Chapter 445
Not picky, all kinds of supplies are very useful.

Even those who work in the store, old bachelors, old widowers, and old widows are useful when there is nothing.

These are people who earn wages and have a certain ability to survive.

During this period of time, Fan Jin often turned into a matchmaker and organized these people to go on blind dates.

This feeling is very novel, I have never done such a thing in my life.

But after the Spring Festival, it is still better than before.

Although it is still a chilly spring season, the work of keeping warm has been done in the previous winter.

The only thing that needs to be taken care of is the problem of food, and it is not far away to wear warm clothes. After this period of time, there are all kinds of wild vegetables, which can also alleviate a large part of the gap.

"Old Sun, I brought you some fish. How are you doing? Are you used to working in the factory?"

Fan Jin has food and other supplies, which are not sufficient, but there is only one acre of fish ponds, and these families cannot eat all the fish produced.

So Fan Jinyou asked the bald old grandson to sell some.

The relationship between the two is mutually beneficial, and Lao Sun's ability to receive the supplies proves his ability, which will help Lao Sun gain a firm foothold in the unit.

Fan Jinyou said that he would also avoid going to the black market to take risks, and unit purchases are not considered speculative.

After Lao Sun worked as the public manager of the tavern for three years, last year, he used the canteen to help the victims of the disaster.

He received the attention of the leader again, and finally got his wish and was transferred to the factory, where he became the deputy logistics director in charge of the canteen.

It seems that the work is similar, and they are all in charge of cooking, but when they arrive at the factory, they can be regarded as opening up the promotion channel for Lao Sun.

In the future, if the logistics director, deputy factory director, and factory director are capable, it is not impossible.

"Brother, you are here. These fish have helped me a lot. At least everyone has a bowl of soup to drink. The positions in this factory are not easy to do. There is a lot of heavy physical labor. How can the workers do without oil and water?" .In order to supplement the nutrition of the workers, brother worry, my hair fell out in handfuls."

", this is an exaggeration."

As a professional listener, Fan Jinyou usually doesn't laugh unless he can't help it.

Old Sun was already bald, already in the Mediterranean, how could he still lose his hair in a handful.

According to the volume of Lao Sun's hair, there is no need for a handful, and Lao Sun will lose his hair if he loses a handful.

It can only be that after the hair volume is scarce, Lao Sun looks at a hair and cherishes it as a handful.

"My brother, don't laugh, what I say is true. If you know it's so difficult, I might as well be the public manager of the tavern."

After Lao Sun left, the public manager of the tavern fell on Zhao Yali's head.

There were only a few people in the tavern, according to their educational level, seniority, and their relationship with the private manager Xu Huizhen, Zhao Yali was the only one.

After Zhao Yali took office, the tavern entered the era of Xu Huizhen again.

After Lao Sun left, the tavern temporarily lost one man.

One reason is the lack of supplies. Small restaurants only cook some simple dishes, and the business is not so good, so they don't need so many people.

The second reason is, of course, that Xu Hui really obviously wants to leave this position to Cai Quanwu, but until now there is no suitable opportunity to transfer Cai Quanwu.

"Brother, don't worry, these difficulties are temporary. If it weren't for this situation, you, a logistics deputy director who was transferred from outside, would not be so easy to gain a foothold in the factory and gain the support of the employees. I believe this matter is not a problem for you who have been in the catering industry for decades. If you can’t do it well, others don’t have the ability.”

Fan Jinyou still hopes that Lao Sun can continue to work well in the factory.

As long as Lao Sun is the deputy director of logistics, it will be very convenient for Fan Jinyou to sell something in the future if he can be promoted to the director of logistics.

Although selling food and fruits is not a difficult task.

But with acquaintances who know the basics, it also saves Fan Jin from unnecessary troubles and risks.

"Haha, brother, what you said makes sense."

Although he used to complain in a tone of complaint, Lao Sun obviously still prefers his current job in his heart, and his true thoughts will be exposed inadvertently.

The two of them didn't chat for a long time, they still checked the scale, issued the bill, and after receiving the money, Fan Jinyou left the factory.

For such a long time, Fan Jinyou has also accumulated a lot of money, although he has not yet figured out how to use it.

But saving money and storing supplies is a very happy thing in itself.

Riding a bicycle, I was ready to go back to the street, and now the meeting time in the street is a bit longer.

The turnover of foreign personnel is very high, and there will be new situations every day. It is inevitable to hold meetings every morning and evening to report the situation.

After get off work, if there is no unexpected situation or accident, Fan Jinyou is ready to go home directly.

Chen Xueru was pregnant again, and she couldn't drink by herself, and Fan Jinyou went into a state of passive abstinence from alcohol again, not drinking unless necessary.

In order not to drink by himself and go home full of alcohol, causing Chen Xueru's alcohol addiction, if he doesn't go to the tavern or go back to his parents' house, there is no other place to go.

"Fan cadre, Fan cadre, I want to talk to you."

"Wo Bo, it's time to get off work, if you don't go home early, what do we have to talk about?"

Fan Jinyou was surprised that Cai Quanwu stopped him halfway today, wanting to chat with him.

Chatting with other people is acceptable, but Cai Quanwu is such a boring gourd, he habitually skips out word by word, how can two people chat.

Cai Quanwu turned his head and looked to both sides. During the rush hour after get off work, there are quite a lot of people on the street: "This is not a place to talk, let's take a step to talk."

Fan Jinyou looked at his watch, it was still early: "OK, let's talk."

Then Cai Quanwu walked in front, and Fan Jinyou followed behind.

Fan Jinyou became more and more familiar with the turns and turns in the alley, and finally, as expected, he came to Cai Quanwu's own home.

Cai Quan has no home of his own, and it is also a quadrangle courtyard with three entrances.Cai Quanwu lives in the two rooms of the inverted house, which are about the same size as Fan Jin's own two rooms.

Compared with Fan Jin's own two rooms, Cai Quanwu's is an upside-down house with windows and doors facing north, which is somewhat darker, which is a better place than Fan Jin's own room.

It is Cai Quanwu's two houses, which belong to the front yard of the courtyard, but there is a wall in the middle of the yard, and a door is opened, and there is a small yard of his own. It is rare to have a private space, which is worthy of the envy of many people. .

"Hey, Woboer, what are you doing so mysteriously, you brought me to your house."

(End of this chapter)

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