"This two hundred dollars is my personal support for you, not just because you are my brother now, but because you have the opportunity to become the first college student in our forest farm."

Na Cunhua underestimated the price of goods in the city and offered little support. Gu Zhaocheng personally also contributed two hundred yuan.

In order for Xingjie to accept it more easily, Gu Zhaocheng took the trouble to find a reason.

"Brother, I have money, I don't need you all to give me money."

Xingjie politely declined again.

Every time the Gu family gave Xingjie living expenses, there would be such a process.

Xingjie always felt that he deserved to hold the hot hand, but the Gu family also always felt that they could not let Chen Shangyou down and should take better care of their children.

"Keep it, you are about to go to college, and this may be the last time. There will be no chance to give you living expenses in the future."

Of course that would be the case if Xingjie was admitted to college this time.

No matter how you go to college, you will have to walk out of the river. If you can't meet in person, it's hard to directly send living expenses.

After going to college, if you want to support Xingjie, you should change to remittance and check-in.

But Xingjie doesn’t necessarily have to go to college this year.

Gu Zhaocheng said this just to make it easier for Xingjie to accept it.

On the way here, Gu Zhaocheng had been hesitating whether to interfere with Xingjie's college entrance examination.

But when I came to school and saw Xingjie alone, it was the day before the college entrance examination, such an important day in life, when he was so lonely and preparing alone.

Gu Zhaocheng did not hesitate anymore and decided on this matter. It was up to Xingjie to make his own choice.

It would be great if you could go to college in one year.

But if things really go wrong and an accident occurs, it will really take a year, but it will be worth it for Xingjie to meet a rare wife.

Gu Zhaocheng gave up the idea of ​​sending Xingjie to stay in a hotel near the test center.

Just prepare the money for Xingjie's food and accommodation for the past two days.

If you live near the examination center, Xingjie may not choose this option, but it shouldn't be left out.

"Brother, your whole family has been so kind to me." Xingjie said movedly.

"We are all a family, let's not say these words."

Gu Changshan and Na Cunhua have no utilitarian motives for Xingjie and deserve Xing Xingjie's gratitude.

But Gu Zhaocheng is not so naive towards Xingjie.

It was because he valued Xingjie's ability and character that he continued to support Xingjie.

It is already the late 1990s, and soon it will be a new century, and the economy has reached a certain stage of prosperity.

After Gu Zhaocheng saved some start-up capital, he no longer needed to work so hard to start his own business to make money.

The stock markets at home and abroad as well as in Xiangjiang are enough for Gu Zhaocheng to take advantage of.

If you want to trade in stocks, follow others and keep eating leeks.

In this era, remote operation is definitely not possible with just computers and mobile phones.

It is far less convenient to trade stocks now than it will be in the future.

Xingjie, who studied economics, is Gu Zhaocheng's most ideal trader.

There will be many places where Gu Zhaocheng will need Xingjie in the future.

Although it is not a difficult or troublesome matter, character is the key.

His character is reassuring and his abilities are sufficient. He has always wanted to move to an economic center like Shencheng. There is no one more suitable than this person.

After having a meal with Xingjie, Gu Zhaocheng sent him back to school.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and it is impossible for the two brothers to arrange any more activities.

This time when we entered the city, the weather was bad, so Gu Zhaocheng didn't do anything else.

Although the medicinal wine has been soaked for two months, it is almost ready for use.

But these medicinal wines are not in a hurry to sell.

At least he wasn't so anxious that Gu Zhaocheng had to brave the wind and rain to sell.

A more ideal situation would be to find those out-of-town bosses who have been coming to the mountains to make money in the past.

Since the reopening began, a group of people have been running to the forest area.

The one with the greatest ability is, of course, thinking about the wood in the forest.

This was the golden age when lumber was shipped out on railcars.

In an era when money was still "valuable," you could easily earn an eight-figure fortune.

In the era of decline of forest farms, these people no longer need to focus on the forest farm business.

But the earliest people to do business were mostly small traders and second-rate dealers.

Many products from the forest farm, including rare medicinal materials and animal skins, can be easily sold abroad.

When foreign exchange is very valuable, you can easily become one of the first people to get rich.

Some people who have been in business for a long time and have good luck have become quite big bosses in this era.

