The devil concubine ghost vine is in hand, she doesn't raise it if it's not a beast

Chapter 5 Chop off Mrs. Ben's hand to feed the wolves

Chapter 5 Chop off Mrs. Ben's hand to feed the wolves

She met a boy whose starry eyes still shone brightly in her mind to this day.

It was the boy who saved her life and healed her wounds.

However, the man who lit up the light of her life is now sleeping forever in the ghost cave, and will never appear here again, and will never be with her again.

Shen Tangluo tried his best to push Yin Su into the water, but he suddenly realized the danger!
Knowing that she was not out of the predicament at this time, she still couldn't bear it.

This body is too weak.

Shen Tangluo's whole body was limp, his mind was in a daze, and he fell down without warning.

Nangong Fei and Nangong Yi, who wanted to go forward to teach Shen Tangluo a lesson, were startled before touching Shen Tangluo's body.

What's the matter, just now they were too scared to approach, but now they fell to the ground again, which confused the two little girls.

Standing aside, Nangong Mo concealed the complicated eyes, carefully walked over to catch Shen Tangluo's breath, raised her head and said to the two sisters: "She fainted."

Nangong Fei let go of her second younger sister Nangong Yi's hand, and walked over to see, "Play dead?"

At this time, Yin Su was brought up, and she coughed for a while with a sharp voice because she was poured with a lot of water.

When she finally managed to make a sound, she roared hoarsely: "Go, chop off the hands of this dead girl to Mrs. Ben, and throw them together in the back mountain forest to feed the wolves!"

After speaking, she coughed violently, her face flushed, and she shivered.

Yin Su lost such a big face in front of her daughter and servants, she was in a terrible mood, she said angrily: "Do as Mrs. Ben said, and do it cleanly!"

"You three, don't look at it, go back and practice hard."

Her daughter's talent is average, otherwise she wouldn't be in such a mess when she fell into the water just now.

After finishing speaking, Yin Su kicked Shen Tangluo hard again in a puzzled manner, and then was hugged by the maid and left.

Two guards were left behind to deal with Shen Tangluo.

Nangong Mo turned her head three times a step at a time, and took a deep look at this little girl with a tragic fate, her deep eyes were stained with a hint of helpless sadness.

She thought, that little girl who was in a coma, she definitely didn't know what would happen to her against her mother.

It's fine if she's just in a coma, but if she's in a coma, she won't know anything.

In the ghost forest in the back mountain, hungry wolves with venomous fangs would devour her alive, leaving no bones left.

Everyone left, everything returned to calm, and the scene just now seemed to have never happened.

The two guards looked at each other, one of them stretched out his hand and lifted the skinny Shen Tangluo up easily.

"By the way, how did this little girl offend Madam?" The guard who mentioned Shen Tangluo squeezed her sharp chin and asked his companion amusedly.

The companion beside him thought for a while, and said: "It seems that I offended the eldest lady. Madam is the most kind-hearted and treats people well. Have you ever seen Madam punish a servant?"

The guard carrying Shen Tangluo thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "That's not true."

"Miss is the opposite of the palace lord and madam. Madam dotes on miss the most. To beat this little girl up like this must have offended miss."

The guard pushed his companion, and laughed jokingly, "Then how did our wife fall into the water? It couldn't be pushed down by this little girl with less than two catties of flesh all over her body?"

"It doesn't matter, what to do if you think so much, just follow Madam's order."

The guard put down his hand that pinched Shen Tang's chin, and somehow the words in his mouth became more and more biased, turning into obscenities.

"To tell you the truth, this little girl looks really good. After washing, she might be prettier than our eldest lady. It's a pity, she's too young, otherwise, you and I can..."

The disgusting and obscene words were blown away in the mountain wind, and the two guards laughed and echoed in the air.

Shen Tangluo fell into a deep sleep, not knowing what kind of fate she was about to face.

On the back mountain of Xuanling Palace, outside the ghost forest, the two guards subconsciously shrank their necks, the chilly wind blowing made their hearts tremble.

The guard who was carrying Shen Tangluo couldn't help but spit and shrank his neck, "Damn, why is this back mountain so cold, it's like a ghost is haunted."

"It's fine to throw it on the outside. Madam said to keep it clean, so you don't cause trouble."

Although there are no monsters or beasts outside the Ghost Shadow Forest, there are also countless tigers and wolves. If they lay unconscious in it, there would be absolutely no bones left.

The two guards were not at all worried that there would be an accident and they would not be able to complete the task given by Mrs. Nangong.

The guard was full of swear words, and threw the little girl's thin body far away.

Immediately afterwards, they heard a crashing sound, smiled at each other and left quickly.

At night, the cold wind blows away the fine fallen leaves that covered Shen Tangluo's body.

With both arms and feet exposed, gusts of icy cold wind hit Shen Tangluo's body, and the neighing of ferocious beasts came to his ears.

Suddenly, Shen Tangluo opened a pair of ruthless peach blossom eyes, retreated vigilantly under the tree, leaning against it, not daring to move easily.

The wolves are nearby.

She looked down inadvertently, saw her bare feet, and pulled her lips in a sneer.

After all, she overestimated her body and passed out due to exhaustion.

In her previous life, she was immersed in the grief of her mother's abandonment of her, and did not resist Mrs. Nangong at all, so she was thrown into the back mountain soberly.

And this time, he couldn't escape the fate of being thrown into the ghost forest.

(End of this chapter)

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