I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 112 Gift a Treasure!Foxtail Amber!

Chapter 112 Gift a Treasure!Foxtail Amber!

Shi Yan returned to his manor after talking with Venerable Nine Swords.

"Look how many points I have."

Passing through the first floor of Tongtianqiao will reward 100 points; passing through the second floor will reward 200 points; passing through the third floor will reward 400 points.

Doubled in turn, followed by 800, 1600, 3200 points...

In addition, Virtual Universe Company has special reward rules for young geniuses who enter Chaos City for the first time——

As long as you pass through the sky bridge within 30 years in Chaos City, the point reward will be ten times.

"127000 points!"

"It's worth 12 chaos units, and it's still generous from Virtual Universe."

At this moment, Rogge appeared outside Shi Yan's villa, "Your Highness, your teacher, King Guangsuo, is here."

"Is the teacher here?"

Shi Yan instantly appeared beside Rogge, "Where is the teacher?"

"King Guangsuo said that he was waiting for His Royal Highness in the practice field, and he also brought an Immortal King with him—the King of Magic and Charm."

"Phantom King?" Shi Yan asked with a little doubt, "Let's go and have a look."


Primitive area, Manor No. 114, training ground.

King Guangsuo and King Huanmei were at the gate of the practice field, and they didn't go in until Shi Yan arrived.

King Guangsuo considered that he had brought a Phantom King who insisted on meeting Shiyan, so he set the meeting place at the practice field, otherwise King Guangsuo could go directly outside Shiyan's residence.

When Shi Yan saw the Phantom King, he was unconsciously attracted to her. This petite girl has a pink fox tail, which makes people feel good about her involuntarily.

"You are Shi Yan?" The Phantom Charm King glanced at Shi Yan curiously, with a tenderness in his voice.

Shi Yan couldn't help trembling, and then regained his sobriety, but just one sentence affected his consciousness?
Fortunately, his will was strong enough to not make a fool of himself.

Rogge beside him was also stunned, the Phantom King didn't target him, but this also made him stunned for a moment.

"As expected of the Phantom King, every gesture is charming." Rogge couldn't help looking at the Phantom King, muttering in his heart.

"Jiu Ge, take back your breath." King Guangsuo frowned slightly, and Jiu Ge immediately restrained himself.

The strange smell in the air quickly disappeared.

"Understood, sister~"

Then Huan Mei Wang said softly: "You are a cute little guy, I didn't expect to fight so desperately."

King Guangsuo smiled and said: "Shiyan, don't be restrained, she is a good friend of my teacher, and also the top suzerain of the 'Youhou School' who established a sect, and her strength is much stronger than that of my teacher."

"I've met the teacher, King of Magic and Charm." Shi Yan said respectfully.

A top suzerain in a genre?This is probably an invincible and powerful man!
"I've heard my sister mention you a lot recently, and you are the first one who can make my sister praise you so much."

"Jiuge, don't talk nonsense."

King Huanmei smiled lightly: "You are sister's apprentice, so you can be considered as half of my apprentice. When we meet for the first time, I will give this to you as a gift."

A palm-sized transparent amber emitting white light appeared out of thin air, with a pink core in the shape of a fox tail.

"This is the unique 'foxtail amber' of our tribe."

King Guangsuo was also a little surprised when King Huanmei took out the 'Foxtail Amber', "Nine Songs... this?"

The Phantom King gently took King Guangsuo's hand, "It's okay, this is what I have spent several epochs to condense. It can make people fall into an illusion at will. The weaker the strength, the longer the time to fall into the illusion. Generally The King's Immortal can't be cracked quickly, after refining, at a critical juncture, you can use it to make your opponent fall into an illusion with just one thought."

King Guangsuo added: "This is a special treasure unique to their clan to cultivate illusion and state of mind. In fact, the best use is not to fight against the enemy, but to use it for yourself. This should have been prepared for herself."

"Use it yourself?" Shi Yan asked in confusion.

"That's right, voluntarily falling into the illusion of 'Foxtail Amber' and cultivating in the illusion world, the outside world is only a short day, but it may have been thousands of years in the illusion."

"Of course, the longer the time, the easier it is to sink, but the easier it is to touch the extreme of the illusion, which is also very helpful for tempering the state of mind, but ordinary immortals may not be able to control their own power, and they will break through the illusion in advance. "

"But don't try to enter the illusion lightly. You can try it after you have the will to seal the immortal rank. Before that, it can be used as a self-defense object."

"Remember to hold the fox tail well. If you are trapped in the illusion and cannot break through it, just crush the fox tail in your hand to escape from the illusion. But you must always remember this, otherwise you will sink into the illusion forever .”

"I understand. Thank you for the gift from the Phantom King. If you ask for something in the future, you will be rewarded generously." Shi Yan said solemnly.

The Magic Charm King also smiled softly and said: "No need, my own amber is not very useful in my realm. Breaking through the Venerable requires an epiphany in the law, and it is not a matter of time."

