Chapter 15 Ghost Dreams

Yan Buwen's heart sank, his eyes were filled with shock and panic, and his mind froze in place.

At the moment when he panicked, he raised his eyes again and saw that small figure sinking into the most mysterious and dangerous unknown area in the Ghost Shadow Forest.

This domain has existed in the world for thousands of years, and the world has given it a cold and gloomy name, Ghost Dream.

In this pitch-black mist-shrouded space, since the beginning of its formation, anyone who inadvertently intrudes or enters out of curiosity has never come out again.

Yan Buwen was spinning around in circles, his head was so anxious that his heroic face was almost wrinkled.

How to do!
The master asked him to stay and take the little girl home safely, but he got it all wrong.

This little girl has no cultivation base, and she doesn't even have the strength to resist when she encounters danger.

Even, no, it is inevitable, the little girl must have encountered an accident.

Does this little girl know that she is playing around with her life!
Following Jun Yunsi, Yan Buwen, who was used to strong winds and waves, was almost scratching his head at this moment.

He stood there frowning tightly, hesitated for a moment, looked deeply at the ghostly dream space in front of him, which was so dark that there was no light, gritted his teeth, turned his head and changed direction.

He has never entered this place before, and it would be the most stupid behavior if he followed him.

Yan Buwen quickly left with a very entangled heart, he had to report to his master before he could make any further plans.

I just hope...

Outside the ghost dream space, there was silence on all sides.

A few fallen leaves floated slowly in the air for a while, and then landed gently, without disturbing any plants, trees, insects or animals.

In the space shrouded in black mist, only the occasional footsteps echoed in the silence.

Shen Tangluo's petite and thin figure walked unhurriedly in this vast black space as far as the eye can see.

Compared with the fear and timidity of the world's ghosts and dreams, she is indifferent and leisurely like visiting her own back garden.

If other people enter this place, they may not be able to see anything, and the cultivation in the body will be drained by thousands of phantoms and ghosts in an instant.

However, she was born different from ordinary people, without spiritual energy, and ghosts could not absorb any spiritual power from her.

In her previous life, after Jun Yunsi left, she stumbled into this place by mistake and discovered a suitable cultivation method by coincidence.

That is the ghost technique she practiced later.

This kind of technique does not exist in any of the eight major cultivation systems in the ancient mysterious world of the Likong Continent, but if it is cultivated successfully, it is not inferior to any of the eight major systems.

The red robe was casually draped on Shen Tangluo's body, it was wide but not sloppy, exuding a different kind of madness and domineering aura.

As she walked slowly, layers of black mist surged around her body, sweeping around her thin and frail body, lingering and lingering.

A gleam of coldness flashed across Shen Tangluo's cold and serious face, and he lazily picked up those stunning peach blossom eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled up with a touch of cynicism.

"If you touch this robe dirty, this girl will completely annihilate you, and you will be disintegrated."

The cool and chilling voice drifted away in the black mist, and as soon as the voice fell, phantoms floating in mid-air suddenly revealed their phantom bodies around her.

A fish-white phantom appeared, and the black mist dissipated in an instant.

I don't know if it was their delusion, but this little girl who doesn't look like enough for them to squeeze her teeth is actually colder and more terrifying than these bloodthirsty ghosts.

Hissing and chaotic shouts sounded from Shen Tangluo's ears.

"What! What did I hear? This brat actually wants to drive us out of our wits, hahaha..."

A few huge phantoms flew over Shen Tangluo's head, condescendingly looked down on her and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, kid, do you know what it means to be here?"

 ps: The eight major cultivation systems in the ancient mysterious world of Likong Continent: spells, enchantments, magic circles, refining medicine, controlling beasts, space, summoning, refining weapons

  The heroine's ghost magic technique will be introduced a little bit later~ (super powerful)

(End of this chapter)

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