Perhaps now that hunting has been banned, these bosses have expanded their businesses in other areas.

But there are still many people who have not completely given up on the production here in the woods.

The resources in the forest have been managed by these dealers and bosses for many years, creating a market, and are sought after by many people.

The rarer it is, the more people will remember it, and if someone commits a crime, it will be done, which is enough to illustrate the profit involved.

These bosses have always sent people into the mountains to buy mountain treasures.

These people are not only rich, but they are also relatively knowledgeable because they know the treasures of the mountains.

Gu Zhaocheng's medicinal wine can easily be sold at a good price.

After entering July, it rained all the time.

On July 7th and 8th, the weather became rare and sunny.

The weather is actually not bad, and we are already trying our best to cooperate with this batch of candidates.

Senior high school students are taking what may be the most important exam in their lives.

Gu Zhaocheng climbed up and down at home, went up to the house to remove tiles, and repaired the roof, sheds and warehouses of the home.

The rain this year is heavier than in previous years.

At least it can be regarded as a once-in-a-decade encounter.

Even the fence in Lao Gu's courtyard failed to withstand the test and was damaged by wind and rain.

These things in the courtyard may not seem big, but they are quite fragmented, and I have been busy repairing them one after another for two days.

This was the result of Gu Zhaocheng grabbing Ziqiang and Zhaoxi to help him lay the groundwork.

After replacing a layer of linoleum in Song Liuxi's house and repairing the damaged tiles.

In a few years, the old man's house should not suffer any accidents. It will just be ordinary ups and downs, and there will not be heavy rain outside and light rain inside.

As for the simple warehouses and sheds in the courtyard, what stands out is their simplicity.

Don't ask for quality, it's not troublesome to repair anyway.

"Hey, have you bought all the vegetables and meat? Xingjie will be back soon."

On the 8th, Gu Changshan did not delay in the field department and went home early after get off work.

After arriving home, they set up a table and prepared to welcome Xingjie back from the exam. Based on Xingjie's usual performance, this was somewhat of a celebration party.

"It's ready, there are chickens, fish, meat and ribs." Na Cunhua also replied happily.

Being able to train a college student is a very honorable thing among the forest farm employees and their families.

Sandaogou Forest Farm has never produced a college student. Xingjie was admitted to college in the Gu family, and Na Cunhua would share this honor no matter what.

She should be considered more qualified to share this honor than Xingjie's biological mother, Huang Xiaoping.

Although Na Cun Hua doesn't have any purpose, there is an unexpected honor, and Na Cun Hua is happy to claim it.

"Xingjie, are you back?"

"Brother, I'm tired. I'm going to take a rest first."

Waiting for Na Cunhua and Gu Changshan to be happy and do something to celebrate today.

Xingjie also finished his exam and returned to the forest farm from the city, his mood obviously not high.

He is not a normal student, looking excited and having good results after taking the college entrance examination.

If nothing unexpected happened, Xingjie found a hotel far away from the school where he was taking the test to stay for cheap.

When Xingjie holds the assets of the Chen family, he is actually not out of money.

I didn’t hear that Xingjie transferred the money to Huang Xiaoping, so the money should still be in Xingjie’s hands.

Xingjie's choice of a remote hotel is not necessarily directly related to whether he has money or not.

It may simply be because the family has lost their income and all they can rely on are their savings.

Going to college costs a lot of money, so I wanted to save a little for the future, so I chose to save.

Gu Changshan is actually a smart man, otherwise he would not be able to manage the dozens of people in 923 even if he was elected as the captain of the work team.

"Xingjie's grades are usually pretty good. Why did he fail in the exam?"

It was obvious that Xingjie's nature was not good, and he looked like he had failed in the college entrance examination, so he came outside and muttered incomprehensively.

"There are always some unexpected situations in exams. Even if it's Zhaoxi, you can still see your grades normally, but there will be times when your performance is abnormal and you fail the exam. Take the exam well next time and come back again. That’s it.”

Because Xingjie was reluctant to spend money, he chose to stay in a cheap hotel.

In the end, heavy rain and strong wind blew down the trees on the street and blocked traffic, which ultimately caused me to be late for the exam.

No one in the family would feel good if this kind of thing was said, so Gu Zhaocheng did not expose it.

