Chapter 869

Most of the female envoys were released, leaving only the servant girls who Sheng Changbai used to use the brush and wolf brushes, but who were unwilling to leave the house to marry.

Four [-]- and [-]-year-old girls were selected from the family's children. These people are obviously more trustworthy, and it will not be too late to hire other unimportant people when they arrive in Xuzhou.

The cook and the woman also took two of them.

In addition to the arrangement of Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu, four seniors in their 40s and [-]s who have worked with Sheng Hong for many years and have rich experience in dealing with things.

Sheng Changbai has been trying to streamline as much as possible, and he has brought more than 30 people with him when he goes out.

With so many people and things, how can a large passenger ship be needed.

It can't be compared with the six or seven ships that the Sheng family came to Beijing at the beginning, but considering that these are only for Sheng Changbai, it is no longer a small number.

This is only the first wave. If Sheng Changbai wants to buy property in Xuzhou, he needs to continue to send more people.

After the summer harvest and autumn sowing, Sheng Changbai will also promote his own improved seeds.

Not to mention too much, at least a few boats of seeds must be transported there.

On the day of departure, friends, colleagues, and family members came to see Sheng Changbai off at the Bianjing Wharf.

"Brother Sheng is solemn!"

"Zecheng has a smooth journey!"

If literati send each other off in this era, it is better to be more elegant, willow branches, and farewell poems.

If the Sheng family's wealth is not so rich, friends may also give a certain amount of money when they send each other.

After drinking a lot of practice wine, Sheng Changbai also accepted dozens of farewell poems.

At Bianliang Wharf, the farewell poems written every day may add up to fill a boat, and there are only a few dozen famous poems that can be handed down to future generations.

Even if Sheng Changbai came into contact with only the first few top Jinshi, contemporary talents, the farewell poems he received were a bit mediocre.

Sheng Changbai is an ordinary let-off. He was not forced by a traitor, nor was he demoted due to party disputes. He also does not have a great literary friend like Li Du. He lacks some storytelling and emotions, so it is difficult to produce any famous novels. .

"Changbai, after you settle down in Xuzhou, write a letter to your family. If there is anything you need, just tell me, and my mother will send someone to send it to you." Wang Ruofu was the first to say goodbye to Sheng Changbai, even with tears in his eyes.

This time I came to see off Sheng Changbai, all the members of the Sheng family with the surname Sheng arrived, even Hua Lan, who was married, also came to see him off at the pier.

"Mother, a child can't be filial by your side. Take care of yourself and don't fight with Lin Xige for nothing. As the saying goes, if you fight, you don't fight. If you don't fight, you fight. As long as the mother does her job well , naturally it can overwhelm Lin Xige."

Seeing Wang Ruofu revealing his true feelings, after Sheng Changbai's politeness, he still worriedly whispered a word to Wang Ruofu.

Lin Haoshuang is getting older and older, and a concubine has lost her beauty. No matter how you look at it, the sun is dying.

If it wasn't that he didn't want Sheng Hong's back house to be too noisy, if he had given Sheng Hong a concubine to enter the house at this time, there would have been nothing wrong with Lin Oshuang long ago.

"Erlang, don't worry about being outside, I will go home to see my father and mother more often after you leave."

"Well, I feel relieved to have my eldest sister go back more often. Eldest sister, after I leave Beijing, you take care of yourself. If there is any change in Uncle Zhongqin's house, you can write to me and I will continue to think of a way. You Regarding the issue of the heirs with Yuan Wenshao, just let it take its course, when the fate comes, the child will come naturally."

Hualan is also a person who likes to worry, and has always been worried.

Sheng Changbai just went to Uncle Zhongqin's backyard and gave away his concubine, which solved Mrs. Zhongqin's problem of being too idle.

Without the evil mother-in-law who has been targeting her all day long, Hualan should have lived a breezy and easy life.

But he began to worry about not giving birth to a boy for Yuan Wenshao.

"Second brother, let's show off your talents and show your grand plans."

"The height of the sea depends on the leap of the fish, and the height of the sky allows the birds to fly."

"Smooth progress."

"step up."

Sanlan and Changtong also have their own blessings for Sheng Changbai.No matter how much sincerity there is, there is always an attitude.

"Second brother, this is a farewell poem I wrote for you."

Sheng Changfeng has not changed his original intention, he is still a young man of literature and art, and he still likes poetry and fu.

These are people who live in Sheng's house, and Sheng Changbai has already told them what to do, so there is no need to say more before leaving.

"Changbai, there is not much I can teach you about being a father now. Loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, diligence and love for the people, I don't need to tell you more. I have been a father and an official half my life, and I dare not say how much I have achieved. I have been in office for 20 years. I only give it to you, the second son of Caution, and we, father and son, can learn from each other.”

