"If you have any ideas, just say so. What does it have to do with your father and me?"

Because it was business at the forest farm, Gu Changshan was really anxious, and rarely did he show off his parental status to Gu Zhaocheng.

"Dad, I don't want to try to get away with you, I just want to get away from the bureau. If the money can't be kept in the forest farm, I won't do anything unnecessary and let these workers go to waste."

No matter what you do, if you want to generate income, you must do more.

If the money cannot be retained in the forest farm and the employees are simply asked to work more without increasing income, it will be even more difficult for Gu Changshan.

The old Gu family's popularity in the forest farm has been just over a year, and they can no longer return to the old feeling of people giving dogs away.

Gu Zhaocheng still knew that without large-scale national funding, the bureau's finances would only become increasingly difficult.

Being able to pay full wages and buyout fees in the past few years can be regarded as the result of a solid foundation in the Bianhe Bureau.

At the most difficult time, wages were not paid in full.

Although the forestry farm has persisted longer, in the final stage of closure, the forestry farm will not be much different from the previous enterprises that failed to operate in the past few years.

"Okay, let's continue talking after I go to the city to get back the policy."

"Going to the city will happen later. Dad, you still have to finish this layoff now."

Gu Zhaocheng did not forget the focus of this father-son chat.

Even if the forest farm can increase income, this group of employees who should be laid off will not rush to go.

Other forest farm directors can handle the matter of laid-off employees.

Gu Changshan went to the bureau to raise difficulties and demands, but it was easy for him to do this.

At least the layoffs have been dealt with and made easier for the superiors to accept.

The number of people laid off at Sandaogou Forest Farm this time is relatively small, and there are no thorns.

Except for a few people who were laid off who were sad, others were quite accepting.

This layoff did not cause a big wave in the forest farm.

"Zhaocheng, I want this policy back. Tell me what the forest farm can do!"

Gu Changshan made many trips to the city to get some financial autonomy for the forest farm.

"Dad, if we have to protect the environment in this era, the only way out for our forest farm is through tourism."

Although Sandaogou Forest Farm is not large in scale, the sparrows are small but have all the internal organs.

There are mountains, rivers, rare trees, and rare animals, and there is a natural foundation for developing tourism.

"We have the most indispensable forest farm by the river. Others want to travel and see the forest farm. If they can't see it anywhere, why do they have to come to our forest farm?"

"Dad, you are discerning. Reading newspapers and news every day is not in vain."

Gu Changshan has some old-school stubbornness in quality.

But as a cadre, I have to read newspapers and study every day, so my vision is actually pretty good.

In the forest farm, Gu Changshan is already considered a person who is very receptive to new things.

"Although the forest farms are all similar, we can develop some local characteristics, such as rafting in summer and skiing in winter."

The development of tourism cannot be completely original.

Speaking of the original ecology, the virgin forest in Sandaogou has also been severely damaged.

The original ones are no longer pure enough, and the construction of some entertainment projects must be included.

"Zhaocheng, you said these are projects that require capital investment. Our forest farm has no money, and the bureau cannot invest money for us."

"I'm just telling you these things. We don't have the conditions for this here at the moment. I'm just going to discuss the future direction of the forest farm with you."

"Zhaocheng, don't discuss the future of the forest farm with dad. Let's discuss now how to increase some income for the forest farm, okay?"

When Gu Zhaocheng spoke, he still had some habits, and he was used to drawing the pie first.

But Gu Changshan didn't have such a long-term vision.

It's not as easy as a young man to fool around. He doesn't want to eat the big cake, but just likes the benefits in front of him.

"Dad, please listen to what I'm saying slowly. With a direction, the development of our forest farm can have a focus. Otherwise, it's a hammer in one place and a hammer in the other, without a system. What future can the forest farm develop?"

"Then you say it." Gu Changshan said patiently.

"Since we have determined that the future of the forest farm is tourism, that means that future projects will be built around tourism. First of all, I can make some contribution to the forest farm tourism industry. After I expand the deer farm a little more, .

I plan to contract some hills and raise the deer in the forest. In addition to making money for myself, these deer can also be viewed and contacted by tourists at close range in the future. "

Gu Zhaocheng supported Gu Changshan in doing this.

I also have some plans of my own. After the deer farm becomes larger, I will definitely contract a forest farm to adopt the free-range mode.

