Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 1070 I’m still going to be laid off

"Although the job of a forest ranger has no future, isn't it still a job? Without a job, wouldn't I be called a street kid?"

In fact, Gu Zhaocheng was once a street kid.

No one said at that time that it was because Gu Zhaocheng was young at that time.

Now that I am twenty plus, if I continue to be a street kid, I will be gossiped about.

Gu Zhaocheng never thought that he would persuade Na Cunhua to accept his job as a forest ranger.

After becoming the farm manager's wife and improving her family's finances, Na Cunhua's horizons became wider than before.

"Zhaocheng, mom just wants to tell you that the family can still carry on, and you don't have to force yourself to do a job you don't like to do for the sake of the family's livelihood. If you want to go out and have a career, mom will support you."

This may still be the sequelae of Gu Zhaocheng's original intention to leave the forest farm by becoming a soldier.

Na Cunhua still suspected that Gu Zhaocheng yearned for the outside world.

All the young people in the forest farm ran out one by one. It was normal for Cunhua to have this idea.

Most people would never imagine that Gu Zhaocheng's mentality was different from that of these twenty-year-old young people.

"Mom, I didn't force myself. I really like the forest farm and being a forest ranger. Don't worry about the lack of a future. I will prepare to continue to expand the deer farm in the second half of the year, and the deer farm will become more and more promising. ” Gu Zhaocheng explained.

Gu Zhaocheng still wants to make money from the deer these days, so he must stay in the forest farm to develop.

If you want to stay in the forest farm and develop, there is no other job you can do in the forest farm except working in the forest farm.

Gu Zhaocheng works as a forest ranger, and this forest belongs to Gu Zhaocheng's management.

Letting others be forest rangers is not as convenient as managing it yourself, even if Gu Zhaocheng's father is the director.

"If you want to expand the deer farm, forget about your future." Na Cunhua still recognized Gu Zhaocheng's income from raising deer: "But when it comes to marrying a wife, shouldn't you pay attention to it? Fengxia is so good. If you don’t want it, girl, tell me what kind of one you want, and I’ll ask someone to find it for you.”

After chatting about career, it’s time to chat about marriage, so Cunhua was prepared for this time.

Even Cunhua still didn't care much about the gossip in the forest farm, and didn't know Fengxia's current reputation.

If she really understood it, then Cunhua would no longer feel sorry for Fengxia.

Fengxia's reputation in the forest farm was completely ruined because of the gossip spread by women, which became more and more evil.

"Oh my god, have you ever heard of a saying that men should put their careers first? When they are young, they should not worry so much about the love between their children and they should do a good job in their own careers first?"

"Mom has never heard of it, so she knows you are old enough to start a family."

Na Cun Hua shook his head. The constant problem of getting married in the forest farm put a lot of pressure on Na Cun Hua.

"Mom, we are not in a hurry about this matter. It is useless for you to be anxious. At least there is no girl I like within your reach."

Gu Zhaocheng didn't resist this matter, he was still willing to find a beautiful girl.

But inside the forest farm, Liang Fengxia was confident that she was just a flower, and her quality could be imagined.

There is a reason why all the young people in the forest farm are running outside.

Not only can't you make money, but there are too few people, so it's hard to find anyone.

There are so many singles in the forest farm for two generations, which has a lot to do with the complete lack of access to girls in the forest farm.

"Then what do you like? You can't like movie stars on TV, right? This mother can't even reach you!"

The words "Cun Hua" are very classic. This is what parents in this era often like to say to their children who are picky about marriage.

It has to be said that people in this era have improved their aesthetics by watching TV.

"Mom, this matter depends on fate. When fate comes, it will come naturally." It is still difficult to bear the pressure of Cunhua to get married. Gu Zhaocheng is only in his early twenties and has to go through this. It is really miserable.

In order to divert Cunhua's attention, Gu Zhaocheng could only turn to two younger brothers for help:

"Zhaoxi, Ziqiang, have you finished your summer vacation? School is about to start. If you don't finish your homework, how will you face the teacher when school starts?"

"Brother, we have finished our homework a long time ago. Didn't you ask the second brother to supervise us?"

Zhaoxi's brain is a bit straight-forward, he doesn't know how to adapt at all, and he doesn't understand the connotation at all.

