Chapter 118
(Floor 86): Strength belongs to strength, is this quality worthy of being sought after by fans?My road turned dark.

(87th floor): I have already private messaged the link of this post to the official blog of the PR team. Looking at the host’s screenshots of the game, the span ranges from a dozen seconds to a few minutes. Amazing, can you sing a one-man show for such a long time alone?

(88th floor): The upstairs is right. Normal people who spray each other in the game will stop until the other person stops talking. At most, they will say a few words of cynicism. Spraying air? Spraying so vigorously by one person?

(Floor 89): That's right, the host just said, "I have a grudge against you, the jungler on the opposite side?", Yu Shen shouldn't get angry because of this sentence.

(95th Floor): Anyway, before the truth comes out, I won’t believe the landlord’s nonsense, so take away my family first, Yushen.

(Floor 102): Hey... am I the only one who noticed?This jungler is Gu Shen, did you catch Han Xin and Zhang Liang in the early stage of picking the stars because they took Yu Shen's head?Is Yu Shen helping Gu Shen to criticize Han Xin?If it is true, Gu Shen's interpersonal relationship in the PR team should be good, and he has not been excluded by the old players.

The 102nd floor guessed the truth, but it was directly buried by many comments, and there was no splash at all.

Yu Xingchen roughly flipped through the first hundred or so replies. Except for those who said that Yu Xingchen is very hot, and PR fans defend her, the rest are all saying that her quality is low.

Yu Xingshen was about to applaud this landlord's plot editing skills.

"Do you have screenshots of that game back then?"

Lu Bai was dumbfounded: "Back then I just watched you trolling people, so who would have the mind to take screenshots?"

The rest of the people also shook their heads one after another, and they really didn't think of taking screenshots.

Yu Xing flicked through the posts that had more than 1 replies, "Then why, I'm at a disadvantage?"

She has always been the only one to play tricks on others, and anyone who dares to play tricks on her will end up the same as Gu Xishen now.

"Without screenshots to support it, even an official statement is useless."

Qiao Yinan came up with an idea, "Then go to the landlord and ask him to explain the truth and apologize, or we will pursue legal responsibility?"

"This handle was caught by others. When the time comes, they will bite us back and post screenshots of private messages to sell badly, saying that the team threatened him in order to protect Yushen."

Yu Xingchen didn't even think of a reason, that public figure didn't have any black material, and if there is black material, it is the representative of fire, if you are not popular, there is no one who picks up your black material.

Yu Xingchen thought about it and became cheerful. Regardless of this matter, he linked the post to Ji Mao and told the whole story by the way.

It's definitely right to leave this kind of thing to Nanny Ji.

Today, when Yu Xing was in class, Gu Xishen's team uniforms also arrived, so Ji Mao arranged a studio to take a new promotional photo for them.

During the Spring Split this year, the team didn't give them new promotional photos, they still used the previous photos.

Today, I added Gu Xishen, and took pictures of them by the way, and then PS the team poster in the later stage.

Originally, there were only five team members, but this time Gu Xishen was added, making a total of six people, and a team poster without Lin Yuanjin.

After Lin Yuanjin retires, the official announcement of Gu Xishen can be sent out directly.

(End of this chapter)

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