"It's no use discussing this with me. I never said that Manou couldn't come back. It's always been your mother who didn't want to give it to us."

What Mark meant was that if Mary had any objections, she should go and discuss it with Tian Ye.

"You are a grown man, do you have to listen to a woman like her? She is not even your wife anymore."

In order to avoid looking for Tian Ye, Mary played brain games with Mark and provoked Mark.

"It has nothing to do with whether she is my wife or not. What matters is that she is Manou's mother. She wants to take care of Manou. Why should I object?"

It’s a pity that Mark isn’t that macho.

"Isn't she taking good care of it?"

"It's actually pretty good." Mark thought for a moment: "At least the time when I'm not in kindergarten is pretty good."

At least Manou is clean all day long, eats well and sleeps well.

If it were Mark, he would definitely let his son roam free and he would not be able to be refined at all.

"Then let me go to her and tell her that I am just an underage sister. Why should I fight with her for the custody of Manju?"

"It's definitely not going to work if you force it. Even if we go to court with your mother right now, the judge may not support us. You have to reason with her and appeal to her emotions to influence her."

Actually, it is not impossible. Agate is no longer in its infancy, and Mark has an excellent economy, so there is a high probability that he can win it.

"You want me to do something that you can't even do, which is to influence her?" Mary looked at Mark in surprise.

"You two are mother and daughter, blood is thicker than water. In your mother's heart, you are more important than me, her ex-husband, and your words are more powerful. Of course, you are more suitable than me."

"I'm so annoyed!" Mary expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Are you going or not? Should I ask your mother to let Manou stay at home for a few days?"

"Let me think about it first, you apply first."

The relationship between Mary and Tian Ye is something Mark can't describe, it all depends on Mary's own mood.

After talking to Tian Ye, Manou stayed at home temporarily.

Mark had just been riding his bike to school with Mary for a few days when he had to change to plan B.

Mark cleaned up Manou first, watched the child eat breakfast, and then sent Manou to kindergarten.

Then I went to talk to Teacher Manou about the problem of Manou being bullied, which was actually quite troublesome.

Mark accompanied me and checked the surveillance footage for a long time.

We can draw a conclusion that some children, although still young, have been naughty since childhood.

Although it was troublesome, Mark did help Manou clear some of his "wrongs".

At least it proves that Manju wasn't the one being naughty.

Even now, if I had encountered this kind of thing twenty years ago, I would have had no way of explaining it.

"Manou, were you okay in kindergarten today? Did that kid bully you again?"

After kindergarten, Mark was the first to pick us up.

"Uncle, was Manou bullied by his classmates?"

Occasionally, when something happens, Wang Xiaomi and Mark will not meet after get off work.

For example, the situation where Mark was about to take over Manou yesterday.

But Manou will stay at home for several days, and it is impossible for Wang Xiaomi and Mark to not have a date for several days.

"Not today. The teacher criticized him."

Manou replied to Mark.

It should be fine for now. Mark is just afraid that the child will be too naughty and will retaliate against Manou after being criticized by the teacher.

"I had a small conflict with my classmates, it's not a big deal."

Wang Xiaomi is a man who can chop the heads of "big brothers" in society with a bottle of wine. Mark really doesn't dare to let Wang Xiaomi teach Manou. After replying to Wang Xiaomi, Mark looked at Manou again:

"That's good. Let's go. I'll take you to the mall today."

Mark has some clothes for Manou at home, but not many, definitely not enough to replace for a few days.

If you don’t want to go to Tian Ye to get clothes, you must buy a few pieces for your child.

"Manou, I'm telling you, if someone wants to bully you, just beat them up. If you can't beat them up, just find someone else..."

After getting in the car, Wang Xiaomi and Manou sat in the back seat. While Mark was watching the driver in front driving, Wang Xiaomi started teaching Manou.

If you can't win, just pick up weapons. This is in line with Wang Xiaomi's style.

Wang Xiaomi thought so, and he actually did so when something happened.

"Xiaomi, Lily has already taught Manou how to protect himself, you can teach Manou something else..."

Mark hurriedly stopped Wang Xiaomi.

"Uncle, are you afraid that I will teach Manou bad things?"

"He is so young and has no judgment. He will learn whatever you teach him. What if he picks up a weapon and beats up other people's children?"

In fact, Wang Xiaomi herself sometimes has no sense of propriety.

