Chapter 281

The last thing left was for the family to eat and eat whatever they had. After a simple meal, Shaoan and Xiulian were surrounded by young people from Shuangshui Village and went to the production team's wedding room.

How to make trouble in the bridal chamber has nothing to do with Wang Manyin's brother-in-law. It's just a simple lively scene in the village, and there will be no excessive things like some wedding troubles. Just kidding.

Although Wang Manyin felt that he was very young, only in his 20s, he stayed with Sun Yuhou to clean up the mess like an older person.

It’s not a big deal, it’s simple and it’s simple, it’s easy to clean up, it’s a lot of people, it’s powerful, you can wash what you need, throw what you need to throw, and return what you need to return.

After the Sun family has roughly returned to its original state except for the red couplets and window grilles.

Wang Manyin and Lan Hua, with their children, bid farewell to the old couple Sun Yuhou. The most tiring of the wedding are the two newcomers, and the rest are the man's parents. Happy is definitely happy, but it's a day of hard work. Let's leave early. The couple can rest earlier.

After Shao'an's work was done, Wang Manyin's family had to make preparations for the new year. Lanhua was busy cleaning up, the cave dwelling, and the yard were all cleaned up. Everything works.

Although the mothers and aunts here in northern Shaanxi can basically cut window grilles, the fat dolls cut by orchids, the characters of blessing, happiness, carp, ingots, and various flowers can also show the ingenuity of orchids.

In Wang Manyin’s house, there are only three holes in the cave, only one hole has a door and window, and the windows are limited, so the ability of orchids cannot be fully utilized, otherwise, more patterns can be cut.

Wang Manyin was not idle either. He took his own sheep and asked Li Laishun to kill them. The three ewes were all pregnant, so of course they had to be kept. The remaining ram was kept for food.

Wang Manyin's culinary heritage includes the knowledge of killing sheep, but Li Laishun, who kills dozens of sheep every year, is so experienced. The most important thing is that nitrated sheepskin Wang Manyin is not good at it. Since he has to hire someone, he will only trouble Li Laishun up.

"Brother Laishun, I brought our sheep!"

Of course, Li Laishun will not be idle. The production team still has to ensure that one catty of mutton per person during the Spring Festival. In addition to the production team, there are several villagers who slaughter sheep during the New Year, which is also troublesome for Li Laishun.

"I haven't visited your house recently. Your sheep are quite tall."

"It's okay, there is no shortage of feed, and the orchids are well fed."

The old way of killing sheep is the time when Wang Manyin kills a few chickens. According to the rules of killing sheep in Guanzi Village, you must use mutton and offal for the slaughter of sheep, and you will have a drink of wine.

Now that the Chinese New Year is approaching, the rule has become to send people half a pair into the water. Li Laishun has killed not ten sheep these days, but eight. The family does not lack these, so he insists on not accepting them. The relationship between the two is not bad. Wang Manyin did not force it. You can only go home with a whole sheep.

"Brother Laishun, if you have time these days, you must come to our house for a drink. If you don't come, I will be in a hurry with you."

"You must go. Don't worry about the sheepskin. After the sale is finished, you can go to our house to get it."

Wang Manyin happily took the mutton home. He heard that there were a lot of sheep, but the meat yield of sheep was far behind that of pigs. A sheep of about [-] catties only had [-] to [-] catties of mutton.

The mutton is definitely not sold, and it looks like it is barely enough for my family.In the winter in northern Shaanxi, it is often twenty or thirty degrees below zero, and there is a natural refrigerator outside. Wang Manyin still has a small world to cheat.

If it weren't for the mission of the village to deliver pigs to the country, Wang Manyin would have kept all the big black pigs at home to eat for himself.

"Man Yin, you brought all the sheep back? Doesn't anyone in the village want to buy more lamb?"

Busy with the orchids pasting the window grilles, he saw Wang Manyin come back and said.

"Someone wants it, but I don't want to sell it. The family is not short of money now. How nice it is to stay and eat. My cat and dog like meat the most!"

Even if the pennies are less this year, there is really no shortage of families in Guanzi Village who want to buy mutton. For example, those families with men working in the city can ask for as much mutton as they have.

Whether it's giving gifts to leaders during the holidays, or exchanging gifts between colleagues, they can be very happy with each other. How can rural people not understand the world when they are mixed in the city.

That is to say, the grain output in northern Shaanxi is too low to feed pigs. In the Guanzhong area where Wang Manyin has been, every household feeds two pigs. By the end of the year, one pig is handed over, and the money sold can meet the family's annual expenses.

The remaining pig was slaughtered years ago and made into bacon, sausage, and bacon. The family has meat for a year. Even in the countryside, life is not bad.

"It's okay to keep it for food, anyway, the family has no foreign debts."

Except for Wang Manyin who has to go out for a long time to wander around, Lanhua really rarely opposes Wang Manyin's various decisions.

With mutton, the family had a delicious meal of mutton steamed buns at noon.

In the afternoon, Wang Manyin killed two more roosters at home. The mutton was deboned, cut up and hung up to freeze. The smaller the chicken, the easier it was to clean up. It would take time to clean up all kinds of offal from the sheep.

The sheep's blood, intestines, heart, liver, belly, head, lungs, tail, hooves, etc. are all cleaned up, sundries are removed, and the internal organs of each part are washed repeatedly.

A pair of intestines and stomachs are often washed more than ten times, especially the sheep lungs are treated very carefully, and then soaked in clean water overnight.

After cleaning, put them into pots with various seasonings and cook them separately. When you eat, put what you like into the lamb soup and cook it, and you will have a bowl of delicious haggis soup.

From the beginning to the end of the year, farmers only have a few days of leisure during the Chinese New Year. Both adults and children are looking forward to the New Year, and the trouble of picking up the haggis is nothing at all.

"Lanhua, soak the soybeans at home. Tomorrow the village will organize tofu."

Tofu is also considered a great delicacy. In rural areas, tofu is made by oneself. There is no shortage of craftsmen who can make tofu in the general village. Some of them are collectively prepared by the village and distributed directly according to the head of the village. The soybeans in Guanzi Village have been distributed to the villagers. , How much you want to eat, you can use your own soybeans to make as much, more flexible.

The next day, each of them ate a bowl of haggis soup in the morning. Wang Manyin and Lan Hua took a pot of soaked beans and went to the brigade to queue up to make tofu.

Making tofu can be roughly divided into five processes: soaking beans, grinding beans, boiling soy milk, ordering tofu and pressing tofu.

It’s simple to say, and it seems that you can do it yourself, but the technical content is still very high. If there is a slight mistake, the quality of the tofu will be much worse.

Pay special attention to the two steps of cooking soy milk and ordering tofu. If you are in a hurry, you can’t eat hot tofu, so the heat and time of cooking soy milk are particularly important.

(End of this chapter)

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