Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 980: Treat the cafeteria as your home

After Liu Hongchang came to the front hall, he saw He Wenyuan sitting at a dining table in the center of the front hall with an arrogant look on his face.

Although he was pretty tall, he was wearing tattered patched clothes, and he didn't know where the confidence came from, so he directly occupied the C seat in the cafeteria.

This is also a good time for He Wenyuan to catch up. If it could have been earlier, even in the morning, such a NB person would not be allowed in the second cafeteria for a year.

For ten years in the morning, the eldest lady in the cafeteria could beat people out with a broom.

"He Wenyuan, what are you doing?"

Liu Hongchang asked the waiter who was dealing with He Wenyuan to go back and looked at He Wenyuan with contempt.

Regardless of whether they are powerful or wealthy, the Second Canteen entertains many people.

But no matter how rich or powerful he is, there is no one as flamboyant as He Wenyuan when he comes to the Second Canteen.

"Why not? If I come to your cafeteria to eat, can't I order a chef?"

"You are like you who can't eat four dishes in your life, and you still need to order from the chef. You, who have never been in a restaurant, probably don't know that pickles are not sold in canteens like ours. If you want to sell pickles, go to the pickle shop to buy them. .”

He Wenyuan has grown so big that he has never been out of restaurants.

But the number of times is really not that many. I can count it on two hands. On average, I go to a restaurant to eat once every two years.

"Liu Hongchang, who are you looking down on? I don't want to buy pickles. I want to eat a big meal with hard vegetables."

With a swipe sound, He Wenyuan took out a big unity card and slapped it on the table, full of momentum.

Ten yuan is indeed not a small amount. In the second cafeteria, you can order two meat and two vegetables, as well as all the spleen white sodas, and a few people can have a good meal.

But no matter what, ten yuan is just ten yuan. In this era, few people who dare to go out to restaurants will bring less money than He Wenyuan.

Holding ten yuan is the same as holding ten thousand yuan, and that is He Wenyuan.

"Hey, you came here with money. This can't be stolen from your sister, right? He Wenyuan, although I am no longer your brother-in-law. But as an outsider, I still want to advise you to be kind.

Your sister's salary is only over 30 yuan a month. Your whole family depends on your sister's salary. Ten yuan is your family's living expenses for half a month. If you just give Hu Chihai a meal, your conscience will be ruined. Doesn't it hurt? "

Seeing He Wenyuan like this, Liu Hongchang started sarcastically.

Liu Hongchang didn't want to save money for the He family, he just wanted to humiliate He Wenyuan.

Regarding the origin of the money, Liu Hongchang's first thought was that He Wenyuan stole it at home.

Liu Hongchang is the one who has the deepest experience of He Wenyuan's dirty hands and feet. This impression is too profound for Liu Hongchang.

Maybe He Wenhui did not satisfy He Wenyuan in some way, and He Wenyuan was angry. He felt that He Wenhui had money and refused to spend it on him. He was sorry for himself, so he took it without complaining.

The brain circuit of selfish people is such a logic.

He did not say that He Wenyuan stole other people's money. It was not that Liu Hongchang believed in He Wenyuan's character, but that he knew that He Wenyuan did not have the ability.

Not every child is born a thief.

"Your money was stolen. This is the money I earned myself." He Wenyuan retorted excitedly.

"Tch, just because you can make ten yuan?"

Liu Hongchang looked at He Wenyuan with disdain, his tone full of doubts.

It's not that I don't believe that He Wenyuan can make ten yuan.

She is also a girl in her fifteenth or sixteenth year, and she is old enough to work at this age.

You can find a job no matter what and earn a few dollars.

Liu Hongchang deliberately provoked He Wenyuan because he wanted to find out where He Wenyuan's ten dollars came from.

"See what this is?"

He Wenyuan took out a wooden box from the chair on the side and said.


Liu Hongchang looked at He Wenyuan like a fool.

The two of them are no longer a family. Liu Hongchang has never met He Wenyuan, so how could he possibly know what is in He Wenyuan's box.

"This is the flute."

"and then?"

After hearing He Wenyuan say that the box contained a flute, Liu Hongchang had already made some guesses, but still wanted to get confirmation from He Wenyuan.

"This is the money I make from playing the flute for people. Did you see that, I made so much in two days. It's not like some cabinets who only make dozens of dollars after a month of hard work."

He Wenyuan said with pride.

There was no need for Liu Hongchang to induce him. He Wenyuan obviously came to Liu Hongchang to show off.