King Guangsuo took over the conversation, "Shi Yan, you made a lot of noise this time, but Venerable Nine Swords accepted you as his apprentice?"

When everyone saw Venerable Nine Swords taking him away, most of them thought that he should have been cut off.

However, Venerable Nine Swords also received many inquiries after he took them away. Generally, Venerables would not forcibly accept apprentices after a genius has a Venerable teacher. They also have their own pride. Geniuses are rare, but they are not indispensable.

Shi Yan looked at King Guangsuo, "Nine Swords Venerable did not accept me as an apprentice, but came to remind me to turn off the virtual universe network reception, wait for a period of time before choosing a teacher, and he also gave me a lot of advice. "

"That's how it is. I said that even if Venerable Nine Swords is happy to see Lie Xin, he won't be outraged by the public. It would be disgraceful for a genius who was forced to accept the 'Youhou School' by Venerable Space."

"It seems that Venerable Nine Swords really takes a fancy to you and has trained you as his future backbone."

Shi Yan really thinks so, sometimes experience is more important than others, if you don't understand, the reminder from Nine Swords Venerable is very important, generally geniuses who have just arrived in Chaos City, especially those from ordinary backgrounds, how can they know this.

"Since Venerable Nine Swords has already given you advice, our suggestions should not be used anymore. His vision is naturally better than ours."

"By the way, even Jiuge gave you a valuable treasure. Naturally, I can't be stingy anymore. You are quite talented in creating your own secret methods. I will choose some secret methods for you to refer to. Of course These are very difficult, and your current level is still low, it is too early to create your own secret method, you still have to focus on the understanding of the law, and you can't lose the big because of the small."

"Thank you teacher."

Shi Yan couldn't help sighing, the treatment of geniuses is good, every one of them is delivered to the door, the resource gap is too big, this is also because the strength of individuals in this world far exceeds that of the collective, a strong individual is even weaker than a weak entire race. much more important.


On the second day, all the secrets presented by King Guangsuo were delivered. These are all basic secrets, including research, self-created secrets and so on.

"The teacher is also troublesome. Among them, in the category of self-created secrets, there is even a talk about how to combine the ten laws to create secrets."

The virtual universe company is still relatively strict in the control of universe-level geniuses. It is impossible for people to provide some cultivation secrets casually, but to let geniuses go their own way. grow in.

Not to mention those special treasures that improve the realm, this kind of behavior that is counterproductive is absolutely strictly prohibited.

Therefore, even if everyone gave gifts, they should be very measured. Otherwise, with the financial resources of an immortal king, it would not be difficult for a universe-level genius to be promoted to immortality, but this is meaningless.

Shi Yan began to look through the books, although self-created secret methods are not something that should be done at the cosmic level, and can only be achieved after a high understanding of the laws, but Shi Yan's approach is different from others. He is good at analyzing secret lines and secret methods. In the process of constantly analyzing the secret lines, transforming the secret lines, learning the secrets, and creating the secrets, his progress will be very fast!

With the help of his refining talent, this process of constantly combining the secret patterns and secrets has made his understanding of the laws change by leaps and bounds!

In Chaos City, the city walls are endless.

The gate of the city was opened, and from time to time strong men would go out or enter the city, and Shi Yan also walked out along the gate.

He watched the endless wasteland stretch to the end of the world, and then was enveloped by the chaotic air current.

Then his eyes focused on the left side of the gate of the city, where there was an extremely huge stone tablet, on which was densely packed with the universal language of the universe, describing the third treasure of Chaos City - the true spirit of Chaos!
Chaos True Spirit: When the universe is in its initial state, this "initial universe" will naturally breed some strange creatures. This kind of creature looks strange and is temporarily named "Chaos Beast". The strength of each Chaos Beast is different. All of them are naturally good at some original laws, some are good at more, and some are good at less.

Killing the Chaos Beast, the Chaos Beast will directly rot into a large amount of Chaos Qi and a dark green light spot. This dark green light spot is the core of the Chaos Beast. The Chaos Beast has no soul, only this life light spot, this life light spot Was named 'Chaos True Spirit'.

You only need to inhale the True Spirit of Chaos into your body, and it will be directly absorbed by your own soul. After absorbing the True Spirit of Chaos, your soul will undergo some changes, making it more compatible with the universe.

The soul and the universe are more compatible, so it will be clearer to understand the origin of the universe.

The world lord becomes immortal, which is the transformation of the essence of the soul.

However, absorbing the true spirit of chaos transforms slowly, and the extent of the transformation is small. The immortal soul has already existed for eternity, so absorbing the true spirit of chaos is invalid. This true spirit of chaos is only effective for 'below immortality'.

There are also some precautions. For example, immortality prohibits hunting Chaos Beasts. Different levels of Chaos Beasts are divided into three areas. From the universe level to the world master level, they can be hunted by leapfrogging, but they cannot hunt low-level and so on.


