"You have told me what you said, so let me tell you something. Your sister Junling asked me to tell you that you should send the child over and let Wenhui take a look."

After finishing the conversation at the coal mine, Hou Dunzi conveyed a message to Gao Junling.

"Liuzi, did He Wenhui tell you that she wanted to take care of the child?"

After Liu Hongchang heard this, he turned to look at Liu Zi and asked.

Liu Hongchang is not a ruthless person and cannot do many extraordinary things.

After winning back custody of the child, He Wenhui was not deprived of her right to visit her daughter.

After the child arrived at Lao Liu's house, He Wenhui began to treat the child with snacks.

Although the frequency is not high, I occasionally show concern for my children.

He would go to Lao Liu's house to pick up the children or Liu Hongchang would send the children back to He's house and stay there for half a day.

The child will definitely not be able to live in the He family.

Not to mention the old Liu family, can we rest assured that the children will spend the night at the He family?

The five members of the He family lived in one room, and only Yu Qiuhua slept on an ordinary bed.

The He family's siblings all had bunk beds, and there was no room for one more child.

As the He family's survival pressure increased, Liu Hongchang watched coldly and did not pull a cent.

After nearly a year, He Wenhui no longer has the energy to care about her children.

The frequency of seeing his daughter is already less than the frequency of Hou Dunzi returning to the city to see Gao Junling.

No matter it is He Wenhui, it is reassuring to see that the child is doing well in the Liu family.

The younger brother and sister who stay together all year round are closer than the daughter who only sees each other a few times a year. They have to take care of the younger brother and sister, not the daughter.

At present, his daughter doesn't understand this and doesn't care about it, so Liu Hongchang doesn't care about it.

"No, you haven't told me. Their family is so busy every day, how can they care about it?"

In the past, when He Wenhui wanted to look after the child, Liu Zi helped pass the message, so Liu Hongchang asked Liu Zi to confirm.

Because of Yang Maixiang, Liu Hongchang didn't want to see He Wenhui, so he would see him if he could.

So many times, two people communicate with their children through Gao Junling and Liuzi.

"Brother Dunzi, I would like to thank Sister Junling for your kindness on behalf of my daughter. However, it is obvious that He Wenhui does not need to take care of the child, so let's just ignore it."

No matter this time, Gao Junling felt that the child had not seen his biological mother for too long and felt that the child was pitiful.

I am still worried that He Wenhui has not seen the child for too long, and the mother and daughter are estranged, thinking that He Wenhui is thinking about him.

They are all overthinking, and both sides are indeed in a state of indifference.

"This bitch just likes to mix things up. Just pretend I didn't say anything about it."

Hou Dunzi replied with a bit of embarrassment, Gao Junling seemed to be a little nosy about this matter.

"Liuzi, why has the He family been in so much trouble lately?"

After Hou Dunzi left, the Second Canteen was still closed in the afternoon, and Liu Hongchang also had time to find out about the status of the He family.

If the He family was not doing well, Liu Hongchang would still be quite happy.

In normal times, it is quite interesting to listen to the He family as a piece of entertainment.

"Isn't the season about to change? It's time to buy more clothes for everyone in the family. Their family doesn't have that much money, so buying clothes for everyone will cause trouble."

This can be regarded as an old conflict in the He family.

The most unbearable expense for the He family is the clothing issues of the three small family members.

In the past one or two years, with the foundation laid by Liu Hongchang, everyone had no shortage of clothes to show off.

You can also wear Minato and Hezi, and they don't look any worse than others.

But as children grow older and develop, the clothes they used to wear can no longer be worn, even if they are willing to sew and mend them.

Just take apart the previous clothes and attach one arm and one leg.

Such clothes will be considered fashionable decades later, but the children of the He family obviously cannot get them.

The three young masters of the He family, the children whose lives were at their heart, were immediately shattered.

I spend all day arguing about what clothes others have, what shoes others bought, and what I also want to have.

When He Wenhui couldn't support it anymore, he would always find a way to squeeze out ten or eight yuan to help solve the problem in turn.

After making trouble, there will be consequences. This is why the three children of the He family like to make trouble.

In the He family, the children who cry are given sweets to eat, so the children in the He family become more troublesome than the other.

"Is there always such trivial things in their family? Is there anything big? They don't even have to eat, and they are still worried about whether they are well-dressed or not. These children were born into the He family. They have all been wronged. They all deserve to be born." In a wealthy family, be the eldest lady or young master."