The forest farms are contracted wherever they are, and of course it is more convenient to contract the forest at your doorstep.

"Zhaocheng, there are only a few deer in your deer farm. How long will it take to expand the scale? Is there any way to increase the income of the forest farm now?"

"Dad, didn't I say that the forest farm can be contracted to outside parties? Our forest farm produces so many wild products every year, how much can we expect these idle people in our forest farm to pick. Let these products rot in the forest, why not contract the forest out? ”

There is a forest protection policy, and even if the forest land is contracted out, of course logging is not allowed.

Because there are also policies to protect wild animals, even animals cannot be harmed.

The remaining economic benefits are actually the mountain products grown in the forest.

"You can't cut down trees in the forest, so there are only mountain products. Is there anyone willing to contract it?"

"With so many people collecting mountain products, of course there are people who are willing to contract for these forests. If someone else wants a contract, a lot of people will sign it. If a large forest is developed by outsiders, the forest farm will not get much benefit."

It is not in line with Gu Zhaocheng's plan to contract the forest farm to an outsider for thirty to fifty years.

If someone is willing to contract for a short period of time, they should give it a try.

Although the price may be lower, for forest farms, mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat.

Although the unit price is low, but the forest farm has such a large area.

It can be regarded as a big supplement.

"That won't work. We still need our employees to earn more." Gu Changshan shook his head.

Gu Changshan was selfish for Sandaogou Forest Farm.

Gu Zhaocheng was doing it for himself, and the forest farm still had the same idea of ​​not outsourcing long-term contracts.

"Dad, then you are the only one who can farm with your employees. Medicinal materials and fruits can be grown in the woods. The more expensive Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng, strawberries, etc. can be grown in the woods.

If planted well, it is not difficult to earn the wages of forest farm workers. These characteristic plantations can also be used as future tourism projects for tourists to come and pick. "

Ganoderma lucidum and strawberries make quick money.

If you choose ginseng, it is considered a long-term investment.

If you sow some ginseng seedlings in the forest now,

Although it is not as good as professional ginseng cultivation after logging.

However, after ten years of such extensive cultivation, the ginseng raised in the forest can be regarded as wild old wild ginseng, and it is actually considered a high-end product.

"The people in our forest farm only know how to cut trees, how do they know these things?"

"If we don't have experts, we can find them. This is not our own business, it's the forest farm's industry. We can ask for some policy support."

The cost of hiring technical staff such as cooks, repairmen, construction workers, and drivers to the forestry farm is quite high.

But agricultural experts are different, they only need policies.

"Zhaocheng, you have said so many words, but these are the only ones that are useful." Gu Changshan said after summarizing.

"Dad, don't forget, if the forestry farm wants to last long, it still needs to count on tourism." Gu Zhaocheng reminded. We still have to stick to our travel itinerary.

If the forest farm fails, Gu Zhaocheng will take over when he has sufficient funds.

The number of people in Sandaogou Forest Farm is not large, so it does not need to create a high GDP, and the per capita GDP can reach a good level.

Tourism doesn’t need to develop very well, it just needs to be a market around Bianhe.

It is enough to feed these laid-off and non-laid-off forest farm workers.

Of course, Gu Changshan did it for the forestry workers.

What Gu Zhaocheng wants to do is mainly for his hobby and to develop his hobby of landscape into a career.

By the way, it can make Gu Changshan feel better, which is not a loss at all.

Gu Zhaocheng couldn't be a good person if he didn't force the development of these forest farm employees.

After setting the direction for the forest farm, Gu Changshan was busy with something.

Not to mention starting to grow fruits and medicinal materials, there is a lot of preparation work to be done in the early stage of the incubation and implementation of this project.

Gu Changshan's small Jeep is also really useful.

It is convenient for Gu Changshan to run to the city frequently.

Gu Changshan is still happy to be busy with work.

For Gu Changshan, it is definitely better to be busy than to watch the forest farm decline day by day.

Gu Zhaocheng was not idle and officially started his own investment.

Of course, if you want to invest, you still have to count on your second brother.

Because long-distance phone calls are too expensive, Gu Zhaocheng and Xingjie have too many things to talk about.

Making a phone call would be too much of a luxury.

Just use a little cheaper communication method.

Chat and communicate using instant messaging software on your computer.

