"It's good to have rain. If it rains more, these seedlings will save watering."

Planting trees in the forest and watering them is a troublesome thing, but diesel tricycles are needed to assist in transporting water.

But the last step still requires manual labor.

Regardless of the size of the vehicle, it can only go into the logging road. In the last short section, it has to be carried on the shoulder.

"Dad, the situation this time is unusual. It may cause flooding. If you pay more attention to the weather forecast, you will know. It will keep raining for many days in a row."

Of course, it's still a little early now, and it's still barely spring rain.

The rain is light, so there won't be any flooding, but there is a reason to compact the soil covering the seedlings a little, which is okay.

There is no good way to prevent natural disasters in the woods.

If there were any landslides or mudslides, it was not something Gu Zhaocheng could stop.

If you can save a few more seedlings and prevent them from being blown up by the wind, today's reminder will be quite worthwhile.

"I know. When I go back, I'll pay more attention to the weather forecast."

The way the old Gu family cares about the weather is actually listening to the radio.

Such a situation is certainly not convenient enough, nor is it as timely as in the Internet age.

Fortunately, it is a unit like a forest farm. If there is any abnormal weather, the bureau will give an early warning to the forest farm below. There will not be any abnormal weather, and the following can be vigilant and prepared in any way.

"Okay, I'm going back then. I'll go back and feed the deer."

After working with Gu Changshan for a while, Gu Zhaocheng found a reason to go back.

I am afraid that someone will attack me immorally.

I am also afraid that someone will cause trouble for me before I get the certificate.

Even in this era, the artificial domestication of these animals and special breeding is a relatively new industry, and the procedures are relatively simple.

But in this day and age, things that go through the process take some time.

Gu Zhaocheng did not raise the deer in the ranger cabin, but directly in the small world.

Because we have reached this era when there is no shortage of food, Gu Zhaocheng does not grow food in the small world.

I just planted some vegetables inside and moved in a few fruit trees.

It is still very open inside, enough for the deer, one big, two small and three to live.

But there were two dogs and a few pigeons from Song Liuxi.

Normally, I still follow Gu Zhaocheng.

These animals also have their own functions. If you want to be familiar with the conditions of the forest, you must not choose to keep them in captivity.

So Gu Zhaocheng had a few pigeons flying above his head every day.

There were two dogs following him, and they looked like they were not serious people.

He plays both birds and dogs, and he has the appearance of a playboy.

In the following May, the main theme of the forest farm is planting seedlings.

Like logging in winter, planting seedlings in summer is also a collective activity on the forest farm.

Although the weather is often not very beautiful, half of the month is cloudy and rainy.

But whether it is the crops grown by the employees themselves or the saplings planted in the forest.

It is a time when water is needed, and the rain during this period is quite suitable.

Forest rangers like Gu Zhaocheng actually have nothing to do after it rains.

If it rains heavily, it is necessary to check the situation in the forest after the rain.

This kind of spring rain, which can be neither big nor small, is only good for the forest and has no harm. It just allows Gu Zhaocheng to fish.

If you don't want to talk, there is no need to stay in the woods. Although Gu Zhaocheng is already in good condition in the wooden house.

It is airtight and rainproof, so it is considered a very good place to live.

But after staying alone in the woods for a long time, I still felt a little bored.

This is not normal. Normally, the entire forest can be used for activities.

The entire forest farm belongs to Gu Zhaocheng.

After it rained, Gu Zhaocheng could only move around the house, or around the house at most.

By June, things were a lot different, and it was completely warm here in the Northeast.

It is also entering summer, and there is more rain.

The number of rainy days is probably about the same as in May, and it rains most of the time.

But in May it rains with light to moderate rain, and in June it rains with heavy rain.

They are all cloudy and rainy days, but the rainfall is not the same level.

Gu Zhaocheng enjoyed it for a month in May, but it was no longer such a good thing in June.

This level of rain, along with thunder and strong winds when it rains, will cause certain damage to the forest.

Forest rangers should not just be used as decorations, but should play their own role.

Go into the forest to see what kind of fire conditions, water conditions, and terrain changes.

Have any trees been struck by lightning or caused any wildfires?

