e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 117 The No. 1 Player on the Celebrity Player List Turns out to Be a Smelly Sister

Chapter 117 The No. [-] Player on the Celebrity Player List Turns Out to Be a Smelly Sister
With doubts in his mind, Yu Xingchen took out his phone and clicked on the Post Bar.

She has always seldom poured water, but as an e-sports player, Tieba, forum, Weibo and other software are indispensable. She may be able to eat her own melons in these places that day, and it is good to watch happily.

As soon as I entered the irrigation area, I saw that post.

【818】The number one player on the star player list is also the smelly sister
Mian Mian (the original poster): I played a game of Glory, and I was honored to crash a professional player. I accidentally took the mid laner of their team, and then I was stared at by the opponent's jungler. Me, is this quality worthy of a career?
Mianmian (the landlord) is downstairs and above.

This guy named Mian Mian really dared to post the picture, but he completely omitted the sentence he said, and the whole cut was Yu Xingchen's mouth full of fragrance.

In fact, looking at the record alone, Gu Xishen really didn't target anyone. After all, the five people on the opposite side were blown away by Gu Xishen's Yao, and an average of four or five people confessed.

It's just that in the early stage, it was true that Han Xin was hard-pressed, but Han Xin jumped to their jungle area like this, and they were almost super ghosts and arrogant. Who else could they catch if they didn't catch him?
And there is also a crispy Zhang Liang who is also under Gu Xishen's care.

But Mianmian only captured the record of being caught by Yao Dan, and judging from the screenshot, Mianmian just asked, "I have a grudge against you, the jungler on the opposite side?"

Then Yu Xingchen, the stinky sister, vomited fragrance all the way.

Yu Xingchen: "..." There is a sentence that mmp doesn't know whether to say or not.

Even TV drama editors dare not cut the plot like this.

This post got a lot of replies when it was posted yesterday.

Although no name or surname was named from the beginning to the end, the screenshot of the poster was not coded, and even the title was worthy of Yu Xingchen.

Top star player list.

The following comments are either eating melons, or feeling sorry for the host, or PR sunspots are jumping, or can't believe it.

But the landlord even posted the screenshots, and clicked into their homepage on the settlement interface to take screenshots one by one. The special "professional" label of professional players also proved that they were indeed not Xibei products.

(Floor 68): Actually, what I'm paying attention to is Yu Shen's skills in spraying people... It's amazing, not a single word has been released by Harmony! !
(Floor 69): Anyway, it’s not about spraying me, but eating melons in the back row. Based on my experience in playing games for many years, anyone who scolds someone without getting an asterisk from Harmony is really awesome. At least they have to have hundreds of actual combat experiences. I'm afraid he is a veteran of spraying people.

(Floor 70): Well, she was so depressed. Before she became a professional player, she was probably a bad-mouthed sister. Just because she won a championship with the team, she was made a god. With a face and a woman The scarcity of professional players was packaged by the club and sent them to the top of the star player list, and since then they have been whitewashed and reached the peak of their careers. I think everyone in PR is quite strong, but star is a professional bastard
(Floor 71): The upstairs is trying to laugh me to death, Yu Shen didn’t even read Baidu Encyclopedia, so he came here to complain, right, in the final of the PR championship, who won the final decisive round? Which team won the championship?Who is the final game MVP?Who is Da Qiao's FMVP skin Yuehua Xinghai customized for?Excuse me, can you figure this out?

(Floor 72): I have a reserved attitude towards the landlord. I don’t stand in line for now. Regardless of quality, I really agree with Yushen’s strength.
The whole digression, Li Bai's appearance of the King of Unlimited men's group really got to the point of all the scumbags in my heart...

Upturned eyes, unrestrained look, slightly raised mouth corners
Scumbag but really handsome...

Mama, I can, I really can, give me a lick.

(End of this chapter)

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