This time, Sheng Hong spoke his mind. Sheng Hong's official position is based on this principle.

"Kid, remember."

Anyway, it was Sheng Hong's heartfelt words, even if Sheng Changbai didn't follow suit, he still had to respect it.

"Okay, let's set off early, we don't want to keep the boat waiting too long." Sheng Hong waved his hand and said.

Don't end the conversation, Sheng Changbai boarded the boat and left. Sheng Changbai went out of Beijing to take up his post in a serious way, and of course he was on an official ship.

The advantages of official ships are not too many. First of all, official ships are much safer than private ships. No matter what kind of subordinates, gangs, water bandits, bullies, they will not easily provoke official ships.

Then when all kinds of crowded places meet, the official ship can go first, which is much more convenient.

Having lived in this era for so long, Sheng Changbai has also adapted to water transportation.

Sailing during the day, staying at the station at night, and leaving the capital, at Sheng Changbai's level, he is not considered a lowly official, so he can naturally do things more freely.

In less than ten days, from Bianhe to Surabaya, Sheng Changbai also arrived in Pengcheng, the seat of Xuzhou.

After the inspection, acceptance, and relocation, Sheng Changbai officially took office in Xuzhou.

After coming here, Sheng Changbai learned that Huang Zhizhou from Xuzhou had been supported by the Hai family, and he was regarded as a protégé of the Hai family.
Sheng Changbai's general judgment this time can be said to be a simple model.

This period of tenure is for Sheng Changbai to accumulate experience.

If you choose a person who is not motivated, it is no problem to choose to lie flat.

It can be said that there is no constraint at all at work.

After Sheng Changbai took office, he had to engage in a wave of political power struggle first.

Although Zhizhou is the top leader of a state, his rank is usually higher than that of general judges.

Sheng Changbai is only from the seventh rank, while Huang Zhizhou is already from the sixth rank.

However, Tong Juan, the Beijing official sent by the central government to monitor the prefecture, naturally did not know the prefecture in vain.

If you play politics, it is not surprising that the second in command has more power than the first in command.

Accepted some banquets, got acquainted with the local gentry and elders, and familiarized themselves with the personnel of the yamen.

There are not too few officials in the yamen of a prefecture, who are in charge of various affairs, such as joining the army, joining the judiciary, joining the army, joining the army as a recorder, managing the writing, professors of state studies, promoting officials, patrolling, signing letters Official affairs of the Jiedu Magistrate's Office and official affairs of the state.

The lower level of the yamen is the subordinate staff who are in contact with the people. Although these subordinate staff are not ranked, they have no political future.

But because they are all locals, their local relationships are intricate, and many of them work in the Yamen for a lifetime, and their influence cannot be ignored.

After straightening out these things, Sheng Changbai did not stay in Pengcheng any longer, and first visited the various counties in the local area to understand the actual situation.

After inspecting around, Sheng Changbai found out that Xuzhou is considered rich, but it is relative to the feudal dynasty.

Sheng Changbai mainly stayed in a few places, one was in Yangzhou with Sheng Hong.

One is to come back to his hometown Youyang by himself, and stay in Bianliang for the rest of the time.

These places are the essence of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the lives of the people are just make do.

Compared with these places, Xuzhou is still one or two grades behind.

The life of the common people is far from being rich. The common people work hard for their families, that is, they have enough food and clothing.

The family can't save any savings, and these people don't even have the ability to resist risks when encountering some natural and man-made disasters.

Most of the families were in the same situation as Wei Shuyi and Wei Xiaoniang before she married Sheng Hong.

After something happened, they were reluctant to sell their fields, and when they lost their livelihood, they had no choice but to sell their sons and daughters.

After turning around and returning to Pengcheng, Sheng Changbai returned to the prefectural office to meet Huang Zhizhou.

"Sheng Pan, you have been in Xuzhou for half a month, what do you think?"

"Ming Gong, the first thing I want to do is to take care of the security of Xuzhou. The first is to eliminate the local ruffians and bullies in the city. The second is to eliminate the bandits and water bandits in the countryside outside the city and in the mountains and waters."

The first step is to rectify law and order. There are so many water bandits, road bandits, and businessmen who go to Xuzhou, and they are stripped of their skins before they make a deal.

Although the main duties of the general judge are to collect taxes and monitor the prefectures.

But in fact, if you want to intervene, the jurisdiction of the general judgment is also very broad, and it can rule on all matters such as soldiers and civilians, household registration, money grain, taxes and labor, and hearing and adjudicating lawsuits.

That is to say, the matters that the Zhizhou can manage, and the general judgment is also intervened.

"Sheng Pan, there are indeed some banditry in the local area, but they are just scabies. The scale of these banditry is not very large, and it is not a big deal. They are all local unscrupulous people. The bandits are in collusion. They will run away, and they will return as soon as the officers and soldiers leave, which is very troublesome. Besides, if you want to call the Xiang army, you need to report it to the court."

