Using a well-equipped militia to fight against gangsters and gangsters is like killing chickens with a sledgehammer.

Without any deaths, only a dozen archers were injured, Sheng Changbai defeated all kinds of large-scale criminal gangs in Xuzhou City.

This wave of anti-crime and evil is not only free of cost, but even open source.

Excluding the money and food spent on food, lodging and training for hundreds of archers during this period of time, the rewards distributed.

Some of the stolen money and dirty things seized were returned to the victims, and there was still a considerable balance.

The effect of improving law and order is also very obvious, the atmosphere in the city is clear, and the people in the city also know that Sheng Changbai has taken up the post of Xuzhou General Judge.

The archers have fought swords and seen blood, so they have experienced actual combat and exercised their courage. The next thing is to eliminate all kinds of banditry.

These water bandits, robbers, and bandits are just taking advantage of a mobility.

As long as the government is determined to govern, the government will still have the upper hand in frontal force.

There is no need to worry about solving these bandits, Sheng Changbai is ready to engage in a protracted war.

First of all, blockade the waterway and land pass, and cut off the channels for these bandits to purchase living supplies.

Arrange archers to lead the team, and often patrol the plank road, trying to cut off the possibility of these bandits robbing houses as much as possible.

Then it is to post notices and spread news in the places where bandits are entrenched, nearby villages, markets, and intersections.

Tell these bandits that the government can forgive the crimes of the accomplices who have not committed crimes, and let the past go.

Mobilize the villagers, mobilize the power of the masses, report and catch thieves with rewards.

The bandits who made mistakes are also given a chance to save, a hope.

Reporting on your accomplices can save you from your crimes, and you can also get rewards.

Except for the culprit and some people who naturally like to do evil, the problems of other people are relatively easy to forgive and can be reformed.

After all, most of the bandits at this time were just honest farmers.

It was all because of various reasons, oppression by landlords, persecution by subordinates, coercion by bandits, and forced to embark on this road.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was still in the early days of the dynasty, and it was far from being squeezed to the point where the people could not survive.

When they can be good citizens, most people don't want to be thieves with fear.

After materials were blocked, the masses were mobilized, and public opinion was divided, finally a leading party familiar with the terrain was elected to lead the way.

Some ineffective cottages and water villages can naturally be easily disintegrated.

After the preliminary work of suppressing the bandits was completed, it was time for the summer harvest.

The court gave Sheng Changbai this general sentence, and the main task was to collect taxes.

Take care of all the affairs of the court, so that Sheng Changbai can do what he wants to do according to his own mind.

"Let's send the document, and send the official document to every county. There should not be too many 'branches' and 'changes' this year. I don't want to see that in such a good year, people will sell their houses because they can't pay taxes. Tian, ​​sell your sons and daughters." Sheng Changbai instructed the clerk.

Although the general judgment is responsible for collecting taxes, the officials are not responsible for the front line, as long as there is a final result.
If you want to worry about it, Sheng Changbai only needs to ask the magistrates and county magistrates under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou to hand over the full amount.

Even Pengcheng has its own county magistrate attached to Guo, so Sheng Changbai doesn't need to worry about it.

If the county magistrate wants to collect taxes, he has to count on the rich gentry and wealthy households in the county and the subordinate officials of the yamen to go to the front line to collect taxes.

The land tax in the Great Zhou Dynasty was levied according to the grades of fields, paddy fields and dry fields, upper, middle and lower grades, and the degree of fertility.

The tax rate ranges from [-]% to [-]%, and varies in different regions and locations, and even in different years in the same region.

Although the land in Xuzhou is fertile, the East-West Road to which it belongs supplies blood to Hebei and Tokyo. The standard of land tax has always been not low, and the average Zhongtian will charge [-]%.

For the common people, although the burden is not light, it is still within the bearable range. In such a good year without disasters, Sheng Changbai is not worried about not collecting enough taxes.

I only worry about the local officials and subordinates exploiting the people too deeply.

As long as you think about it, officials have too many ways to exploit the people, the most important ones are transfer and change.

"Zhiyi" is aimed at the system of collecting goods in kind, requiring farmers to transport them to a designated place to pay. If farmers do not want to go with the long-distance transportation, they have to pay an extra "zhiyi", that is, "foot money".

"Conversion" is aimed at collecting money, such as silk, silk, cotton, and cloth, or equivalents. Adjusting the conversion ratio between them can easily increase the actual tax paid by farmers.

Then there are some miscellaneous taxes such as farm equipment tax, cow leather tax, silkworm salt tax and so on.

