wang, what did I hear?"

Gu Zhaocheng stopped and asked the aunt who was greeting her.

"Isn't your dad in trouble about the suspension of pay and job suspension? Zhang Changfeng is willing to be the first to support your dad's work and voluntarily suspend his job without pay."

"This is good. It also saves my dad from turning his hair gray because of this."

923’s suspension of pay and leave of absence is actually progress.

Qin Yan, the new director of the field, had been hesitant to see Gu Changshan and couldn't give him a list, so he drew up a layoff list himself.

As a cadre who came here specifically to solve the issue of suspension of pay and job retention, Qin Yan was very experienced and the people he selected were very knowledgeable.

After Qin Yan took office, he did nothing but inquire about the character of the forest farm workers.

Select people who are honest and won't cause trouble and lay them off.

It is indeed a good choice. It singles out the soft persimmons among the workers, which is the choice that will most likely cause trouble.

These honest people probably won't cause trouble and can solve this problem by being quite peaceful.

Qin Yan's choice was actually similar to Wang Qingshan's, both of them kicked out those who were honest and would not cause trouble.

Because there are not many trees on the mountain anymore, the amount of harvesting is very small.

There is no problem of rushing work and production, as long as the workers can work reluctantly.

Leave some thorns and old oil seeds behind, and if you don't work hard and cut down the trees slowly, the forest may be able to survive for a while longer.

"Zhaocheng, don't be too happy too early. Zhang Changfeng is willing to be the first to be laid off, but there are conditions."

"What are the conditions?"

The aunt looked expectant. Gu Zhaocheng knew the answer in his heart, so he reluctantly cooperated.

"The prerequisite for Zhang Changfeng's willingness to lay off is that you give up your soldier's quota to his son Zhang Zhenhe.

People have said that if he wants to keep his job as a father or his son has a future, the two fathers must take one share. "

The aunt also gave Gu Zhaocheng an imitation of Zhang Changfeng.

The forestry farm has only given three places for this year's recruitment.

The results of the first physical examination were Gu Zhaocheng third and Zhang Zhenhe fourth.

As long as Gu Zhaocheng is willing to withdraw, based on the results of the physical examination, it will be Zhang Changfeng's son Zhang Zhenhe's turn to become a soldier.

"Okay, thank you Aunt Wang, I know this."

Gu Zhaocheng smiled and replied.

It was impossible for the aunt to see any disappointment or confusion on Gu Zhaocheng's face.

The original person has been saying for many years that his ideal is to be a soldier. Now that he has the opportunity, he is just one step away, and then he doesn't want to.

You definitely need a suitable reason, which is quite sufficient and readily available.

"Zhao Cheng, what are you going to do about this matter? It's not easy for your father to support you. He has been raising you like his own son for so many years." The aunt said to Gu Zhaocheng earnestly.

It was obvious that the aunt really wanted Gu Zhaocheng to quit.

Stopping Gu Zhaocheng today shouldn't be a sudden thought.

It probably came from Zhang Changfeng's entrustment. Of course, the aunt is also happy to do these things.

There are only so many laid-off places in 923, if Zhang Changfeng can occupy one.

The chances left by others will naturally be greater.

"Me, I haven't thought about it yet."

Of course he wasn't happy to be plotted against. Gu Zhaocheng left an ambiguous answer and asked his aunt to go home in a hurry, then took her things home.

Gu Zhaocheng was not too anxious to deal with this matter.

After being plotted by these people, they should be worried and angry.

(End of this chapter)

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