"This Chaos Beast is a good thing, but its combat power is also very strong. Many geniuses have already died because of hunting Chaos Beast."

"The advantage of having a clone is great, and there is no need to worry about falling here."

Shi Yan stopped thinking about it and summoned the fairy moss from the world ring.

"Immortal Moss, you are finally going to fight with me." At this time, each leaf of the Immortal Moss was half the size of a person, and soon the Immortal Moss formed a black and white battle armor covering Shi Yan's body, only revealing a pair of The eyes look extraordinarily strange.

The fairy moss also conveyed a hint of excitement, like a child going out to play with his father.

Then Shi Yan flew out of the city in an E-class spaceship.

It is very cheap to buy E-class spaceships with points in the virtual universe company, and the E-class peak spaceships used by immortals are only a few hundred points.

To hunt and kill Chaos Beasts, high-level spaceships are necessary. Once surrounded, you have to rely on spaceships to escape. If you are surrounded by a group of Chaos Beasts comparable to the ninth level of the universe, you will easily be injured or even killed.


On the vast wasteland, chaotic air currents drift, weeds are overgrown, and rocks are everywhere.

The rocks and weeds that can be seen everywhere here are fundamentally different from the matter in the primordial universe. Under the gestation of chaotic air for many years, they will not be weathered and corrupted at all.

"Master, you have arrived." Zero announced.

"There are already a lot of Chaos Beasts here, let's start here." Shi Yan walked out of the hatch and began to search cautiously.

Here, because of the chaotic airflow, the signals emitted by the detectors are completely affected, and they cannot be detected at all. They can only be searched by the geniuses themselves. This is probably the threshold set by the managers of Chaos City for the geniuses.


Footsteps came from the weeds not far away, and Shi Yan immediately locked on to the Chaos Beast. It was shaped like a bison, with a body length of about five meters. The two horns facing the sky were actually longer than its body. It was covered with black fur. whole body.

There is no such thing as a "chaos beast" in the original universe, so Zero can't judge the strength by the breath of the chaos beast, but it must not exceed the ninth level of the universe.

Shi Yan flew through the air in an instant, and the fairy moss spread away at a faster speed, wrapping and trapping it, piercing its body with a sword, and it lost its vitality before it could react in time.

"Good job."

Immortal Moss was praised, and happily rubbed Shi Yan's arm with a few leaves.

The huge body of the Chaos Beast fell to the ground with a bang, and the brown blood, fur, and flesh that flowed out gradually began to rot, turning into the chaotic airflow, and at the same time, a dark green light spot also floated up.

"The true spirit of chaos!"

Shi Yan controlled the mental power to wrap it away, and the true spirit of chaos began to gradually dissolve when it touched his spiritual power.

After absorbing the true spirit of chaos into the body, the soul began to transform.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the "vortex galaxy" formed after the materialization of the soul is slowly rotating, and there is a small dark area at the core of the bright and dreamy spiral galaxy - a tiny black hole.


The emerald green light spot fell into the spiral galaxy and was quickly pulled, and was directly swallowed by the central black hole of the galaxy.

In an untouchable place outside the 'Whirlpool Galaxy', a trace of mist is produced, covering the entire Whirlpool Galaxy, and the Whirlpool Galaxy seems to have undergone a small change.

Shiyan can sense the change slightly, and then he can feel the change——

His perception of various original laws became clearer!

This is soul transformation!
From the apprentice level to the world master level, the soul just keeps getting stronger, and the essence has not changed at all.

Only advanced immortality will have a fundamental transformation.


The surrounding airflow violently oscillated.



Dozens of Chaos Beasts jumped out from all directions, and some even emerged from the ground. The number increased, and soon exceeded a hundred.

"Immortal Moss, it's up to you!"


The fairy moss, which is already at the seventh level of the universe, bloomed instantly, as if the fairy world had descended, one black and one white, and countless leaves wrapped around the surrounding chaotic beasts.

"Kill!" There were only a few hundred Chaos Beasts, Shi Yan didn't pay attention to them, they ran away immediately after harvesting a wave, and it would be too dangerous if there were more than a thousand Chaos Beasts.

"Time stagnated!"

Shi Yan's Youshen Sword combined with Immortal Demon Moss controlled the scene almost instantly, and the chaotic beasts seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, struggling desperately to no avail.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of Chaos Beasts had been killed. Shi Yan thought, and an E-class spaceship appeared out of thin air. Then he plunged into the spaceship, and the world of immortals and demons instantly dissipated and returned to Shi Yan, and the hatch closed!
The next moment, tens of thousands of Chaos Beasts poured out, and the outside of the spaceship was like a city besieged by zombies.

In the spaceship, Shi Yan sits cross-legged quietly, comprehending the changes brought about by the transformation of the soul.

"The True Spirit of Chaos is indeed the third treasure of Chaos City." A look of joy appeared on Shi Yan's face.

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(End of this chapter)

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