"Brother, I still have some empty homework that I don't know how to do. I need your help with it."

Fortunately, Ziqiang was much smarter and could see Gu Zhaocheng's dilemma.

"Mom, I have to help with my homework. We can talk about this later."

This time Gu Zhaocheng escaped.

So I was ready to put this matter on the agenda.

When Gu Zhaocheng finished the forest farm affairs and stayed in the city for a longer time, it was time to find a girlfriend.

When it comes to finding a girlfriend, there are still many people in the city, which gives you an advantage.

It's hard to deal with Cunhua's marriage pusher, and Gu Zhaocheng can't go to the city much for the time being.

During this time, I just prepared and spent a little more time in the woods.

This year, the adult female deer adopted by Gu Zhaocheng gave birth to two more fawns.

Gu Zhaocheng only fed five sika deer.

The doe I rescued was actually quite good.

While sika deer usually give birth to one fetus, this deer gave birth to two fetuses twice in a row.

This is enough to show that this female deer has excellent genes and can be cultivated as a breeding deer.

After the deer herd expanded to five, Gu Zhaocheng had a plan to expand the deer farm.

It is certainly difficult to expand the scale of the existing five companies.

This thing is not a rabbit. There are more than ten in a litter, several litters a year. They can mature in a few months, and the number can easily double.

Not to mention that it takes more than two years for a sika deer to mature, that is, one litter per year.

So Gu Zhaocheng planned to collect some of the fawns from the deer herd in the forest.

In artificial breeding, it is certainly excellent for a female deer to give birth to two fawns.

In the wild, female deer still give birth to one child at a time, and the fawns are more likely to survive.

Otherwise, if two are born at the same time, the fawn will be weaker, food will be scarce, the female deer will not take good care of it, and various reasons will easily lead to the death of the fawn.

So the deer give birth to two fawns at a time.

Gu Zhaochengdu planned to adopt one so that the free-range deer herd would have less pressure to survive.

Captive deer herds can also expand into double digits.

No matter which stag these fawns are from, the father of these fawns has contributed a lot to Gu Zhaocheng.

Gu Zhaocheng had some obligations to help raise these fawns and prevent them from dying prematurely.

So before Gu Zhaocheng, the simple deer enclosure around the ranger's hut was a little too small.

It is necessary to build a more serious deer farm. The main thing is to build a bigger fence.

Give the deer some room to roam.

The deer was still young, so there was no need to worry about the deer farm project. Gu Zhaocheng could just do it by himself, and it would be considered as finding something to do for himself. "Dad, why are you worried again?"

While Gu Zhaocheng was waiting for the deer farm to be built, the time came to the end of October, and it started to snow again at the forest farm.

It’s the logging season here again at the forest farm.

In fact, when the forest farm was at its peak production, this was not the way it was cut. It was cut all year round.

Even after the policy of forest protection and afforestation was adopted, when the weather is warm, employees have to plant seedlings and afforestation.

Therefore, the original main business of logging was arranged to be done in the winter when trees could not be planted.

"There has been another notice from above that some people will still be laid off this year."

Gu Changshan scratched his head and said.

"Dad, isn't this something that has been expected for a long time? The forest farm is giving fewer and fewer logging tasks. There are more employees and less work. The situation is not good now. It is impossible to maintain so many loggers all the time."

After the layoffs began, if these loggers were not laid off and transferred to another job, it would not be the end.

The current harvesting volume arranged by the forest farm is to maintain the wages of so many employees in the forestry system.

If this part of the salary can be solved, the lumberjacks will obviously have to be cancelled.

"I know, I know, but I don't know how to talk to my coworkers."

Gu Changshan was too emotional and it was he who was in trouble.

"Dad, this is not your decision. This is a notice from the bureau and a national policy. Don't feel that you are sorry for anyone. Just inform me how you want.

The layoffs are not just the beginning. They have been going on for two years. These workers in the forest farm are already mentally prepared for the layoffs and transfers. You don’t have to worry about which one was laid off. It’s all happened in the past few years, and no one is immune. "

The forestry farm has successfully laid off more than half of its people. Those who will be laid off later will not be able to accept the layoff so easily.

Those who are laid off later will already suffer from the country for several more years than those who were laid off first.

