Chapter 6 Nangong Mo

There were rustling sounds in my ears, and the howling of wolves in the distance resounded through the dark night.

Shen Tangluo's charming peach blossom eyes were raised up, and the corners of his mouth smiled with a deeper and deeper curve.

At this time in the previous life, Nangong Mo came to find her.

It seems that after rebirth, some things will change, but some things will never change.

This little girl, she was obviously very scared, but she still wanted to help her without fear of death.

Shen Tangluo's eyelids drooped, leaning against the old tree wearily, looking down at her hands, she couldn't sit still.

She has been to this ghost forest several times, and the unknown danger inside is not something she can stay for a long time as a person who cannot cultivate and struggles to stand up.

She was always scolded as a ghost, and it was not for nothing.

It is said that when the mother was pregnant for six months, she really died in the womb, but later came back to life for unknown reasons.

In the body of a baby, she died once, so she was born weak and unable to cultivate, and was scolded as a waste by the Nangong family, which was also the reason.

What kind of secret is hidden in this matter, only the mother who is pregnant with her knows.

In her previous life, she never saw the woman who disappeared after abandoning her, so she had no way of knowing what happened that year.

Later, in the ghost shadow forest, she discovered another cultivation method that was different from the eight major systems of the ancient mysterious world. From then on, she embarked on the road of ghost cultivation and developed the ghost magic method.

Originally, Shen Tangluo wanted to go directly into the depths of the Ghost Shadow Forest.

But when his eyes touched the ragged body and bare feet, Shen Tangluo smiled with eyebrows bent.

She is not so stupid as to walk barefoot.

There are many dead branches in the Ghost Shadow Forest, and before she reaches the place she wants to go, the delicate flesh will be scratched by dead branches all over the ground.

If the smell of blood attracts ferocious beasts, she will inevitably have a bloody battle.

What's more, her throat was dry and sore at this moment, and her physical strength was exhausted, so she couldn't tolerate her stubbornness.

Shen Tangluo's pitch-black peach blossom eyes were like a pond with bottomless water, staring at the ground without blinking, for some reason, the sockets of his eyes began to feel sour.

She remembered her previous life, where she had stayed in the Temple of the Six Realms for so long.

I have heard of bringing the dead back to life, and I have also heard of taking the soul to take the life, but I have never heard of being able to start again after death.

Her soul-destroyed person has woken up, so what about him?
Would it be like meeting him here when they first met in the previous life?
He was very sure in his heart that Jun Yunsi would never be reincarnated, but Shen Tangluo still looked expectantly into the depths of the ghost forest.

I can't help but think, he's still here.

Suddenly, a small sound of footsteps gradually approached, Shen Tangluo tensed up and had to be cautious.

Even with the memory of her previous life, she dared not relax at all.

Without any cultivation, Shen Tangluo's ability to see things at night is surprisingly strong, and she recognized the small figure approaching her at a glance.

It really was Nangong Mo, she did not disappoint herself.

Shen Tangluo pretended to cough lightly inadvertently, and Nangong Mo immediately walked towards the source of the sound.

Nangong Mo's biological mother came from a humble background and was not favored.

Under the influence of her biological mother, she was born consciously withdrawing her edge, and she was even less willing to curry favor with the prostitute like Nangong Yi.

In fact, what puzzled Shen Tangluo was that as long as Nangong Mo was willing, it would be very easy to win the attention of his biological father Nangong Qun.

But she was afraid of stealing Nangong Fei's limelight, knowing that her talent was many times higher than Nangong Fei's, so she was careful to hide herself.

"Here, here you are." Nangong Mo flew to Shen Tangluo's side, squatted down, and stuffed a small bundle into her arms.

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows, frowned, and looked at Nangongmo seriously.

In the previous life, she accepted the burden and thanked her, but Nangong Mo told her to take care and left.

Since then, they have no intersection.

Because, when she returned to Xuanling Palace, she wanted to ask Nangong Mo to thank her seriously, but she was told a piece of news that made her regretful.

Nangong Mo contracted a serious disease and died of it.

However, thinking about it now, it is impossible at all. Nangongmo's physique and cultivation aptitude are the highest in Xuanlinggong's generation, so how could she die of illness.

Undoubtedly, it was silenced.

Shen Tangluo suddenly didn't know how to speak. She was not good at words by nature, so she couldn't help reminding Nangong Mo, "You don't have to be afraid of Mrs. Nangong."

Nangong Mo froze when she stood up, pretending not to hear.

Just about to leave, but turned around again, "You take medicine, clothes, food, I can't stay longer, go first, take care."

Nangong Mo left in a hurry, and Shen Tangluo didn't think too much about whether she understood her words or not.

She quickly took out the ointment from the bag and dabbed it on for a while, then the movement of her hands stopped suddenly.

In this life, have many things changed?
Shen Tangluo didn't think much about it, quickly picked up the burden on the ground, and climbed up the towering ancient tree neatly, a pair of charming peach blossom eyes flashed a cold light.

She keenly sensed that danger was approaching quietly. What happened in the ghost forest?
The ferocious beasts on all sides seemed to be afraid of a force stronger than them, and quickly disappeared without a trace, while another powerful aura swept from the inside out.

Shen Tang stared coldly into the depths of the Ghost Shadow Forest with his dark eyes, and made a decisive decision. He put on the dress, shoes and socks that Nangong Mo put in his bag, and suddenly jumped off the branches, and ran out of the Ghost Shadow Forest.

If you don't run now, when will you wait?
The beasts have retreated, and she is not barefoot, it is definitely a good time to leave.

You can come back to the Ghost Shadow Forest in the future, but you have to lose your life.

Obviously, there are monsters rioting inside.

The wind was blowing on the bottom of Shen Tang's feet, and his short legs ran fast. However, at this moment, something happened suddenly.

Shen Tangluo's petite ears moved slightly, and her keen perception made her subconsciously roll to the side, but she didn't notice that the clothes on her body were also torn into large pieces by dead branches.

(End of this chapter)

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