"Did they not allow you to go, but you insisted on going, so they cut off your living expenses?"

Mark asked this question out of curiosity.

"I won't transfer this card." Qiu Feng's face darkened and he turned around to leave, as if what Mark said was right.

"Why are you so irritable? Can't I ask you anything? You don't even want money. You have such a big hatred for money. You can't even say that. If it was your son, I wouldn't be able to give you living expenses."

Mark held Qiu Feng's shoulders and didn't let Qiu Feng go.

"Don't take advantage of me. What son or not? It's because of you that my living expenses have been cut off."

Qiu Feng shook off Mark's hand, but did not try to run away. It seemed that he was really short of money.

"Qiu Feng, no matter what our relationship is, how do you think of me? I used to approve of your character. Why is your character starting to become problematic now? Have you become unreasonable?"

Among the second-generation rich, Qiu Feng is definitely not bad and is already a very harmless one.

"Who is being unreasonable? If I say it's because of you, then it must be because of you. As for why... why it's because of you, I'm too lazy to tell you."

"Okay, if you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me. Do you think I can't guess it if you don't tell me? Give me your card, and I'll try to transfer it to you at a higher price."

Seeing that Qiu Feng was so stubborn, Mark believed it a little.

If Qiu Feng was really cut off from living expenses because of Mark.

It can only be that Qiu Feng and Mark work out together, especially finding a boxing coach outside for extra training, because it costs too much, it must be tens of thousands of dollars.

Of course, this cent is definitely not much for Qiu Feng.

The fact that they were cut off from support was undoubtedly because Qiu Feng had made his parents unhappy.

This brings us back to the issue of Qiu Feng going to Wang Xiaomi's house every day.

This family was not very accepting of Wang Xiaomi in the first place, and only accepted it reluctantly after their objections failed.

The two had finally broken up, but Qiu Feng was still thinking about getting back together.

The old couple will definitely not be happy.

"What do you mean by a higher price?" Qiu Feng asked in confusion, and it was obvious that he had never done such a thing before.

"Then let me put it another way. I'll try to save you as much loss as possible."

“There will be more losses.”

This rich second generation also started to be petty.

"If you want the same card, why don't they just do it in the store instead of giving you a second-hand card?"

The after-sales service provided directly is definitely more guaranteed than that of a transferred card.

"Okay, that's good enough." Qiu Feng compromised.

Mark felt more at ease knowing that Qiu Feng was so poor. Given the current financial situation, there was no way Qiu Feng could please Wang Lanfang.

After transferring the card to Qiu Feng, Mark didn't stay in the gym for too long.

After a little exercise, I went home early and started cooking.

Originally, the father and daughter didn't have much time to eat together.

On the rare days when he doesn't have a date, Mark makes sure to go home early.

"Dad, you've been pretty happy these days, right?"

"Yes, you haven't been doing very well, have you?"

Mark wanted to ask back politely, but after thinking about it, he realized that Mary didn't seem to be having a very good time recently.

The fact that we spend less time going out to play is proof of this.

"You just realized it." Mary rolled her eyes at Mark and said.

"I've noticed a long time ago that you weren't very happy in the second half of every semester."

Mark was tough for a moment, not revealing his guilty conscience.

Being unhappy in the second half of the semester is a common problem among poor students, as they get worried when facing exams.

Of course, Ma Li is not as happy as when school started, which is partly due to the many things going on at home.

"Is my unhappiness only related to study? We agreed that you would help me with my homework. How many times have you helped me with my homework since we agreed to it?"

Mary was obviously annoyed that Mark didn't come home.

"You didn't even call me, so I thought you would be able to keep up with your studies during this period."

Mark really thought so, and he never felt that studying was that difficult.

"Don't I only have questions when I'm doing the test paper? You weren't at home when I was doing my homework, so how could I ask you?"

"Then let's do this. Unless there are special circumstances, I will go home before nine o'clock every day. You just happened to start doing your homework, so if there are any problems, we can solve them in time."

Mark thought for a moment and replied.

Mark had already realized that he spent less time with Mary, and when Mary made some suggestions, Mark added some more time.

For a date between two people, try to end it before nine o'clock. Although Wang Xiaomi was a little unhappy, she still chose to go along with it.

Anyway, Mark has a fixed two-day weekend off every week.

During the weekends, Mark usually accompanies Wang Xiaomi to work.

The focus of the two people's dating is mainly on weekends, not on daily basis.