"How can it be the same? After being laid off, my family will lose their livelihood. If I can keep this job for one day, of course it is good to keep it for one day." Gu Changshan disagreed and really had a sense of responsibility for these workers.

"Dad, things are different now. In the past few years, there has not been much money to be made in the forest farm. Many people already want to leave. After being laid off, they can receive a large buyout fee and then go out to make money easily. It might not be an option.”

After Gu Zhaocheng said what he said, he felt that it was very similar to what Qin Yan said, but it was also true.

When the forest farm has good profits, high wages, and good benefits, employees are willing to work for the forest farm.

After the current treatment in all aspects of forest farms is much worse.

These employees are no longer so reluctant to give up their jobs in the forest farm.

No matter how good the medical and pension protections are, these people will not be happy if they cannot make money now.

"It's good to be able to find a job after you go out, but many of the people in our forestry farm don't have any skills. After you go out, you won't be able to find a job."

Gu Changshan expressed his concerns.

For these forest farm workers, Gu Changshan also cares about his parents.

"Dad, won't the workers who were laid off this year even receive re-employment training?"

Reemployment training still has some use.

Although the cooks and maintenance workers are not trained.

But for other positions, some people are trained.

The people who have learned the most are masons and construction truck drivers. The difficulty of learning is not high, it is easy to get started, and it is easy to find a job, which is still an advantage.

These jobs can be considered to have a certain technical content. Although they are physical labor, they are not strenuous and the pay is not bad.

Therefore, most of the people who were laid off last year are doing okay.

Basically I am satisfied with the current situation.

Of course, there are also some people who have developed better and have become bosses.

Gu Zhaocheng outside the forest farm didn't know that much, but inside the forest farm, Gu Zhaocheng could see it within a year.

Someone contracted the forest farm’s bathhouse for bathing.

It can be considered an exclusive operation, and there is also a stable customer such as forest farm group purchases to invoice employees, so it is definitely profitable.

There are also people like Ma Eryi who learned to cut hair through re-employment training.

Opened a barber shop in the forest farm, which is also an exclusive operation.

There is no competition, and there are only a few hundred people in the forest farm.

These days, hair perming and hair dyeing are popular again. Whether it is women or young people, all kinds of fancy things are popular, but they are actually quite profitable.

Although Liang Fukuan still gambled and played mahjong all day long.

However, the Liang family has a capable Aunt Ma and Fengxia who works in the city. The Liang family's income has returned to the upper-middle level in the forest farm.

There is still no pressure to support one Liang Fukuan and Feng Ju, and one more Feng Qin.

"There are not many people laid off this year and the scale is not large, so the bureau has not organized reemployment training."

If the number of people is too small, it is really not worth it.

Asking people to come to the forest farm to train laid-off workers is not a small amount of money.

If the bureau does not support it, Sandaogou Forest Farm will definitely not be able to do it on its own.

"So, it's a blessing in disguise. It's not all bad for those who were laid off early."

The scale of future layoffs is unlikely to be particularly large.

Probably weeding out a few every year, and slowly phasing out all the lumberjacks who have no other abilities.

These people may not have the opportunity for vocational training.

Although they have been working at the forestry farm for an extra year, these employees cannot be regarded as taking advantage.

"Okay, you don't have to comfort me all the time. I can figure this out myself."

Gu Changshan said so, but Gu Changshan's frown showed that he still couldn't figure it out.

Worrying like this every day doesn't know how much pressure it will put on his heart, so Gu Zhaocheng is ready to give out some useful information:
"Dad, then I won't comfort you. Let me tell you something real. If our forest farm can make money, don't you think we need to lay off so many employees?"

The reason why forest farm workers have been laid off is that the forest farms are no longer able to create benefits.

"Our forest farm has always been logging, but now that trees are not allowed to be cut down, how can the forest farm still make money?"

After decades of logging, it would be difficult for Gu Changshan if he had any business ideas.

“This mountain forest belongs to our forest farm. With such a large area, why would we still want to make money when we can’t?

There are many ways to make money. Dad, the main thing you want to do now is to make sure that if the forest farm can generate some income, there will be fewer people laid off here. "

It is okay for a forestry farm to generate some income, but it wants to make a lot of money.

It is quite difficult to invest enough in tree planting in forest farms. The expenses of forest farms are actually quite large.

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