Even if Liu Hongchang does not want to praise him, He Wenyuan will take the initiative to say this.

Maybe he was taught and humiliated too much by Liu Hongchang, and he was filled with resentment.

After making a few dollars, I wanted to prove to Liu Hongchang that I was not a sluggish person.

Maybe he also wants to humiliate Liu Hongchang, a grown man can make more money than a little girl.

You may also want to explain that the He family's economic situation has improved.

If you want to see Liu Hongchang regret it, instead of looking for the reasons within yourself, you still think that Liu Hongchang disliked the poverty of the He family and abandoned He Wenhui.

"He Wenyuan, you can earn ten yuan by playing the broken flute for two days. I'm afraid you have met a fool."

"You are the fool. How can you, a poor cook, understand the thoughts of a rich man?"

He Wenyuan began to despise Liu Hongchang for his lack of knowledge.

Of course Liu Hongchang knew what was going on. In recent years, dance has suddenly become popular, with men and women dancing together.

It is still influenced by the West. Because the West is economically developed, some people blindly believe that everything in the West is good.

In a conservative era, ballroom dancing can become fashionable.

Although this thing is not yet accepted by the mainstream of traditional thinking, it has become a trend among young people.

Just like square dancing in the future, a large number of ballroom dancing people gathered in various parks and open spaces in the city.

This generation may really like the stage. Thirty years from now, it will still be these people doing square dances everywhere.

Although times may have changed, the desire of these people to dance will not.

Some young people with average conditions can sing and dance with a tape recorder.

But there are always some whose families are better off or who don’t care about money. They pay more attention to class and directly use live band accompaniment.

This gives people like He Wenyuan, who can play a few musical instruments, an opportunity to make money.

"Okay, you can understand. If you can understand, just hang out with that kind of person."

Liu Hongchang really didn't want to say anything more about this.

He Wenyuan jumped into the pit by himself, and Liu Hongchang could not stop him.

Among open-minded people, many are unscrupulous little hooligans.

These people are also the ones who like to follow trends the most. Whether it is thinking or wearing, these people are at the forefront of trends.

Although with the severe crackdown, public security has improved a lot, and the gangsters have been dealt with a lot.

However, in this era of scarcity of jobs, it is still difficult to eliminate this kind of people.

The large number of unemployed young people are the biggest reserve force of this group.

The result of a girl mixing with these people is to become a little girl.We can already see some of He Wenyuan's future.

"Do you care? I'm going to order some food." After showing off, He Wenyuan had achieved his goal.

Returning to the issue of food, it was a big original intention to come here to show off to Liu Hongchang, but He Wenyuan was also serious about wanting to eat well.

The few little white-eyed wolves in the He family are all greedy people.

After being raised by Liu Hongchang for a while, it was of course very painful for He Wenyuan to eat the "pig food" made by He Wenhui again.

Having something gained and then losing it is far more painful than never having something gained at all.

It is very painful for anyone to eat pig food when they are used to eating delicious food.

The rice cooked by He Wenhui is called "pig food" because Liu Yunchang personally identified it.

Liu Hongchang also has personal experience, and it is not a casual definition.

"If you want to order, just order. We have plenty of apprentices in the canteen who can cook for you. If you want the master to serve you, don't even think about it."

After asking clearly, Liu Hongchang lost interest in He Wenyuan, returned to the kitchen, and left He Wenyuan where he was.

How He Wenyuan will develop in the future has nothing to do with Liu Hongchang.

Even if He Wenyuan becomes a little girl, the most she can do is to recruit a few gangsters to cause Liu Hongchang some trouble.

What Liu Hongchang is least afraid of is gangsters attacking him.

Compared with the real ruthless He Wentao, He Wenyuan's destructive power is still far behind.

"Jiang Tiezhu, Jiang Tiezhu, I want to order some food. Come and cook it for me."

Seeing Liu Hongchang leaving directly and insisting not to do anything, He Wenyuan, who was showing off that his goal was achieved, did not insist anymore and shouted Liu Zi.

Liuzi's name is Jiang Tiezhu. Liuzi's ordinary little body makes him somewhat unworthy of Tiezhu's name.

But Liuzi is indeed called Tiezhu.

This name can only be the best wishes for the parents of six children.

"Brother, should I do it for her?" Of course Liuzi heard the call and asked Liu Hongchang.

"If she wants to eat, you cook it for her. She is a customer. Since she has money to eat, you have no grudge against her, so there is no reason to refuse."