"This is the college entrance examination. A student can only take it once, so there will be no next chance."

Perhaps because he didn't pay much attention to this aspect, Gu Changshan didn't have the concept of taking the college entrance examination a second time in his mind.

"Dad, the college entrance examination is not something that a person can only take once. It doesn't matter if you take it more times if you want."

Not to mention that when the college entrance examination was just resumed, many candidates took the college entrance examination three times in a row.

Gu Zhaocheng has seen that in the future, some students can regard the college entrance examination as a career.

Although there are very few people who take the college entrance examination for ten or eight consecutive years in order to get bonuses from some schools, it is not non-existent.

Taking one more college entrance examination is a very common thing in Gu Zhaocheng's opinion.

"Let's wait a moment. After the results really come out, we can ask Xingjie for his opinion."

Gu Changshan thought for a moment and said.

Gu Changshan also decided that no one would continue to mention the matter of Xingjie's college entrance examination at home, and he consciously blocked the matter.

Xingjie encountered an accident and missed one exam, and spent a few days at home.

I had always considered going to college, but after I failed to get into college, I temporarily lost my way.

But after all, he was living in the Gu family, so he was dependent on others. Xingjie, who had lost his father and his mother, was much stronger than before, and he didn't stay sentimental for too long.

"Xingjie, why did you bring over a TV?"

"Uncle, aunt, isn't this the TV we have at home? It was originally broken. During this period, I sent it to be repaired. After it was repaired, I brought it back."

After Xingjie was depressed for a few days, he repaired the TV at home and took it to Gu's house.

It happens to be an empty stage after the college entrance examination. Watching TV is a rare entertainment in the mountains.

Entertainment during this period was not so prosperous.

They are just ordinary TV series and movies, which are very attractive to people.

Not to mention that there are actually quite a few classic TV shows, including the four most classic classics, which you can watch for several summer vacations.

"Zhaocheng, please help install the TV antenna."

In this era when cable TV is available in many places, outdoor receiving antennas are still required because the conditions of mountainous forest farms cannot be met.

"Now, wait while I find a pole."

This kind of antenna uses a pole to stand the antenna high outside.

Of course, this kind of outdoor antenna is not stable. In order to receive better signals, you may have to manually fine-tune the direction every time you change channels.

But it is already a step above the earliest TVs with built-in antennas.

You can still search for seven or eight TV stations including CCTV.

"Brother, please hurry up. Let's connect the antenna quickly."

Although televisions are not uncommon in forest farms, they are still new to the Gu family.

Zhaoxi couldn't help but want to watch cartoons.

"Okay, just go and wait in the house. You'll be ready soon."

Gu Zhaocheng is quite familiar with this kind of outdoor antenna.

It's easy to tinker with, and it's not difficult to make one yourself.

"Zi Qiang, you go inside and watch TV. What are you doing outside with big brother?"

After fixing the antenna, the whole family went inside to watch TV.

Only Ziqiang did not enter the house and stayed outside with Gu Zhaocheng.

It's not that Gu Zhaocheng doesn't plan to watch, he just needs to feed the pigeons and dogs before you go in and watch the excitement.

Even if I don’t really like watching shows, the atmosphere is very good.

Therefore, it is even more abnormal for Ziqiang, a child, to resist the temptation of television and to stay outside.

"Brother, I'm on summer vacation during this period and have nothing to do. How about I follow you to the mountains?" Ziqiang really had something to do with Gu Zhaocheng, so he stayed outside with Gu Zhaocheng.

"It's okay to go to the mountains with my eldest brother, or live with him for a few days. But what are you going to do?"

Although they are all children from the mountains, in order to prevent them from running into the forest, these children grew up listening to various forest farm legends.

There is still some fear of the mountains.

Ziqiang must have some different ideas for volunteering to go.

"Brother, I want to follow you into the woods to pick some mountain products." Ziqiang replied to Gu Zhaocheng seriously.

"A kid as old as you should either study hard or have fun. There are so many adults at home, so why do we need a kid like you to make money?"

Going into the woods to make money has a legacy in the Liu family.

Liu Yuliang has been going into the mountains to make money for these years and then selling goods outside, so he still has some influence on children.

(End of this chapter)

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