Which section is relatively low-lying, and what new puddles have been formed.

Which section of the logging road is blocked? The forest farm needs to clear the road first before entering the mountain for work.

If any animal is suffering from a disaster, please help if you can.

Of course, the rare heavy rains have affected many animals, and some animals will hide in the villages down the mountain.

If it were just vegetarian animals such as pheasants, hares, and roe deer, it would not have any impact on the villagers.

If it's just these things, then you don't have to worry about these villagers. You have to worry about whether these animals can come back to the mountains.

However, some carnivorous and omnivorous animals such as snakes, jackals, and weasels cannot be said to be harmless to humans.

Even if they don't attack people, they attack domestic animals and kill some chickens and ducks, which is a big loss to the villagers.

After all, this is a forest area, and the territory is still large, with a radius of dozens of miles, except for the family area of ​​​​Sandaogou.

In other places, villagers still live.

Unlike there are no livestock here in the forest area, the livestock in the villagers' homes are also very important assets.

Although Gu Zhaocheng has always said that the forest is bald, there are still some protective species growing in this mountain forest. There are always some shrubs, and it is not completely deserted, so it is still suitable for animals to survive.

Although there are basically no large carnivores to be seen.

But these animals still exist.

Otherwise, the pheasants and rabbits in the forest would easily become overrun.

"It's raining so hard, why did you come back from the woods?"

Na Cunhua asked Gu Zhaocheng as he entered the house.

After inspecting the forest, if there was any abnormality, notices should be given, and reports should be reported, Gu Zhaocheng returned home.

Regarding Xingjie's college entrance examination, Gu Zhaocheng had not thought about whether he should interfere.

But he decided to get out of the woods first and go back to Lao Gu's house before thinking about it.

Put yourself in a position where you can advance to attack and retreat to defend.

Interfering or not interfering, any decision will be convenient.

Gu Zhaocheng took off his raincoat and put it up, and after getting rid of the burden on his body, he replied to the Cunhua:

"It's just like this in the woods. It's not too bad. I haven't been back for a long time. Come back to see you. Is our house okay? If there is any problem, tell me. I have time now, so I can fix it. "

For older tile-roofed houses, it is routine practice to be careful of dew and rain after severe weather. For houses in the Northeast, there are heavy rains when it is warm and snow accumulation when it is cold.

It is not easy to survive for a year peacefully.

The two rooms of the Gu family are not bad, and they are only about ten years old.

For a tile-roofed house, this is still a time when the house is in pretty good condition.

But Song Liuxi's house is already quite old, more than thirty years old, and it needs to be repaired every year.

The warehouses and firewood sheds at home are relatively average in construction, and their quality cannot be tested.

When building these sheds, the focus is on simplicity and cheapness.

When the weather is bad, repairs are indispensable.

Normally, these houses and sheds are fine despite the normal rain.

If there is too much rain like this year, these sheds and houses cannot bear it.

Although there are two people at home, Gu Changshan and Song Liuxi, they are busier than Gu Zhaocheng.

When it rains, there is no way to repair it. When it doesn't rain, you have to rush to the mountains to plant trees.

Although you can do these things at home later, but in terms of time arrangement, it will definitely not be so timely.

"Your master's house is leaking. I put a bucket and a basin in the house to fix it. Let's wait until it stops raining before repairing it. I'm not in such a hurry. I have to wait until the rain stops."

When it rains heavily and the house leaks, the best way is to prepare more buckets and basins.

Wherever there is leakage, catch the rain. As long as you prepare enough containers, the house will not be flooded.

Can maintain a certain degree of dryness.

"Okay, I've been at home for the past two days. I can't wait for the rain to stop. It's time to take a good look at my master's house. The linoleum has been replaced for a long time."

Leakage in a tile-roofed house is actually an easy problem to solve.

It can only be that there is something wrong with the tiles or the linoleum on the roof. Just replace the old ones that are broken.

The reason why it cannot be repaired can only be that some people are not willing to replace all these things at once.

If the concrete bungalow is leaking, there is really nothing you can do.

It can be repaired, but the repairing effect of the repair materials of this era is not very good.

"Mom, Xingjie is about to take the college entrance examination. Doesn't the school have a few days off before the exam? When did he say he would be back?"