Huang Zhizhou obviously disagrees with this attitude, and it is not the words of the Zhizhou who was bestowed with a military talisman by the emperor on the front line of Bianzhou.

If there is no bandit army attacking the city, the prefect who nominally manages the military administration of a prefecture can dispatch no more than ten Xiang troops.

In such a case, the transfer of the Xiang army must be reported.

It can be mobilized once, and the banditry is really eliminated.

But the bandits are difficult to clear up, most of them are the collusion of the bandits, the bandits and the gentry.

The local government often mobilized the Xiang army to suppress bandits, and the court inevitably believed that the Zhizhou's ability to govern the local area was not good enough.

Therefore, most of the Zhizhou in the Great Zhou Dynasty were not very enthusiastic about eliminating banditry.

The old Zhao family did have a high degree of centralization of the army, but under such a system, banditry was rampant in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"There is a mere banditry in the area. Why do you need to mobilize the Xiang army? You only need to recruit a few hundred archers, and the banditry can be easily quelled."

Sheng Changbai had thought about this problem a long time ago. Sheng Hong had served as a local official for more than ten years and knew all the twists and turns and unspoken rules of local states and counties.

In the past three years, they have been taught to Sheng Changbai one by one. Sheng Changbai is not a young man who easily breaks the local rules.

The Sheng family only has the experience of being a low-level official, and Sheng Changbai has a lot of experience advantages as an official.

It can be seen that the family of officials from the noble families of many generations can be very cheap in the hands of the officialdom.

Not only did they have an advantage before the imperial examination, but after the imperial examination, the aristocratic family had a greater advantage.

Archer is not the abbreviation of archer, archer is a kind of occupation in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Generally, they are recruited from the third-class households of private households. If the third-class households are short of manpower, they are filled by people from the second-class households. These are considered wealthy households in the private households.

Archer is an "all-round civil servant" in the grassroots society of the Song Dynasty. He arrests robbers, fights against smuggling, presses for rent, guards prisons, works as a bodyguard, and even joins the regular army on the battlefield at special times. He has the dual attributes of police and militia.

The yamen recruited these archers, and they didn't need to increase any big expenditures, just take care of food and housing.

The benefits these archers get are that they can be exempted from service and taxes, and there are some opportunities for reuse and promotion.

"It's not difficult to recruit some archers, but the judges and soldiers are dangerous."

Huang Zhizhou said worriedly, whether it is the relationship of the Hai family or the duty of the chief officer.

Huang Zhizhou definitely didn't want anything to happen to Sheng Changbai.

"Ming Gong's heart, Sheng is not a person who does not know the importance, and will guarantee his own safety. If he is not sure, he will naturally not go to the front line."

After reassuring Huang Zhizhou, Sheng Changbai began to recruit soldiers, train soldiers, collect information on banditry, and get busy.

The people of the Great Zhou Dynasty were martial arts, and Sheng Changbai recruited either those who were strong and strong, or those who liked to dance with spears and clubs.

It is impossible for these people to practice from scratch. Sheng Changbai does not have so much time, that is, to practice simple obedience, cooperation, understand some simple passwords, understand some simple semaphores, and be familiar with some simple battle formations. method.

Xuzhou is also a big iron-producing state, has its own mine supervisor, and the weapons in the treasury are fairly sophisticated.

Even if it is because of the iron production in Xuzhou that bandits can easily obtain weapons, in comparison, the officers and soldiers still have an advantage.

The first battle of the archers in a group is to clean up the rogues, rogues, bullies, and gangsters in the city.

In Sheng Changbai's capacity, there is absolutely no need to give these squires in Xuzhou any face.

It's just some gangsters and gangsters, no matter who their backstage is, Sheng Changbai doesn't have to have any scruples when cleaning up.

These people should be punished, those who should be beaten, those who should be exiled, those who should be beheaded, and those who should be exiled.

In fact, the most punishment in the Great Zhou Dynasty was exile into the army. As long as the sentence was a little longer, these criminals would be sent to the army as cannon fodder or sent to the Xiang army as engineers.

The system of the Great Zhou Dynasty is also very interesting. No matter what kind of person they are, if they become a hidden danger to public security in society, they will be sent to the army.

Whether it is the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled who have no one to take care of or the victims of natural disasters, people can be directly stuffed into the military camp.

Those who were convicted and sentenced to prison were also full of brains, tattooed with various marks, and all were exiled into the army and served as soldiers.

This is almost equivalent to using work for relief, and allowing criminals to create value by themselves and stepping on the sewing machine.

This system, in fact, also has certain merits.

Cannon fodder battalions and engineers are indeed good places for these people.

As long as these people are not expected to be the main force on the battlefield, there is actually no big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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