e-sports wife in arms

Chapter 123 Yu Shen, who sprays people with quotations, is too cute

Chapter 123 Yu Shen, who sprays people with quotations, is too cute

As soon as the clarification came out, the melon eaters who came from countless post bars instantly buried the comment section under the official blog.

There are also some melon-eating people who don't know the truth, and after being popularized by them, they also left messages.

[In these years, there are still people who dare to spread rumors about my family Yushen, sisters, go ahead! !Let's go to the original post and slaughter the landlord! 】

[Miss Star was spread rumors to protect us, Gu Shen, @云起直播解星fan support group, let's join too!Let the host Nashabi know the power of cyber violence! 】

[Fortunately, I just ate melons and didn't stand in line at the beginning, so I said there might be a reversal]

[But star did backspray the poster, this is a fact, and one can tell at a glance that he is a veteran of spouting and a strong king, no one who has thousands of games of spouting training can practice this kind of handle without being caught* **s level? 】

[It's been so many years, can't you still talk back after being sprayed?Do you have to suffer by yourself?I don’t believe that everyone here hasn’t scolded anyone]

[And you look at Yushen's words, are they all the facts, is this considered to be trolling? ?Are contemporary netizens so strict? 】

[Rowing upstairs, I summed up Yushen's few words. The host really didn't keep his mouth open, otherwise he wouldn't be detected by the GM for using uncivilized language, and the food is beeping. What's the difference between it and a dog?The final settlement record is 1-8. I really suspect that the host has a physical disability. What's wrong with letting the AI ​​do it?People's AI Zhong Kui can at least make a tick, and AI Wan'er can go to the sky at least, how powerful is it, it is much better than some players. 】

[I really like star's straightforward and irritable temperament 2333. At first, passers-by only thought she was very beautiful and should be the character of an e-sports soft girl, but she turned out to be a grumpy old lady hahaha, I became a fan of it]

[Upstairs fans +1]


A few minutes later, Yu Xingchen updated a Weibo on Weibo.

#遇到口强王Don’t Be Afraid, Spray People’s Quotations Come with You~ If you can get out of harmony in the game, I’ll lose.#狗头[图片][图片][图片][图片]#
[Squatting in the front row, Yushen! ! 】

[Ah, ah, it's so practical! !Every time I get sprayed by someone in the game, I don’t know how to respond back woo woo woo #流泪]

[I just said how could a soft e-sports girl like Yushen often spray people in the game#打拍血]

[I just saw the hot comment under the clarification official blog saying that Yu Shen is a hot-tempered old lady who has been fanned hahahahaha, I don’t know if the manager sees this Weibo and will turn fans every minute]

【Thank God Yu for blessing! ! !All favorites! ! 】

[Hahaha scolding people with quotations, Yu Shen is so cute]


The host Mianmian originally couldn't beat Yu Xingchen in the game, and lost the game, so he was suffocating, so he wanted to go to the forum to spread rumors about Yu Xingchen.

But who would have thought that the matter would become so big, and it would reach tens of thousands of floors, and even the official blog would reply to this matter.

He originally thought that it would be fine to delete the post and just pretend it didn't happen, how could he apologize to Yu Xingchen.

But even though the post was deleted, there were still countless people scolding him in private messages, and even his Weibo account and mobile phone number were human fleshed out. A group of people posted on Weibo @ He asked him to apologize. All text messages from them.

Not to mention his game account, people have been scolding him on the Honor Assistant, and even found out that his ID is often spamming people in the game, if he can't beat him, he will spat, and if he wins, his mouth will stink.

He never expected that rumormongers on the Internet could affect real life, so he was so frightened that he quickly posted an apology statement on the Internet, and he didn't even dare to play the game.
There are two more later
(End of this chapter)

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