"Uncle, I don't want to live at home anymore."

"What's wrong? Doesn't your mother restrict your freedom?"

To Mark, it was quite surprising that Wang Xiaomi didn't want to go home again this time.

"Didn't you hear Uncle Zhang report this to you?"

"What's the matter? Your mother doesn't care about me anymore, so how can Uncle Zhang care about me?"

After Wang Lanfang stopped paying so much attention to Mark, Old Zhang no longer reported every detail to Mark.

Maybe she felt that Mark was not popular with Wang Lanfang and could not help her in any way.

Old Zhang didn't care that much about Mark.

"My mother now invites Uncle Zhang and Qiu Feng to her house all day long. The three of us play and eat together, just like a family of three. She excludes me and makes me feel like an outsider. I don't want to stay at home anymore."

"No way?" Mark asked doubtfully.

What Wang Xiaomi said about Ling Mingyu is more like that. He is closer to others than to his own children.

Wang Xiaomi is Wang Lanfang's life, and it seems that this situation will never happen.

"Even if it's not every day, it's still often. She cooks a large table of dishes every time. She even posts it on WeChat Moments. Let me show you."

Wang Xiaomi opened her phone and showed Mark Wang Lanfang's social software.

This old lady is actually quite fashionable, at least more fashionable than Ling Mingyu. She is very good at using various software and can post on WeChat Moments.

Ling Mingyu doesn't play any software.

"Your mother's cooking skills seem pretty good, don't they?"

Mark recognized that this was the dining table he bought. Wang Lanfang had filled it with food and cooked at least ten dishes. It was indeed a luxury for three people to eat together, and it could definitely be called a feast.

"Uncle, what are you looking at? You can't eat it even if you look at it. I can't eat it, so how can she let you eat it?"

Wang Xiaomi seemed really angry about Wang Lanfang's behavior.

Whenever Mark praised Wang Lanfang, Wang Xiaomi began to dislike it.

"Xiaomi, don't be so angry. Think about it. Is it possible that your mother did this for some other purpose?"

"What does she want? She just wants to piss me off, right?"

When playing tricks on Wang Xiaomi, it’s not appropriate to go around in circles. Wang Xiaomi is too lazy to think about too many things.

"How could she possibly want to piss you off? At most, she just wanted to let you know what kind of life you'll live after your mother leaves you alone."

"I can be fine without her." This was obviously said in anger.

"Then why are you jealous now?"

Wang Xiaomi is so jealous, it's clear that she cares about her mother. "My mother wants me to bow down to her."

Wang Xiaomi reacted.

Ever since Mark went to the Wang family, the relationship between mother and daughter has not been very good.

The key lies in the disagreement on attitude towards Mark.

Even if Wang Lanfang was "impressed" by Mark's ability to pay, and was lenient with him and did not directly cause trouble for him, it definitely did not mean that she supported him.

He always wanted to take action against Wang Xiaomi and solve the problem from the root.

"Otherwise she wouldn't have gone through all this trouble, cooking the same dishes for every meal. It's so troublesome."

Mark affirmed Wang Xiaomi's idea.

"I'm so likely to bow my head. She wants the two of us to break up."

"If you don't want to bow your head, then don't bow your head, but there's no need to be so angry. What's the point of moving out of your home?"

Originally, there was nothing to worry about, and Wang Xiaomi was about to move out. Mark was worried that Wang Lanfang would target him again.

"Do I just watch them getting mad at me every day?"

"Xiaomi, believe me, they won't be able to hold out for long. Just stay away from them for a few days."

Having to sell pork and cook so many dishes every day, Mark didn't believe that Wang Lanfang had more free time than himself.

"How to avoid it?"

"Give me your cell phone."

Mark directly helped Wang Xiaomi block Wang Lanfang’s circle of friends.

This is a very standard out of sight, out of mind approach.

Wang Xiaomi actually doesn’t eat at home very often. The main reason she got angry was because she got angry after reading her friends’ circle.

"Uncle, you are fooling me like this."

Wang Xiaomi was obviously dissatisfied with this way of handling the matter.

The girl doesn't know how to be roundabout and always confronts things head on.

"If I can't see you, I'll just pretend I don't know. We can't take everything seriously in life. It's better to be ignorant, you know. As long as our relationship is stable, no matter how they act, it won't matter what happens."

Mark is not paying attention to Wang Lanfang now, that is, Wang Lanfang supports two people.