Liu Hongchang found it hard to understand that the He family could still pamper their children without him filling the hole.

It's okay to be pampered if you have the conditions, but if you don't have the conditions, you have to be pampered when borrowing money, which is a bit beyond what ordinary people think.

He Wenhui's monthly salary of more than 30 yuan, if calculated carefully, is actually barely enough for the family to survive.

But it's because the He family likes to spend money beyond their ability.

It was only then that He Wenhui borrowed money from neighbors and co-workers. After borrowing from co-workers, she borrowed money from neighbors. She liked borrowing money but was unable to repay it, so she lent her fame.

"Who says it's not? I have never seen such an ignorant child. Brother, let me tell you, the He family has this condition, but He Wenyuan is still clamoring to buy a flute. It's not enough to have an old one, he has to buy a new one. . A country girl insists on learning foreign musical instruments. Good guy, a flute can be as cheap as more than 100 yuan or as expensive as a few hundred yuan. She really dares to think about it."

It was difficult to stop Liu Zi from complaining about the He family.

After living in the He Family Courtyard, it was quite informative.

The cooperation is an extraordinary operation that cannot be seen elsewhere.

To anyone, the He family does not look like normal people living.

"Tsk tsk... The whole family is like this. Not only study hard, but also develop hobbies. If she is willing to learn the flute, let her learn it. There will always be times when she regrets it."

It is certainly good for ordinary people to learn an instrument. Regardless of what kind of career it develops into, it is also good to just treat it as a hobby.

But He Wenyuan was different. After learning the flute, that was the beginning of He Wenyuan's troubles.

"Brother, what does she regret?" Liu Zi asked following Liu Hongchang's murmured words.

"If she doesn't study hard in school, she wants to get into college and change her family's destiny. When she has time, she doesn't think about reading and studying. She only thinks about how to have fun. How can she not regret it?" Liu Hongchang couldn't say that after knowing about He Wenyuan, he just Able to fool Liu Zi casually:
"Pack up, let's go. Let's go to the yard over there and see how the house is being repaired?"

Before going to work in the coal mine, Liu Hongchang still had to take care of his own yard.

I think that in the future, I may have to be busy with coal mine affairs.

The renovation of the yard still needs to be progressed a little faster.

So Liu Hongchang increased his supervision time from two hours a day to four hours.

It is not just a question of whether workers work hard or not.

Without Liu Hongchang, he was afraid that these workers would change his yard from an ancient style to a rural style.

"Hongchang, why are you running out every day during this period?" Within half a month, Yao Guofa called Liu Hongchang to the office again because Liu Hongchang was too fishy.

"Director Yao Guofa Yao, are you so noble and forgetful? I bought a yard and am going to move and renovate it. Didn't I tell you?"

After renovating the yard, Liu Hongchang will move.

Therefore, Liu Hongchang did not want to hide this matter from anyone, and directly informed Yao Guofa.

Because of the openness, there are many more ways to make money.

Although it was a lot of money to spend thousands of dollars, it would not be the same as before. If someone catches you, you have to get to the bottom of it.

There is no need to explain the source of your own money to others like before.

"I know, I know, but the time you spend in the cafeteria now is too short!"

Yao Guofa put on a face, there was something wrong with his attitude.

This person is a bit repetitive. He doesn't have much personal relationship with Liu Hongchang, but is more of a colleague.

The good relationship with Liu Hongchang before was also due to interests.

But now Liu Hongchang is too aggressive in fishing, which may have affected Yao Guofa's prestige in the Second Canteen, and Yao Guofa is not happy.

"Old Yao, although I only stayed in the cafeteria for a short time, I did a lot of work. Now there is one less Su Hou in the second cafeteria, and Lao Qin doesn't do the work. Even if you are asked to do the job, you won't do it. The entire second cafeteria is in trouble. It's up to me and Liu Zi to support us. We are tired from working too much during meal time. We need to rest more during our free time."

At this time, Liu Hongchang needed to help Yao Guofa do some ideological work.

Yao Guofa is a bit of a mean person, and Liu Hongchang's attitude cannot always be too good.

After his attitude was too good, Yao Guofa could easily lose track of his position and push his nose and face.

"Hong Chang, everyone in the Second Canteen knows that you are my junior brother. If you take the lead and disobey management, how can I manage others."

