Chapter 17 Master, Subordinates Are Guilty

Shen Tangluo sat cross-legged in the ghost dream space, with his eyes tightly closed, his immature face was full of concentration.

The scorching blood light between the delicate wrists seems to be mixed with poison that can absorb the soul, and the blood light cascades out, constantly absorbing the soul bodies of the ghosts.

The small figure was entangled by strange black and red vines, and the black mist rising from all sides turned into floating shadows and completely annihilated after the fish-white illusory ghosts dissipated.

And according to the rumors, the ghostly dream that made Likong Continent's discoloration change, also disappeared with the disappearance of the ghostly phantom.

A broken leaf swirled twice in the cold night wind, and landed on Shen Tangluo's shoulder in a red robe, everything returned to calm.

Suddenly, those twinkling and clear peach blossom eyes slightly opened, Shen Tangluo exhaled lightly, raised her tender white fingertips, and carelessly brushed off the residual leaves on her shoulders.

Suddenly, a sharp pain came from her wrist. She frowned lightly, lowered her cold eyes, and looked at the faintly visible black and red lines on her left wrist. The corners of her mouth slowly curled up.

Cold, ruthless.

Xuanling Palace!
The nightmares of the previous life, the source of everything, she will kill one by one and smash them into dust.

Shen Tangluo's eyes turned cold, he stood up abruptly, and bit by bit wiped away the sticky dead branches and leaves on his outer robe.

The plain white fingers rubbed lightly, and in an instant, a black-red smoke flowed out from between the fingers, turning and disappearing in the wind.

Is she born with no spiritual energy destined to be a waste material?

Heh, she is a good-for-nothing who can turn the entire Xuanling Palace upside down. If that's the case, what are those people!

She was very sure that just now she had absorbed the thousands of soul bodies in the ghost dream, and by virtue of the cultivation method she knew deeply in her heart, she had practiced the ghost vine strangulation technique that she had mastered in her previous life for more than half a year in advance.

At that time, she was terrified when she first came across the ghost dream technique. She longed for this unexpected power in her heart, but she was so frightened that she didn't know how to control it.

Having no clue, she groped for more than half a month before she vaguely realized that she could also practice spells like the practitioners in Likong Continent.

Even though this road is destined to be tolerated by the world, she still stepped on it without hesitation, and once she has taken the step, she will never look back.

The ghost dream space disappeared, and the place Shen Tang stepped on was still the extremely dangerous ghost forest.

In addition to Guimeng, there are still countless medicinal spirits and monsters in the Ghost Shadow Forest.

She forced herself to practice the ghost vine strangulation technique in a short period of time, and now the breath in her body is still adapting to the fusion and is not stable.

She can't stay for too long, if she is noticed by powerful medicine spirits or monsters, she will definitely not be able to escape and become the food they share and fight for.

Must leave as soon as possible before being discovered.

Shen Tangluo immediately made a decision, frowned, stretched out his hand and raised the outer robe left by Jun Yunsi, and put it neatly on his body, tied a knot around his slender neck, and used it as a cloak.

Helpless, Jun Yunsi is much taller than her, and his robes really can't be worn by her.

Touching the familiar robe and smelling the familiar breath, Shen Tangluo's expression gradually softened.

Yunfu Kingdom, Shangli City.

Yan Wangfu.

Jun Yunsi's tall and slender figure stepped out of Jun Yanchu's bedroom.

At this moment, he has a cold expression, deep and sharp facial features, and under the shadow of flickering candles, he exudes a frosty coldness, like a demon in the dark night, and like a silent king.

He is like the King of the Night with a strong aura, and his domineering and dignified body is undoubtedly evident.

Changing out of the red clothes, he is now wearing a robe with dark patterns, and the finely drawn silver-white borders on the corners of the clothes are faintly shining.

He didn't sleep all night, running back and forth, but there was only cold frost on his sharp-edged handsome face, but no fatigue.

With the assistance of the thousand-year-old withered vine, Jun Yanchu's situation has stabilized.

As soon as he was free, a small blood-stained face inexplicably flashed in Jun Yunsi's mind.

That face was obviously dirty, but those clear and bright black eyes somehow crashed into his heart.

What's wrong with him, he's so distracted?
As if aware of something wrong with him, Jun Yunsi frowned, and the breath on his body became even colder.

After Jun Yunsi came out, he strode away with long slender legs without explaining anything.

However, as soon as he left Prince Yan's mansion, he bumped into Yan Buwen who hurriedly came back to report the news of Shen Tangluo.

Jun Yunsi frowned slightly, and glanced at him coldly.

After Yan Buwen felt the piercing coldness, his heart tightened, he subconsciously took a few steps back, and then unexpectedly knelt down.

Under Jun Yunsi's cold and stern breath, Yan Buwen panted heavily, and hurriedly said: "Master, this subordinate has neglected his duties and failed to complete the task assigned by him. Please punish him severely."

As soon as he finished speaking, he lowered his head in shame, not daring to look at his master.

As soon as Yan Buwen appeared, there was an indiscernible trace of uneasiness on Jun Yunsi's face, and the knuckle fingers under the robe couldn't help clenching a little.

At this moment, hearing what Yan Buwen said again, Jun Yunsi's already cold aura became even colder and biting.

He lowered his voice and said sharply, "Say it clearly!"

Yan Buwen didn't dare to delay, her tone was full of self-blame, almost dying of anxiety, "The little girl that the master ordered his subordinates to protect, she... she has entered the ghost dream in the center of the ghost forest!"

After finishing a sentence in one breath, Yan Buwen raised his head timidly, and it was obvious that his master's entire face had darkened.

However, now is not the time for him to blame himself, but what to do with that little girl.

The master handed him over to him to protect his family, but he lost it.

Annoyance, self-blame, repentance.

Instantly flooded the whole mind, Yan Buwen didn't know what to do, "Master, subordinate..."

Jun Yunsi's icy aura swept away in an instant, his jaw tensed, his cold eyes swept Yan Buwen, who was kneeling on the ground, before disappearing on the spot.

Yan Buwen was so nervous that he was dripping with sweat, and when he looked up again, there was nowhere to see his master.

Shen Tangluo weighed his route, and ran from the deepest part of the Ghost Shadow Forest towards the periphery.

Even though he tried his best to be careful, he still encountered a lot of attacks from vicious medicine spirits.

Worried that the fierce fighting would startle the hidden or sleeping monsters, she struggled to dodge them.

It wasn't until the sky turned pale and she arrived at the place where she first woke up before dawn that she breathed a sigh of relief and stopped.

When she got to the periphery, she had nothing to fear.

Most of the outskirts of the Ghost Shadow Forest were ordinary ferocious beasts. To her, there was no longer any threat.

However, before he stopped, Shen Tangluo's eyes fell on the familiar lotus root pink color on the ground not far away.

Shen Tangluo's face immediately became tense, and a gloomy and gloomy coldness flashed in those twinkling peach blossom eyes.

This is Nangong Mo!
(End of this chapter)

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