"Uncle, are you and Ma Li going to move?"

"Yes...we'll move after a few days of vacation." Mark said hesitantly.

Mark and Ma Li are moving to a new home, and Wang Xiaomi is moving out of her home. It's hard for Mark not to have some associations. Wang Xiaomi has been very anxious and stable: "How did you know?
"Do I need to hear this from anyone? I guessed it. Your house has been renovated for such a long time, and it's almost the end of the year. It's time to move in."

This proves that Wang Xiaomi can be very smart when she wants to.

As long as Wang Xiaomi is serious, he is not a brainless person who is easily fooled.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

"Then wait until you move, and I'll go and help you?"

"Okay, there's actually nothing to move, just some daily necessities."

The new house is already move-in ready, and most of the things at home are no longer needed, so it will be easy to move.

"Then we need a warm-up room. Moving to a new house requires some popularity."

"You are right."

Although Mark admitted that Wang Xiaomi was right.

But Mark wasn't planning to invite anyone.

Mark's largest social circle is his colleagues at school.

Since most of the teachers in the school don't have their own rooms, the only emotion that can arise when others come to help warm the rooms is jealousy.

"Uncle, these are flowers for you."

On New Year's Day, Wang Xiaomi came to Mark's house early. This time was already beyond Wang Xiaomi's usual working hours, which was definitely considered early rising.

"I haven't even given you any yet, why are you giving me flowers now, and two bouquets at once?"

Seeing the flowers in Wang Xiaomi's hand, Mark wondered if this was Wang Xiaomi's hint to him.

Flowers should also be sent on New Year’s Day, after all, it is also a big holiday.

"You're moving into a new house, so I have to bring you something. Since you don't need anything, I bought you flowers. These two bouquets are not all for you. There's also one for Lily."

"I'm just being sentimental. I'll call you Lily." Mark breathed a sigh of relief. It was good that it wasn't a hint. He didn't like the sense of ceremony for any festival: "Lily."

"Is Lily still awake?"

"I'm tidying up in the room."

After all, Mary is a girl, even if she is a little girl, she is still a girl.

The things he needed to bring with him, including all kinds of odds and ends, were much more than Mark's.

In addition, there were some things related to Manjushri in the room, so Ma Li also had to help pack them up and take them over, so there was more stuff to pack up.

"I'll go help her."

"I can do it myself. If you really want to help, go help my dad clean up."

Hearing Mark's shout, Mary walked out of the room. Just when she heard Wang Xiaomi asking for help, she directly refused, still unwilling to accept Wang Xiaomi's kindness.

If the two were just good friends at the beginning, this would never happen. Ma Li should have directly pulled Wang Xiaomi into the room.

"Lily, these are the flowers your sister Xiaomi sent you."

"The flowers are beautiful, thank you. I'll go back and clean them up first."

Now, Ma Li's attitude towards Wang Xiaomi can be summed up as politeness.

"Uncle, do you want to pack your things?"

"Okay, come and help me."

Mark actually didn't have much stuff, just some ordinary clothes that could fit into two or three suitcases.

Mark could clean it up himself, but it would definitely make Wang Xiaomi embarrassed. Coming so early wouldn't be of any help.

"Uncle, did you buy a piano?"

Wang Xiaomi came to Mark's new home before the furnishing was completed, and has not been here since then.

When buying furniture, Wang Xiaomi participated a lot. Now when you go to a new house, you must visit it first, and the most eye-catching thing in the house is a piano.

"I just bought it a few days ago. Are you interested in this too?"

Mark actually bought the piano at a good time. After the popularity of this thing died down, the price naturally became much more normal and was not as inflated as before.

"It's OK, Uncle, can you play it?"

Mark thinks Wang Xiaomi should be indifferent.

"I can't. This is for Lily."

Mark could only play a few simple songs at a beginner's level and had never played a musical instrument seriously in his lifetime.

"If you spend so much on this, you might as well buy me a guitar."

Actually, Mary was not that grateful for buying a piano.

This girl has recently become crazy about guitar.

Even though I can’t, I just like it.

This is enough to prove that Mali's favorite music style is pop rather than classical.

"I promised you the piano before, but I didn't promise to buy you a guitar. If you want the guitar, you have to get good grades at the end of the semester."

A decent guitar would cost at least several thousand dollars, which was more than the amount Mali usually spent on her credit card.

Mark finally has something to hook Mary, so he must take advantage of it. (End of this chapter)

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