If Liu Hongchang becomes tougher, Yao Guofa will soften.

He stopped showing off and started talking about his difficulties.

"What age is this? Can our Second Canteen also keep pace with the times and carry out reforms? It's still the same as in the past. It doesn't matter how much work is done, but how many foreign workers are employed.

You can’t see that I was exhausted at noon. When I had free time, I went out for a while and couldn’t get through anyone.This way we can only work more, even if we take more rest, who else is willing to work more. "

Although the second canteen unit is small, it is well-equipped.

No matter how small it is, it is still a public unit, and it has the same problems as other units of this era.

Normally, Liu Hongchang has a pretty good relationship with the employees of the Second Canteen.

But after Liu Hongchang gained privileges, these people still had opinions.

Liu Hongchang can only go to class for half a day, but of course the others want to learn well.

After Yao Guofa refused, these people were naturally unbalanced.

At this time when equality is still important, even if Liu Hongchang is a technical backbone, it is not easy to get some privileges.

Others can easily accept the privilege of being equal to Yao Guofa.

But others couldn't accept the fact that Liu Hongchang could skip half a day's work.

Of course, it may be that director Yao Guofa cannot balance it either.

Take the lead in putting forward your own opinions.

"Hong Chang, no one can resist you."

"No one can't get through, so what are you talking to me about here? If there is someone who really can't get through, just tell him. It's not that I can't change, and I won't go out until I get out. I can be a mess like everyone else, and work together like a foreigner. This way Everyone is relaxed.”

Liu Hongchang raised his voice so that the cook could hear him clearly.

Although Liu Hongchang understands these people who may have opinions about him, he still doesn't like them.

Liu Hongchang felt that he had made a contribution to the Second Canteen.

No matter what, with Liu Hongchang here, the second canteen will have a certain amount of customers guaranteed.

If Liu Hongchang really wanted to run away with his six sons carrying buckets and leave the Second Canteen.

Compared with the current private restaurants, the Second Canteen has no taste advantage, so there will be no business.

It is impossible for all customers to like the service attitude that no one is used to in a state-owned canteen.

A restaurant of the size of Er Canteen cannot make a profit if it supports more than a dozen people.

When No. [-] Canteen was profitable, even the leaders above looked down upon it.

When the Second Canteen loses money, the leaders above will certainly look down upon it even more.

It didn’t take much thinking to contract out the canteen.

Those employees in the Second Canteen who are good at fishing are unlikely to be retained by private bosses.

Every city is facing layoffs and unemployment.

It is impossible for these unskilled workers to find another job like a state-owned canteen with such good benefits in all aspects.

Even if you have a little experience, if you work as a waiter in a private hotel, you are really a waiter.

There is a huge difference in status compared to that in a state-owned canteen, where employees are half-owners.

"Hong Chang, don't be angry first. I'll think about this matter again, and I'll go do their work and ask for their understanding. You also have a lot of things at home during this time, and the yard will always be renovated. Special situations can be handled specially. .”

Yao Guofa said good things again.

Whether you have any opinions or not, we can handle them all.

"Brother, He Wenyuan is here." Liu Zi ran to the door of the director's office and said.

"If she comes, she can come. This is a state-owned canteen. Anyone can come if it's open. It's not my house. If she wants to come, she can come."

Although Liu Hongchang was quite surprised that He Wenyuan came to the Second Canteen.

Liu Hongchang has always believed that the Second Canteen is his territory, but there is no reason why his family cannot come.

"Brother, she called her by name and insists on you cooking for her."

"Eat or not, the Second Canteen does not have the service of an order cook."

"I said the same thing, and she said if you don't do it, she will complain to the superiors and we will go."

After the reform, there are still changes. There is a complaint channel. This is also an important aspect in the service industry. The attitudes of various sales staff are much better than before.

"If she likes to complain, let her complain. Is it possible that the superiors will fire me for not cooking for her?"

He Wenyuan was obviously here to provoke, but Liu Hongchang really didn't want to deal with such a yellow-haired girl.

He Wenyuan has been taught a lot of lessons and is now more naughty. Even if he is slapped a few times, it will not cause much psychological harm.

The physical pain is just a little bit. When Liu Hongchang doesn't do anything or even does something excessive, there is no good way to deal with this person, so it is better to keep out of sight.

"Hong Chang, you'd better do it. Your personal conflicts can't affect the collective work of our Second Canteen."

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