Chapter 113 Lord of Youhou
When Shi Yan hunted and killed the Chaos Beast, the news that he broke through the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge has caused a huge storm in the human race, and it has also spread to the alien race!
Within the territory of the starry sky of the barbaric universe, there is a huge kingdom of God in the "space interlayer" corresponding to a certain piece of starry sky.

This magnificent Kingdom of God is where the Zerg hidden organization is located.

In the Kingdom of God, there is a mountain range over a million kilometers high, which is also the highest mountain range in the entire Kingdom of God.

On the top of the mountain range, there is a huge temple with a height of more than [-] kilometers. The temple exudes dazzling golden light.

Humans and sturdy Zerg warriors get along harmoniously in the temple!

You must know that the borders of the monster race, machine race, human race, and Zerg race among the six peak races are approaching, and conflicts are fierce. Wars are common, and assassinating each other's geniuses is also a normal thing.

It can be said that it is impossible to live in peace with each other, which means that these human races have been enslaved by their souls!
"Master, master."

At the highest level of the temple, in the vast hall, a golden-robed man appeared in the hall in a flash and shouted eagerly, "I have important information, I have important information."


Tens of thousands of golden immortal Zerg warriors were scattered in the main hall. When they saw the golden robed man rushing into the main hall, they immediately became angry one by one, and they all roared at the golden robed man in warning.It seemed that if the man in the golden robe was disrespectful, he would attack.

"What information is there, so flustered." The gentle voice echoed in the hall, and the Zerg warriors were also appeased.

The man in the golden robe respectfully looked at the Zerg brood that was protected by a large number of immortal Zerg warriors, which was more than ten kilometers high: "I just got the news that Shi Yan, a genius among human beings, went to break through the Tongtian Bridge today. It has only been more than 30 years since he was born. Shi Yan actually broke through the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge in one breath!"

"The seventh floor? That little guy who was No. 1 in the genius battle? It's only the first level of the universe now, right?"

"Yes Master."

"At this time, he only comprehended the Chaos Monument once, and he actually has a comprehension of the law that is comparable to the world lord?"

The man in the golden robe said respectfully and eagerly: "Besides, his training time is too short. I'm afraid he is another Kedi-level genius, a genius born once in hundreds of millions of epochs!"

Geniuses of this level, such as Kodi and Venerable Fire Erosion, as long as they don't fall, each of them will have amazing achievements!
If Kodi hadn’t fallen, he would at least be a venerable. Geniuses of this level have never fallen, and the weakest ones are the peak kings. It’s not too difficult to become a venerable!
"A genius born in hundreds of millions of epochs can be compared to Ke Di?" said a gentle voice.

"Yes." The man in the golden robe responded quickly.

"Back then, the Zergs spent a lot of effort to get rid of the threat of Kodi, so that his teacher 'Chaos City Lord' could not revive his disciples even if he reversed time and space." The gentle voice said, "Another one came out so soon, the one of the human race The potential is truly terrifying!"

"List Shi Yan as No. 1, and I will submit it to the clan... To solve this time Yan, our organization's strength is no longer enough, you go down."


The man in the golden robe retreated respectfully.


In another remote frontier of the cosmic starry sky, one of them is hidden in the interlayer of space, which is filled with black air currents.

Inside the majestic black temple.


A figure shrouded in black mist knelt respectfully, and a body about 3000 meters tall and made of countless black rocks was sitting on the throne of Youleng Hall.

Dark red flames swirl around the surface of the rock all over his body, and black flames occasionally erupt from his nostrils, but the material of the two black horns is like crystal clear glass.

He looked down at the tiny black fog figure below.

"Huh?" Black flames spewed out from the nostrils of the majestic figure.

"Master, I just received information that a peerless genius named Shi Yan was born in the Hongmeng human race. He has only been practicing for more than 30 years, and he has already broken through the seventh floor of the Human Sky Bridge."

In the black mist, the weak figure said respectfully, "It is definitely a peerless figure born once in the hundreds of millions of epochs of mankind, but now he lives in the holy land of mankind - Chaos City, guarded by the Lord of Chaos City, and my family cannot penetrate."

The towering figure overlooked the figure in the black mist below: "There is no possibility of the place guarded by the city lord of chaos. Wait, at this time, after becoming the domain lord and world lord, the virtual universe company will naturally arrange training tasks, and we must grasp it at that time." Chance to get rid of him!"


In a strange kingdom of God, there hangs a huge cube made of countless crystals. The diameter of the entire cube is about 300 million kilometers.

in the cube core.

A man is sitting on the emerald-green throne. He has a perfect body carved out of spar. His appearance is resembling that of a human being. There is a golden eye on the center of his eyebrows. The invisible ripples are centered on his eyes, spreading throughout the entire diameter of 300 meters. km cube.