Looking at Yao Guofa's dark face in the distance, Liu Hongchang still chose to let Liu Zi do it.

Regarding my own affairs, I'd better try not to implicate Liu Zi.

Yao Guofa couldn't handle Liu Hongchang, but he had no big problem with Liu Hongchang.

Especially when Liuzi also married Xiaoyan, the waiter in the second cafeteria.

Both husband and wife are under Yao Guofa, and Yao Guofa always has the opportunity to wear small shoes.

For Yao Guofa, it is much easier to deal with the waiters than the cooks.

"I don't want to cook it for her. If she provokes you, brother, isn't she provoking me? If she dares to provoke us, I will make her rich and unable to eat a grain of rice in the second cafeteria." Liu Zi and Liu Hongchang have the same hatred and have always been loyal. .

Not selling food to customers, there were a lot of things like this in the Second Canteen in the past, but with the opening up, there are fewer and fewer things like this, and few people do it anymore, but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

If they really asked for it, these people in the cafeteria would still give Master Liu Hongchang this face.

Even if you have an opinion in your heart, you can't openly offend the master and the apprentice.

"It's not necessary. Just go and make her whatever she orders. If you really feel aggrieved, just tell He Wentao and He Wenda what you cooked for He Wenyuan tonight after you go back."

The three children of the He family are all the same, they are all very demanding people.

Let the two little ones know that He Wenyuan is rich.

He Wenyuan would have to bleed a lot no matter what, although He Wenyuan was not stingy with his two younger brothers.

But the difference in experience between being willing to spend money for others and being chased and asking for things that are natural to you is quite big.

He Wenyuan can also be allowed to experience what it was like when Liu Hongchang was in the He family.

"Okay, I get it, brother." Liuzi smiled evilly and agreed.

The combined IQ of the three little white-eyed wolves of the He family is not enough for the six children to play alone.

"Brother, He Wenyuan is here with the two children of the He family."

"Come just come, let them eat if they have money."

There was no need to wait any longer. On the next day, He Wenyuan took He Wentao and He Wenda to eat in the second cafeteria.

He Wenyuan ate alone, and He Wentao and He Wenda could not be happy.

The two people came to make a fuss with He Wenyuan, so He Wenyuan brought the two people over.

He Wenyuan didn't take Yu Qiuhua out to the restaurant, probably because he was afraid that Yu Qiuhua would ask about the source of the money.

Accompanying a group of people dancing in a ballroom dance, this kind of thing is obviously not easy to talk about.

Not taking He Wenhui to a restaurant with him or giving the money he earned to his family is just He Wenyuan's simple lack of conscience.

Although He Wenhui didn't even go to college, she just wanted to support three little white-eyed wolves.

I married Liu Hongchang for the sake of these three siblings. After my divorce, I did not remarry again for the sake of these three siblings.

But He Wenyuan didn't think highly of He Wenhui.

He Wenhui did not go to college, leaving He Wenyuan without a college student sister. One aspect was the loss of face in front of classmates, friends, and neighbors.

The other one is that He Wenyuan has always taken He Wenhui's contribution as a matter of course.

I will not be grateful to He Wenhui, I will only resent that He Wenhui can give me too little.

The quality of life of the He family is far worse than that of their neighbors in the courtyard.

Other people's children have it, but I don't have it.

Of course He Wenyuan wanted to vent his anger on He Wenhui.

"Brother, those little white-eyed wolves from the He family came to our cafeteria to eat again."

"They can eat whatever they want. Although you are neighbors now, your relationship is not good. Why should you worry about it?"

In just one week, He Wenyuan took He Wentao and He Wenda to restaurants five times.

This frequency has exceeded that of many small business owners. It can be said that the canteen is their own restaurant.

After spending more than 30 yuan, He Wenyuan basically spent all the money he earned on the three siblings eating and drinking.

Liu Hongchang still has to express his admiration for spending money generously.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that He Wenyuan's consumption concept is 30 years ahead of the times.

"Brother, is that He Wenyuan just going to play the flute for those dancers and making money like that?" When Liu Zi asked, he obviously showed some envy.

Although five yuan for each flute playing is not much, it is not a day, but a simple few hours to earn this amount, which is not a small amount.

It has exceeded the single-day income of most people in Ningzhou City.

With his cooking skills, Liu Zi took on a private job after get off work, and it was no problem to earn five yuan in a few hours.

But cooking is obviously much more tiring than playing the flute.

"Don't be envious. Once the coal mine is contracted, we will make money quickly."

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