The matter of repairing the roof is not that urgent yet, and the matters at home can be postponed no matter what.

But there are only two days left for Xingjie's college entrance examination. If you want to postpone it, you can only postpone it for one year.

"Xingjie said before that he won't come back before the college entrance examination."

Gu Zhaocheng spent a lot of time in the mountains in the past two months.

The understanding of the situation at home is relatively lagging behind.

Xingjie only went home during weekends.

Gu Zhaocheng had only met Xingjie a few times and had no communication with him.

But when Xingjie came back on weekends, he would basically communicate with Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua about the school situation.

"He's not coming back?"

"My home is so far away from Bianhe. He comes back to rest for two days and then rushes back to take the exam. It will waste time. Besides, this kind of weather is not suitable for running back and forth outside."

"Mom, you're right."

In the forest farm and mountainous area, life is basically self-sufficient, which is usually very comfortable.

But living in isolation is not suitable for students and young people.

At this time, it became clear that living in a forest farm was not as convenient as in the city.

The college entrance examination examination centers are all middle schools in the city. No matter which middle school examination room students are assigned to, they are far away from the forest farm.

"I'm going to see him tomorrow. I don't know if he can make arrangements for himself." Na Cunhua continued.

Na Cunhua is not an ordinary woman, and she will not envy the prosperity outside.

On the contrary, after entering the city, you will still feel the embarrassment and confusion of entering a strange environment from the mountains.

I rarely go to the city, often not even once in a year or two.

This time I went to the city for Xingjie, and I really valued Xingjie.

"Mom, are you going to the city?"

"I will go over to see Xingjie and send him some money so that he can eat better and live better before the exam."

How stingy Xingjie was towards him, even though Cunhua didn't see it with his own eyes, he still had some idea.

"It might rain again tomorrow. Otherwise, let me go. I'll go to the city to see Xingjie for you."

Gu Zhaocheng took the opportunity to say.

Gu Zhaocheng returned home, so there was no need for Cunhua to run to the city in the rain.


It rained heavily the next day, even to the point of heavy rain. Gu Zhaocheng took a car to Forestry Middle School and found Xingjie who was still living in the school dormitory.

With Gu Zhaocheng volunteering, Na Cunhua would certainly not compete with Gu Zhaocheng to go to the city.

Not only do they not want to go, but the whole family, old and young, actually cannot do without the flowers.

After leaving, these old people and children could not even get a warm meal when they returned home.

In the absence of modern appliances at home, rural women have a heavy workload. Just three meals a day takes a lot of time.

When I'm busy with housework at home, I basically stay at home and can't leave.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Seeing Gu Zhaocheng, Xingjie was somewhat surprised.

"My father and mother don't trust you, so they sent me to the school to check on you. Let's go and have a meal with my brother. Your school cafeteria is also closed. I don't know how you have been spending these days."

To deal with Xingjie, we can only force him directly, and he may be stingy with giving money. For now, he can just take people to restaurants to eat.

"I'm such an old man, I can take care of myself."

After losing his mother, Xingjie's ability to take care of himself has also improved dramatically.

Compared with when he first arrived at the Gu family, his self-care ability during this period is still much better.

No matter how well the Gu family took care of him, Xingjie didn't enjoy it so peacefully.

Whatever you can do, you still have to do it yourself.

If at this time, Xingjie was allowed to live in his own home and burn the kang alone, he would probably not set the home on fire.

"I know you can take care of yourself, but aren't these two days of college entrance examination special? They don't trust you, so nothing can happen in these days."

Xingjie gained the attention of his family only after he was able to pass the college entrance examination.

Liang Fengxia, who also took the college entrance examination, was not taken seriously even though her mother and stepfather were present.

When this kind of scumbag takes the college entrance examination, what stands out is the emphasis on participation.

In addition, if you happen to know all the questions on the test paper, you will be lucky.

"Besides, this is the two hundred yuan my parents asked me to bring you. Please be kind to yourself these two days."

Gu Zhaocheng took out the money he had prepared for flowers.

The money was actually quite a lot, but it was just before the college entrance examination and hotels were tight, so the price seemed a bit small. (End of chapter)

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