"The human race in the distant Hongmeng unexpectedly gave birth to a genius born once in hundreds of millions of epochs."

"It seems that the Zerg Race, Monster Race, and Machine Race will find a way to kill that little guy. When this little guy goes out to practice, I'm afraid he will send Immortal to assassinate him, but it may not be easy for ordinary Immortals to assassinate him successfully. If the Venerable, there should be no The tribe will."

"Fun, interesting."

"The territory of the four peak ethnic groups is approaching, the more miserable the fight, the better." The man whispered to himself, and then closed his three eyes.

The news of the birth of a peerless genius in human beings has spread to countless alien races in the universe within a day.


In the sky above Chaos City, a hole was suddenly torn in the previously healed rift, and a wave of evil spirit instantly swayed away, and the strange threads in countless space rifts broke one after another, and then returned to their original shape.

A figure slowly walked out of it, and it seemed that it had never been there before. No one could notice the change here.

The figure seemed to have taken a step, and it was no longer possible to capture any trajectory.

It wasn't until he arrived at the Chaos Ruins that the vague and invisible figure gradually became clear.

The figure was thin and tall, with one corner of each ear pointing up, like two sickles, and one eye between the brows, wearing a set of scale-shaped dark blue armor, with a deep black triangular thorn on its back. There are three spiral blood grooves, which is the famous 'Youhou thorn'.

On top of the endless ruins, the Lord of Chaos City showed a rare smile, "Youhou, come to my Chaos City when you have time."

Lord Youhou bowed slightly to the Lord of Chaos City to show his respect, and said with a smile, "Master, long time no see."

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

"Haha, Master is still so straightforward, so I'll just say it straight. I've learned something from my adventures in the Qingfeng Realm this time, and I'm going to come back to practice for a while, and I happened to find a good seed, so..."

The Chaos City Lord sneered and said, "You never accept disciples, why are you interested now?"

Among the five masters of the universe in the virtual universe company, the master of Youhou is the youngest one. He is extremely talented. He really doesn't like the so-called geniuses in general. Moreover, his cultivation progress is fast and he has no time to take care of other things, so he has never Take apprentices.

Youhou smiled faintly, "They couldn't even compare to me before. How could I have any interest in it? This time, this little guy, I saw, is very good. Especially in terms of will, at my level, understanding of laws is of course important. But it takes a strong will to make it to the end.”

The Chaos City Lord also nodded slightly. There are many treasures that require will. If the will is weak, they don't even have the qualifications to recognize the Lord. There is no one who can become the Lord of the universe without a strong will.

"In the battle on the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge, he created his own top-notch technique, and his will even broke through to the level of immortality at the last moment. A qualitative change has already taken place, and his future is limitless." You Hou narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled: "Uncle, I don’t even have a single apprentice, so why don’t you rob me?”

The Lord of Chaos City was also amused by Youhou's words, "You guy."

"Cultivating apprentices can't be as casual as going out on your own. It always takes some thought. Don't be a shopkeeper who throws your hands away."

"I understand, I'm just planning to come back and practice for a while, and spend a few epochs to lay the foundation for him." The Lord of Youhou said casually.

The Chaos City Lord also thought for a moment, "That's fine, alas, if Kedi wasn't my apprentice..."

"Uncle, it's no wonder you."

As the number one person in charge of the virtual universe company, the Chaos City Lord has to consider whether his actions are fair all the time, so he doesn't give special care to his apprentices, which gives the aliens an opportunity.

This has always made the Chaos City Lord feel guilty.

The Chaos City Lord quickly got rid of the negative emotions, "Youhou, then you can accept apprentices, and I will help you withdraw other people's emails."

"Then I would like to thank my uncle for giving up my love."

"You kid, behave more restrained in the future."

The lord of Youhou acts in a public manner, but in fact this is just an image he has created. In fact, as a genius who has grown very fast, he is far smarter than others imagined.

"I have to trouble Uncle Shi to send someone to notify me."

The Chaos City Lord naturally understands that he can arrange things with just one thought. As one of the five giants of the virtual universe company, the Lord of Youhou cannot just casually find a genius.

"You can stay here to catch up with me, I have already arranged, just meet here."

"Then disturb Master for two days."


There is a magnificent palace in the central core of the Star Universe Kingdom, the Star Secret Realm.

In the palace, on an ancient throne, the Lord of the Stars slowly opened his closed eyes, "My mail was withdrawn by the Lord of Chaos?"

"Is there a teacher who is more suitable for teaching Shi Yan than me?"

"The thing that can make the Chaos City Lord withdraw is that the Chaos City Lord himself wants to accept disciples?"


"My mail has been withdrawn?" All the universe kings and venerables have received the withdrawal message.


"Really, has the email you sent to Shi Yan been withdrawn?"

"You were also withdrawn?"