There is also money for the head and body. According to the body tax regulations of Dazhou, a man is 20 years old and 60 years old. Men between the ages of 20 and 60 must pay body tax, either in money or silk, and pay the two taxes at the same time.

Hebu means that the government compulsorily accepts folk grain and rice, and Hemai means that the government compels the government to buy folk cloth.

Hebuying and Hemai mean that the government buys grain and cloth at prices below the market, which of course is another burden on the people.

This is still a situation where the country’s economy is doing well. When the country is short of money, buying and buying can easily turn into forced apportionment and collection.

"Sheng Juan is merciful, it is really rare to be so sympathetic to the common people." These scribes are all masters of flattery.

"The salary of eating the king is nothing more than a matter of being loyal to the king."

Sheng Changbai clapped his hands and replied politely, these people looked at Sheng Changbai as young, and all day long they wanted to fool Sheng Changbai and flatter him that he was lame.

After getting more familiar with the situation and having local manpower that can be used, the subordinate staff of the yamen will also need to be replaced.

In order not to be fooled by his subordinates, Sheng Changbai could not stay in Pengcheng to enjoy his happiness.

I still have to go to various counties, visit various villages, and check the tax payment situation.

Sheng Changbai was considered a new official, with a bright future and a profound background. Among the county magistrates, none of them dared to openly confront Sheng Changbai, touched Sheng Changbai's brow, and exploited him too much.

When dealing with money and food, there will be more wear and tear, and some oil and water will be kept. The officials up and down the yamen work hard to collect taxes and keep some "hard money". This is an unspoken rule, and Sheng Changbai will not go into it.

It has been a difficult problem for thousands of years to keep all officials clean and honest.

The leaders are honest, but not all the people below are so honest. The subalterns in the yamen have no future, and they have no pursuit of status, only to pursue money.

It is inevitable that there will be some greedy people who do not need to collect more in the state, but not in the county.

After the farmers have paid the prescribed money and grain, they still have spare energy, and these people regard this as an opportunity to make a fortune.

As a result of this kind of person, after Sheng Changbai was caught, he ransacked his home, sent him to the army, and issued a set of three companies.

Sentences are as severe as possible, Sheng Changbai has a certain range of autonomy in sentencing, and of course he will not sympathize with these people at all.

Waiting for Sheng Changbai to finish his work on the summer tax and return to Pengcheng, the prefecture's office, he also waited for the seeds sent by his family from Bianliang.

Rectifying law and order and reducing exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, although the effect was quick, and Sheng Changbai gained the reputation of "Qingtian" in a short period of time, but these can only benefit the people for a while.

After Sheng Changbai was transferred and left, waiting for the next official to be in charge may not be what will happen in the future, and there is no guarantee that these people will live a good life.

It is better to promote high-yielding varieties, which will benefit the people of Xuzhou for a long time.

"My lord, the seeds sent by my family from Bianliang have arrived. This is a letter from my family to my lord."

"Liu Tao, go and find a better warehouse to store the seeds and take care of them."

After Liu Tao went to make arrangements, Sheng Changbai opened the letter from home sent by the ship and read it.

The letters from Wang Ruofu, Rulan, and Minglan are just normal greetings and daily greetings.

There is nothing too important to tell, that is, some parents' gossip and Bianliang news.

Although there was no explanation, but for Sheng Changbai's foreign job, besides yearning for Sheng Changbai, several people inevitably felt a little relieved.

After losing one person to restrain them, these three women, big and small, lived happily during this period of time.

During this period of time, Wang Ruofu often took two people out to attend banquets held by noble officials.

Not to mention going out to socialize, how lively the scene was, and how well the fun was.

Just the fact that these three can go out, and Mo Lan is still restrained at home by Sheng Hong, is enough for the three of them to be happy.

Seeing that Lin Xige is not doing well, the rest of the Sheng family's back house thinks that they are doing well.

Sheng Changbai also directly wrote a reply letter, talked about his recent situation, picked out a few interesting things, and talked about them in the letter.

Then wait a few days, buy some specialties in Xuzhou, and send the letter back.

The most valuable letter was from Sheng Hong.

It talked about some changes in the court situation and the appointment of important officials.

Although Sheng Hong didn't say it directly, Sheng Changbai could also see that the changes in the court were mainly due to the competition for the crown prince between the forces headed by the two kings.

It's just something that hinders each other and grabs power.

In the letter, Sheng Hong also mentioned a family matter, Changwu's marriage has been settled.

After Sheng Hong's matchmaking, a commander of the Forbidden Army was optimistic about Chang Wu's willingness to recruit Chang Wu as his son-in-law.

Because of the military attache's tradition, it is of course better for Changwu to get married as soon as possible.

