Chapter 16 Seeing the Deity, I Can Only Surrender

"Tsk tsk, she doesn't have spirit energy on her body, so she can't condense her spirit power? She doesn't look like a monster, bah, what a waste!"

"Not even a trace!"

All the ghosts screamed, and let out one after another ear-piercing roars, "Then what shall we eat? What shall we eat, what shall we eat..."


One after another, the voices of discussion and dislike filled the void, and Shen Tangluo plucked his ears.

Her eyebrows and eyes were cold, and her voice was cold: "Noisy! Shut up!"

A low and cold voice came from the little girl's mouth, and all the phantoms froze.

In an instant, the clamor stopped abruptly.

Amidst the stunned eyes, Shen Tang's eyes flashed with anger, and he suddenly raised his delicate hand, and took a crabapple wooden hairpin from his hair.

All the ghosts had never met a living creature who was so calm when they saw them, and they all lost their voices.

I even forgot that they appeared here to squeeze the spiritual power of the practitioners and maintain the existence of the ghost dream space.

The corner of Shen Tangluo's mouth was icy cold, and his eyes calmly flicked across his left wrist.

In an instant, traces of lingering red blood light floated from her delicate skin.

Her blood carried Sha from the womb to suppress ghosts.

In her previous life, she lost her way, strayed into this place, and was teased by this group of ghosts and phantoms for a long time. In fear, she bumped into a dry bone on the ground and punctured her flesh.

The splashed blood turned into evil poison, and at the same time, thousands of phantoms miraculously melted into her left wrist, forming an illusory black and red tattoo.

This mysterious tattoo is the source of all the ghost spells she will practice in the future.

In an instant, the fish-white ghosts who were still restless and noisy just now distorted and deformed at the speed of ghosts, and the screams of phantoms pierced the sky.

"Ah, no, no!"

"I don't want to be wiped out, kill her! Kill her!"


"When you see the deity, you have only one way. Whether it is a thousand years ago or a thousand years later, you can only surrender."

The corners of Shen Tang Luoxie's mouth twitched, lifted up the red robe, and sat cross-legged on the ground, recalling the cultivation methods of the previous life, quietly absorbing all the remnants in the ghost dream space.

And between the exposed left wrist, on the delicate skin, a black and red imprint with complex lines looms, which is strange and strange.

On the outskirts of the Ghost Shadow Forest, the two guards who had been here during the day reappeared.

In the dark night, the wind whizzed past their necks, forcing them to wrap their robes tightly and shrink their bodies.

One of them held a small figure with a drooping head in his hand. The guard probably felt cold, so he picked up the person in his hand.

At this moment, the cold white moonlight shone on the face of the small figure who turned around.

If Shen Tang landed there, he would be able to recognize the unconscious figure on the guard's shoulder at a glance as Nangong Mo, the third lady of Xuanling Palace, who gave her a package not long ago.

"Oh? Did you hear something?" The guard who opened the way in front suddenly stopped, turned around, and asked another person.

"In the middle of the night, there's no sound. You haven't woken up, so you must have heard it wrong." The guard carrying Nangong Mo yawned for a long time, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

He just wanted to get rid of Miss San quickly and go back to sleep.

"Really?" The guard who asked the question scratched his head, frowned, and hesitated.

He seemed to have heard a shrill scream coming from the depths of the ghost shadow forest just now.

"Don't scare yourself," the guard behind urged impatiently, "Hurry up, the palace lord will be back in a few days, if the palace lord finds out, not only the madam, the palace lord will not let go our."

"Okay, didn't I just ask?"

The two guards pushed each other, and the guard who heard the scream quickly put aside the doubts in his mind.

"Just throw it here, I'm still rushing back to sleep."

"I know, I know."

After saying those words, Nangong Mo's limp body was also thrown high into the ghost forest.

(End of this chapter)

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