Xingjie is located in a deep city, so it is very convenient to access the Internet.

In this day and age, it is not uncommon for college students to have personal computers.

There are always a few people in a class who come from well-off families and provide their children with top-quality education in all aspects.

Among the most fashionable group of college students, computers are not a new thing.

However, the development of Sandaogou Forest Farm is lagging behind.

Not to mention Internet cafes, there is not a single computer in the entire Sandaogou Forest Farm.

If Gu Zhaocheng wants to surf the Internet, he still has to ride a bicycle to the town, where he can find an informal black Internet cafe.

The Internet fee costs two yuan an hour, which is not cheap considering the income in this era.

The Internet speed is also very impressive. Online games are not smooth. People who play games in Internet cafes mainly play stand-alone games.

There are not many websites and forums, the pictures are not beautiful enough, and the web pages do not open fast enough.

But this is already the most comprehensive way to obtain information.

After not playing computer games for a long time, it was quite fun to suddenly play these games.

Gu Zhaocheng was in his early twenties, when he loved playing games. Many black Internet cafes were filled with people of Gu Zhaocheng's age.

Although the Internet speed is not fast and the picture quality is impressive, it is still a lot of fun to play.

"Xingjie, did you receive the money I sent you?"

"Brother, I received it. This 80,000 yuan is your entire net worth, right?" Investing in stocks is also risky, brother, do you want to be more cautious?"

After Gu Zhaocheng processed this year's two batches of medicinal wine.

The total deposit is more than 80,000 yuan, and a few thousand yuan are left behind for daily expenses.

The round number happened to be an auspicious number, so Gu Zhaocheng sent it directly to Xingjie.

Xingjie has made progress half a year after arriving in Shenzhen.

He is no longer a financial novice and can already persuade Gu Zhaocheng.

"Brother has thought it over carefully. Xingjie, just feel free to buy it for me." This is just the money that the eldest brother has made in the past two years, and the eldest brother cannot afford to lose. Half buys energy stocks and half buys stocks of securities companies. 』

If oil sellers want to go public, there is nothing wrong with buying it with your eyes closed.

This is a stock that can be held for a long time. If there are no other good opportunities, this part of the shares is not something to be moved.

Then there are the stocks of securities companies. During this period of hot stocks, it can be said that you can buy them with your eyes closed.

But this is short-term investment, after catching up with the wave.

I still have to sell it and look at other opportunities.

"Brother, you have to think about it carefully, then I will really buy it. 』

"Buy it, buy it. When big brother makes money, I will buy you a computer first." Then I will buy one at home, and then it will be convenient for us to contact you. 』

After playing a few games, Gu Zhaocheng wanted to buy a computer.

It's a pity that Gu Zhaocheng has little money now.

Even if you spend all your money, you won't be able to buy too high a configuration.

For the time being, we can only wait.

It is also an experience to come to the town to experience the Internet cafes.

"Brother, your family is fine, right?"

Xingjie is quite concerned about his family.

If you don’t know the frequency of calls between Xingjie and Huang Xiaoping now.

But Xingjie's calls to his family were already more frequent than Xingjie's calls to Huang Xiaoping in the previous two years.

"It's good. Grandpa, parents and Zhaoxi are self-reliant. It's good..."

It is also convenient to communicate online.

There is no need to consider the cost so much. You can slowly introduce the situation at home to Xingjie.

Song Liuxi has lived to such an old age and takes everything very lightly.

No matter what happens in the forest farm, it will not have a big impact on the old man.

The old man has his own rhythm of life, and his focus is planting trees.

There hasn't been much change in saving money, but after adding a few modern appliances such as rice cookers and washing machines to my home.

The housework is a little easier, and there is more social interaction than before.

Gu Changshan is the director of the forest farm. When chatting with the old ladies in the forest farm, the flower deposit is basically in a popular state, and the mood is quite good while chatting.

For the two younger brothers, the most important thing is their studies. Their grades have improved somewhat, but it cannot be said to be too great.

To put it mildly, I can only say that there is a lot of room for improvement and a promising future.

Ziqiang likes making money and doing business. He still has no other hobbies, but he has made great progress in mathematics.

Zhaoxi still likes sports. He is lively and energetic all day long.

It can also be regarded as laying the foundation for becoming a sports student in the future.

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