Changwu went through the pre-marriage process as soon as possible, and in the second half of the year, Changwu should be getting married.

The foundation of Dafang is still in Youyang, and Changwu's marriage will still be held in Youyang.

Changwu had already invited a marriage in the army, and went back to his hometown to take care of the marriage.

The first room hopes that someone from the second room can attend Changwu's wedding.

Sheng Hong and Sheng Changbai both have official positions, so it is difficult to get away.

The rest of the second room can be said to be some women and children, and the slightly older one is Changfeng.

Chang Feng is already sixteen, not too young, but he has a loose personality, not to mention escaping, a bastard has some disrespect for the big house.

No matter how much Sheng Hong spoiled Chang Feng at home, it was of no use. Outsiders looked at Chang Feng as just an ordinary son of the Sheng family.

A concubine went to the big house to attend the wedding, and if you Yang's elders saw it, they would think that the second wife of the Sheng family didn't value the big house.

Everyone thinks that the Sheng family's second bedroom has developed better and better in the past few years, and they no longer look down on the big house.

Before Chang Feng became a Jinshi, only Sheng Hong and Sheng Changbai were the only males who could fully represent the Sheng family when they were away from home.

There are not enough men, and the family can still represent the Sheng family, only the old lady and Wang Ruofu are left.

It is impossible for Wang Ruofu to return to Youyang. Wang Ruofu doesn't have deep feelings for Dafang, nor does he have a good impression of Youyang's hometown.

Don't leave the prosperous Bianliang to go to Youyang to deal with so many poor relatives of the Sheng family.

When she first married Sheng Hong, she was tossed about by some elders of the Sheng family, relying on the old and selling the old.

The only one left is an old lady Sheng, who has a deep relationship with Dafang, and also has a certain relationship with Youyang, who has enough status and seniority.

Although he is getting older, he can travel by water all the way from Bianliang to Youyang, and it is not too much trouble.

In order to prevent the old lady from being alone and having no family to take care of her when she was away from home, Sheng Hong planned to let a child go back with the old lady.

The old lady followed suit and agreed to take Minglan with her.

"Sheng Lao Liu is really the lifeblood of the old lady now!" Sheng Changbai sighed after reading Sheng Hong's letter.

It has been more than 20 years since she married Wang Ruofu to Sheng Hong, and she felt that she was worthy, and married the Sheng family and Lao Tanhua's little friendship, and the old lady did not take the initiative to do things like this.

The old lady has a lot of thoughts, this time she is willing to go back to Youyang without Changwu getting married, the reason why she misses the old lady of Dafang.

But the most important thing is that the old lady is planning for Minglan.

One is to go back to Youyang to change the genealogy, to record Minglan under Wang Ruofu's name, pretending to be a fake daughter-in-law, and to add a little bit of background to Minglan.

The second is to go back to Youyang, see if there is any suitable candidate for Minglan, and find a husband's family for Minglan.

As the daughter of a fifth-rank official and concubine of Minglan, marrying the son of a local gentry is considered a low marriage.

But her husband's family background is not high, and Minglan has the Sheng family to rely on, so she has the confidence to live more comfortably.

A rich gentry family can also keep Zheng Minglan rich for a lifetime.

The old lady has been unwilling to meddle in Sheng's family affairs for so many years, and she is unwilling to move. This time, it is basically Minglan who travels thousands of miles.

For this granddaughter who has been raised for six years, the old lady has really worked hard.

"Xu San, you choose some able-bodied people to bring you back to Beijing by water. If you can intercept the old lady on the way, follow the old lady back to Youyang to protect the safety of the old lady. If you don't meet the old lady on the way , you go back to the Tokyo mansion to look for someone, and then go back to Youyang with the old lady."

Sheng Hong didn't say anything, Sheng Changbai could only arrange the time when the old lady was going to leave.

The Sheng residence in Tokyo, although Sheng Changbai also left some guards.

But Sheng Changbai can't guarantee whether the old lady will take it with her when she goes out.

Guessing that the old lady didn't want to make too much trouble, she probably didn't bring any manpower, so Sheng Changbai simply sent people over.

Sheng Changbai has enough manpower now, with hundreds of archers in his hand, it is really not a big problem to transfer dozens of them.

It's enough to recruit again to make up for it. There are 30 to [-] people in Xuzhou, how can Sheng Changbai send someone.

"Yes, but my lord, when will I return to Xuzhou?" Xu San asked.

"When will the old lady return to Tokyo, and you will come back after you send the person home."

After getting used to it, even though Xu San was not around, Sheng Changbai felt a little uncomfortable.

But it's better than Mrs. Sheng encountering any danger on the road.

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