"Looks like something big is going to happen."


"The master of the universe has made a move?"


Outside Chaos City, in an E-class peak spaceship.

Shi Yan had just absorbed a wave of chaotic true spirits, "Zero, it's time to open the virtual universe network to receive it."

"Understood, Master."

Then one after another email reminder message came——


"Master, there are a total of 285 emails and 7 call requests." Ling said.

"This number seems to be quite a lot."

Shi Yan glanced roughly, some of them belonged to some friends or even relatives, it seems that Luo Feng also informed Hong, Lei Shen and his parents of the news.

The rest are from Immortal, mainly to express congratulations and encouragement.

"Why is there no venerable-level apprenticeship email?"

"Is it the main recruit of Chaos City?"

Shi Yan didn't think that his performance would be possible without the help of the Venerable, the only possibility was that someone from a higher level would take action.

"Master, why didn't the kingdom of the universe accept you as an apprentice? It stands to reason that this achievement should cause everyone to scramble for it."

Shi Yan smiled when he heard the words, "Good thing."

"Good thing?"

"We are waiting patiently, it should be soon."

Zero progressed very quickly, and she completely remembered all the news that Shi Yan could get, but Shi Yan always gave her an unfathomable feeling——

It seems that the master still knows many secrets that are not known...

For Zero, she can read the books Shi Yan gave her in an instant, but she can't understand the deep meaning in them, just like she still doesn't understand the significance of Shi Yan showing her these books.

She started to have more human-like behavior called 'thinking'.

"Cogito ergo sum."


Yuxiang Mountain, primitive area, manor No. 114.

King Guangsuo came again.

"Shi Yan, Venerable Guiyi contacted me and asked me to inform you to go to the inner palace of the city lord's mansion as soon as possible."

"Understood, teacher."

King Guangsuo looked at Shi Yan with a face of relief: "I heard that all the emails of the Venerable have been withdrawn. It seems that there is an existence like the Lord of the Universe who wants to accept you as a disciple. Congratulations."

"Thanks to the teacher's teaching, I can improve so fast."

King Guangsuo shook his head with a smile, "I can't help you very much, the main reason is that your comprehension is high enough."

"Go, don't let the city lord wait for you."


City Lord's Mansion, Inner Mansion.

This is Shiyan's first time here, and he just passed by occasionally before, and took a look from a distance.

Clang! "The two guards lowered their spears at the same time, stopped Shi Yan, and looked at him indifferently.

"I'm Shi Yan, I'm here to pay homage to the Lord of Chaos City." Shi Yan said respectfully.

"You are Shiyan?" These two guards are immortal-level powerhouses, so they have naturally heard of Shiyan who has been in the limelight recently.

"Guyyi has ordered you to go in." One of the immortal guards surrounded by lightning said, and at the same time withdrew the spear that blocked Shiyan.

Although they are just gate guards, they can serve as the gatekeepers of the Chaos City Lord, even if they are Venerable, without the order of the City Lord, they can not give face.

And this is also a position that many immortals covet, after all, the Lord of Chaos City is the number one person in power of the virtual universe company.

Shi Yan bowed slightly to salute, and then entered the inner palace.

Watching him leave, the group of immortal guards started talking to each other through sound transmission.

You must know that it is rare to meet a domain lord or world lord who can enter the inner mansion of the city lord's mansion in hundreds of millions of years, and that is the place where the city lord of chaos lives.


Along the wide corridor, Shi Yan quickly came to a square paved with chaotic rocks.

Standing in the distance was a bald man wearing a fiery red shirt. He had a faint smile on his face, and he looked very peaceful.

Shi Yan just glanced at it, and then he seemed to blend into the vast and peaceful universe and starry sky.

However, he quickly recovered, and thought to himself: "As expected of the overlord of the universe."

Although Guiyi didn't release his breath, ordinary world lords would easily lose their minds even when they saw the cosmic overlord, but Shiyan woke up so quickly, which is worthy of the will of the immortal class.

"I am Venerable Guiyi. I am here to pick you up by order of the teacher." Venerable Guiyi smiled, and his smile seemed to have the power to infect the soul.

"Greetings to Venerable Gui Yi." Shi Yan saluted respectfully.

"Come with me."

Venerable Guiyi walked in the inner mansion of the city lord's mansion with Shi Yan, "Teacher has three avatars, and the one who presides over the Chaos City is the one who killed the lord. There is also a big man who I rarely have the chance to see, so you must Be respectful and not offend."


The two soon came to a quiet courtyard, and Shi Yan saw the stone tablet, "This is the Chaos Market."

"Let's go." Venerable Guiyi said and entered with Shi Yan.

Time and space reversed, Shiyan stepped into it and felt the stars shifting. When the sight was restored, there was a vast world in front of him.

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(End of this chapter)

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