Chapter 446 Really Outrageous
"Sit down and chat." Cai Quanwu unlocked the door with a key and opened the door.

Fan Jinyou entered the house and took a look. Although there is not much furniture, there are also beds, cabinets, and seats. It is no problem to maintain the basic life: "Hey, Woboer, you are quite clean. .”

Fan Jin had the first thought in his mind, it would be no problem to arrange several people to live in this house.

I got used to work, of course Fan Jinyou knew that it was impossible for Cai Quanwu to borrow this room.

It wasn't that Cai Quanwu was stingy and didn't want to let the victims live. Cai Quanwu's house is now Xu Huizhi's den after bringing her children to the city.

Like Fan Jin's two houses, they are not often used, but it would be very inconvenient to lose them. When his parents are in poor health and need someone to take care of them, Fan Jinyou or his elder sister will live there from time to time.

"En." Cai Quanwu responded, admitting that his house is clean, and in terms of housework, Fan Jinyou and Chen Xueru are not as good as Cai Quanwu. This is a fact, so it is better to admit it.Xu Huizhi would come to this house from time to time, and it was normal for Cai Quanwu to clean it.

Seeing that Cai Quanwu still wanted to start a fire and boil water, Fan Jinyou had no choice but to interrupt and said: "Okay, Cai Quanwu, I'm not thirsty, you don't have to be so polite, just say what you want."

"The hospitality is not good." Cai Quanwu also listened to persuasion, and stopped immediately. He was polite and polite just now: "Chairman Fan, I went to the black market to buy food, can you not tell me?"

"Of course." Fan Jin nodded: "Going to the black market is not something to talk about. Of course I won't talk about it casually."

Black market trading, no matter what, is not a formal thing. No one takes it as gossip. If you have nothing to do, you can chat with others. If you tell it, there is no benefit at all. It just proves that you have been to such an illegal place as the black market.

Normal people wouldn't say it. On the contrary, even if they meet acquaintances in the black market, they don't get together to chat. Everyone's tacit understanding is to pretend that they don't know each other.

"I mean, not only don't tell outsiders, even Huizhen, don't tell her."

"Wobo, you can't be sorry for Xu Huizhen, you let me hide this matter, the relationship between Xueru and Huizhen is not very good, I'm sorry friend."

Fan Jinyou could only say as if he didn't know the reason.

"Officer Fan, you don't understand the specific situation here, I'm not sorry Huizhen."

The rare Fan Jinyou could see a bit of anxiety on Cai Quanwu's face.

"You didn't feel sorry for Xu Huizhen? I saw you several times in the black market. You bought a lot of food, and your family ate corn bread all day long." Fan Jinyou found it interesting to tease Cai Quanwu: "Wo Bo Son, you can’t buy grain and then go to help some widow.”

Although there is no such thing as a red-light district now, there are some widows who have no ability to survive, and they do business with half-closed doors.

Fan Jinyou believes that Cai Quanwu is also a person who rides three rounds and hangs out on the street. He is well-informed and can understand what he means.

"I'm not that kind of person."

Cai Quanwu said loudly, so excited, Fan Jinyou thought that Cai Quanwu was guaranteeing Xu Huizhen.

"Okay, don't be so loud. People outside should hear it in a while. I believe you are not such a person. It's okay. But you also have to let me know where you got the food, or I will When I see Xu Huizhen, I always feel uneasy, what should I do!"

Chatting with Cai Quanwu, Fan Jinyou's mouth was parched, but there was no boiling water here, so Fan Jinyou could only light a cigarette and take it easy.

Cai Quanwu was silent for a long time. It took about a long time to smoke a cigarette. Fan Jin finished smoking one cigarette before Cai Quanwu spoke.

"Let me tell you the truth. Huizhen said that you also know about He Yongqiang. You haven't heard anyone mention it for such a long time, which means that you can keep it secret, Fan Officer. Most of the food I bought on the black market was donated to He Yongqiang. .”


Did Fan Jin think that Cai Quanwu could take the initiative to bring up this matter, did Fan Jin think about forcing Cai Quanwu to say this, and prepared Cai Quanwu to find a random reason and perfunctory himself, so he chose to believe it.

But since Cai Quanwu brought up this matter himself, Fan Jinyou still wanted to know how Cai Quanwu went through his mental journey.

"Guard Fan, you also know that this tavern originally belonged to the He family."

"Well, I know, old Hetou, who has been professionally mixing water for 20 years, is there any old man under the front door who doesn't know."

"When the old Hetou was gone, he said that Huizhen would inherit the property of the tavern and the He family."

This is what Fan Jin has, knowing that the matter is true, if other people hear it, they must think that Cai Quanwu is talking nonsense.

Now these neighbors in the neighborhood have accepted Xu Huizhen's inheritance of the tavern. It is because Xu Huizhen said that He Yongqiang was hit to death by a car, so they all take Xu Huizhen's inheritance for granted.

If Xu Huizhen said that He Yongqiang abandoned his wife and daughter and ran away, then it would not be Xu Huizhen's turn to inherit.

Even if He Yongqiang went to the ends of the earth, the tavern should all be named He.

"Well, old Hetou, you left the tavern to Xu Huizhen, isn't it good that Xu Huizhen inherited it too?"

"But I thought, old Hetou was pissed off, and he said angry words when he was dying. As long as old Hetou's health is better and he calms down, it is impossible to talk about the tavern, and the He family. Let Huizhen inherit all the family property. So, now that He Yongqiang's life is difficult, if I can help He Yongqiang, I will help him."

It was the first time for Fan Jin to understand Cai Quanwu's idea, not to mention, this idea is really strange.

Moreover, Fan Jinyou pondered for a while, and Cai Quanwu's statement really made some sense.

No matter according to the tradition or the law, when old He Tou died, the tavern should be inherited by He Yongqiang.

It doesn't matter if He Yongqiang is the old Hetou's nephew or the old Hetou's adoptive son.

He Yongqiang is the best candidate to inherit the He family property.

In society, no matter from the perspective of the people or the government, the recognized successor is also He Yongqiang.

Ordinarily, the old He Tou's will is also an important basis for the distribution of inheritance.

But old Hetou's will was only made to Xu Huizhen, and Xu Huizhen was still the beneficiary.

Not to mention written evidence, there is not even a witness, no matter how you look at it, there is no way to use it as a basis.

Whether there is old Hetou, the will of the family property left to He Yongqiang, does not affect He Yongqiang's inheritance of the family property.

In short, the old Hetou's family business was finally let by his adopted son He Yongqiang, who had severed ties, and his abandoned daughter-in-law, Xu Huizhen, it was outrageous to inherit it.

(End of this chapter)

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