"I haven't finished talking yet. I will teach Manju where not to hit."

"After a fight, children can't remember. Let's sit down and talk later."

Wang Xiaomi cares so much about Manou, it’s not so easy for Mark to stop her.

Otherwise it would be like Mark disliking Wang Xiaomi for helping to educate the children.

It was only under Mark's supervision that Wang Xiaomi trained Manou again.

Wang Xiaomi instills theories, and Ma Li instills skills, so the probability of the child becoming a reckless man increases greatly.

Wang Xiaomi's philosophy can be simply summarized as: I will not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will retaliate double.

"Alright, alright, that's enough. We can't let him think about fighting all day long."

Half an hour later, Mark called a stop. After all, after returning home, Manou still had to accept Mary's movement guidance.

"Then let's talk about something else." Wang Xiaomi may have had enough of teaching children and was willing to stop.

"Well, the world of children should still be kinder and more beautiful."

"Then I'll tell you about this another day."

"what happened?"

“It’s not kind or beautiful.”

"Wait a moment." Mark first sent Manou to the children's playground in the mall to play.

"Uncle, I'll give you an ice cream. Don't be angry after I tell you so."

Wang Xiaomi is using Mark and Agate to coax her.

"I'll hold it for Manou and give it to him when he comes out. What's so serious that I'd get angry just by hearing about it?"

Mark took the ice cream anyway.

"Qiu Feng has been coming to my house a lot recently."

"I thought something had happened. If you were talking about this, I would have known it a long time ago. I also knew that it was your mother who called the person over."

Mark didn't feel angry about this matter.

If it were someone else, Mark might be a little emotional, but Qiu Feng was completely non-threatening.

"That's right. You have Uncle Zhang's spy. How can we hide our family's affairs from you?"

"Uncle Zhang didn't tell me this. Qiu Feng came to the gym and told me personally..."

Mark told Wang Xiaomi about their meeting in the gym two days ago.

"So, he won't go to the gym anymore?"

"I don't think he'll come."

"It's good that he doesn't come. If he doesn't come, I can go. Otherwise, my card will be wasted."

“Yes, it’s quite a waste.”

Mark nodded. Even when Wang Xiaomi was not hiding from Qiu Feng, she didn't like going to the gym that much.

"No, Second Uncle, how come you're not angry at all when you know that my mom has recruited Qiu Feng?"

"Should I be angry?" "You should be angry."

"I believe in you and have confidence in you." Mark realized what Wang Xiaomi wanted, which was respect: "It's better for your mother to torment Qiu Feng than to torment you."

"You're right." Wang Xiaomi is someone who is easy to please, otherwise Mark would not be able to handle her.

After taking Wang Xiaomi to buy clothes for Manou and having a meal, Mark took Manou home. The time was actually not too late, just a little after eight o'clock.

"Lily, you're back so early?"

"How long will it take to see my mother?"

If it wasn't for the fact that she was going to see Tian Ye and Manou had been staying at home for the past two days, Mary would definitely go with Mark to pick him up.

Even if she doesn't pick people up together, Mali will definitely participate when taking them out to play.

"How was your conversation with your mom?"

"She doesn't want Manou to live with us." Mary said listlessly.

"Isn't this expected? Why do you look so upset?"

Mark saw that Mary's mood was not normal.

"I am fine."

"You don't look like nothing's wrong."

It's actually quite difficult for Mark to guess Mary's little thoughts.

"I just think that my mother's business is so big, maybe we have been a burden to her before."

"Is that the reason? If there is any burden, it's me who's the one who's burdened her. What does it have to do with you?"

Although he couldn't guess it, Mark could tell that Mary was just trying to fool him.

"Dad, have you been there? My mom's beauty salon is quite large and the decoration is quite luxurious. It looks very high-end and you can tell at a glance that a lot of money was spent there." Ma Li continued to change the subject.

"I've been there. I put on this look just for people like you. It didn't cost that much."

"Dad, how do you know I didn't spend any money? I think I spent a lot of money."

The price of materials for decorating shops is actually not that high.

"Decorating a shop is different from decorating a home. We use the best materials for everything. You don't need to understand these things yet."

There is too much water in the decoration. It is not surprising that the price can differ by ten times even if the effect looks similar on the surface.

This matter is very complicated, and Mary is far from understanding it.

"Anyway, my mom might really become a big boss in the future."

"Your mother is going to be a boss, you should be happy. You are so unhappy, are you thinking that your mother didn't insist on you, but on Manou?"

Mark thought about it and felt that the most likely reason why Mary went to see Tian Ye was because she was unhappy about this.

"I know, Manou is still young, but I'm not a child anymore, so why would I be unhappy about this?"

"Don't worry, you always come first to your dad."

Of course Ma Li is very sensible in words, but she knows the truth and she feels disappointed in her heart.

"What about Bimanou?" The fact that she asked this shows that Mali still cares about her position in her parents' hearts.

"You two are tied."

Although Mark felt that Mary was more important, it was impossible for him to tell the difference between the two children in front of Manou.

"You're just fooling me." Ma Li laughed, proving that she was in a better mood: "How many first place winners do you have in your mind? Is that Wang Xiaomi too?"

"I'm just trying to comfort you, and you're asking me such a death question? You're already letting me know before anything happens?"

Although there is an answer to this question, Mark cannot tell it.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you. I'll go practice with agate."

This practice is really just practice.

It’s like Mark being Mary’s sparring partner in the boxing ring.

Manou stayed at home for a weekend, and when Mark sent Manou to kindergarten on Monday, the pick-up was no longer Mark's responsibility.

Without Manayo, Mark still goes to the gym to exercise and work part-time after get off work.

With this part-time job, Mark will have something to do after work if he wants to.

Otherwise, if you slack off at work or school, and slack off when you get home after get off work, life will be too monotonous.

Wang Xiaomi is still very important. Without a date, Mark would feel like he has nothing to do.

But Wang Xiaomi can't leave work early every day at the same time as Mark.

Occasionally, if the other two people have something to do, Wang Xiaomi will have to stay in the pet shop a little longer and leave work later.

As soon as he walked to the front desk, Mark saw someone making things difficult for the front desk.

"Sir, our cards and private lessons are non-refundable once purchased."

"Why can't I just return it? I haven't used it many times."

"Sorry, we have rules."

The person who wanted to return the card was Qiu Feng, which was inconsistent with the image of Qiu Feng as a rich second-generation in Mark's mind.

It’s just over 10,000 yuan. The second-generation rich can just go to a bar and open two bottles of good wine for this price.

This amount of money is not even enough to cover the expenses of a nightclub. How can a rich second-generation want to return such a small amount of money?

"Qiu Feng, you weren't going to come, why are you here again?"

Mark patted Qiu Feng and said.

"I was passing by and came up to take a look." Seeing Mark, Qiu Feng was obviously a little guilty.

"Teacher Ma, this member wants to cancel his card."

The front desk clerk reminded Mark that since Mark knew Qiu Feng, they reminded Mark to help retain members.

Gym membership cards are generally non-refundable.

There are discounts when you charge the card.

There are discounts for one-year cards, but if you have used it for two months, you definitely cannot enjoy the discount.

Based on the price per time per month, if you have used the card for a period of time, you will not be able to get much money back.

According to the regulations, you can refund, but the gym certainly doesn't want people to refund so easily.

The amount of money is small and the process is complicated, so few people would bother to return the card.

"Who wants to quit? I won't. It's just a gym membership card. Why would I quit? I still want to train!"

Qiu Feng shouted to the front desk, obviously not wanting to show weakness in front of Mark.

"This is my membership, give it to me." Mark replied to the front desk and pulled Qiu Feng aside.

"Didn't you hire a boxing coach some time ago? Why are you so miserable now?" Mark asked Qiu Feng with a playful look.

It is easy to guess why Qiu Feng is short of money, that is, he has lost the support of his parents.

If Qiu Feng wants to support himself, he will start to cherish money.

"I won't quit."

Qiu Feng couldn't stand Malu's teasing.

"No, I can help you."

Mark held Qiu Feng and if he didn't want anyone to run away, that person would definitely not be able to escape.

"Are you so kind?"

"It happens all the time, and it's not just for you. I can help you resell the card."

Mark used to be a person who couldn’t stand waste and often did this kind of thing, so he was actually very familiar with the process.

The key is to remember when members' membership cards expire, at least approximately.

"What are the requirements?"

"Tell me, do your parents disapprove of you going to Wang Xiaomi's house all day?" (End of this chapter)

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